My Father's Universe

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My Father's Universe Page 30

by Mitch

  Twelve hours later, just before sunset, Kedar awakened, hearing strange birds singing, the trill almost unbelievable. Careah had been up for some time, looking fresh as a new rose that had spent out of its sepals, revealing the beauty of petals, transforming it into a full fragrant flower, giving off ultraviolet scent. The warble accompanying the birds singing and whistling was new to their ears. He looked outside, and to his amazement, the birds he had heard before were not known for their sweet voices. He went back in and said to his wife, “I’ll wager Yesuah is close by. This has to be another one of his miracles!”

  “Yes. Let’s enjoy it.” Both were enjoying a certain degree of peace of mind listening to the Lord’s handy work. Careah felt Kedar’s eyes following her every move. Glancing at him, she saw he was grinning from ear to ear, giving her a conspiratorial look. With a well-practiced innocent smile, she remarked, “Just keep your thoughts to yourself; I’m hungry and ready to leave.” They traveled all night, enjoying the dramatics of the night.

  Yesuah Their Friend

  Careah guessed the oasis La`no talked about had to be near. It was nearing sunrise. Hearing voices in the distance, flying low to the ground, not using their neon lights, they advanced cautiously. Flying over a small knoll, there was a man with broad shoulders sitting on a white stone, waiting for the sun to peak in the far horizon. Without turning, he spoke, “Welcome, Careah; you too, Kedar.” They knew the voice of their friend, Yesuah.

  “Come up and let’s see how wonderful you look in your new bodies?” Flying in front of him, they sat down, not taking their eyes off of him. Yesuah said, “H’ummm, you both look great. I hope you like your new bodies?”

  “Oh, yes!” both reassured him, they really did. Without taking their eyes off of him, they kept watching Yesuah walk around them.

  Yesuah grinned from ear to ear, walking around them again, and repeated, “Yes, if I say so myself, you indeed look great in your new bodies.”

  They knew He had seen them before and were a little mystified why was He was asking them about their bodies now. Careah flashed her light and screamed. Kedar jumped up and flashed his light to see what she was screaming about. Seeing tears flooding down her cheeks, he looked at Yesuah for an answer. Kedar flashed his light again, Yesuah’s eyes were twinkling and a smile revealed pearl-white teeth. It took only a few seconds for Careah to come to her senses, saying to her husband, “Flash your light and look at me?”

  Facing each other, they both flashed, Kedar’s eyes almost popped out of his head, and he was too stunned to move or say anything. Careah, holding her hands to her face, began to sob uncontrollably. Through the sobbing, they asked, “Why?”

  Yesuah said, “I know how you both have been helping others unselfishly, many times in danger of losing your own life. That’s why I want to do this for you.” Their bodies no longer were elongated and now looked like humans with wings. With legs and arms longer, they could walk like their friends. They would no longer move clumsily which was why they did little walking. “What can we say, there are no words to express our joy, our love for you!”

  Yesuah smiled, “Yes, I do know how you feel! I see it in your eyes. The love you two have is the most powerful force in the universe. Now, the next time someone needs help underwater, you can dive in and help, your wings will not hinder you. There will be more miracles for you in the future!”

  Careah, who was bubbling all over, excitedly blurted out, crying tears of joy, “This is one of the most beautiful things since you gave wings and neon lights to us 28 years ago.”

  Their memories of the day were crystal clear, as if it was just yesterday. “I am very glad you are going with your new friends, the Belcanto and Aquatic People, to the new world that I have prepared when I formed the universe. There are new dimensions and unseen worlds way beyond sensory limits. In my Father’s Universe, there are many Worlds. One of the rewards in Heaven is a New World and Galaxy. A galaxy is given as a reward to special people who are faithful to Yesuah up to the day of the rapture. They can do what they want with it; change it or make it into a new world for a new people. They will be a queen or king ruling a new paradise given to those to rule who are worthy. Ask your family, friends, and the Mer people to go with you and those whom you met when coming to see me when I was two years old. Those who wish to stay, warn them, there will be an earthquake, three years from this day. All hamlets and cities will be completely destroyed; nothing will exist showing that your and their civilization ever existed.”

  As the morning wore out and the sun was at its zenith, the day was cloudless, the temperature was higher than normal, and all were under a palm tree using its shade to get relief from the heat. A small stream fed a spring full of cool, pure water. It was most inviting; several fig trees had leaves, but the fruit had not appeared at this time of the year. An olive tree was showing signs of forming its fruit. This indeed was the Palm Tree Oasis. How did La`no know Yesuah would be here?

  About to say goodbyes, La`no and his wife appeared. The Bels did a double take, looked at the Lord, then at the Wees. They stood speechless watching Careah and Kedar walk about. The Wees decided to stay with Yesuah and the Bels till sunset. At sunset, Kedar tapped his wife on her shoulder, “We must be going.”

  La`no and his wife, grinning from ear to ear, said, “You do not have to walk or fly. Remember, we said Tara and Eli would be here with one of the Corsairs to take your gifts home with you. It would be wise, upon arriving home, to inform your people and your friends, the Mer people, to be ready to leave this planet. Three years from today, which will be on a Wednesday, at noon, it will get dark for three hours; in the darkness, you will leave this world. There will be earthquakes as never before. Your civilization will cease to exist. The Corsairs and air ships will pick everyone up before the year is out. That will give everyone two years to learn and adjust to a new life before we leave this world for a new one.”

  Satan’s Impatience

  Off to the far end of the valley, even for Careah and Kedar’s keen eyes, a dark-reddish silhouette was prancing, fuming, watching, and waiting to see if Yesuah would become vulnerable after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights. This coward would not dare show up when Yesuah was strong. He knew He had a mighty power beyond human understanding. Satan was fascinated by this immense power. He said to himself, “Samson became powerless after I got Delilah to cut his hair while he was sleeping.” Then remembered, he had lied to Adam and Eve and deceive them into eating the forbidden fruit.

  “Once I find His weak spot, I get Him to serve me, and then, I’ll do my best to deceive the whole world.” He wanted this power so badly he could taste it. His inflated ego ignited, bursting with pride. Boasting to himself, “Someday, maybe today, it will be mine, all mine!” Back in eternity past, he acquired an incurable infection, a desire to do evil. Everything he came in contact with, a violent force changed direction. He watched, waiting for the Lord’s company to leave, before he could make his move. Getting impatient, his features turned colors like a cephalopod. The furor in his heart turned to an explosive anger, and a frenzied temper tantrum began to build into an intoxicated circle of hate. A shower of unseen sparks, a thick wave of invisible searing heat was raising the temperature around him.

  He slithered several paces forward, stepped back one step, and slashed at the air. A harsh, hollow rattle rippled the air and the earth trembled and clouds became outraged and rolled, echoing their displeasure. Lightning wanted to make Satan bow, but he had the right to choose. Instead, he sent hot liquid flames, warning him of who the Lord is. A faint hiss passed over his lips as he opened his evil, piercing red eyes, sending a long line of daggers in the direction of his creator. Little did Satan know he would soon meet more than his match. He forgot about the lesson he received when he was thrown out of heaven.




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