A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 1

by Abigail Agar

  A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation



  Copyright © 2020 by Abigail Agar

  All Rights Reserved.

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  Website: Abigail Agar

  Table of Contents

  A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation

  Table of Contents

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  A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  A Duke's Garden of Love


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

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  A Marquess' Miraculous Transformation


  After the death of her father, an esteemed doctor, Lavender Philips is left without money or social respect. When her friend, Melora, informs her of a work opportunity at the estate of a nobleman, Lavender sees this as a chance to finally move forward. She might be hired as a simple servant, but her father’s legacy of medical knowledge is still within her. Therefore, when the Marquess needs her, she is willing to offer her help and ends up nursing his broken heart too… As their special connection starts growing, Lavender realises he might be her one true soulmate. With her heart beating faster whenever they are together, could this be the beginning of a powerful love?

  The Marquess Ronan Beckman has found himself injured in the midst of a robbery. He is therefore in desperate need of a maid who can offer medical support as well. When he meets the charming Miss Philips, he sees that there is something so unique about her, that it makes him abandon his usual arrogance and selfishness. However, when Lady Foster, a woman that had always been after Ronan’s title, sees that he is recovering, she places herself back in his life. Unfortunately, Lady Foster also soon realises that Lavender is somewhat of a threat to the future she wants for herself and Ronan. Will Ronan manage to make the right choice and realise that Lavender is everything he’s been looking for his entire life?

  As Ronan and Lavender grow significantly closer, it is Lady Foster who continues to come between them. As if this wasn’t enough, when a sudden illness strikes, they must decide just how much they trust and love each other. Determined to win this battle, they will fiercely fight for their love until the end. Will the power of their feelings manage to conquer the threat of death and romantic antagonists? Or will the wounds of the past tear their blooming love apart?


  Ronan Beckman, the third marquess of Bolster, was eager to arrive at the estate of his friend, Harold James, Baron of Wright. It was important, he believed, that men of their ilk spend frequent time together, although Harold was not quite so devoted to such mentalities as Ronan was.

  As the coach went through the woods, one of the horses suddenly let out an angry bray, and the coach came to a halt. Ronan tapped the roof of the coach. The last thing he wanted was a delay in seeing Harold.

  “What is it? Can we move on?” he called out to the coachman.

  But there was no reply. Instead, Ronan sighed and waited until he suddenly heard a growl from the coachman and the sound of other men shouting and rushing towards the coach.

  Ronan jumped out, curious as to what had actually happened. And there they were.

  Three men, highwaymen. Clearly, thieves coming to take whatever they could get from a wealthy man’s carriage.

  The coachman, evidently a hero unbeknownst to Ronan before this, rushed at one of the men with a warrior-like cry. The man turned and fled. With that, the coachman rushed at the second.

  Ronan was frozen momentarily, but as he figured out what was happening, he immediately sprung to action, determined that he would not be a coward. The third man was coming after the coachman, trying to defend his friend. In response, Ronan threw himself into the back of the infuriatingly large man.

  Just then, the heavy man spun around and knocked Ronan to the ground, his bulk a powerful force that struck the breath from Ronan’s lungs. Then, Ronan watched, helplessly, as the highwayman rushed to unhitch the horses from the carriage. The coach shook for a moment and then settled at a precarious angle.

  The highwayman leapt onto one of the horses, with his friend shoving the coachman and running behind.

  “I shall get you for this!” the coachman yelled, shaking his fist in the air.

  Ronan saw the episode unfold as he tried to gasp for air. But just as he tried to sit up so he could move, the oddly angled coach groaned. Before Ronan could make another move, it collapsed on his legs.

  “Ahh!” he cried out.

  “My Lord!” the coachman yelled, rushing to his side.

  Ronan stared up at him, the blow leaving him in a second shock of pain, just as he had recovered from the first.

  “Oh, goodness. Lord Beckman, are you all right?” he asked.

  Ronan gasped and tried to respond, but the crushing agony of his legs was too much. He could barely breathe from the pain he felt.

  At last, he managed to get a full breath into his lungs.

  “I … I think I am going to be all right. I just … it hurts,” he said through the gasps.

  “I know. It is all right. I am here. I shall get you to safety,” the coachman said.

  “Th-thank you. Thank you for chasing them away,” Ronan said.

  “It was nothing. Honestly. I just want to make certain that you are going to be all right,” the coachman said.

  It took a fair bit of effort, but the coachman finally leaned his back into the heavy coach and pushed with all his might. Releasing a groan of effort, finally the weight lifted from Ronan’s legs.

  He dared to look down at the mess of blood and bone.

  And then everything went black.

  Chapter 1

  Lavender Philips finished writing the dat
e on the small piece of paper before poking a hole in the corner, pushing the length of twine through it and then tying it around the amber bottle.

  She was taking a tincture to Mrs Stevens, hoping that the woman’s joint pain would be relieved by the herbs she had included in this and the salve.

  Once everything was ready, Lavender twisted her straight, dark hair into a knot and pinned it up before dressing in the grey-green dress that matched her eyes. It was her favourite dress by far. She nearly always received compliments when she wore it, and having so few dresses, it was the best option most days.

  Soon enough, she set out to visit Melora and Mrs Stevens. By the time she arrived nearly an hour later, she felt the strength of the sun on her back. It was growing warm, and the walk home would be even hotter.

  “Oh, Lavender! How wonderful to see you,” Mrs Stevens greeted her. The woman was always so friendly, and Lavender just adored her. It was even better that she was Melora’s mother.

  “Thank you, Mrs Stevens, I am glad to visit,” she said.

