The Truth Is Out

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by Valarie Deshazier

  Maze 2

  The Truth Is Out


  Valarie Deshazier

  Maze 2

  © 2019 Creative Flow Publications

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review.

  Published by Creative Flow Publications

  First Edition

  This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to organizations, people; living or dead, events, establishments are strictly the product of the author's imagination. All was used fictitiously.

  Contributing Author: Valarie Deshazier

  Cover Design: KreationsK

  Editor: Shawnna Robinson

  Maze 2

  The Truth Is Out


  Valarie Deshazier

  Chapter One


  “Bitch you are not going to believe this shit,” Miracle said pushing past Lyric when she opened the door.

  “What’s wrong?” Lyric asked closing the door.

  “Giirrrl, Maze walked up on me at the bar.”

  “Okay, so she walked up on you,” Lyric stated confused as she sat down.

  “I was with Kilo.”

  “Who the fuck is Kilo?”

  “I met her when I was in Vegas.”

  “Wait, start from the beginning and don’t leave out nothing,” Lyric said crossing her legs.

  Miracle went on to tell Lyric how she met Kilo in Vegas. She told her how they hung out and how she thought she wasn’t going to see her again, so it wasn’t a big deal. Lyric was all ears. Miracle informed her how Kilo walked up on her at the bar and they started hanging out, but it wasn’t like they were trying to be a couple or anything.

  “So, bitch you hanging out with this Kilo person, knowing that Maze could walk up on you at any point or someone could have called her and told her? You know Maze knows every damn body,” Lyric blurted out cutting Miracle off.

  “It wasn’t like that. Kilo and I are just friends. Plus, Maze was out with Success,” Miracle pointed out.

  “Bitch wait, Success, are you serious? Wow. I know you went off.”

  “I was just trying to find out how Maze knew Kilo. I will deal with Success later.”

  “How does Maze know Kilo?” Lyric asked.

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t get a clear answer on that, but what I do know is Maze does not like her at all. I don’t know why, but whatever the reason is, Maze is not forgiving of it and wanted to take Kilo’s head off.”

  “Damn bitch you in some crazy shit. Have you talked to Maze?”

  “No, and I don’t know what to say or if she is willing to talk to me.”


  “I have never seen Maze like that. She was not herself, and truth be told it kind of scared me. It’s been about two weeks and I haven’t seen or talked to Maze. I have talked to Kilo though, but she’s not telling me how her and Maze knows each other. She keeps telling me to talk to Maze about it.”

  “Bitch, why are you still talking to Kilo? You must want Maze to kick your ass or something.”

  “It’s not like that between me and Kilo. Yeah, she likes me, but at the end of the day Maze will always have my heart. That will never change.”

  Miracle and Lyric sat and talked for a while. Lyric told Miracle that she needed to go over to Maze’s house and talk with her. Miracle wasn’t sure if she should but agreed with Lyric that she and Maze did need to talk. Miracle left Lyric’s and headed over to Maze’s house.

  Miracle stood at Maze’s door for a few seconds before she knocked on the door. She took a deep breath and waited for Maze to come to the door.

  “What are you doing here?” Maze asked when she opened the door and realized it was Miracle.

  “I’m here to see you.”

  Maze just looked at Miracle for a few seconds before she walked away from the door. Miracle walked in and closed the door behind her. She walked all the way in and followed Maze to the backyard. Maze was lying out by the pool drinking.

  “So how have you been?” Miracle asked as she sat down on the chair next to Maze.

  Maze didn’t say a word, but just looked at Miracle and took a sip of her beer that she was drinking on. Miracle knew it wasn’t going to be easy seeing Maze, but she would have felt better if Maze was yelling or something, but she was just too damn calm for Miracle.

  “I’m good,” Maze finally said after about a minute or two.

  “How is your mom?”

  “She’s good,” Maze replied without even looking at Miracle.

  Miracle took a deep breath and said, “So you just not going to talk to me about what happened?”

  “What is there to talk about, you with her right?”

  “No, we are not together. We are just friends and nothing more.”

  “Yeah well, it seemed like more to me when I walked up on the two of you,” Maze stated looking at Miracle with the side eye.

  “It wasn’t like that I promise you it wasn’t.”

  “It is what it is. Kilo always wanted the women in my life, and it seems she always gets them.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Maze?”

  “It doesn’t even matter,” Maze spat as she stood up to go back inside. Maze looked at Miracle with so much pain in her eyes. It was something that Miracle had never seen before when it came to Maze.

  Miracle followed Maze to the kitchen as she got another beer out of the fridge. Miracle stood there looking at Maze as she opened the beer and just took it to the head. Miracle couldn’t take it anymore, so she walked up to Maze and took the beer from her. They stood there looking at each other for a few seconds before Miracle just pulled Maze close to her. Maze tried to push Miracle away, but Miracle was holding her as tight as she could.

  Maze finally gave in and hugged Miracle back. Even though they were not in a good place, it felt good to Miracle to have Maze’s arms around her. It felt like a lifetime had gone by to Miracle since Maze’s arms were around her. Miracle melted a little bit. Miracle pulled back just enough to look into Maze’s eyes and the look Maze had hurt Miracle’s heart.

