Fateful Italian Passion

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Fateful Italian Passion Page 9

by Olga GOA

  Unlike Veronica, Susan had a buoyant mood. She just calmed her desire for a while to punish her strong rival. She had to see her mother urgently, who was seriously ill. Susan did that, of course, not because of her desire to help, but for her profit. Her mother promised that if Susan took good care of her, that she would get all the inheritance. Susan was ready for anything just to take a tasty piece of the pie, but now she was getting the whole pie!

  However, Susan waited for the right hour to strike back at Veronica so that she would never recover. Susan was sure that she would succeed.

  While the preparations for the wedding were ongoing, Lucenzo and Francesca talked to the wedding planners about the celebration. It would take place in the Veneziani’s house and it will continue in the Lascatti’s cottage. Both sides agreed with the plan and didn’t argue.

  Francesca’s parents helped her future husband in everything, especially in the interior design of the house. Cutlery and furniture for the celebration were bought straight off the ice. Many guests were expected to appear―relatives and friends from Lucenzo and Francesca’s sides. Lucenzo’s mother-in-law couldn’t get enough of her future son-in-law who helped her and her husband constantly. He wasn’t tired at all, although the coming wedding deeds were enough and his hands were full. Lucenzo willingly helped his eldest brother as well, so that Milano could quickly finish their building projects and could spend more time with Veronica.

  Francesca, in turn, admired Lucenzo’s energy and his unwavering faith that they would get everything done on time. Solicitation with each other was now limited to light kisses and hugs when Francesca’s parents were away from them. For the bride and groom, it was agonizing, but pleasant as well, because they knew what was waiting for them.

  When the wedding preparations were finished, and everything was ready, Francesca and Lucenzo would belong only to each other.


  Deciding to visit Veronica in person, since they mostly communicated by phone, Francesca drove to the Veneziani mansion. She had some free time in the afternoon, and she wanted to pleasantly surprise Veronica. She knew that her friend was bored at home and she had no other friends and no one’s support.

  “Hey! Long time no see.” Francesca said to Veronica and handed her a small package that had a pleasant smell of chocolate.

  Veronica greeted her and smiled, thanking Francesca for her attention. In the last two months, she had settled in her Italian’s house; she was constantly drawn to sweets.

  The girls entered the house and then went up to Milano’s room, talking about urgent matters. Looking around, Francesca gasped, noticing the erotic paintings hanging on the wall.

  “Milano created a bedroom in his own repertoire. How do you live with it?” Francesca asked Veronica ironically. She took off a white cambric tippet from her shoulders and laid it on the chair. Francesca mostly liked to be casual―light blue jeans and a white cotton blouse.

  Veronica chuckled, supporting her friend about her estimation of Milano’s depravity. She was slightly embarrassed by such a topic.

  “I’m just not taking anything for granted, Francesca.” Veronica replied with a smirk.

  “You have angelic patience, dear... If I were in your place, I’d say a couple of swear words to him…” Francesca murmured with a smirk sitting in an armchair by the window. Even though all her thoughts drifted to Lucenzo, she also worried about Veronica. Her dear friend looked very tired and depressed. Francesca was alarmed about that.

  “What’s going on with you, Nike?” Francesca began to question her as an elder sister would. “Please, share with me, dear. I can’t stand to look at your haggard face...”

  “It’s all right, Fra... really. I am very happy.” Veronica faked a joyous glow, with a hint of melancholy in his voice. Maybe it was the hormones due to her first pregnancy, or it was her concern about the fact that Milano had not seemed interested in her sexually. She didn’t know why Milano stopped sleeping with her. Was it only because he was cautious not to hurt their baby, or was it something else?

  Francesca incredulously looked at Veronica, squinting one eye.

  “Yeah.” Francesca nodded pursing her lips. “I see how happy you are. You are so happy that you’re about to cry!”

  Veronica didn’t answer. She just got out of bed and stepped up to the window. She didn’t want to share with Francesca what was on her mind. She couldn’t upset her friend either. Veronica saw happiness in Francesca’s eyes, and she was afraid to ruin it with her troubles.

