Onyx Mafia: Insatiable - Episode 2: (Lia and Meghan) (Onyx Mafia: Insatiable Book 1)

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Onyx Mafia: Insatiable - Episode 2: (Lia and Meghan) (Onyx Mafia: Insatiable Book 1) Page 1

by Nova Black


  Copyright © 2014 by Nova Black Books

  Insatiable: Episode 2

  I. Meghan's Story

  II. Lia’s Story

  Thank You

  Insatiable: Ep. 3

  Space Curved: Ep.1

  Copyright © 2014 by Nova Black Books

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” using the contact form at the web address below.

  Nova Black Books


  Onyx Mafia: Insatiable

  Lia and Meghan

  Episode Two

  by Nova Black

  Meghan’s story

  I left the conference room in a daze, hailing a cab with my shirt haphazardly buttoned and inside out pants. The cabbie barely glanced at me, merely grunting when I told him which hotel to drive to.

  I felt light. My brain had long since abandoned any semblance of logic or reasonable thought. Instead, a steady tempo of “ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod” bounced freely in my head.

  She had turned me out, thoroughly, and I could not muster one single regret. I lifted my shaking hand and marveled at it, the cabbie growling, “You high, lady?”

  “Fuck no!” I beamed at him. “Got laid. Gorgeous woman did me in,” I leaned in conspiratorially. “Eight times!” I whispered.

  “Well shit,” he replied. “I’d have my drawers hanging out my shirt then, too.”

  I looked down, barely concerned about the red cloth peeking out from the inside pocket of my blazer. Lia had stuck it there after kissing me passionately, her hand trailing to cup my breast one more time.

  Another shiver ran through me and the cabbie chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Lady, this is your stop.”

  I nodded amiably, throwing way too much money into his lap. I was euphoric, uncharacteristically so. For the first time in my life I felt free, released, giving not one fuck about the stares from passersby, nodding at them with a giant grin as I answered my ringing phone. It was Eagleton. I tried to tamper my high as I walked to the elevators, knowing he could pop up anytime. Our team was staying at the same hotel and his room was only three doors from mine.

  “Wallace! Where are you? I’ve been waiting to debrief you.”

  Heh, debrief. The image of Lia sliding my red panties off my hips loomed in my vision, making my legs weak. I moaned and leaned against the metal panel.

  Next to me a guy in a brown suit frowned in my direction. “Are you going to press the button?” The elderly woman beside to him just sort of shook her head, glaring daggers at me.

  Yeah, you jealous grandma? Eight motherfuckin’ times!

  I bit back a snort and tried to focus on what Eagleton was saying, very loudly, over the phone.

  “What, now? I can’t sir. I’m – ahh…” The elevator opened and the man and his surly mother got on. I looked around the lobby desperately. I could run for it, I thought giddily. The FBI doesn’t know all my tricks!

  “Ma’am. Are you going in??” The brown suit guy was holding the open door button. How sweet!

  I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

  “Shit, she’s high.”

  “I told you Richard, the girls around her are nothing but druggie tramps. Now my friend Esther has a niece…”

  “Jesus, Mother. Beth and I were just divorced three weeks ago.”

  “Back on the saddle, I say. Anyway, my friend Esther–”

  The door slid shut cutting off their awkward conversation. “Have fun with that ride, Dick.” I muttered.

  “What?” Eagleton said on the phone.

  “Um… I said I’m feeling sick. Yeah, uh… pretty bad, stomach wise. Weird, I felt fine this morning.”

  “Oh. Must have been something you ate?”

  I snorted... definitely.

  “Wow, excuse me about that. Weird noises are coming out now. I think it’s best if I go lay down.”

  “Alright, Wallace. I’ll talk to you in the morning. I need to fill you in on a new development.”

  “Roger that, sir. In the a.m.”

  He sighed, hanging up. The elevator dinged its return and I pulled myself onto it. Another woman slid in next to me, expensive perfume filling the space. She looked at me and did a double take, her eyes widening.

  “I, uh… ahem. I was robbed.” Her mouth opened and she let her eyes travel up and down my state of affairs. Rested on the panties peeking from my jacket pocket.

  “They, um… they tried to take everything. But at least I got them back.” Silence. “The panties, I mean. They’re my favorite pair.” (They are now.)

