Nicole Krizek

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Nicole Krizek Page 6

by Alien Savior

  “Kor, please… please… please.” She babbled while tossing her head from side to side.

  Ty knew they he and Lacy were both well past their limits of endurance and nearly came as Kor began alternating his mouth between his cock and Lacy’s pussy. He knew better than to beg, Kor had gone into true alpha mode, and wouldn’t stop until he wanted to.

  Finally, Kor grabbed Lacy’s hips and pulled her down to align her body with Ty. He looked into their faces while he slowly pulled Lacy down Ty’s length.

  When he was seated, fully inside her warmth Ty knew that he’d never be the same again. He pumped his pelvis up, shoving himself as deep as he could go. In response, Lacy moaned, “Oh yes!”

  When she shouted, “More Ty! Please!” he lost himself in his pleasure and began pumping as hard as he was able into her tight sheath. She felt like wet silk around his cock and he had to concentrate on holding back from coming.

  When Lacy cried out again he looked down her body and saw Kor’s head, back between her splayed legs, licking and suckling on her clit. She reached down and threaded her fingers into his hair, presumably to hold him tightly against her.

  When her cries became constant, Ty had a moment of relief knowing that Kor would ensure that she climaxed before him, but then he felt an extra warmth and wetness against the base of his cock and lower, engulfing his balls, causing him to falter in his rhythmic thrusts.

  By the Gods… Kor was taking him in his mouth while he was inside of Lacy!

  Although Ty couldn’t see Kor’s face from that angle, his imagination had no problems filling in the blanks. He could feel Kor sucking first one ball into his warm mouth, rolling it around, letting it go with a pop, and switching to give the other one the same attention. Then his tongue was back, licking all around whatever portion of Ty’s cock he could reach before it disappeared back into Lacy’s pussy.

  Ty tried to imagine how he tasted, covered in her cream and that was the thought that sent him over the edge.

  Luckily, Kor knew his body well and yelled, “Come now Lacy!”, right before latching onto her clit. She answered Kor with a scream while her inner muscles milked Ty’s cock, seemingly drawing out every last drop of his seed.

  Lacy lay, completely spent, on top of Ty. Kor gave her pussy, and Ty’s softening cock, one last kiss each before pulling Ty out of her and sliding her off Ty’s chest and into his arms. He lay down with her and Ty immediately moved to blanket her back with his body.

  Her mind was a constant hum of pleasure from the most erotic and fulfilling sexual experience of her life. If she’d known it would be this good with two men she might have looked harder for a couple back home!

  Her mind immediately corrected itself, it wasn’t just any two men that could send her to such heights, but those two men. They had irrevocably ruined her for anyone else, and if she was being honest with herself, she knew she’d never want anyone as much as she wanted Kor and Ty.

  It wasn’t just the way they treated her, but the bond they shared with each other that made the sex they had just shared so special.

  She wanted to lay there, for hours cocooned in their embrace, but the moment was interrupted by some kind of alarm sounding suddenly throughout the ship.


  Kor immediately jumped out of bed, careful not to jostle her too much, and ran to the closet and began pulling on a flightsuit.

  “What’s going on?” She asked, suddenly very alert.

  “I’m not sure little one, but get dressed please. Ty, hurry and meet me in the Command Center.” Kor ordered before he hurried out of the room.

  Ty got up as well and tossed her dress onto the bed with a wink. “Try not to worry. Kor was made for this type of thing. He thrives on adventure.” He said it with a smile, but she knew that he was just trying to reassure her.

  She quickly pulled her dress over the head, grabbed Ty’s outstretched hand and, together, they hurried to the Command Center to join Kor.

  They found him at his console, inputting commands with a speed that baffled Lacy’s human mind. Gone was the intimate lover from a few minutes ago. Now he was all business, and it turned her on to see him in this role of authority.

  “Ty, get Lacy strapped into a seat then take over navigation. Our long range sensors picked up a Voro-Anim ship, and I’d like to avoid it.”

