My Father's Universe

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My Father's Universe Page 25

by Mitch

  Eli began sweating profusely and bellowed, verging toward a tantrum, the fuse was lit, and the bomb was ready to explode. He jumped up screaming, shaking his fist, yelling, “You’re crazy, you’re out of your mind! I didn’t kill my wife, you hammerhead!”

  “No, Eli, I’m not crazy, you are the one who is crazy for killing your wife. But why? You two had everything going for you.”

  Eli exploded, “Do you have proof I killed my wife?” Walking back and forth, he demanded proof. Unconsciously, his hand kept slapping his hip, pulsating to the tempo of his fury. “You don’t even know if she was killed, you have no body, there’s no physical evidence.”

  La`no came back at him bitterly, “You have to know the Aquatics, yes, even Sarg will find her, they all liked that woman. When they do, we’ll know the first answer, that she was murdered, and we’ll get the second, how she was killed! We know Tara bought the straw hat and shoes after you two parted, and she had her big diamond on that you said she left at home. If you saw her with the hat and shoes, you had to have seen them on her after she bought them, not when you two were at home.”

  At that instant, Eli saw Won holding Tara’s old hat and shoes. He went berserk, nearly in a catatonic state, began bleating like a sheep, badly scared, shaking and staggering as he sat down. Every inch of his body went into spasms. His eyes turned glassy, he began pulling his hair and crying, “All right, all right,” he screamed. Instantly, the madness stopped inside of him only for a second. As he started to rise, La`no’s upraised hand stopped him.

  A strange sigh went through the room, followed by an uneasy hush. Eli suddenly realized he stood on the edge of the abyss. The death’s odor was in the air, never realizing it was his own. Closing his eyes, head spinning, he felt like he was being chased by hungry vicious wolves nipping at his heels, ready to pounce on him. Visualizing seeing a lake, he jumped in. The water began to churn, creating a whirlpool, spinning, pulling him down into its center. He called for help, begging, pleading for mercy. Without warning, the water reversed its direction and pitched him back on dry ground, “I don’t want this evil person.”

  A whirlwind close by shouted, “I’ll take him, I’ll make him pay for his heinous crime. He will wish he was never born!” It picked him up and changed its mind and slammed him back to the ground. “He’s not worth it.”

  It was like jumping off a high cliff into a wild brush fire. He fell on his knees, tears flooding down his cheeks, crying and confessing, "I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. We had a fight, she said she was through living a life that was full of lies. She was going to leave me. I told her she couldn’t leave me, I wanted to be a Shepherd.

  “I never saw her looking so hateful, screaming I would never be a Shepherd and she would make sure it wouldn’t happen. She pointed a wicked finger in an effusive manner at me, screaming keep it up and you will really get hurt. That’s when I decided to get rid of her and make it look like she had an accident.”

  Every Shepherd looked at him with contempt. La`no asked, “How did you kill her?”

  He looked around the room, everything was a blur. "Before she left for the cottage, I told her I had to cover a big story, where, I do not remember where I told her it was. I said I would meet her there when I got back. I didn’t know she had stopped at the Emporium. I took the shortcut in my air ship to the cottage, knowing she would go in her air car the long way; it is nicer scenery.

  "I waited for her to walk along the beach past a blind I was hiding in; I would do it then. I picked up a stone as large as my fist and hit her on the back of her head. While unconscious, I took her ring off, no use letting it go to the lake’s bottom. Then pushed her out into the lake and held her head under the water for what seemed like a long time. As I let go of her, she turned over and her eyes opened as she went down.

  “That’s when I realized I did wrong. I didn’t want her dead anymore and dived back in to get her. I searched until I got cramps and very cold. Being so ashamed and frightened, I could not bring myself to call or tell anyone what I had done. It felt like a storm tearing my insides out, and I was wishing I had never done it. I would give anything to bring her back. Crying all the way home, I thought of suicide. Later, when I settled down, I decided to go through with the original plan.” It was too late to save himself or beg for mercy. A demonic accusing voice inside his head tormented him, “There’s no fool like a fool going on a fool’s journey, killing for fool’s gold. Your fate is ordained!”