  “Honey...” Francesca called her, getting up from the chair and putting her hands on Veronica’s shoulders. “What is it? Tell me. I can keep a secret.”

  “I feel that Milano and I have become estranged from each other. Work is paramount to him, and I’m certainly not arguing about that. But he often comes home late. And it seems to me that he has a mistress. But what can I do? I’m not even his wife. Maybe he is just biding his time to dump me. He has played enough, and now I’m probably a hassle to him. Somehow it is necessary to get rid of an unnecessary thing.” Veronica pronounced every word with pain as if a nail was being hammered into her heart.

  “You must admit that Milano won’t change in one second.” Francesca sighed, understanding the feelings of her friend. “Oh! If you only knew him as I did, you would have known what I’m talking about.”

  “If you’re talking about his former state of a womanizer, I know that. Although I’m not sure that Milano has ceased to be one.”

  “You have to be strong, Veronica, and eliminate all his exes. Trust me, Milano has a fervent affection toward you, and I can see it. Moreover, you have something that nobody can take away from you... your child. Even if Milano leaves you, although I don’t want to think like that, I’ll help you with everything. But before that, I will unleash Lucenzo on him!”

  The girls laughed, but it was short-lived. Veronica became sad again.

  “I would have walked out through the door, Fra... I’m suffocating in here.” Veronica said; her voice barely audible.

  “Did you eat today? Why are you so thin? And why the fuck is Milano not watching you?” Francesca dispersed her many questions, noting what Milano had made out of the beautiful Veronica. She didn’t look like herself. Veronica was like a shadow.

  “We don’t sleep together anymore. I think he’s always very tired. Moreover, the child…” Veronica whimpered, wiping her nose with a handkerchief which Francesca gave her.

  “That’s no reason to worry, honey. The reason to worry is that you’re not eating at all. Oh my God, just look at you!” Francesca reproached her, stroking Veronica’s thin shoulder and feeling the protruding bones of her body.

  “Food sticks in my throat...”

  “Sweet Nike, you’re very precious to me, so you have to take care of yourself for the sake of the baby.” Francesca touched Veronica’s belly, gently smiling at her. “If not for you―Milano wouldn’t ever have come to the dinner. It could have put us in a difficult situation with his brother―and thus, my fiancé. I don’t think my parents would have been happy about that. They could have broken the engagement, seeing the levity of Lucenzo’s elder brother. Thanks to you, in a few months, my happiness will become a reality. Ask all you want, Veronica. I will try to fulfill it.” Francesca raised her head, pretending to mull it over for the future.

  “Please humble the sexual appetite of Milano Veneziani.” Veronica suggested, grinning, and Francesca burst out laughing, hugging Veronica warmly. Veronica was a saint for sure.

  “If I could, I would take all his mistresses and send them to Sicily―to the mafia clan! That is the greatest place for them, those whores!” Francesca retorted emotionally.

  Veronica laughed at Francesca’s suggestion, hoping that her sadness would disappear like the morning fog. But then she felt―something was wrong with her. She suddenly faltered; a sharp pain pierced all her belly. Veronica grabbed the hand of her faithful friend Francesca, who flew up to her in perfect time.

p; “Holy Mary! You are as pale as death!” Francesca was horrified by Veronica’s condition, but Veronica only smiled in response and slowly started to settle on the floor.

  My God! She looks so livid! I will wallop Milano when he comes home! Francesca finished the thought and quickly helped Veronica go to the bed, covering her with a warm blanket. Veronica is trembling. Does she have a fever? I will call a doctor immediately!


  Half an hour later, the doctor was already at the Veneziani’s cottage. Dr Manzoni wondered what Veronica had eaten and when she did last time, and Francesca had nothing to say to her. Francesca felt awful that she was so inattentive to her friend and didn’t know anything about her daily life. Now Francesca was thinking. Did Veronica eat properly? And if not―she’s just crazy! She’s going to kill herself and the child!

