Nicole Krizek

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Nicole Krizek Page 4

by Alien Savior

  Lacy thought that he looked like an excited child and she couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. When she nodded, she was once again scooped into Ty’s arms, away from Kor, as he practically ran to the Medical Center.


  “So…how are you going to extract my DNA?” Lacy asked as she once again found herself sitting on the table in the Medical Center. Her overactive imagination was going crazy, trying to picture what kind of sample he was going to take. Were the stories of alien probing true? Was he going to probe her now?

  Actually, there was one kind of probing that she wasn’t against trying. Just the thought of the bulges in Ty and Kor’s pants caused her cheeks to heat in a blush and her pussy to start throbbing. It had been a long time since she’d had a good probing, any probing actually, even if she ignored the months in stasis.

  The last time had been nearly six months before her kidnapping, and it wasn’t anything worth remembering. The man had fumbled through the motions and she had faked it to get it over with. Her instincts told her that wouldn’t be necessary with Ty or Kor. They probably had great probes that were proportional with the bulges of their muscles, clearly defined by their tight-fitting flightsuits.

  When she looked up she saw Ty looking at her expectantly, and she realized that he had been talking to her. Lacy shook herself out of her mental vacation and told her libido to cool down. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  He smiled at her patiently, then repeated, “I said that I only have to take a blood sample from you. It will be quick and painless, I promise. Would you mind laying down and giving me your arm?”

  “Oh… Okay.” She said. She had her doubts about it not hurting though. Needles always hurt and she was sort of a baby when it came to them, but she resolved herself to not whimper, or faint, in front of Ty.

  He came towards her, carrying a small metal cylinder device that was clear in the center. He took her arm carefully and placed the device against her skin. She tensed, but only felt a small pulse before a red bead of blood hung suspended in the clear part of the tube. She stared at it, oddly hypnotized, until he turned away and placed the device in a hole that opened in one of the walls.

  “How long will the results take?” She asked, sitting up.

  “Not long at all. The results should be back tomorrow morning, then I’ll be able to map your genome to see if you’re a match.”

  “Okay.” she said. Absently, she tried to think about how she would pass the time until then. As if he had sensed her thoughts, Ty turned to her, holding something, and then offered it to her.

  “I have something for you.” He said as she took it. It looked vaguely like an e-book reader she had owned back on Earth, but it was transparent. She had no idea what she was holding.

  Ty explained, “It’s called a tablet, and it’s a device that holds data. This one is loaded with all kinds of information. I thought, since you’re new to space exploration, that you might like to read up on planets, beings, or whatever came to mind. It also has a writing feature which allows you to write your own thoughts.”

  “Thank you, Ty.” She was beaming.

  It really was a thoughtful gift. She was excited about digging into the facts of her new reality. She also liked the idea of recording her thoughts. She’d kept a journal back home, and wrote in it when she was feeling perplexed and needed to think things through. Being thrown into space and meeting two hunky aliens felt like the epitome of a journal-worthy topic.

  She touched the screen and was surprised that she could read it. “How do you know English?” She asked, puzzled.

  He laughed at her amazement before explaining, “Your planet broadcasts everything on waves that travel out into the galaxy. Sooner or later, anyone traveling around is bound to pick them up, so we’ve been able to learn Earth’s dialects, English included.”

  “Wow!” Lacy said, immensely impressed. “I never thought of aliens being able to hear what’s going through our satellites.”

  “Yeah, it’s no trouble hearing broadcasts from Earth. Actually, it’s often harder to block them out than to hear them.”

  Lacy smiled at the implication. Earth sure did love its communications systems: internet, phones, cable, she was sure that aliens must have thought humans a little crazy.

  After being shown how to use the device, and being herded out of the Med Center so Ty could work, she found a room with a large lounger to sit on. She started to sift through information and couldn’t believe the wealth of content contained in this one tablet.

  It covered topics such as: anatomies of all the known races in the universe, scans and data about planets, suns, and nebulas, classifications of spacecrafts, technologies, but the largest section, by far, was on the Arathians. At a glance she saw: anatomy, demographics, arts, politics, language, societal relationships, and there was even a section on fashion.

  Given that it seemed like the most relevant topic to her current situation, she started with the Arathians. She read a short summary of the race’s history, one that included a lot of violence, but then found that they united their world and worked together to protect weaker planets from races that would take advantage with less noble intentions. It seemed that protection had become instinctive to them. It made sense to her as they’d rescued her, and continued to treat her so well.

  Lacy began wondering about the roles of females on their planet. Most of the information had mostly mentioned males. She was shocked to discover that, unlike Earth where the ratio of males to females was roughly one to one, on Arath the ratio was four to one!

  Due to the greater population of males, society had evolved differently from that of Earth. Arathians now grouped themselves in familial units, which usually consisted of one female and up to three to four males, but it was common for males to mate with each other, first, before finding a compatible female.

