Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy)

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Cheap & Classy (Hide Your Crazy) Page 9

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “Take a drink,” Danielle instructed, holding a cup with a straw attached. I nodded and lightly placed my lips on it, trying hard not to ruin the bright red lipstick. Taking a quick sip, thinking it was water, I about choked as the liquid burned while sliding down my throat.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” I spit out, slightly panting to try and relieve some of the after burn happening in my mouth.

  “No; I’m trying to loosen your skinny ass up. This way we can get done and move on, silly.” Danielle flashed an evil smile. “Just do a little dance, drop it to the floor, maybe a little grinding or something along those lines.”

  “Do you really think I can drop it anywhere looking like this? I would be lucky if my ass got back up after said drop.”

  “Give yourself some credit Chica. Mr. Sex on a stick wouldn’t have groped you in the room this morning if you didn’t look sexy.”

  “Excuse me, but there was no copping a feel kind of action going on, thank you.” I narrowed my eyes at my best friend, giving her the silent ‘I am going to kill you look’.

  “Bitch please. Everyone here knows you are banging the lead singer; it’s no surprise to anyone. So take the gigantic stick out of your fanny and get with the program. The quicker you get all sexy for that camera, the sooner we can move on with the storyboard. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is only the first damn frame. You have a whole day of being sexy, my dear, so make it work.”

  “You’re dead to me, Danielle. You hear me?” I threatened as she walked off set, tossing the finger over her shoulder at me. “Skank,” I muttered softly as the stylist sprayed another round of crap in my already sticky, huge, blonde mess of a head. It’s going to take me forever to wash this shit out later. Ugh.

  “Can you guys turn the music up a little more?” I pleaded as my body moved to the beat. After three more shots, something finally broke in me and I was able to let my inner wild child free. Sure, it was probably the result of the alcohol in my system and the few sugar doughnuts I stuffed in my face this morning, but did it really matter? My ass was being sexy, and the director finally loved what I was producing. I do believe it was a winning situation all the way around. All I had left was a couple scenes with the guys, a questionable hallway make out session with Reid, and my ass was done with this shoot. The moment the director called a wrap on my part, this stupid dress and shoes only Satan himself could have created were coming off and my ass was sitting in the dressing room naked. Being naked had its perks; easy access to Reid when he finished. All I needed was a do not disturb sign on the door and I was free for the taking. Maybe not free for anyone; I might need to specify who could take me. I wouldn’t want the director, or for heaven’s sakes, Brody to walk in there with my spread eagle on the couch, but…………

  “Hey, Molly; are you with us?” Parker shouted from the side, looking at me with confusion.

  “Sorry, just off in la-la land,” I said sheepishly, my face instantly turning red. If they only knew the compromising positions I was putting Reid and myself in, I’m pretty sure a priest would have been called in and a baptism performed right then.

  “We need you in wardrobe for costume change,” Parker barked, his voice riddled with annoyance.

  “Ah, darn. No more searching for my unicorn again,” I said with a laugh, kicking the red stilettos off and carefully bending to pick them up.

  “I’ve got a horn for you, Molly,” Brody’s voice came from behind me.

  “I’m sure you do, Brody. But like my mythical creature, it’s never going to happen.”


  Smiling, I sauntered toward the dressing room, letting my hips wiggle more than they probably should. Was I teasing the creature? Yes. Was it wrong of me? Yes. Did I really care? No. I had an up close and personal scene with Reid next and not even losing my favorite vibrator could rain on my parade.

  “Am I missing something here? Why in the hell are you looking like a crazed lunatic who just starred in their first crime novel?” Danielle asked as I sauntered into the dressing room.

  “Oh nothing,” I sang, flopping down into the makeup chair.

  “Well, hold on to that delirious moment for a second. Promise you won’t flip your shit when you see the next change?” Danielle’s face tensed as she wandered over to the rack.

  “As long as it’s not a crop top, I’m sure it’s going to be fine.” Danielle forced a smile while holding out a black lace bra and panty combo.