  Ty went slightly pale as he ushered her over to a seat, slightly behind Kor’s, one that had its own vid-monitors and console. He secured her straps and then punched a few commands into her console. It came to life and started displaying all kinds of information in English. He stroked his hand through her hair in reassurance, before hurrying over to his station to the left of Kor.

  Lacy scanned everything in front of her, but cursed herself for leaving her tablet in the bedroom. She wanted to look up the Voro-Anim and see what kinds of creatures would cause a male like Kor want to evade, rather than engage.

  She explored her controls for a moment and found them easy enough to navigate. It only took her a moment to find the information she was looking for.

  According to the computer, the Voro-Anim, whose name literally meant “Devour of Souls” were a horrid race. They were aggressive nomads that searched the galaxy for prey. They attacked without mercy, took all they conquered, and ate the remains of the fallen.

  There was more for her to read but she had already gotten nauseous after reading the part about ‘cannibalism’ and didn’t think she needed to read on. She understood that those aliens were basically her worst nightmare.

  Thankfully, Ty interrupted her thoughts by saying, “The ship looks like a scout.” He quickly worked at his console.

  “From what I can tell, you’re right, but I want to avoid contact so they don’t give our location away. I’ve set a course away from them, but we need to find a place to hide while they pass.”

  Kor hated the thought of hiding like a coward, it went against everything in his nature, but he couldn’t think of that now. They were on a shuttle that had very few offensive weapons. Not enough to do great damage to the Voro-Anim’s ship, which was twice their size, and definitely had more firepower.

  Even with those odds he’d rather stand and fight, but they had precious cargo aboard. He knew, without looking, that Lacy was sitting behind him, over his right shoulder, probably scared, but staying silent to allow them to concentrate.

  He had to admit that she was already quite dear to him, and the thought of her in the hands of the Voro-Anim caused him to see red for a moment. He forced himself to remain calm. He’d do anything to ensure that they never got near her.

  Kor glanced over at Ty and felt a familiar wave of comfort that his mate always caused. Ty trusted him, implicitly, to get them out of this dangerous situation and he’d be damned if he was going to let his mate down. Ty and Lacy were his most precious treasures, and losing them to the Voro-Anim was not an option.

  “I think they’ve spotted us.” Ty said from his left. “They’ve altered course and are coming this way, fast.”

  “Damn it.” Kor muttered under his breath. He was hoping they’d be able to hide until the Voro-Anim passed and then resume course for the Adastra, but it looked like that was wishful thinking.

  Kor stopped trying to hide and brought the shuttle’s engines to maximum. Immediately, he began looking for options. He needed to come up with a plan, quickly, before they got into weapons range and the Voro-Anim did any serious damage to the shuttle.

  He quickly formulated a plan, but didn’t know for certain if the shuttle’s shields would hold until they got close enough for his plan to work, but seeing no other options he muttered, “It will have to do…” and sped the shuttle off in the direction of the system’s only sun.

  Ty gave him a look of concern, but strapped himself into his seat and didn’t say anything.

  The Voro-Anim apparently had no intentions of ending the hunt quickly because when they got close enough to open fire on the shuttle they didn’t aim for pertinent syste
ms, but instead hit random areas of the shuttle’s aft compartment.

  “Feels like they’ve got a trainee at the weapon systems.” Ty commented while the attacks continued to have little effect.

  Kor assumed that Ty was right. “They probably see us as easy prey and are using it as an opportunity to let their less-experienced young practice.”

  Kor continued on the trajectory towards the sun, only weaving slightly to let the Voro-Anim think he was still trying to evade them. They were getting so close to the sun that the interior of the shuttle was starting to heat up The environmental controls were not able to keep up with regulating the intense temperature.

  “Are you alright Lacy?” Ty asked.

  “Oh, I’m just dandy. But could one of you please turn on the AC for me? Or pass the sunblock, I’m starting to burn over here.” She replied sarcastically.

