Blackjack Messiah

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Blackjack Messiah Page 38

by Ben Bequer

  “You said five minutes,” I said, pitching my voice low.

  “It has been four minutes and fifty seconds. Watch.”

  He counted down the ten seconds with high pitched mirth, and as he finished the syllable of the number one, the Cockroach rose into the air, carried by her VTOL engines, putting down on one side on the metal causeway.

  "Nice landing, Haha," I said.

  He laughed, "Oh, I'm not allowed to touch those controls, Blackjack. You should know her by now."

  The ramp dropped and out came Apogee.

  And it was like Moses coming down from the mountain. They rushed her, surrounding her as if her presence alone guaranteed their safety. They thanked her, blessed her, reached out to touch her, celebrating her arrival as if she were the Savior.

  "You got my call?" I asked once she had waded through the crowd and found me. She gave me a puzzled look but didn't answer, diving into my arms, hugging me so tight the armor creaked around me.

  "I was worried about you," she said, and I could feel the moisture of a rogue tear on my neck. "You big stupid lug."

  She moved into a kiss, eliciting cheers from the staff. "You were right, okay?" she said. "You can lord it over me for the rest of time."

  "I don't want to," I said, kissing her again. I wanted to hold her, kiss her forever, but we had to save these people. The Chosen could cause a lot of damage before Apogee and I got to them. I hadn't seen any using weapons, but I didn't want to stick around to watch them try.

  But Apogee wouldn't let go, she studied my face, tracing all the bruises and wounds with her finger. "Looks like I can't let you out of my sight." A golden hue reflected from her green eyes, as she regarded me like she never had before. Then she looked down at the rest of me and saw the Haha armor. She released me, recoiling in disgust. "Please tell me that's not..."

  "Hello Apogee," Haha said, his tinny voice hard to hear with all the commotion.

  I laughed, "Hey babe, look who I made peace with."

  “I knew there was something weird going on when Bajeera came to us with the idea of tracking the emissions.” She flicked a piece of my chest armor. “I guess that was it?”

  “That was all me,” I said. “I knew Jeff would have enough data do to it and test it on you.”

  “Ahem, excuse me.” Haha said. “A few addendums. Number one, I identify as male, pansexual. Two, Baron Blitzkrieg’s zeppelin has no internet. I opened the bandwidth necessary for all of your work. Also, there is no way that computer could have downloaded or booted up Dynasty.”

  “And you let it run that slow? Your firmware’s getting old.”

  “I was trying to be discreet. I wasn’t sure how you would react to my presence. Things did not go well the last time we met, and I wanted to help.”

  “You put me on Father Mike’s trail.”

  “I inserted a comment on your feed and made sure you navigated to his page.”

  “Ok, fine, you helped. But the idea was all mine.”

  “I can live with that.”

  “I’m just glad it worked.” Apogee said. “Do you know what's happened back home? With your brother...the thing with me?"

  I nodded.

  "I'm so sorry, babe."

  I grasped her shoulders and kissed her, "No, whoever did this shit is going to be sorry."

  "You're not mad?"

  "Livid," I said. "But not at you. Anyway, that's for later. I hope you brought friends."

  She smiled, teary, as if a sex tape with Barry Ashbourne was going to make things weird. Like I gave a shit what she did before me. Life's too short, and I wasn't going to sweat that tape a second. And there was work to do. I figured I could still kill an asshole or two, straight up rip their spines out and still be good with everyone. As long as they were bad guys.

  "Did you bring help?" I said, fighting the bubbling rage.

  "Yes," she said.


  "Everyone," she said, and her reply was met with cheers and songs and a couple of the techs even started dancing in joy. "Do we pick up here?"

  "Good a place as any," I turned to Brad. "Any more people left behind?"

  "All my people are here," he said, and indeed, his contingent had swollen in size. The villains ringed around the throng of people, almost as if guarding them. Armada approached the two of us slowly. She was still armored, but the strain was evident on her face. Apogee tensed as Armada came within arm’s reach of us.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” Apogee spat.

