Our Black Year
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thriving communities of, emergence of
too few, effect of
treatment of patrons in
vicious cycle facing
viewing not as charities
violence against, throughout history
White-owned businesses draining from, history of
See also specific businesses, industry sectors, and professions
Black-owned businesses, buying from. See Buying Black; Empowerment Experiment, The (EE)
Blake, Michael
Blaming others
“Blaxploitation” films
Blige, Mary J.
Bond, Norm
Boo Boo Baby line
Boondocks (comic strip/animated series)
Boosters Club
Booth Graduate School of Business
Booty Call (film)
Boston Globe (newspaper)
Boston, Massachusetts
Bouvier, Jackie
Boyd, Henry
Boyd, Michelle
Boyd, William Kenneth
BP gas station
Bravo supermarket
Bronx, New York City
Bronzeville Area Residents and Commerce Council
Bronzeville Coffee Shop
Brooklyn Dodgers
Brooklyn Jazz
Brooks Brothers
Brooks, Gwendolyn
Brown, Tony
Bulk buying, tips for
Burger King
Burkle, Ron
Burris, Roland
Burruss, Kandi
Business absence. See Industry sector gaps
Business accessibility
Business awareness
Business directories
Business loan rejection
Business training
Butler, John Sibley
Butts, Bobby
“Buy Freedom” campaign
Buying Black
benefits of, for Black communities
clarifying position on
larger efforts cropping up to foster
new consciousness about, extension of a
ongoing efforts at
potential impact of Blacks engaging in
tips for
tracing back the concept of
See also The Empowerment Experiment (EE)
Buying power
Calumet City
Capital, access to
Capital Management Group
Captain’s Hand Car Wash
Capturing value of Black consumers. See Value capture
Caricatures. See Stereotypes
Carney, Jessie
Carol’s Daughter
Carson, Pirie Scott & Co.
Cashin, Sheryll
Casual Corner
CBS News
Census figures. See US Census Bureau; US Census Economic Report (2002)
Center for African American Research and Public Policy
Center for Black Business History, Entrepreneurship and Technology
Center for Entrepreneurship and E-Business
Center on African American Politics and Society
Central Street
Certified Grocers
C’est Si Bon!
Chambers of Commerce
Charlotte Post (newspaper)
Chase Tower
Chatham community
Chatham Grocery
Black population in
city vs. suburb, spending in, analysis of
civil rights movement in
directories of
early race riots in
leakage in neighborhoods of
map of, and surrounding areas
significant buildings and landmarks of
spring time in
Starbucks and
winter time in
See also specific locations and surrounding areas
Chicago Avenue
Chicago Heights
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago Public TV
Chicago State University
Chicago Sun-Times (newspaper)
Chicago Tribune (newspaper)
Chicago Urban League
Children’s Place
Chinese people
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Chuck E. Cheese’s
Church cooperatives
Cicero Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati/Greater Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce
Cisco Business Group
Citgo gas station
City vs. suburb spending, analysis of
Civic Opera House
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil rights movement/era
Civil War
Clark Atlanta University
Clark, John M., Jr.
Class divide
See also Black divisiveness
Clingman, James
Clinton, Bill
Cold Stone Creamery
Collective well-being, investing in
Colleges. See Universities and colleges
Color Purple, The (Walker)
Colored American (newspaper)
Colored Merchants’ Association
Columbia, North Carolina
Columbia University
Combs, Sean “Diddy,”
See also Sean John clothing line
ComEd utility
Community Consumers Cooperative
Community Mart
Community Pride food market
Compro Tax
Compton, Los Angeles
Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States, The (Delaney)
Congressional Black Caucus
Connelly, Stuart
Consumer buying power. See Buying power
Consumer demand
Cooperative Extension Program
Coors corporate practices
“Corner Store Teaches Youth about Business: Minister Operates Grocery with a Sense of Mission” (newspaper article)
Corporate America
Cosby, Bill
Coulter, Ann
Covenant Bank
“Crabs in a bucket/barrel” syndrome
Cravins, Donald
Credit/debit card use
Crisis, The (magazine)
Cuffe, Selena
Currency Exchange
Customer loyalty
Daley, Richard
Dallas/Fort Worth area, Texas
Darke, William
Dean Foods
Dean, Terry
Deane, Arielle
Declining Significance of Race, The (Wilson)
Dee, Tracye
Delaney, Martin Robison
Delta Airlines
Denver, Colorado
DePaul University
Derogatory terms
Desegregating the Dollar (Weems)
Detroit, Michigan
Dew, The
Directories of Black businesses. See Business directories
Divine Design Tattoos
Do the Right Thing (film)
Dodgers baseball team
“Don’t Buy Where You Can’t Work” campaigns
Dorsey, Stephanie
Double Door dry cleaners
Douglas district
/> Douglass, Frederick
Dove products
Downing, George Thomas
Du Bois, W. E .B.