  Kor glanced over his shoulder at her to make sure she wasn’t actually burning, but other than a flushed face she seemed to be alright.

  “Tell you what,” Ty said, “when this is over I’ll get you the biggest glass of cold water I can find. How’s that sound?”

  Kor blocked out their banter to focus on his plan. The sun’s gravitational pull was already making it difficult to maneuver the shuttle so his timing had to be precise.

  The ship shuddered with a direct hit and Kor guessed that the seasoned warriors had taken over the weapon’s controls. They were probably starting to get concerned about their ship’s proximity to the large flaming ball of gas.

  The shuttle lurched with another direct impact and Kor diverted more energy to the shields to protect his engines that were in the rear of the vessel.

  When the pull of the sun became too dangerous, and the Voro-Anim had not given up the attack, he fired the Electromagnetic Pulse Beacon, which he thankfully outfitted all his ship’s shuttles with. The pulse hit the ship directly, and on the vid-monitor, he saw the ship’s exterior lights shut down.

  He turned the shuttle abruptly away from the sun, while the Voro-Anim’s ship continued on its collision course, straight towards the sun. Without any power, they would be unable to change course or momentum, and they would continue to plunge towards the sun until they were destroyed.

  Kor turned off the main vid-monitor when it was clear that the Voro-Anim had no hope of averting their fate. He didn’t think that Lacy needed to witness more than she already had.

  Lacy stared transfixed at the blank vid-monitor that, moments ago, had showed the Voro-Anim ship heading straight for the massive yellow sun. She knew that Kor had somehow disabled their ship and that they had no hope of surviving. She felt a moment’s remorse for the creatures that would be burned to death by the sun, but then she remembered what she had read about them. She remembered what they would have done to her, Ty, and Kor, if they’d had the chance.

  Ty knelt at her side and, when she looked at him, she saw his expression of concern. “Are you alright, little Lacy?” He asked. His fingers stroked her sweat-soaked hair.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m okay.” She said nodding confidently. Now that they were headed away from the sun, the temperature inside the shuttle was almost back to normal and she could breathe without the suffocating heat.

  She looked over Ty’s shoulder, towards Kor, who was still seated in his chair, inputting commands. He had been brilliant during the chase. She had to admit that she had been turned on while watching him. There was something about him, going all alpha-male and saving her life, that heated her insides.

  Ty unbuckled her from her chair and pulled her into his arms with great care. She took comfort in his embrace and hugged him back fiercely. She had come close to losing him, and she wasn’t ashamed to let her feelings show.

  Ty stood there for a long moment, just enjoying the feeling of having Lacy, once again, in his arms. He had been completely focused during the chase, but now his mind kept conjuring images of Lacy in Voro-Anim’s hands. He and Kor would have been killed and eaten, but a female like Lacy… There would have been a much worse fate in store for her.

  He held her tightly as he realized how close he had come to losing her. She let out a small squeak and he immediately relaxed his hold, pulling back and giving her a sheepish look.

  Somehow, in the very short time that she had been with them, she had worked her way into his heart and become vital to his life. He had expected to feel apprehensive at the notion of falling in love with the Earther, but she wasn’t just any Earther. She was his Earther.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a beeping coming from a small transmitter on his belt. He pulled it off and was surprised to see that the Med Unit was communicating that it had finished running the analysis on Lacy’s blood.

  “What is it?” She asked, trying to read the transmitter, upside down.

  “The results are in.” He said. There was trepidation in his voice.

  He and Kor had been searching the galaxy for nine years in the hopes of finding a race that save their people from extinction. Lacy’s DNA was the best lead that they’d ever had. He thought he’d be happy at that prospect, but his mind was overwhelmed with concerns about the future.

  If she was compatible, would he and Kor be allowed to stay with her when they arrived on Arath? Would his people treat her with the respect she deserved? Would they take care of her?