  Lacy sat down the reader and tried to wrap her mind around having, not only one husband, but four husbands! In her experience, men were kind of a pain in the ass. What woman would want more than one? Then, she pictured Ty and Kor, and the thought of multiple sexual partners didn’t seem so objectionable anymore.

  To take her mind off the subject of men, she dove back into the information on her tablet. The anatomy section intrigued her, so she looked to see just how similar they really were to humans. After reading for a few minutes, even with her limited scientific knowledge, she could see how Arathians could be distant cousins. The similarities were astonishing!

  Even though they were close to human anatomies, she did see some interesting differences between human and Arathian men. Like the fact that their senses were more acute, they were hairless below the their heads, they didn’t have extra and useless organs like appendixes, but the most interesting difference was that the Arathian penis secreted its own lubrication along the entire shaft..

  Now that gave her some ideas...

  She closed out of the Arathian section quickly and began looking at various other species of aliens. She was amazed at the diversity the universe had to offer. Apparently the creatures that attended her auction were not the strangest in existence… Some were downright freaky!

  If humans learned only one percent of the knowledge on the tablet it would blow away what everyone on Earth thought they knew about the universe. She chuckled to think of the people, back home, who didn’t even believe that aliens existed.

  “If only they could see me now…” she muttered.

  “If who could see you?” A male voice said from behind her, shocking a small cry out of her.

  Kor walked into her line of sight laughing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Ty told me that he gave you a tablet, so I thought I would come and see if you had any questions about anything.” He sat down on the lounger at her feet and waited.

  “Oh, yeah I do.” she said, gently shaking the tablet. “This thing raises more questions than it answers.”

  “Like what? Ask away.” He leaned back and rested his ar
ms along the top of the couch, while spreading his legs in the typical male fashion. He looked perfectly at ease, the master of his own universe. Sitting in that position, his chest looked unbelievably broad, and she had to fight her mind from conjuring images of her straddling his hips and running her hands up his chest, feeling all those muscles.

  What was with those men and the effect they had on her body? Was it some kind of alien pheromone? She made a mental note to look it up on her new tablet, ASAP.

  She looked up his body and met his eyes. They seemed to reflect the same hunger she was fighting inside of herself, so she blurted the first question that popped into her mind. “There are some freaky looking aliens in this thing, but there are some that look quite similar to humans and Arathians. Did you test them for compatibility?”

  Kor paused and seemed to be deciding whether or not to let her get away with the obvious change in direction, but he took pity on her and answered, “You’re right. There are other bipedal species that are similar to us, but unfortunately their genetic code is not close enough to help us.”

  “But I’m not you’re only chance, right? I mean, you have other options if I’m not a match?” She suddenly didn’t like the thought of holding an entire race’s existence in the palm of her hand… or in her DNA.

  “You’re the best chance Arathians have come across in the last twelve years. When we realized what was wrong, we asked our allies for help in looking for a treatment, but so far nothing has worked. We began looking farther and farther away from our homeworld for help. Our ship is one of the farthest stationed, and we will keep expanding our search until we find a solution… Or until we all die out.”

  At the thought of their race going extinct, and in particular, those two men dying, Lacy felt like something inside of herself get crushed. She suddenly wished, with all her heart, that she could help those men. Please, please, let my DNA help, she thought.

  Kor must have sensed her sudden change in mood because he got up quickly and offered her his hand. “Would you like to see the rest of the shuttle? I was just about to head to the Command Center, care to join me?” he asked.

  She was excited to see more of an alien spaceship, so she took his hand, this time without hesitation, and allowed him to lead her towards the Command Center.

  “What is it with you guys and touching?” she asked as they walked the halls. “I swear, I haven’t walked anywhere on this ship yet without being carried or having my hand held.”

  Kor chuckled at her question, but responded, “I don’t know how it is in your culture, but we’re a very affectionate race. We don’t like to be apart from the ones we care about, so we’re almost always touching, in some fashion. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

  She thought about it a moment. “No, it doesn’t bother me. I was just making sure you didn’t think I was a child that needed to be guided around.”

  Kor stopped suddenly in the hall and as he turned to look at her, she saw obvious arousal in his eyes. “I most certainly do not view you as childlike in any way.” He said in a voice that was deeper than usual.

  Her breath caught in her throat before he turned away and led her through the door and into the Command Center.


  Lacy tried her best to pay attention to Kor as he talked about the different consoles, and what the vid screens showed, but all she could think about was the look in his eyes that she had seen back out in the hall. He had looked at her like he wanted to eat her up.

  And she was totally on board with that plan.

  She kept looking towards the chair that he had explained was his, picturing him sitting there, all masculine and authoritative, giving out orders.

  What is it with picturing Kor seated? She needed to get her mind out of the gutter, now, before she embarrassed herself.

  She tried to act as natural as possible as she leaned back against a console and crossed her legs tightly to try and stop the throbbing that seemed to have taken hold in her pussy whenever the men were around. Then she thought of the fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear and that the dress only went to mid-thigh. Images of her bending over a console and showing him her naked flesh flashed in her mind, and she nearly ran out of the room to gain some distance.