  For Miracle to see the look of hurt that Maze had on her face, let her know that Maze wasn’t as hard as she had her to believe. However, being that close to Maze and not feel something was just impossible for Miracle, so she leaned in and gave Maze a kiss. At first Maze didn’t really respond, but after Miracle kissed her a few times she woke up something inside of Maze, which caused Maze to start kissing Miracle back. Needless to say, all that kissing led to something more and Miracle wasn’t even mad about it. Truth be told, Miracle had been longing for Maze to do things to her body that no one else has ever done.



  “Maze I just want you to know that I never loved anyone the way that I love you. Nothing ever happened between me and Kilo, I need you to believe me,” Miracle stated as she laid in Maze’s arms.

  “I love you too Miracle.”

  “Bae, what is it between you and Kilo? What is the history with you two? How do the two of you know each other?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Just know that she always wanted what I had and did everything that she could to get it. She did get the most important thing though,” Maze said sadly.

  “What was that? What was the most important thing?” Miracle quizzed sitting up on her elbow so she could look Maze in the face.

  Maze looked at Miracle and kissed her on the forehead and got up out of the bed. “Just promise me that you will stop seeing her. I don’t want you around her.”

“You don’t have to worry about her when it comes to me. I only want you,” Miracle replied as she got up out the bed and stood face-to-face with Maze.

  Maze just kissed Miracle and went into the bathroom. It was the way Maze looked and the tone that she spoke that let Miracle know she really was feeling some type of way. Kilo wasn’t someone that Maze had to worry about. Miracle didn’t see Kilo in that way, but thought Kilo was cool to hang around. Miracle did however want to know what Maze meant by Kilo getting the one thing that was important. Miracle kind of wanted to know if Kilo would fill her in on what really went down between them. Somehow Miracle knew that Kilo was going to reach out to her, so she was going to wait until then. Miracle shook it all off and joined Maze in the shower.

  Chapter Two

  After Miracle left later that day, Maze sat around thinking about the request that her mother asked of her. Maze wasn’t feeling it and had no intentions on doing what her mother asked. On the other hand, if Maze knew Kilo like she thought she did, she knew that Kilo was going to reach out to Miracle if she hadn’t already. Maze felt like the past was going to be repeated. She made up her mind that she was going let Kilo know that it would be in her best interest to stay away from Miracle. Maze wasn’t going to allow what happened before to happen again.

  One thing that really bothered Maze was the fact that Success and Miracle knew each other.

  “It’s funny how Miracle’s asking me how I know Kilo, but not telling me just how she knew Success. Something about that isn’t right. I will find out though,” Maze thought to herself.

  Maze got dressed and headed to the hospital to see her mother. Blaze was blowing her phone up asking when she was coming up to the hospital. Maze wasn’t in a hurry to get up there. She didn’t want to hear any more talk about finding Kimberly.

  Anyway, when she got to the hospital, she sat in the car for a few minutes because she needed to get her head right before going in. The only way for her to do that was to light one up. Maze wasn’t a smoker, but the only way she could be around her mother right now was for her be high. However, once she hit the blunt a few times she got out of the car and slowly walked into the hospital. By the time she got to my mother’s room she was feeling real, good.

  “About time you got here,” Blaze spat as soon as Maze walked into the room.

  “I’m here so shut the hell up.”

  “Maze, come here,” Annie softly said.

  “I’m here,” Maze stated standing by the bed.

  “Have you given some thought to what I asked you? It is very important that you do what I asked.”

  “And why is it so damn important?” Maze asked taking a deep breath.

  “I will tell you why when the three of you are here together.”

  “Maze just let all that shit in the past go. It has to be a reason mama is asking for all of us to be here,” Blaze stated.

  “Then you do it. You find her and get her here. I don’t want anything to do with her,” Maze spat.

  “Mama’s asking you to do it. Yeah, I could, but it would be more meaningful if you did it.”

  “No, I’m not doing it. I can’t believe you would ask me that. You know me and Kimberly do not get along. Matter of fact, you are the reason that we don’t. I don’t have time for this, I’m out,” Maze stated as she turned to leave.

  “Maze, wait!” Annie yelled out.

  “Wait for what?”

  “It’s very important that you do this please,” Annie pleaded.

  “Have Blaze to do it. Those are the two that you really give a fuck about anyway,” Maze said before she walked out pissed the fuck off.

  “Maze hold up,” Blaze yelled out as he caught up to her outside the room.


  “Look, I know that you and mother don’t see eye to eye when it comes to Kimberly, but if mother is asking you to do this then maybe it’s a reason.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what the reason is. Ever since we were little mother loved on Kimberly and accepted her, but me, she didn’t give two fucks about. No matter what I did it wasn’t good enough for mother. You and Kimberly could fuck up and it was like y’all didn’t do anything wrong. I took care of mother when you couldn’t or just wouldn’t. She always has something to say about what I’m doing or not doing, and now she wants me to find Kimberly,” Maze spoke with much anger.