  Mercifully for the poor woman the elevator opened and I stepped off, turning to wave goodbye.

  The woman extended a slow manicured finger, jabbing explosively at the elevator button.

  Heading down the plush carpeted hallway and the endorphins started wearing off. Ow, I thought, sliding the keycard in my door. My legs were feeling less like rubber and more like a sun–dried stretch Armstrong.

  I needed a bath.

  A few minutes later and I lowered myself in, warm and full of lavender scented bubbles. Screaming muscles muffled themselves in 36 inches of oils and bath salts. Heavenly.

  My mind wandered to this afternoon with Lia. Without the afterglow to temper my thoughts I tried to sort my feelings for her. Why did I want her so bad? She made it clear she had no particular feelings for me. Even after I knew she set me up for that bogus position on the panel I still went to her, let her do all the horrible, delicious things to me.

  And, my god, the spotlight… Who does that?

  I sunk deeper into the bubbles. Who let’s someone do that to them?

  My brain tried to skitter away from that thought but I brought it back. Why did I let her do those things? There’s attraction and then there’s something else. And tonight, I firmly stepped into the realm of ‘something else’.

  The skill that woman had, though. She could lick a scoop of ice cream off a flea.

  My hand lowered and I felt the sore slickness between my legs. Even now, I’m not sure I could resist her. The mathematician in me started rating the orgasms: number one was the most jolting, and number four I felt in every corner of my body, even in the webbing between my toes. By number six I was pretty incoherent, don’t remember much about that one… and of course there was orgasm number eight. Hot. Damn.

  Maybe I should find Lia’s number and call her, just to see if she made it home ok? I nodded sleepily.

  As soon as I get out of the tub.

  A door pounding room service woke me.

  Shit! I jumped awkwardly out of the cold tub, which had, thankfully, slowly drained in the middle of the night.

  “I’ll be right there!” I called, searching frantically for something to throw over myself. Fuck it. I grabbed my blazer from last night and cracked open the door, standing with my waist hidden behind it.


  “Good Morning, Ma’am. You ordered the Wake Up breakfast special?”

  “Um… no. I don’t think I did.”

  “I did,” said a gruff voice, barging past the poor maître-d. “I need something in my s
tomach before our… meeting.”

  “Agen– uh, Mr. Eagleton!” I tried to bend a little, cover as much as my nethers as possible with my poor blazer.

  “Jesus, Wallace, put something on! This isn’t motel 6, they have robes you know.”

  “Yes sir. I just, couldn’t find one quickly.”

  He looked at me. Walked to the closet and opened it.

  I closed my eyes. “Thank you, sir. Obviously.”

  “Obviously,” he agreed.

  “How are you feeling, Wallace? You look like shit.”

  “I feel like it. Sir.”

  He took a step back. “Is it the flu, you think? There’s a nasty bug going around.”

  “Maybe, sir. I do feel under the weather.” I held my stomach, conscientiously trying to keep my blazer closed.

  He stood there, glaring at me like a disappointed father.

  Just give me the robe, fucker. Don’t make me walk over there.

  He pursed his lips, torn between accusing me of faking and getting the fuck out of here in case I wasn’t.

  He pulled the robe from the hanger and extended his arm to me. I made a small heaving motion and he blanched, skirting quickly past me to the door. “Keep the breakfast, Wallace. We can reschedule for this afternoon if you’re feeling better.”

  He paused, touching the handle. “I’m sorry, but I knew we shouldn’t have picked another woman for this team. Something about this assignment makes you all go batty.”

  I bit my lip. “Sorry sir, I’ll try harder.”

  A curt nod from him and the door clicked shut.

  I stood there, staring at it as a ‘what-should-have-been-an-obvious’ thought occurred: Lia knows.

  Of course there was the back and forth of “maybe it was coincidence” or “you kidding, of course Lia seduced every woman on the team” running through my mind as I stared at my opened suitcase. I needed to focus on my job, which included not getting sidetracked into hot sex with the subject.

  What should I wear? She had seen right through my power suit routine. Should I go super sexy minx and distract her into spilling the beans or dress in cold and unapproachable black?

  “She licked your pussy for two hours, I don’t think it matters what you wear, doofus.”