  He had an overwhelming urge to hide her, in a safe place, so no one could get close enough to cause her harm or heartache, but he knew such thoughts were pointless. He had to put the needs of his race before his own, even if that meant transporting her to Arath and leaving her there. That’s what he’d do.

  Lacy was trying to think of why Ty could have such a forlorn look on his face. A moment ago he was holding her, and all seemed fine, but now he looked dejected. Was it the results? Was she not a match? Oh god! What would happen to her if she wasn’t a match?

  She hadn’t thought about it before, but the men would have no reason to keep her around if she was no good to their race. What would she do then?

  She felt the panic growing in her chest and she had to beat it back down. She refused to let Ty and Kor know how much the idea of leaving them pained her. She just had to hope that, if the time came for them to leave, they’d at least find a decent planet for her to live on. She succeeded in forcing back the tears that wanted to well in her eyes and took a step back from Ty who, of course, noticed the change.

  Kor saved her from having to say anything. “Well, aren’t you going to go check on the results?”

  “Yeah… I’m going.” Ty finally said.

  Kor stared, perplexed, at Ty’s back as he walked out of the Command Center. He had looked upset about something and, at that moment, Kor wished that he had Ty’s intuition. He looked at Lacy to ask her, but saw her sitting in the chair and staring at her console with the same sober expression.

  What have I missed?

  Since the battle ended, he had been focused on checking the shuttle for damage and setting in a new course to avoid any further problems. He didn’t want Lacy or Ty anywhere near trouble again and wanted them safely aboard the Adastra, as soon as possible.

  Clearly, he had missed something important.

  Checking to make sure that all the controls were in place, one last time, he unlatched his restraint and walked over to Lacy, kneeling in front of her. She looked forlorn, sitting staring at nothing.

  “We’re going to be ok?” She asked in a small voice.

  Kor looked at her for a moment longer before replying, “Yes, everything is going to be fine. We’re on our way to rendezvous with the Adastra. We should meet them by tonight.”

  That seemed to get her attention, and she sat up straighter. “So soon? I thought we would get there tomorrow?”

  “That was the plan, but with Voro-Anim scouting in this part of space, I want to get us out of here as soon as possible. I’ve already sent instructions to the Adastra to head in our direction and meet us.”

  “What will happen then?”
She asked.

  Kor took a moment to think about his answer. “Then I will protect you, like I have since the moment we walked away from that slaver. Meeting up with my ship and crew will not change that. It will not change how I feel about you.”


  Lacy kept repeating Kor’s words in her head. It will not change how I feel about you. What had he meant by that? Was he saying that he had romantic feelings for her, or that he felt like she was his responsibility?

  She couldn’t help but hope that he had attachments to her that went beyond his sense of duty to his people. She had to admit to herself that it scared the hell out of her, but those two men were becoming the most important people in her life.

  Not just because they had saved her and that she was completely dependent on them. They made her feel protected and cherished, they made her laugh, and also happened to give her the best sexual experience of her life. She felt like she was falling hard for the two Arathians.

  She looked over at Kor as they made their way to the shuttle’s kitchen. They had decided that they could all use a good breakfast. Amazing sex and evading death, apparently, worked up an appetite, and Lacy’s stomach agreed. It let out another rumble as they entered the kitchen and Kor headed to a control panel.

  He hit a series of buttons and started listing off the food that was available. Lacy had no idea what any of it was so Kor made the selections. A drawer slid out of the wall and inside were all of the ingredients he needed. She watched his hands, which were a blur of movement as he began cutting, mixing, and heating various dishes.

  She was mesmerized by his fingers and hands that had felt so good on her body, but had also displayed the same speed and competency at the ship’s controls.

  Her core began to throb as she remembered how wonderful Kor and Ty’s hands had felt, as they had run them over her skin, preparing and tormenting her, before pumping in and out of her tight body. She tried to shift her legs slightly to ease the ache she felt in her body, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Kor’s head whip up and around to face her. The breath left her lungs at the arousal she saw in his eyes. Had he detected her arousal?


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