Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Reborn as Bree [The ShadowDance Club 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Avery Gale

  Alex watched her closely as Zach spoke. “Hi, I’m Zach, it’s nice to meet you. Mom was just telling us to expect you. We’re glad you made it safely.” Glancing at the empty tray, he added, “And that these two yahoos saw fit to be hospitable and feed you. I’m guessing that was a grueling drive, particularly for someone not accustomed to mountain roads.” Alex saw her eyes flash and knew she must have been terrified by the drive. The roads leading into Climax were filled with switchbacks and steep grades that would be hazardous to navigate in the type of storm that had gone through earlier that day.

  Alex moved back and positioned himself so he was leaning against the mantel of the fireplace. Jantz had stepped to Bree’s side. When he looked up at Alex, he had shaken his head and rolled his eyes. Alex knew it was his friend’s way of letting him know every team member in the room and watching knew his pose was “deceptively casual” even though it was a well-practiced position. Knowing his brother as well as he knew himself, Alex was sure Zach was quickly reading the body language of every person in the room.

  Zach smiled when he motioned for Bree to return to her seat and Creed quickly sat down so close their thighs were touching. Alex stayed back and just watched as Zach pulled one of the straight-backed chairs over closer before sitting down so he would be on the woman’s level and then he leaned forward so that their conversation would seem more intimate. Alex had to give his brother credit, his skills at putting people at ease far surpassed his own, so he just stood back and listened as Zach spoke in soothing tones to their guest. “Ms. Hart, our mom told us briefly why she sent you here. Are you comfortable having this conversation with everyone in the room? If you prefer, my brother and I can arrange to speak with you privately.” Alex suppressed a smile. No doubt they’d have to answer all of Creed and Jantz’s questions later, but right now both he and his brother were both more concerned with her comfort level.

  Bree took a deep, steadying breath and Alex knew she was trying to figure out who she felt the most comfortable with. He was impressed when she quickly seemed to refocus before answering, “First of all, please call me Bree. Ms. Hart sounds so terribly formal and after all I’ve heard about all of you, well, I guess I kind of feel like I know you already.” She stared at her hands for long seconds before she continued, “I don’t really know how to answer that question because I don’t know exactly what your mom told you, but I’m assuming she was pretty clear since you asked me…oh dear, I’m making a mess of this.” Glancing up at Zach she seemed to relax at his expression.

  Alex spoke to her in quiet, measured tones. “Bree, we are accustomed to very frank discussions and a wide variety of topics.” When she gave him a puzzled look, he smiled and then finished, “What I’m trying to say is, I’m absolutely positive there is nothing you can say to shock any one of us. The question my brother is dancing around is, will you be comfortable having this discussion in the presence of men that I am sure you are aware are attracted to you?”

  * * * *

  Bree knew she had better just suck it up if she was serious about learning more about the BDSM lifestyle and exploring what it might hold for her, that she was going to have to be willing to do things that were outside of her comfort zone. She wanted to shake her head at her own naivety. Geez, “comfort zone” implies that you have a fudging clue, which you don’t. Holy hell, look what a mess you’ve landed yourself in this time. Finally, taking a deep breath and then looking between Alex and Zach, she looked directly at Zach and asked, “Do you think it would be okay if they stayed?”

  Zach’s warm smile told her what she needed to know, but it was his kind words that warmed her heart. “Sweetness, you can be completely open with any of us. We’ll answer your questions as best we can. But in truth, I have a feeling you’d be more at ease talking to them without either my brother or me in the room. If I told you that both Alex and I have full confidence not only in both of these men’s ability to guide you but also in their willingness, perhaps even their eagerness to do so, would that help?”

  Bree couldn’t help the small chuckle that erupted from her and she shook her head, wondering again how on earth she managed to get herself in such situations. “Yes, I believe that would help. Both you and your brother are married to the same woman, isn’t that right?” When Zach and Alex both nodded she continued. “And you have small children, correct?” Again at their nods she said, “To be honest, I don’t know your wife and I’m not that comfortable asking these questions of married men.” She turned to the man sitting next to her. “Are you or your friend Ethan married?”