  I sighed, picking out whatever and dropping my suitcase to the floor. The clatter of my phone falling caught my attention. I felt a twinge in my stomach as I turned it over.

  Three missed calls from Eagleton and one number I didn’t recognize. I played it.

  “Hello Meghan.” My lower regions clenched, hard, at the sound of her voice. She could do phone sex, this woman. Her voice was that hot.

  “I called to invite you to dinner. But I’m now realizing you’re probably asleep, you’ve had a busy afternoon. I will see you tomorrow, let’s say 10:20am, and we can discuss dinner details. I have someone who wants to meet you, Meghan. And dear, try not to fall asleep in the bath, you’ll prune horribly.”

  “Witch!” I hissed, looking around for cameras or surveillance devices. I had swept the room when I first arrived, but I tore the room apart again, pouring out shampoo bottles and throwing away soaps. It would be her style to put a device in something so intimate.

  My paranoia began to abate when logic started knocking. She knew what she had done to me and my muscles would be sore. Hence, bath. She also knew I would be worn out: hence falling asleep in the bath.

  Calm down, Meghan. Don’t bug out now. She’s not all–knowing.

  But how had she gotten my number? It was a burn phone, assigned to my current alias only.

  Also, who wanted to meet me?

  Curiosity piqued, I dressed quickly, pulling my hair into a ponytail, throwing on leggings and shoving sensible shoes on under my skirt. Purposely I had chosen plain black panties, though they did have a bit of lace on the trim. Heh, trim.

  I felt like a giddy teenager, waiting to see her crush in homeroom. What has she done to me? Could I stop it from progressing further?

  My eye caught the pile of dirty laundry heap on the floor by the bed, scarlet red panties peeking through. Did I really want to stop her? Or was the thrill of being pulled into her world of fantasy sex going to be the first step of a long fall?

  The time read 9:15 so I slowed down and enjoyed my free breakfast. Twenty minutes later I headed downtown to have a chat with Ms. Sexy Voice.

  I was early, almost twenty minutes and I hesitated at the door. Lia’s office was the furthest one down a long suite of offices. I didn’t want to walk all the way back to the waiting area, just to turn around and come right back.

  I knocked.

  “... A moment please, Meghan.”

  My finger touched the lettering on the door. Less than 24 hours ago my face had been pressed against it, begging for her to fuck me. Begging for her to take me anyway she wanted. Begging and begging and begging…

  The heat between my legs rose, moisture slicking my plain black panties.

  A voice rose, not Lia. There was another woman laughing in Lia’s office.

  Before I could tell myself to stop I pulled open the door, freezing when I saw the head rising from under Lia’s desk. I blinked, my vision filled with Lia stroking the woman’s hair, giving her a kiss on the brow, the bridge of her nose. And then a long, passionate kiss of the lips, in which neither one gave me so much as a glance. I closed my eyes, trying to control the feelings I couldn’t even decipher.

  “Meghan. A bit early, no?” Lia turned to me in her chair, her face smooth as silk.

  The other woman was silently straightening her clothes, wiping her face with a dainty pink towel she pulled from her purse. I recognized her – she was the harassed looking woman who led me to the panel table.

  My mouth opened. I cleared my throat, rejecting the first four sentences that came into my head. Finally, I just said weakly, “We had a meeting.”

  Lia was watching the other woman, (Pam something?), reorder her clothes, a small smile on her face. When she turned her gaze to me, the smile was gone.

  “We had a meeting at 10:20 – not 10:15, certainly not 10:02.”

  I nodded, wanting desperately be anywhere but here. Wanting desperately to be here, but closer.

  “Come here, Meghan.”

  I resisted, knowing where this was leading. “Why, Lia? I don’t think…”

  For just a moment I thought I would be able to hold out, that I would leave this office with my pride and my panties intact.

  But when she spoke it was not a request, not even a command. It was a calm expectation, a surety of events. It was the ending to a story already written, published and the movie rights sold…

  Could I stay right where I was? Could I turn away or even leave? Sure.

  My hands clenched. I looked towards the door and sighed, gaze shifting back to Lia. Walking away from Lia was not an impossibility – it was just an mathematical improbability.

  The other woman was still there, purse in her hand. I shot a look at her and she glanced back at Lia. Whatever signal Lia sent her was enough to make her smile and lean against the wall in anticipation.


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