  Won and Careah were standing in the doorway, listening to his confession. Won remarked, “We always thought they had a love like a circle that has no beginning or ending. A pity.” She turned and shut the door, sat at her desk, and began weeping violently.

  The shepherds asked, “Eli, did you kill your wife?”

  “Yes, I stupidly killed her,” he replied as he dropped his head weeping.

  There being no further discussion, the shepherds took a vote, guilty, not guilty. The vote was guilty. “Your punishment will be a harsh one. You shall live in the Di-no-Drag Compound and have no contact with another human being for as long as you live. There is no pardon for the criminal act of murder.”

  As the sentence was announced, La`no’s red desk visionphone buzzed, used only for his ears, and he picked up the receiver. “Yes. Oh! Sure, I’ll be here. You bet your life I’ll be here! Nothing will drag me from here.” He hung the receiver up, his face drained of color, giving a small whistle with a disgusted look on his face and shook his head looking at Eli. “Mister, you are in more trouble than you can imagine!”

  Eli heard his voice say, “Dear God, how much worse can this get? Did they find Tara’s body?” He stopped breathing; his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth as he tried swallowing. Dread washed over him. “How did I let this happen?” His mind refused reasoning, his body petrified, although his heart was pounding faster than the rattle of a rattlesnake. He felt being choked by demons, preventing him from speaking, as he became dizzy and sick. He struggled and fought to get his heart to stop beating so fast. How can it get worse he screamed inside? His future was hopeless, killing what he loved most and became a crazy fool.

  He wanted to beg for mercy that was out of reach for him. A glimpse of his future flashed in his mind. It wasn’t nice and it would be over soon. Even though the room was full, he was alone bathing his thoughts, hoping to clear them. But all it did was swirl them into more confusion. He, being a reporter, should have realized that things can go wrong even with the best laid plans. Suddenly he felt cold, shivering, he glanced around the room seeing a thermometer reading 95 degrees. His mind dropped down a deep pit, nothing was there to help him.

  Something, but what, went wrong. Furiously wrenching at his memory, it was a blank, like time was suspended. His world came to a standstill, refusing to turn. On the inside, two storms were tearing his insides apart for the right to be there. He asked himself a question, “Will I, in eternity, get out of this mess and forget it even happened?”

  “Never,” screamed a vicious voice inside his head.


  La`no broke into his condemning thoughts, "Mister, I would not, and I repeat, I would not want to be in your shoes when your wife gets here!" Without a doubt, even if an atomic bomb detonated, the shock of those words would be more powerful. Every mouth dropped open and stared at La`no as if he had eaten locoweed. Eli’s head bolted upright! His tongue stiffened, unable to say a word. There was a stunned silence in the room. You could not hide your thoughts from yourself.

  One of the shepherds whistled. “This is a joke. You gotta be kidding?”

  La`no gave one of his famous stern looks. Eli didn’t know whether to scream or shout for joy. He began weeping, sobbing, gasping, and wheezing, a maddening storm inside confusing his reasoning. Peering into the gloom, seeing himself sinking into quicksand up to his mouth, smelling death…his.

  Those standing around watching, refused to help him. “Did we hear you right? His wife is alive?”

at’s who she looked like, very much alive in my vision phone; besides. I know her and her voice. It was her.”

  Eli began to shake uncontrollably, momentarily confused by what he just heard. Had she come back from the dead to take revenge? A small voice inside of his head tormented, “Your fate has been ordained. Now you are going to pay…and pay dearly.” Everyone in the room broke out in pandemonium, near riot, voices whirled in confusion and disorder. Eli went into convulsions and fell off of the chair, hitting the floor hard. His heart pumping harder than when the moment he had hit his wife and pushed her out into the lake.

  Won seized the good news thirstily, anxiety gave way to impatience and pools of water clouded her eyes, hot tears flowing down her cheeks, sweet tears of joy. Careah’s face was beaming with delight. Kedar was grinning, shaking his head and applauding. Won’s delight intensified, her friend would soon be there in person. A thousand delightful emotions surged through her mind. She grabbed Careah and hugged her, squeezing until she nearly passed out. Kedar and Careah helped her to a lounge. She began sobbing and whispered, “Tara, my Tara, is alive.”