  “It’s not a crop top.” She winced, forcing a small giggle.

  “Well bless your heart.”

  “I really think you have completely lost it, because you know there is no way in hell that I’m wandering around in that.”

  “There is a robe to wear on to set, and between takes,” Danielle sputtered, holding the lacy number out in front of her.

  “Seriously?” I threatened, coming out of the chair and storming over to her. Grabbing the hanger, I tossed the scraps of fabric over my shoulder and laughed sinisterly. “It was one thing getting me in this black dress and heels. It’s an entirely different thing getting me in something that shows everything I’m working with. There is nothing left to the imagination with that, Danielle.”

  “Yes there is, my friend. Your nipples or vagina aren’t on display,” she said with hesitation.


  “If you would have given the set a chance, you would have seen it’s lined with a nude fabric, nothing will be seen.”

  “Do you forget that I’m not nude? I’m fucking white, Danielle.” Groaning, I buried my head into my hands and let out a small whimper.

  “At least you get to do the scene with Reid. I mean you could be prancing around in your skivvies with Brody or Ryder. Just think of it as a prelude to what could happen tonight,” Danielle said suggestively.

  “I really do hate you right now.”

  “You have to remember these selections were chosen before I had any clue you were the person who was wearing them. So as your best friend, and someone that has to be on the rest of the PD tour with, please don’t hurt me?”

  “There will be ramifications for the Danielle. No sparkly unicorn rides for you.”

  Crossing my arms against my chest, I sat back down in the makeup chair as the blonde bimbo from earlier got started on my new layer of crap. I could do this. Reid and I had a much better understanding with each other, and who knew what would happen between us after tonight. Think positive, I reminded myself over and over again silently, it’s only lingerie.

  Chapter 14

  Your boobs need some padding.

  It’s amazing the magic behind music videos. One would swear they are shot on location, getting all the grime and detail from being in a real alley, when in reality we were still at the soundstage, surrounded by fifty-thousand people waiting for me to prance around in my undies. The alley set looked seriously real to the point where I didn’t want to be naked and touching anything. Actually, I didn’t want to be naked in the first place. I wasn’t self-conscious in the sense where I was questioning my body; it was just the fact I didn’t believe everyone needed to be seeing me in my unmentionables.

  “Just think of it as a bikini,” Danielle advised, reaching out to take my robe.

  “I doubt it. My swimming attire normally covers up more than these pieces of lace.” I snorted, slowly starting to untie the belt wrapped around my middle. Well, here it is for the whole kitten caboodle, the money shot, the homerun on full bases, I’m getting naked. Sliding the robe off my shoulders, I handed it over to Danielle, who stood there with a stupid cat ate the canary type grin that made me want to smack the shit out of her.

  “Give her back the robe, Danielle,” Reid’s gruff voice came from behind me suddenly.

  Turning around quickly, I caught a glimpse at Reid’s pissed off state. Normally, this would be a major turn on. Reid all huffed and puffed, brow creased, teeth gritted, shoulder muscles bulging. Basically, a walking invitation for women to mess t
heir panties. But standing there almost naked in front of the man I was still in love with, basically naked, having him tell me to cover back up, still basically naked, made me want to vomit.

  “The robe, Danielle,” Reid said again, this time reaching around me to grab it from Danielle. Confusion was overtaking my brain, leaving me wondering what in the hell was going on. Reid wrapped the silk around my shoulders and pushed my arms through the holes. Quickly, he grabbed the ties around my waist and yanked them together, tightly tying a knot in front of me. When satisfied that I was completely covered, Reid’s tense face softened a little. Of all the things to get this man riled up, it took me standing there in my unmentionables to get a reaction from him.

  “What are you doing, Reid?” Danielle snapped, firmly placing her hands on either side of her hips.

  “She is not going out there looking like that.”

  “It’s a costume, Reid.” She rolled her eyes, letting out a small huff in annoyance.