  “Yes, yes, and Melora just arrived. Oh, it is so nice having her home for a couple of days. If she had not already been promised this time, she would not have been given the chance,” Mrs Stevens said, leading Lavender to the small parlour. They were not a wealthy family, but they had enough means to have a real house instead of living in the tenements as Lavender did.

  “Oh? Why is that?” she asked as she entered the parlour.

  It was Melora who answered, standing and hugging Lavender.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about it,” Melora said, her blonde curls bouncing.

  The two young ladies could not have looked any different from one another. Whereas Melora was tall and gently rounded, Lavender was quite short, with only her feminine assets to give her shape. Melora’s skin was porcelain white as opposed to Lavender’s array of brown freckles against a light olive tone.

  “About what?” Lavender asked.

  “About my employer,” Melora said.

  “Lady Beckman?” she asked.

  “Well, not exactly Lady Beckman. It is about her son. Being a maid, there is a decent enough position. I get paid quite well for my work, and I have a nice room there. I can come visit home when I must,” Melora said.

  “It does appear that you are quite well cared for,” Lavender agreed.

  “Yes, but that is not the best part. You see, I was hoping that my dearest friend in all the world may soon come to work with me …” Melora said, trailing off.

  It took Lavender a moment to understand.

  “Oh! You mean me? You wish me to work on the estate?” she asked, curious about the possibility.

  “Indeed. I know that you would rather work as a governess, but—”

  “No, I will take any position,” Lavender said with a laugh. She was, unfortunately, quite desperate.

  “But I have not yet told you what this position would be,” Melora said.

  “I assume you wish me to be a maid, yes? I am more than capable of that. You have seen my home. I can be quite tidy,” she said as if trying to convince her friend.

  Melora pursed her lips and crossed her arms, looking rather annoyed.

  “Forgive me. I keep interrupting you,” Lavender said.

  “Indeed, you do,” Melora replied.

  “Continue,” she said.

  “Lady Beckman’s son was in an accident just over a week ago. It was awful. His legs were shattered. And she intended to have all of us care for him, to bring him food and everything, to assist him as needed. The doctor comes and goes,” Melora said.

  “But it has not been enough. He needs someone to assist him constantly. So, Lady Beckman is seeking someone who can be his own private help. When I told her that I would be seeing a dear friend who also has medical knowledge on account of her father having been an excellent physician, she was very eager that I speak with you,” Melora said.

  Lavender was astonished. She had not expected such an opportunity. As opposed to simply being a maid, she would be allowed to use her medical skills to ensure that the boy was healthy?

  “Oh, I should love nothing more, Melora! I would love to have the opportunity to use my medical knowledge. And I know that you have said in the past that the son has a bit of pride, but I am excellent with children, and I have no doubt that I shall be able to handle him,” she said.

  Melora’s face slackened and then drew into confusion.

  “Children?” she asked.

  “Yes, for Lady Beckman’s son,” Lavender said.

  “Lavender, my dear, Lady Beckman’s son is not a child,” she said.

  Lavender blinked, thinking for a moment, before laughing.

  “Oh, truly? I feel quite foolish. I always assumed. Whenever you spoke of her son, I always imagined a child. Anyway, child or grown man, I shall have no problems,” she said.

  But Melora did not appear quite so convinced.

  “You ought not to be so cavalier about it. He always had a bit of pride, but he has been somewhat insufferable these past days. Since the injury, he has grown irate,” Melora warned her.

  But Lavender thought it would not be a problem in the least. She could handle an arrogant nobleman just fine. Particularly an injured one. Her father had always told her they were the worst patients, but they provided a great deal of amusement. She would simply have to be amused.

  “You need not worry. I shall be all right,” Lavender said.

  She saw the look in Melora’s eyes. There was definitely worry.

  However, Lavender was eager for this. She needed a position urgently. Her father had saved money, but it had lasted only a matter of months. Since then, she had been trying to do odd jobs as she was able while searching for more permanent work. And what little money she made all went into the tenement room she rented.

  Even food was scarce and often came from the kindness of friends.

  But this was a real position. One which would pay her well enough. Perhaps she might even remember a bit of her old life, from back before her father had died.

  Indeed, her life had not been easy. As Lavender’s mother had passed away during childbirth, her father had struggled to raise her with his sister’s assistance for quite some time. But his sister had eventually moved north when she married.

  But her father was well-respected and made decent money, so he hired a governess. Lavender grew into the sort of young woman society expected her to be. Finally, she achieved the step that all young ladies were eager to attain. She entered society, and for a month, she attended balls and dressed in finery. She mingled among others of her station, men and women of wealth, and some who even had titles.

  But then, the tragedy struck once more. Her father, while walking in the city, was passing a building site.

  A beam slipped from above, and her entire world shifted. Her father was lost, and everything she had went with him.

  Most days, Lavender missed him terribly and could barely sleep at night, knowing that he was not still with her. But over the past year, she had learned how to live and take care of herself. She was doing her best, just hoping that things would continue to improve.

  But she had never been given a chance like this. She had never imagined that she would be anything but a governess or a maid.

  “So, shall I write to Lady Beckman? I am returning to her in three days. Am I bringing you along?” Melora asked.

  Lavender could not keep the smile from blooming on her face.

  “Yes. Yes, I shall be joining you,” she said.

  “Wonderful! In that case, we must get you ready,” Melora said.

  For the next three days, Lavender gathered her few belongings, sold two of her dresses to buy a nicer one, and looked through her recipes of tinctures and tonics for pain and infection just in case they were needed.


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