  Everyone wanted to know what happened. La`no held up his hand and a hush came over the crowd. The silence was scary like in a morgue at midnight. You could hear whispers echoing around the room, “She is alive, she is alive.” Eli, sitting on the floor, looked like he had seen the Devil himself. The shepherd closest to him picked him up and helped him to his chair.

  One of Tara’s shepherd friends, with steel eyes flashing, whispered, “Pity, he didn’t break his neck falling off the chair.”

  Another rebuked her, “That’s awful!”

  Eli kept his head down, ashamed at what he had done, and moaned, “What do you say to your wife whom you thought you killed?” His mind whirling, glad the crowd didn’t turn into a mob and tear him apart. Sitting on the chair panting like the animal he had become, went into convolutions, grabbed a waste basket and lost his last meal. A nightmare could not be more frightening, but he really was glad his wife was alive.

  After everyone came to their senses, La`no stated they would wait until Tara arrived and let her tell what happened to her. It seemed like hours passed. No one really talked out loud, mostly above a whisper. The whole room was buzzing, speculating what might have happened? It seemed everyone had a theory, but not one of them came close to what actually happened. With a deep sigh, Eli searched for a speck of hope. He realized he had walked where no man dared walk, and would carry every deceit, every betrayal, in his heart forever. No one would help him with his heavy burden. His honor was gone, humiliation and shame took its place. Death was on its way, hunting him down like a bloodhound. The condemning thought cut into his soul.

  There was excitement in the foyer, filled with voices, happy voices. As Tara entered Won’s office, before anyone could say anything, she smiled, “I’m fine.”

  Won’s words sounded like the squeaks of an excited adolescent letting out a short mirthful laugh. But her voice was quite weak, before a gust of violent emotion took over and she exploded into tears, “Are you sure you are alright?”

  “Yes, I’m sure, Wonder!” As they drew near to each other, they stood silent for a moment, their hands lightly touching, Won drew her close and both wrapped arms around each other.

  Tara, holding back her tears, said, “Please, no tears.”

  Won burst into tears again, “I cannot help it, I’m so happy you’re alive.”

  Careah saw the two together again holding and hugging each other, a glint of savage delight flared in her eyes. Tara looked at Won, Won looked at Tara, tears began to flow down Tara’s cheeks, and both burst into hysterical, uncontrolled laughter, holding each other until they ached and their faces washed with tears.

  Tara turned to Careah, "I did not mean to ignore you, forgive me. Thank you for trying to comfort my friend, and I love you and Kedar more than you ever know.

  Careah’s eyes teared as she answered, “This is what friends are all about.”

  Tara went to the mirror, wiped her tears, and checked her makeup before going into the shepherd’s council room. Won refused to leave her side until she stepped through the doorway. One of the lady Shepherds whispered, “There she is.” The room became exceedingly quiet, you could hear a feather drop. It was as if someone had given a command, the entire group of Shepherds stood up, as if a queen had entered, giving her a standing ovation. A moment later, all fell silent with awe! The room gleamed with a strange whiteness. The eerie silence lasted for a few moments.

  Tara bowed; a triumphant roar echoed throughout the room. She didn’t say a word, her crimson lips and eyes sparkling from the crest of her beauty was enough to know who she was. That was enough proof she was alive. Her up-swept chestnut hair, one of her trademarks, was full of life. Porcelain skin, glamorous, elegant, and a polished hint of pink on her cheeks took every eye. A radiant glow added to her sun-kissed tan, caressing her soft skin.

  It was an electrifying entrance. Behind her, Won and Careah were grinning from ear to ear. Tara’s sultry eyes moving from one person to another. Her face had a genuine innocent smile. The Shepherds bowed and sat down. She flicked her eyes to her husband. There was an uncontrolled terror in his eyes. He sat shivering, holding onto the chair, causing it to vibrate. Wiping his blurry eyes, he saw the gauntness of her hips, her long legs gently striding toward him. Bringing memories when he first saw her at a swimming party. He had given her an A+ for everything about her; it was still an A+.

  His mouth was dry, like sun-scorched sand, and prevented what he wanted to say. Again, he wiped his eyes to clear his vision. He watched her mouth, perfect in every way. Her lips began to move, smiling, “Eli, I do not hold anything against you for what you did!”