  Examining Veronica, the doctor issued disappointing forecasts―Veronica could lose the baby if she continues to scoff at her body. Judging by the bags under her eyes and her leanness, Veronica worked the whole day. As Francesca realized servants weren’t at home to help dearest friend. And Francesca was so outraged that she was ready to break anything on Milano’s head if he was there!

  After the doctor prescribed the appropriate drugs and a certain regime for Veronica and left, Francesca decided to inform Lucenzo. She was furious, realizing that all those weeks, Veronica was tormented and Milano didn’t even move a finger. She couldn’t blame Lucenzo, because he was helping her with the wedding and was very busy. However, Francesca felt determined to chastise him as well. After all, Lucenzo was next to his brother Milano, so why he didn’t notice how everything was hard for Veronica and that she had turned into a skeleton?!

  Accepting the incoming call of his beloved, Lucenzo soon came home. He flew into Milano and Veronica’s room, and his eyes froze in mute horror. What happened to Veronica? And why is she flat on her back?

  “What’s the matter?” Lucenzo quietly asked Francesca, without disturbing Veronica’s sleep and tenderly kissing his woman on the ear.

  But Francesca didn’t accept his kiss and started to gesticulate desperately. “As if you don’t know what is going on!”

  She was shocked with how Milano had ruined the lives of not only the kind Veronica, but her, and his brother’s too. Why was he so heartless? Why was he so blind and didn’t want to see what was under his nose?

  Escape from liability didn’t mean getting rid of it.

  “No, I don’t know, honey...” Lucenzo continued their conversation, looking so puzzled. He was scratching the back of his head making some serious grimaces. “Veronica feels good, doesn’t she?”

  “Like hell she feels good!” Francesca barely held back her scream, knowing that Veronica needed to relax. Sleep will help her recover rapidly. “Let’s get out of here. I want to talk seriously and then beat Milano at the doorstep!”

  Lucenzo gently opened the door, and he went out with Francesca into the dark corridor.

  “What the hell?!” Lucenzo screamed, being afraid of Veronica’s plight. He noticed the girl didn’t look good, and Francesca was extremely exerted. Most likely something serious happened, and it dejected him.

  “You live under the same roof with the future bride of your brother and couldn’t see what was eating at her? And why is she so frail? I’m asking you!”

  Francesca fanned her nostrils; her wrath poured out like a fire straight at Lucenzo.

  “Calm down, baby!” Lucenzo drew her aside, trying to hug her. “I didn’t think that Veronica was having a bad time, because their relationship was established. They have ceased their quarrels.” Lucenzo believed that since Milano and Veronica weren’t shouting at each other, it was a good sign. However, in this case, it was solely backward. It was a wake-up call and a warning sign of their imminent breakup.

  “Damn it, Lu! It doesn’t mean that if the relationship has no fights, it’s good! Maybe it’s much worse than it seems!” Francesca vociferated, not understanding why Lucenzo behaved like a silly child and didn’t see the obvious facts. His brother and Veronica didn’t have a smooth rapport, and their affair could end soon, like a fairy tale.

  “Oh, no...” Lucenzo moaned like he admitted all of Veronica’s pain which she had felt all these months. “Did Milano lie to me all this time saying that they are fine when I inquired about their relationship? Shit!”

  “Apparently, yes. But that does not excuse you, Lucenzo. We need to discern it ourselves!” Francesca complained, almost whining from the turmoil that had occurred in the Veneziani family. Moreover, it was her first quarrel with Lucenzo. After all, they have never bawled out. They solved everything amicably, but now it had gotten complicated. And the devil Milano was guilty in all of that.

  “I do agree with you, but the one who is responsible for this is my brother! I will go to the office and haul his ass here! But if he can’t come, I will beat the shit out of him right in his chair! I swear to you. I’ll do it!” Lucenzo’s eyes were bloodshot, and his fists were clenched. He was on edge, not believing that he could initiate a fight.

  Milano badly affected even his virtuous brother. Milano’s mental demons were so strong that they were hurting not only him but also his family and loved ones.

  Looking at the transformation of her fiancé, Francesca was scared. She had never seen Lucenzo so impulsive as he was at that moment.