  She saw Jamie Creed try to suppress his smile and she assumed it was because he was quickly figuring out why she’d come to The Club. When he finally answered, she felt drawn in by his voice alone. “No, Bree, we are both single. We are also both Doms, just in case that is your next question.” He smiled when he saw her eyes widen. She knew her breathing had hitched and the small gasp she had tried to rein in had escaped despite her best efforts.

  * * * *

  Standing to the side, Jamie was watching every nuance of her behavior, gestures, and voice. One of the most significant skills for a sniper was learning to read body language because missing even the smallest “tell” could mean the difference in saving not only your own life, but also the lives of your spotter and your teammates as well.

  He watched as Zach leaned forward and grasped her hands in his. “Bree, even though we are married and have been blessed with the cutest kids on the planet, it doesn’t mean that we don’t look out for the members of our club. Making sure the ShadowDance Club is a safe place for each of our members, particularly the submissives, to explore and enjoy their sexuality is always our priority. We will be happy to help in whatever way you are most comfortable.”

  Jamie watched as Alex stepped forward and when Bree turned her attention to him he saw her initial hesitation. He also knew the instant that she’d noticed that even though his demeanor seemed to have a harder edge his eyes shone with concern. Alex squatted down to speak to the beauty sitting in front of him. “Bree, our mother knew we would make sure you had the opportunity of getting answers to your questions safely. She charged us with making sure you were in good hands and I can assure you, we’ve known both Jamie and Ethan for a long time and would trust them with our lives.” He and Ethan both laughed and he saw Alex’s smile before he shook his head and added, “They are laughing because we have trusted them with our lives on several occasions, as we were all on the same Special Forces team. So perhaps it would be more meaningful if I told you I would trust them with the lives of our beloved Katarina and our children.”

  Seeing how his eyes softened at the mention of his wife and children was heartwarming and Jamie was sure that hadn’t been lost on Bree when he noticed she had relaxed even more. Zach stood and smiled down at her before turning his attention to him and Ethan. “We’ll be expecting you all for dinner tonight. Explain to Bree, clearly, what she might expect and make sure she is dressed appropriately. Begin as you intend to go, gentlemen.” At their nods he added, “Also, we’ll be moving her things in to Jenna’s old suite, so please explain the security system to her. We’ll also arrange for her car to be secured in the garage.”

  Alex watched the realization that the Lamonts were planning on her staying in their home rather than in a motel move over her expression. “Wait. I can’t impose on your wife and family. She’ll think horribly of me if you put her in that position. You can’t expect her to fix extra for dinner this late in the day? I’ll just drive back into that small town down the mountain and find a nice bed & breakfast or motel room.” He didn’t even try to hide his smile when she started frantically looking from Alex to Zach and then to both Ethan and himself as if she was expecting one of them to back her up. Since they were all grinning at her, Jamie was fairly certain she’d figured out they were all a lost cause.

  While Alex had seemed relaxed and approachable a few minutes ago his response to Bree’s answer had reminded him of
velvet-covered steel. This was the Alex Lamont that Jamie was accustomed to seeing and hearing. His voice was pitched low and seemed almost frighteningly calm. “I’ll tell you what, come have dinner with us. Meet everyone and then if you still feel like you’ll be imposing we’ll see what we can do about finding you other accommodations. How’s that sound?” Jamie didn’t doubt that despite the fact she had just met the man, Bree would know Alex’s question wasn’t really a question at all.

  “Well, I have to say, it’s easy to see your mother’s steel will in you.” She chuckled. “Once she decided I should visit ShadowDance she refused to take no for an answer. There was no backing out. That woman is a force of nature, I tell you.” Jamie watched as she obviously tried to calculate her odds of winning this argument and he was immensely pleased when her posture showed her acquiescence. “I’d love to join your family for dinner if you’re sure adding another person won’t be an inconvenience. And I’d be happy to help your wife with the preparations. Would that help?”