  “Well, find another costume,” Reid said frankly. I could tell this man was still angry, as the muscles in his jaw started to tense once again.

  “Problem, guys?” James spoke suddenly, breaking the edgy stare down battle between my two friends.

  “Reid apparently has an issue with Molly’s outfit for the alley scene.”

  “She is not going to be prancing around here in her damn underwear!” Reid’s glare shifted from Danielle to James, who looked entirely confused on what was happening.

  “You didn’t have a problem an hour ago when her crotch was nearly hanging out of that black number, did you? Get off your damn stick pony and let’s move on.” Danielle laughed wickedly.

  “She’s not doing it,” Reid again stated firmly, this time crossing his heavily tattooed arms across his chest.

  “Well, what does Miss Molly have to say about all of this?” James said abruptly, turning to look directly at me.

  “Huh?” I replied, realizing I had been drooling at the sight of Reid’s sculpted arms and chest. I really had no clue as to what road the conversation had traveled, other than them still bitching about my panties.

  James let out a soft chuckle while shaking his head at me. He totally caught me ogling the boss, and I really should be ashamed at my actions. But, fuck it. I’ve done worse. “Do you have a problem with wardrobe?”

  “Well, I’m not too keen on parading around in my undies for the whole world. However, I realize this is my job and I’m okay with getting it done.”

  “Then I’m not doing it,” Reid sneered, tossing his hands up in the air and quickly storming for the door.

  “Wait,” I yelled out, carefully stepping over cables and cords to quickly catch up with the pissed off elephant in the room. Reid didn’t care that I was following him, slamming his hands into the exit bar, and tossing the door open, letting the light spill into the darkened set.

  “Reid, please slow down, I don’t have any shoes on yet,” I exclaimed, tumbling into the Californian sunshine. A slight breeze took the bottom of my short robe as I scrambled to pull the hem down. “Balls,” I grumbled, as I hurried behind the man whose stride was three times the length of mine.

  “I can’t believe you are okay with this,” Reid said suddenly, immediately stopping in his tracks.

  “You think I want to be out in public in this, Reid? Seriously? I had about four shots before coming out of the dressing room with the damn robe on to just even be comfortable with the thought of following through.”

  “Then why didn’t you say something, damn it? How in the hell are you still so concerned with everyone else and not what is best for you, Molly Anne?”

  “This had nothing to do what was best for me, Reid. It’s a job; nothing more, nothing less.” Reid’s hand shot up into his hair as he closed his eyes. He looked absolutely stunning as he stood there and contemplated my words.

  “Molly, I don’t want the whole world to see you in that. I refuse to have the woman I love be degraded in such a sense that men will be fucking jerking off at the sight of you!”

  “Reid, that’s not going to happen.” I laughed softly. I was not sexy enough for men to use me as their visual. I was just hot enough to make it enjoyable for the video, and that was pushing it.

  “It’s about self-respect, Molly Anne.”

  “Reid, I have plenty of self-respect. Rocking this outfit isn’t going to make me a whore, or dissolve my values the moment I drop the robe.” Taking a step closer, I boldly grabbed the belt loops on his pants and pulled his body closer to me. Reid instantly wrapped his arms around my back, forcing me to lay my head against his chest. “Reid, it’s really okay.”

  “No, Molly Anne, it’s not. I don’t want you out there in that.”

  “Alright. That is all you needed to say. I’ll talk with James and Danielle about wearing something else,” I said softly. Reid loosened his grip around my back, and gently grabbed my chin, tilting it up to delicately meet his lips. The kiss was light and thoughtful, passionate and caring, and short but ever so sweet. Even with the time spent apart, there was never any doubt that this man was it for me. He would always be my other half, no matter what life threw at me.

  “I think we are going to need to pad the top a little,” Danielle mumbled while fiddling with the top of the red dress she stuffed me into. Yes, it was a welcomed change from the lacy number that had Reid fuming earlier, but it still screamed a little slutty. With a sheer back and a straight across neckline, I felt like I needed some more boobage to give the dress a little more oomph.