  “Whoa, babe, she was a prisoner, same as me.”

  “No, Blackjack, she is right to be angry,” Armada said, holding out her spear. “I apologize for any pain I caused. I was not myself.”

  I felt Apogee recoil and stepped between them. “Now is not the time for this. Apogee, Armada and I had a long conversation and we’re cool. We understand each other. If I let it go, and I’m the one she hurt, you can too.”

  We lingered in that tension long enough for it to hurt. Apogee snatched Armada’s spear and rolled it around in her hands, checking the weight like someone who knew the difference. After what seemed like a long time, she handed the spear back to Armada, then dismissed her, turning back to me.

  “We can’t fit all these people on the plane, but we can afford to overload her a little.”

  I turned to Armada. “You heard her. As many as you can fit. The computer will tell you when the weight is too heavy.”

  “I know these planes, Epic’s is similar,” she said and started herding people towards the Cockroach.

  "We're staying?" Apogee said, surprised.

  Behind her, a group of ships rose in the air. They were too far to identify, but from the silvery gleam of their reflection, I could tell they were various versions of the Cicada. Loaded up, the biggest of them, the newest model, could only haul about thirty people. They were fast enough, though, that they could get everyone back to the surface in a few trips.

  "We can't let these people finish whatever they have planned," I said, gesturing toward the island.

  "Okay," she said. "Lead the way."

  We moved through the back edges of the crowd, explaining to the Hashima staff that help was on the way. They all followed Armada and Brad towards the Cockroach, even the supers. They were another problem that would need solving if we stopped Father Mike and Primal.

  “So you and Armada, huh?” Apogee said once we had a little more space.

  “I...I think Primal was trying to mindjob me a little bit.”

  “How so?”

  “Not sure, to be honest, but he saw her stab me. Maybe he thought we’d tear each other apart for their amusement.”

  “He really doesn’t know you at all.” Apogee said. “Never a lady big, bad Blackjack didn’t want to rescue. Speaking of which, we were always coming to get you. We didn’t need the visual aid. Tell your little friend that he needs to be more subtle in the future.”

  "I apologize, Apogee," Haha said.

  "What'd you do?" I said.

  "I showed her video of you being tortured on the Baron's blimp."

  “Dude!” I snapped.

  “I figured she wouldn’t trust me otherwise,” he said.

  Apogee shook her head. I think her mind was going to take a long time to wrap around the idea of a non-enemy Mr. Haha - regardless of what number he used.

  "Sorry about that," I said. "She's right, Haha. You need to be more-"

  "I made a calculation and it was partially erroneous. No point in wasting time over it now."

  "Partially?" Apogee said, stopping and turning back. She talked to me as if Haha was inside me or something. "Try getting a video of your boyfriend being tortured and see how you react."

  "According to my computations, you wouldn't have believed me if I had come in voice form only," Haha said.

  She humphed and continued onward.

  "If it's any consolation, Blackjack. Her secondary sexual characteristics are fully on display. Her hormone levels have spiked since sh
e saw you and her labia are engorged-"


  Apogee gave me a curious look, "What the hell was he talking about?"

  "He's saying that you like me," I said.

  "Oh, and speaking of engorgement," Haha went on. "Blackjack, I've had to adjust the codpiece section of the armor three times since Apogee has joined us. The oxytocin, adrenaline and dopamine levels in your brain are nearly off the charts."

  She smiled, shaking her head. "If you and Mr. Codpiece 2000 are in need of a romantic interlude, there's a small room just ahead."

  "Can we focus?" I said.

  "I'm starting to like the robot," she said. "Tell me more about his engorgement, Haha."

  The robot AI was about to oblige but I put my hand over the small speaker on my wrist. "Seriously?"

  She took my hand off the speaker and moved in, whispering, "Later," to Haha, and winked at me before heading in the direction of the base.