  Instead she stood there trying to focus on what he was saying. What was he saying? Something about navigation? Who cared about navigation, except if it was her, drawing him a map across her body to her breasts and pussy!

  Oh crap, she thought. She had to get out of there!

  “I’m tired.” Lacy said suddenly and too loudly.

  Kor stopped midsentence and focused entirely on Lacy. He’d been reciting systems out loud, for several minutes in an attempt to ignore the fact that her nipples had beaded and he could smell her arousal, which had only continued to grow as the minutes passed. Either his little Earther was turned on by the systems of a ship, which he doubted, or she liked something else she saw in the Command Center.

  “Maybe you should rest.” He suggested. “I’ll walk you back to the sleeping quarters.”

  Kor held out his hand to Lacy and, once she took it, she practically dragged him out to the hall.

  She looked left, then right, before sighing and saying, irritably, “What is it with you guys and the color gray? Seriously, couldn’t the decorators have picked a more boring color? At least they could have put up a ‘You are here’ map?”

  Kor couldn’t understand half of what Lacy was saying, but he could tell that she was frustrated that she couldn’t navigate the ship and get to the bedroom herself. He understood her irritability. He had been in a constant state of frustrating arousal, especially from the moment they had gotten to the Command Center.

  “The bedroom is this way.” he said, gesturing to their right.

  She walked quickly down the hall until he stopped her by his door. He opened it by pressing the panel and, instead of staying in the hall, he walked right in.

  Lacy stood in the hall for a moment before walking in and planting her hands on her hips. “Hey, where I come from men don’t just invite themselves into a woman’s bedroom.” She said.

  She sure is cute when she’s piqued, Kor thought. He had expected this sort of misunderstanding and was looking forward to seeing how she would handle the next few minutes. “That’s good. I’m glad to know our cultures have some things in common, but actually, this is my bedroom.” Kor said as he went to the closet, got some clean clothes, and made his way to the cleaning chamber. “But don’t worry, we’re willing to share.” He added with a wink.

  The door closing blocked her from seeing any more of the roguish look he was giving her.


  Lacy stood there, dumbfounded. Damn that hot alien! It was his bedroom? She looked at the bed and pictured him, sprawled out, under the sheets. Did he sleep naked? She rubbed her thighs together in a weak attempt to ease the throbbing, and then remembered that she still held her tablet.

  She sat down on the bed and quickly looked up Arathian biology in the hope of finding a defense against their irresistible pheromones. There had to be a reason for her intense arousal, other than their commanding presence… and good looks… and dark wavy hair… and beautifully muscled bodies… that were currently naked in the shower.

  Oh God damn it! Now all she could do was picture Kor’s bare body, separated from her by a single door. Focus Lacy! She forced herself to bring up Arathian anatomy and discovered that her pheromone hypothesis wasn’t true. Frustrated, she dropped her tablet onto the bed and laid back, staring at the ceiling as if it held all the answers to the universe.

  Why was she fighting her body and this attraction she felt? That’s easy, she thought. She was fighting it because she had the hots for two men. Two men who were obviously close friends, and colleagues, that were focused on saving their planet from extinction. She liked them both and didn’t want to have to choose or cause problems between the two of them. She felt depressed at the thought of never having either of them an
d was still sulking when Kor came out of the cleansing stall.

  Kor took in the sight of Lacy lying on their bed and decided that was the perfect place to keep her. Something was wrong though, she had frustration and sadness written all over her face. What had upset her?

  Kor was suddenly determined to erase that look and replace it with something much more suited to her beauty… Like the look of sexual bliss.

  Kor moved forward and planned on crawling over the bed to her, but the moment was interrupted when the door swooshed open and Ty walked in, immediately taking in the sight of a tempting-looking Lacy on the blankets, and Kor dressed in nothing but loose fitting pants.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Ty’s voice was a mixture of laughter and hopefulness.

  Lacy sat up abruptly. “No, no! Of course not!”

  She sent her fingers through her hair, smoothing it down, in what Kor was sure was a nervous gesture.

  “I was just doing some research before going to bed.” She seemed to pause for a moment and rethink her words before stuttering out, “I mean, I was going to sleep… on the bed… but Kor says this is his room?” she ended in confusion.

  “Yes, this is his room, and my room, and now it is yours as well.” Ty said.

  “Oh, well I can’t kick you out of your bed… wait a sec… you share this bed? Together?”

  Kor couldn’t help but mirror Ty’s smile at the innocence of her question. He had a moment to wonder about her reaction to their relationship. On their planet it was natural, and indeed encouraged, for multiple males to mate with one another. He had friends, back home, who had four males to their one female. Lucky bastards, he thought. This was natural on Arath because of the disparity of males to females. Nearly all alien races had accepted their way of life, but there were always the limited few who let their prejudices get in the way. He tried not to think of those close-minded races and hoped that Earthers didn’t fall into that category.


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