  “Lu, I’m sorry. I flew off the handle. Veronica’s condition touched me strongly and what she might...” Not finishing the sentence, Francesca stepped up to Lucenzo and began to cry. He hugged his beloved, gently touching her hair and soothing her.

  “Oh my God, Fra. Please don’t cry. Your tears tear my soul into pieces...” Caressing her back, Lucenzo whispered to her.

  “The doctor said that Veronica could lose the baby if she keeps tormenting herself with this diet and unlimited work. It could happen...” Francesca hiccupped constantly from incessant sobs. Her soul ached for Veronica.

  “What? Is it true?!” Lucenzo’s glance turned into a dark purple flame, ready to escape to the surface. Would peace never come to their house? He never knew.

  “Yes!” Francesca replied fast. “The doctor said that Veronica perhaps overworked. In her state as a pregnant woman, it’s harmful and not recommended. Now her condition is unstable.”

  Lucenzo whined, realizing that the misery never disappeared in the Veneziani family. It only left them for a short time, then came back again, playing pranks with every member of their family.

  “What should we do now?” He asked, concerned.

  “Actually, we should take care of Veronica, and not upset her, to create a pre-requisite to not losing her baby. Otherwise, the chance that the baby will be born healthy could be slim.”

  Francesca was crying again, being unable to hide her emotions. She was quite attached to Veronica and didn’t wish this pure girl to suffer. Francesca thought Veronica’s love was a blessing for Milano and not a deserved gift for him.

  Francesca wanted to make up for those days that she was unable to visit Veronica. And she promised herself, in the future, she will be very close to Veronica in any way she can. Francesca berated herself for being so selfish, and she didn’t differ from Milano. How could she blame him for his coldness toward Veronica, when she had sinned in this as well?

  “I’ll talk to Milano.” Lucenzo picked himself up, took the car keys and went down the hall.

  “No need to put our personal lives on public display, darling. Let me call him first and then we will gather our wits about what to do next.” Francesca adviced Lucenzo, following him down the stairs. She used the phone that sat on the coffee table in the living room, making sure not to wake Veronica up with her loud chatter.

  As always the call in Milano’s office was taken by Susan.

  “Romano Industries. Signor Veneziani’s office.”

  “Please, transfer me to Milano Veneziani,” Francesca said firmly.

  “How shall I introduce you to him, Signora?” Susan wondered.

  “It’s his sister-in-law, Francesca Lascatti. Tell him this is a serious issue.”

  “Just a minute, madam.” Francesca heard a rustle of papers, and then the alarm sounded. Susan pressed the button of the intercom and told her boss that a certain Francesca Lascatti was calling from his home, without mentioning the importance of the call. Forgetting to cover up the speaker of the phone, but probably doing it intentionally, Susan passed on the message from Milano on speaker. He said he is very busy and will call back later when he is free.

  Francesca was maddened by the secretary’s frivolous behavior and without waiting for her answer; she dropped the call at that moment.

  Hearing the short beeps, Susan was a little amazed by the unfinished conversation with Francesca. However, she was pleased with that outcome in the secret depths of her soul. She suspected that the call was about Veronica; otherwise, the future daughter-in-law of Signor Veneziani would never call him at the office. Every circumstance played into Susan’s hands and could affect Veronica’s life aggravatingly. Susan would be going to her mother, and for a long time, she won’t be able to control the situation concerning Veronica. Susan was happy that her rival Veronica would be defeated indefinitely.

  Francesca was seething with exasperation. She kicked the chair and swore at Susan with such abusive words which Lucenzo had never heard in his life.

  Concerned about the noise in the hall, Lucenzo went downstairs quickly. His beloved’s face was burning as if she had been in the boiler room.

  “Fra, what did Milano say to you?” Lucenzo asked her.

  “Nothing! He told Susan that he is very busy. But the thing is that this slut, his secretary, didn’t even tell him―it’s an important call!”

  “Francesca, you have such a dirty tongue!” Lucenzo reprobated her playfully with a smile, not expecting her words.


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