Duke University School of Medicine
duPonts, the
Durham Freeway (East-West Expressway)
Durham, North Carolina
Dyson, Michael Eric
Eagle with Joe Madison, The (radio show)
Early Show (television show)
East Harlem
Eastern Europeans
Ebony Experiment, The. See The Empowerment Experiment (EE)
Ebony (magazine)
“Economic Co-operation among Negro Americans” (Du Bois)
Economic disparity
awareness of, and leakage
dreams of eradicating
eliminating, benefit of
illusion about, held by Whites
roots of
Economic Empowerment Initiative
Economic empowerment networks
Economic empowerment organizations, list of
Economic empowerment programs
Economic meltdown (2008)
Economic power. See Buying power
Economic terrorism
Edmund Pettus Bridge, Alabama
Education rates
Edwards, Susan
EE Campaign
EE National Tour
Emancipation Proclamation
Emory University
Empowerment Experiment, The (EE)
accused of racism
budget for
Christmastime during
clout/notoriety gained by
co-founders of, background on
conceptualizing the plan for
conducting business of, at Farmers Best
cynicism and pessimism as part of
daily routine for
despair during
emotions hindering
entrepreneurs and directory publishers wanting to partner with
executive advisers of
expanded network and speaking engagements following
Facebook fans of
final months of, status during
gentrification and
idea for
impact of co-founder’s tragic family situation on
individual transformations from
lack of assistance from Prominent Black Folks for
last official day of
lawsuit threat resulting in name change to
lessons learned as part of
lingering disillusionment during
making the commitment to undertake
members of, number of
midyear status of
naiveness in the early days of
negative online/e-mail comments about
official launch of, location of
path following
potential benefit of expanding, findings on
prelaunch expense of
promise of
reason for having embarked on
reflecting back on
registering businesses with
soliciting support from PBFs for
stalled momentum of
strengthened marriage during
supporters of
tips from, for buying Black
unexpected benefit of
victory party for, plans for
website for
worries following
at year end, article reflecting on
See also Buying Black
Empowerment Experiment, The (EE), report
on business accessibility
on business awareness
on buying power
on capturing value
case study
on dollars spent
on geographical spending
issues involving the study and
on marketing and sources
on number of Black-owned businesses
on potential benefits of self-help economics
on quality and service
results and analysis
on sector gaps
statistical appendices
and US Black spending by category
Empowerment Experiment Foundation Center, The
Empowerment Experiment Foundation, Inc., The
board of directors of
building a directory of Black businesses
contact information for
note to the GOP about
Empowerment Plan of New York Life
Encyclopedia of African American Business History (Walker)
Encyclopedia of African American Business (Smith)
Englewood, Chicago
Entitlement, sense of, problem with
Entrepreneurship Center
Equal Employment Opportunity Act
Equal rights, continuing the struggle for, need for
See also Civil rights movement/era
Essence (magazine)
Esso Standard Oil
Estée Lauder Company
Evans Cleaners
Evans, Webb
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Fair Share Super Market
Fairlie, Robert
Family business experience, lack of
“Fans of The Empowerment Experiment” (Facebook group)
Farmers Best Market
Farmers markets
Farmers, status of
Farming/food industry
Fashion Fair
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Female Trading Association
15 Million Negroes and 15 Billion Dollars (Bell)
5th Avenue
59th Street
Film industry
1st Avenue
Florida Farmers’ Cooperative
Food deserts
Food retail/grocery stores. See Grocery stores (Black-owned); specific businesses
Food stamps, selling, issue of
Food World
Foot Locker
Ford Foundation
Ford Heights
Ford Motor Company
“40 Acres and a Mule” order
47th Street
Foscett’s Communication & Alarm Co.
Foster, Andrew “Rube,”
Fox News
Fox TV
Franchise Diversity Initiative
Franchise model, using the
See also specific franchises
Fraser, George
Frazier, E. F.
Free African Society
“Free produce movement,”
Friday (film)
Friendship-West Baptist Church
“From Other Shores—Recent Wave of Asian, Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants Is Stirring Fears of Displacement in the Black Community” (article)
Fyple business directory
Gap, the
Gardner, Elizabeth Ann
Garfield Park
Garvey, Marcus
Gary, Cleveland
Gates Foundation
Gautier, Thane
General Motors
Georgetown University
Georgia State University
Ghetto glorification, hoax of
Glen Ellyn
God First God Last God Always
Gold Coast
Golden Age of Black Business
Goldman Sachs
Good intentions vs. action
Graffiti and Grub
Grambling State University
Grand Boulevard
Great American Bagel store
Great Depression
Great Migration
Greek Town
Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Grocery stores (Black-owned)
case study of, and absence analysis
chain of, as cooperatives
current reality of
health impact from
history of
lack of
number of, census data on
plight of
viable, creation of, and implications
Grocery/food retail stores. See Grocery stores (Black-owned); specific businesses
Gross domestic product (GDP) figures
H & R Block
Harlem, New York
Harper, Frances
Harvard Business School
Harvard Club
Harvard University
Harvest Institute
Harvey neighborhood
Harvey, Steve
Haynes, Frederick
HBCU Entrepreneurship Consortium
Health care costs
Health care disparities
Health care industry
Health care providers
Health crises
Health insurance companies
Heritage Link Brands
Hilliard, Amy
Hillshire Farms
business loan rejection rates for
as business owners
and community support
consumer exploitation and
as farmers
fundamental problem facing
health care industry and
as physicians
pride of
Historic Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), partnering of
Historical identity
History of Black Business in America: Capitalism, Race, Entrepreneurship (Walker)
Home Depot
Household net worth, gap in
Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce
Howard University
Hughes, Andre
Hughes, Belinda
Hyde Park
Hyra, Derek S.
I. Magnin
Iconix Brand Group
Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce
Immigrant ethnic groups, displaced by
See also specific group
Indians, as business owners
Industry sector gaps
Industry sector ratings
Inferiority, sense of, lasting sense of
Information resources, list of
Inkwell section
Institute for Community Resource Development
Insurance industry issues
“Integration exhaustion,”
Intergenerational wealth. See Wealth creation/transfer
International Monetary Fund
International Trade Bureau
Internet connectivity, leveraging
Interracial marriage
Irish people
Israel’s Clean Meat House