  “Look, I think that accident really shook mama up. She almost lost her life and you seem to not care at all. She is never going to walk again, Maze. She will have to shit in a bag for the rest of her life. All she is asking for you to do is find Kimberly, and you act like she’s asking you to kill someone.”

  “I get that, and I do care, but I will not put myself in a position to relive the bullshit that I went through growing up.”


  “Don’t Maze me, because I don’t want to hear it. I said no and that’s that,” Maze stated before walking off leaving Blaze standing there.

  Maze was fire hot that her mother was focused on Kimberly’s fuck ass. Well to the hell with them all is how Maze felt. “There is no need for them to call me for anything. If she wants to see Kimberly then her or Blaze is going to have to make it happen on their own,” Maze thought to herself as she got into her car and lit the blunt again.

  Maze pulled off and headed up to the studio. Music always eased her mind.

  “Maze, I’m glad you’re here. I want you to hear something and let me know what you think,” Sky said with excitement when Maze walked in.

  Sky hit the playback and the sounds that Maze heard was fire. Maze was so fired up that she wanted it mastered down and ready to be put on wax as soon as possible. Maze was going to push that song out ASAP. Maze had got so into making music that she had forgotten all about the bullshit that had just went down at the hospital.

  “Sky, we have to go out and celebrate.”

  “I’m down with that, but what about your girl. I’m not in the mood to be dealing with your bitch, Maze.”

  “This is business and don’t call her a bitch.”

  “Business or not, I don’t want any shit.”

  “Don’t worry about all that, let’s go.”

  Sky looked at Maze for a few seconds and then grabbed her purse and they were out. They rode in Maze’s car to BW3 for a few drinks. While they were sitting there getting their drink on and fucking up some hot wings Maze looked up and there stood Kilo. Maze and Kilo didn’t say anything to each other, but Kilo and Sky spoke to each other with a hug.

  “I didn’t know you were in town,” Sky stated.

  “Yeah, I’ve been back in town for a little minute now,” Kilo stated.

  “Are you here for good or you just came back to visit?”

  “I’m not sure yet. It depends on how things play out,” Kilo replied looking at Maze with a smirk on her face.

  Sky looked at Maze and back at Kilo a couple of times before she said, “Well it was good to see you.”

  “It’s always good to see you Sky,” Kilo stated as she and Maze stared each other down.

  “Would the two of you stop that shit,” Sky spat.

  “I’m out, you two enjoy,” Kilo smirked before she walked off.

  “I can’t believe the two of you are still at it after all these years. Like when is the shit going to be over,” Sky said as soon as Kilo walked away from the table.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “That’s the problem Maze, you never want to talk about it. You two have been at odds forever. It’s time to let that shit go Maze.”

  Maze didn’t even respond to what Sky had said. She just picked up her drink and took more than a sip. Maze wasn’t trying to hear what Sky was saying. As far as Maze was concerned, she and Kilo would never be good. Maze felt that she should have handled Kilo’s ass a long time ago. However, Sky and Maze hung out for about an hour or so before Maze took her home. After dropping Sky off, Maze didn’t go home, she just rode around until she ended up parked at he
r mother’s house. She didn’t go in, but just sat in her car for a while before she finally left and went home.

  Chapter Three

  Maze and Sky’s evening went well once the talk about Kilo stopped. Early the next morning, just before the sun came up, Maze decided to get up early and go for a jog. She really wasn’t sleeping, due to her and Miracle not really talking as much, and the fact that her mother wanted her to be in the same room as Kimberly. However, while Maze was on her run, she saw Success out jogging as well. Maze put in a little speed so that she could catch up with Success. When Maze did finally catch up with her, she just ran alongside her.

  “What are you doing here?” Success asked coming to a complete stop once she saw Maze.

  “It looks like the same thing that you’re doing here.”

  “I didn’t know you jogged.”

  “Well I didn’t know that you knew Miracle either.”

  “Oh yeah, that,” Success replied dropping her head.

  “So how do you know Miracle?” Maze asked waiting on Success to respond.

  Success took a very deep breath before saying, “Miracle is my sister.”

  Maze was taken aback by Success’s statement. She wasn’t ready for that. “What do you mean Miracle is your sister? You said that your sister name was Dahlia.”

  “Dahlia is Miracle’s real name. She changed it years ago.”

  “Why did she change her name? And why does she tell everyone that she’s an only child?” Maze quizzed.

  “It’s a long story and it’s not my story to tell. You are going to have to talk to Miracle about that.”

  “Trust I will,” Maze stated.

  “Yeah well, I need to finish my run, so I will catch up with you later.”

  “Yeah okay, that’s what’s up.”

  Success took off one way and Maze took off the other way. After Maze finished out her run, she went home and took a shower, got dressed and headed over to Miracle’s. She wanted to get some answers from Miracle. However, when Maze pulled up at Miracle’ house she noticed that there was a car in the driveway, but it wasn’t Miracle’s car. Maze parked her car and got out and walked up to the door. She knocked a few times, but no one came to the door, so Maze left. Right as Maze was leaving Miracle’s, she got a call.


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