  Alex and Zach shared a look and then both laughed out loud before Alex answered, “No, sweetness, I’m afraid our wife and sister are not allowed to cook. As a matter of fact, I believe Trace and Tori Bartell will be here this evening also and I can assure you Tori is not allowed to even go in a kitchen. Be sure to ask her about her neighborhood fire department in Houston inviting her to eat dinner with them each evening so they could skip their nightly runs to her apartment.” All the men in the room laughed and Jamie wanted to tell Bree that she was seeing a bit of Alex Lamont that most people didn’t ever get to see—hell, even his friends didn’t see this Alex very often.

  Alex was usually described as “harsh” and his reputation as a hard-assed former Special Forces soldier with a cutting-edge business sense and a take-no-prisoners attitude was well earned. While Zach was usually described as the more approachable one, those who knew the brothers well would tell you, he was every bit as dominating as his twin.

  Figuring he had let the bosses handle things long enough, he decided it was time to move this little “meet and greet party” along. Truth be told he could hardly wait to get Bree alone and start finding out in excruciating detail exactly what she was interested in learning. He found himself absolutely mesmerized by her. There was something about her that called to him. It was as if his soul recognized her, but he was sure he wasn’t going to be able to figure it out until some of his blood managed to make its way back to his brain. And judging from the raging hard-on he’d had since first laying eyes on Bree, that wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon. Hell, it was a fucking miracle he was still conscious with so much blood pooled south of his waist.

  Standing, he held his hand out for her and was pleased when she placed her fingers in his. “Bree, why don’t you let Ethan and I show you around a bit? We’ll let the bosses get back to their family and they’ll let Kat know you’ll be joining us for dinner.” He raised a hand, halting her when she started to ask a question. “I promise you, there is no reason for you to help Selita, but we’ll stop by the kitchen so you can hear that from her yourself.” Enclosing her tiny hand in his much larger one, he nodded to Ethan and they set out down the hall.

  “Can you tell me, please, who is Selita?” Bree’s question sounded so “proper” that Jamie almost laughed. He watched as she looked around, taking in the sudden shift in the décor. He knew she had noticed the hall she was being led down was reminiscent of a Middle Ages castle. And even though it was beautiful, it was also quite intimidating for newcomers.

  This time it was Ethan who answered. “Selita is affectionately known as the Honduran Tornado. But in fact she is the Lamont family’s longtime housekeeper and cook extraordinaire. She adopts everyone who enters her realm and just so you know, the reason we were all grinning like fools about your concern over adding another person to a meal is that dinner here is an event each night. It is not uncommon for there to be thirty people at the table and I assure you Selita is thrilled with every person she gets to feed.” Jamie was sure Bree hadn’t missed his and Ethan’s silent communication and he didn’t want her second-guessing her decision to allow them to become her escorts so he quickly opened the door in front of them. He knew the surprise that awaited her on the other side would be a full-meal-deal distraction.

  He and Jantz watched her reaction as they stepped from the building. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned in a slow circle, trying to take in the beautiful garden area they had entered. He heard her softly whisper that she felt like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz waking up from the bleak black and white of Kansas to find herself in the colorful splendor of Oz. He was sure she hadn’t even realized she had spoken her thoughts aloud.

  Chapter 6

  “Oh my God in heaven, this has to be one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen.” Bree knew she was standing there gaping as she tried to take it all in. She was trying to imprint everything into her memory. It was a habit she’d learned during her brief childhood visits to the many beautiful locations her family had visited. Since her parents were often assigned to earth’s hellholes she’d learned early on to take in every detail and nuance when they visited a beautiful location so she could “escape” there in her mind later.