  It was as if his brain exploded. For a moment, he sat there trying to catch something that went glimmering ahead of his mind. He expected to hear her voice in a rage. Instead, a voice soft and forgiving, something he hadn’t heard in a long time; she didn’t use her invisible knife she always used to cut deep with sharp words. Somehow, he got the courage to say, “I’m so glad you are okay. Believe me, only God knows how I feel!”

  Again, sweetness flowed from her voice as she tenderly asked, “How do you feel Eli?”

  Eyes clouded with watery tears, Eli replied weakly, “I’m terribly sorry for what I did. There’s no excuse, I love you more than ever, and I cannot imagine doing anything to hurt you.”

  Tara smiled; her next words surprised even herself. “Oh, Eli, I still love you!”

  He straightened up; wasn’t sure he heard her right. Tara could not know it, but her soft voice had stopped everyone short. They all gasped, hearing her unexpected words. He watched while she moved a little closer. His mind was racing, “Will she change and come at me with a vengeance?”

  Her words were gentle, “I hope I’m not opening myself up for something worse?” Looking away, she thought for a moment, what if we make up and be sincere? Her eyes flicked back to his and wondered if she was doing the right thing. “What guarantee do I have if we try again?”

  “I would love to guarantee it, and I will, right now, all I can hope for is hope. Only you can give that hope, another chance to love each other as before I made a mess of our lives.”

  She asked, “Is that what you want to do? If so, I want the same. It’s good sense to be sensible not wanting revenge.” She took his trembling hand.

  In shock, Eli said, “How can you?” and his voice broke, tears filled his eyes, and he continued, “How can you even look at me?”

  She smiled, “Everything is going to be fine. I don’t just love you; I still love you very much. As for me forgiving you, it’s not up for debate. It is my decision.” Her tongue of fire was completely gone. A warm accord flowed between them, she bathed every word with gentleness and the bitterness was completely gone.

  He tried to say how sorry he was, apologizing effusively. “Stop!” She cut off his apology, “I know you are sorry, so am I. Some things are better
not said. A lot of water has gone under a lot of bridges, it is in the open now.”

  “It was stupid what I did,” he cried.

  “Yes, but it’s over now, forget it,” she replied softly. His heart soared when she extended her hand, taking his, “We have to get rid of all of our hostility. Our different attitudes against each other must disappear.”

  “I, too, am sorry for the things I have said and done. What we decide here will be. I promise not to use threats to get what I want. No more secrets, we both have to learn to give and take, and no harsh criticism. From now on, the only time we yell at each other is if the house is on fire.” That brought a slight smile to his somber face.

  “That’s a promise, not only to you, the Lord also. You will see a whole new woman, and I mean it with all of my heart.”

  He vowed to overcome the problems that had torn them apart. Once he had, maybe Tara would realize he was the same loving man who once stole her heart and would do it again. Then guarantee to keep it true. Saying to himself, “I will live each day to the fullest as if it is the last day of our lives.”

  Tara turned his face to hers, “I want to confess to you, I wanted to hit you, yes, even scratch your eyes out. So, don’t feel you are the only person who has done wrong.” They stood silent for a moment, their hands lightly touched, she drew him close, wrapping her arms about him. He felt the lightness of a kiss on his neck and then the brush of lips across his. It was like there was a deep, almost primordial feeling to the twilight before the dawn.

  Something strange was going on, why was his heart thundering so hard, and his legs turning to liquid? Her voice had a tenderness like the echo of a mother singing a lullaby to her sleeping baby. The sweetness in her voice was spell binding. Her chestnut hair freshly washed and set, a scent of her personal perfume wafting in the air brought the realm of his senses soaring to the peak of an exotic high. He felt a blossom of hope beginning to bloom inside. She laid her soft smooth hand on his cheek; he had liked that. Then it hit like a bomb, his mind raced hunting for the reason she was doing this? “Is she going to let her fury erupt when I least expect it? No, she would have done it as soon as she came into the room. How could I even think of such a thing? She is a new person, her whole being is changed. I must change my life, or I’m lost, forever lost.”


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