  We reached the outer ring, and my attention was drawn in the direction of the lab. The walls were alight, flames licking and spreading outwards, hungry for oxygen. Soon enough, the whole island would be on fire. A man wearing a chef’s hat came guy running in our direction. I sat back, knowing Apogee had this, but she did nothing. He was breathing heavy as he came out of the shadows, "Where's everyone?"

  "That way," I said, pointing down the tunnel. "Hurry!"

  He ran off.

  "What was that?"

  "What was what?" she said.

  I gestured at the fleeing man. Normally, she’d have met the man halfway, ascertained his threat level and come back in a second. If that been a Chosen we might have been in trouble.

  "What did you want me to do?"

  I shook my head. "Nothing. Never mind. Which way now, Haha?"

  "Straight ahead, into the inner ring. The elevators to the top floors are there."

  "Good, let's go."

  We continued for a while before Apogee slowed beside me as we got to the spoke of the inner ring, "What are we trying to accomplish here?"

  "They've have...well, they had a machine basically sucks out the energy that makes us super. They call them Omega Rays."

  "Sounds like some Flash Gordon bullshit."

  "The guy who invented it was old, so maybe...I don't know. What I do know is that to most people, the machine pulps them. I saw it happen to Razorstrike - you know her?"

  Apogee nodded.

  "And Bubblerella."

  "Pulps like..." she made a gesture in her hands of an explosion, making the accompanying sound. I nodded yes. "Couldn't happen to a nicer pair. In fact, I have a list-"

  "You kid, but I think their plan is to put everyone through there that has powers, regardless of whether they're good or not."

  "What is this, some sort of doomsday cult? I thought Primal was all about his utopian society."

  "No, it's worse. Whatever they originally intended to do up here has been subverted. Primal was supposed to be their nominal leader, but he’s lost all control."

  "Who'd be powerful enough?"

  "A guy called Mike. I know it makes no sense, but it's the guy in the wheelchair."

  "Wait, that old guy from New York?"

  I nodded.

  "Was he faking it or something?"

  "No, he's been taking massive doses of the stuff they're harvesting. He's crazy strong now, and he’s got some weird mind powers."


  We reached another junction and ahead there was a central hub. A series of round elevators in separate tubes that led to all over the citadel. In a way, the design was inspired by Superdynamic's Tower - only darker and less refined. The place needed a couple of coats of paint and an air filter.

  "And he hates you."

  "You’re asking?"

  She shook her head, "Not really. You're you, after all."

  "Nice. So who's everyone?" I said.

  "Battle, Epic and his people, the Sentinels," she said. "Everyone that belongs here. Oh, and your guys."

  "The All-Stars?"

  "Right," she said. "We couldn't hold them back. Buncha B-listers are going to get themselves killed."

  "Do you have an extra comm?" I said, but she shook her head.

  “Allow me,” Haha said as a wired earbud snaked its way up my right arm. I tugged at it and got enough slack to reach my ear. Someone was talking on the channel. It was Epic, giving instructions to load the Cicadas. They were clearing the island's staff.

  "Blackjack here," I said once Epic called 'over' "Glad to see you guys came to the party, over."

  "Oh shit, dog!" Moe rung out, interrupting everyone else who said hello - or tossed me a derogatory comment.

  "Good to see you guys. Over," I said.

  "We even brought scaredy cat Rico, B," Moe said. "His bitch-ass didn't want to come!"

  "That's not true," Ricochet said.

  "Blackjack," a voice cried out, silencing all others. It was Powermaster. "Are you alright?"

  "A couple of bumps and bruises, but Invictus will tell you it only makes me more ruggedly handsome."

  "Heard that," Bajeera said.

  "Oh, Jesus," Powermaster said. "Thank God."

  "I knew you guys would come," I said.

  "Holy fucking shit, B,” Moe said. “You go gay in K.C.? Please tell me you didn't go gay."

  "Okay, okay. Settle down, Moe," Epic said, taking control. "You want to explain the situation to us? Over."

  I gave them the overview. Nobody interrupted me, but the second I was done talking, all the chiefs started throwing out ideas. "Nuke them from orbit?" Invictus said once the din died down.