  “Not to be mean, but you really should just get your boobs done. I mean, with this tiny little body, you should have some amazing knockers to rock alongside it.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Just stuff some cutlets down the front and get this shit over with,” I argued as she continued to pull on the front of the dress. I refused to fall into the Hollywood trap of needing a better body. I loved the cards I was dealt. Sure, my tits were small, and I could use a little more in the ass department, but at least my boobs wouldn’t be hanging around my midsection in twenty years, and hopefully there would always be some definition between my ass and thighs. Cringing, I got a visual of the dreaded ‘thut’.

  “What are you cringing over?” Danielle questioned, stopping to give me a weird look.



  “Yeah, you know………thut. When you can’t see the stop between your thigh and butt?” Danielle’s laughter took me by surprise as my mind had already wandered back to the dreaded shape of doom.

  “You are absolutely crazy, you know that?” Danielle managed to spurt out between giggling fits.

  “You laugh now, but it could happen. Just think of a world full of thuts. Not a pretty picture,” I threatened while adjusting the implant she had placed into the dress.

  “I’m pretty sure you have no reason to worry about that. Now…………where did I place those booties?” Danielle rambled, digging through the twenty pairs of shoes underneath a clothing rack.

  “It’s going to be an epidemic I tell you.” Catching a glimpse in the full length mirror propped up on the far wall; I slightly turned to check out my ass, silently saying a quick prayer that my ass still looked decent in the dress.

  “Alright, lunatic, put these on and get out there. I swear to god if that man has an issue with this dress, his life is over,” she threatened, holding out a pair of black studded ankle booties. Flashing a smile, I grabbed the shoes and carefully slid my feet into them. Luckily the heels were low, thus allowing me not to look like a newborn calf wandering around the place.

  “I’m sure the dress will be fine,” I teased, reaching over and smacking Danielle’s ass before scurrying to the door.

  “I will kill him,” she yelled as I slid out the door. Turning around, I blew a quick kiss at the irritated Danielle and began to carefully skip over to the set. I couldn’t tell if I was happier that I didn’t have to rock the undies or the fact that Reid and I
seemed to be on the same page. Either way, the rest of this shoot was going to be a breeze.

  “Why is it that Reid got to have all the fun with Molly in this video?” Brody whined from behind a monitor.

  “Because no one wants to touch you with a ten foot pole,” I shouted back, rolling my eyes with a snicker.

  “Fuck that. My ten foot pole is amazing.”

  “You walked right into that one,” Reid whispered into my ear, sending laughter through my body. Nodding my head, I give Reid’s hand a little squeeze, flashing him a naughty smile. “I can’t wait to get you home tonight.”

  Pulling back, a frown appeared on my face. “I have to catch a plane back to the boys tonight.” Of course when things were finally starting to straighten out, I had to go running back to PD.

  “You can’t stay one night?” Reid pleaded, his eyes begging for me to say yes.

  “Reid, I have a job to do.” Dropping my hand, Reid pushed himself off the wall and stepped around me. “Perfect,” I grumbled.

  Moody Reid had returned and made his disgust known. Lord how I didn’t miss that damn two sided personality. Just when I once again thought I had that man figured out, he flipped a switch and I was left standing there wondering what would be my next move. Reid glanced over his shoulder as he stepped out the bright lights. Fuck you, I thought silently. I refused to run after that man for a second time today.

  Chapter 15

  “Would a flesh eating disease make me skinny?”

  My phone rang as we waited on the tarmac to taxi. Grabbing it from my bag, I sighed when I recognized the number. Accepting the call, I tossed Danielle the look while rolling my eyes.

  “I’m sorry I’m such an ass,” Reid’s voice quickly gushed.

  “Surprise, surprise.”

  “Molly Anne, I’m serious. I’m sorry that I don’t make it easy on you. I really need to take your life into consideration.”


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