  Bree’s attention was focused on the trees and landscaping in general, but she didn’t miss all the security monitoring equipment that was, oddly enough, right out in plain view. I wonder why that equipment is so obviously visible? That seems out of sync with everything else I see. Apparently the security staff wants The Club’s members to know they are protected. I’m not sure why that surprises me, but it does. Hmm. I hear water running, maybe a waterfall? Oh that’s going to be my favorite part, I already know it. Catherine was right, this place is incredible. I hope she’s right about the rest also, I’ve been lost too long.

  * * * *

  Creed and Jantz had stepped to the side as soon as they had realized their beautiful charge was drifting in thought and blissfully unaware that she was speaking out loud. Jamie knew it was all of their Special Forces and black ops training kicking in and they faded seamlessly into the background to watch and listen. The rules about learning everything possible about a target made acquisition easier and those constructs were as easily applied to a target you were taking out as to one you planned to keep. Their teammates had often commented on the fact that their tandem movements seemed almost orchestrated but in truth, they had worked together so often they fell into pattern easily. Using hand signals to communicate they had agreed she was processing aloud and that she had become so focused on her own thoughts she had forgotten they were even near.

  Watching and listening to Bree’s observations and ramblings was interesting but raised more questions than it answered. Jamie agreed with her in that the gardens behind The ShadowDance Club were spectacular. The entire area was bordered by The Club, the mansion where the Lamont family lived, and the new addition Colt and Jenna Matthews had recently built, and backed by the surrounding forest the area was a scenic wonder.

  When Colt, their former team leader, had married Alex and Zach Lamont’s younger sister, the addition to the mansion had provided the final line of weather protection and the gardens had flourished as a result. Heated by natural thermal springs, the temperatures were tolerable during all but the most extreme winter conditions. The waterfall was something to behold and Jamie could hardly wait to show it to her. It had been crafted of native stone but the lighting was its most spectacular feature. Both the lights and the water jets could be synched to music, making it a favorite “Girls’ Night In” location. Those parties always resulted in naked women dancing in the water to Kat’s favorite country tunes and the bosses inevitably confiscated all the security discs, much to the frustration of their security team.

  Bree finally seemed to realize they were standing back waiting for her to finish her observations and Jamie saw her blush when she realized she’d been speaking aloud. Looking between them she finally spoke, her words soft and stilted. �
��Oh my, I’m so sorry. I was just overcome by the beauty that the Lamonts have created here. Which one of them is the landscaper? Or did they have someone do it professionally?”

  Ethan stepped forward and answered. “It was a family effort and has been completed in stages and improved upon several times. The most recent changes were made for both Alex and Zach’s wedding to Katarina and then again for their younger sister Jenna’s wedding to Colt Matthews. The new addition you see across the way is where Colt and Jenna live. You’ll meet them tonight at dinner. Colt is the Chief of Security for The Club and all the land surrounding it that is owned by the Lamont family.”

  “Oh goodness, it’s wonderful that the siblings all live so close. I know Catherine mentioned that her daughter had recently gotten married and lived near her brothers but I didn’t realize it was quite this close.” Her voice dropped to a near whisper and Jamie wasn’t sure her words had been spoken to them or to herself when she added, “It must be so wonderful to have siblings that you love and respect. I can’t even say how often I wished for someone to share my life with.” The lonely expression that crossed over her face almost had Jamie stepping forward to wrap her in his warm embrace.

  Deciding it was time to break her melancholy, Jamie stepped forward and secured her small hand in the bend of his elbow and began moving toward the deck along the back of the mansion. “Come on, beautiful, let us introduce you to Selita and you can see for yourself that you won’t be intruding.” Jamie knew that Ethan was close behind Bree. Since they had worked and played together for so long, they could easily anticipate the other’s actions to within a fraction of a second. Leading Bree through the door of the breakfast nook and into the kitchen, he smiled as he heard Selita chattering away to both Alex and Zach in Spanish.


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