  “Baj, where are we?” I said in my best impatient school teacher voice.

  Laughter and good-natured ribbing filled the pause. “We’re above Kansas City.”

  “So you can see why nuking the island would be a bad idea?” I said in the same tone. I knew we were over the U.S. somewhere, but Kansas City? I was going to pull Primal’s fucking liver out for parking it right over my town.

  “Fuck you, man,” he said, but I could hear the smile in his words.

  For the next thirty or forty seconds, Epic and the other team leads bounced off ideas, settling on: "So we marshal our forces and head in together," Epic said.

  While they talked, Apogee looked at me expectantly, a shy grin on her face that made me fall in love with all over again.

  "What?" I said.

  "Do it," she said. "I know you have a plan. Tell them."

  "Epic, I may have an idea."

  "Hit me."

  I returned Apogee’s smile with a wide grin of my own, "Oh, you're going to love this."


  The Plan

  We reached the central hub of elevators without finding a single guard. On comms, Epic and his team - recently given the name Epic Legion - was leading the exodus. They had the largest vehicle and when combined with Battle’s Cicada, were able to ferry seventy people down to the surface every ten minutes or so. That lost us three fighters - Ruby, flying Battle’s Cicada, with Bamma and Jamma manning the consoles of the Epic Legion’s plane, called the Mantis. And, of course, Armada manning the Cockroach.

  The elevators were metal and plastic work, built into the rock face after the fact. Other than resembling giant plastic straws, they looked to function like any other. We called one and went inside.

  “What if the door opens and there are ten guys waiting for us?”

  Haha answered. “Well, Apogee, I’ve cut the video feed and all inter-island communications. Also, the three people entrusted with watching over the video station are boarding escape vessels as we speak. In fact, there is no one around to warn them of our coming.”

  The elevator hummed as it climbed, but that was the only sound. There were things I wanted to say, but I learned it was better to let her start. She read me rather well, despite it basically being a long distance relationship. She had questions, but unfortunately, none of them would be the right one. Leaning a
gainst the wall, she gave me a look.


  “Is this going to be a permanent thing?” she said lifting her chin to motion at Haha on my wrist.

  “Never had two guys at once?”

  Her expression said ‘you really wanna go there?’ One of our unspoken rules was that whatever happened before didn’t matter. Even if it was on video.

  “Oh, that would be interesting,” Haha said.

  “Shut up, Haha. I was kidding.”

  Apogee’s eye flitted around the elevator car, and she couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position. She was restless, and I knew why. Time to lend some focus. “Besides, I need him. He’s half the reason I’m standing.”

  “Explain,” she said, keeping her attention on the roof.

  “The machine kills you while it sucks you out...whatever it is they were sucking. I lived, but it depowered me.”

  She looked at me, “Take off that collar, then.”

  “The collar isn’t functioning. It’s more raw material for Haha.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “What are you saying?”

  “Well, if this is me, after Shard World,” I said, putting my hand as high as I could put it. “And this is a regular schlub out there in the world.” I put my hand down as low as it would go. “Then this is me,” I said, lifting it a couple of inches from the bottom.

  Apogee eyes bored into my midsection. Lost in thought, she blinked fast, processing my words. We were about to go into the villain's lair, with fifty to a hundred of the world’s most powerful waiting for us - and I wasn’t myself.

  “Strength and toughness?”

  I gestured to my nose, dripping blood. “I really don’t know.”

  “Stop this thing,” she said.

  “I’m alright,” I said, but she was frantic, and a lot stronger than me. She swatted me aside and started pushing buttons. But none were labeled, and the elevator continued unabated.

  “No, goddammit. Stop this thing. Haha, stop the elevator!”

  The car jerked upwards before settling. There were no windows, but it felt like we had been traveling for a bit. We were probably near the chapel if not right below it. I gave her space because I thought she was angry, but she turned on me cold, rational, and scared. “Okay, we go back down and drop you off. I can do this myself.”


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