Nicole Krizek

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Nicole Krizek Page 9

by Alien Savior

  “Are you ready to go, little Lacy?” Ty asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

  “Yes, let’s let our mate work.” She said with a smile.


  A few hours later, Lacy wanted to run screaming from the Medical Center.

  She was exhausted from all of the scans Ty had insisted upon, but was trying to be patient. Finally, she had had enough and had to tell him how worn out she was.

  She couldn’t leave fast enough!

  He led her though the halls of the ship, past crew members that looked at her like she was the Holy Grail.

  It’s going to take some serious time to get used to this, she thought.

  When Ty finally stopped in front of a door, she was more than ready to take a break from all the attention and sleep for a bit. When the doors whisked open, however, she found a renewed interest in staying awake a little bit longer.

  The men’s room was not at all what she had expected. There was a small dining area and cooking space over on the right side of the room, the left side had a large lounger and oversized, comfortable-looking chairs for socializing. Beyond that, through an archway, was the sleeping area, equipped with a bed big enough for all three of them. Her favorite part of the room, however, was beyond the bed.

  The entire wall was made of windows that looked out to the vast infinity of space. She slowly moved towards them, as if in a trance. The ship was currently passing by a nebula cloud that seemed to hold all the colors of the rainbow.

  “It’s beautiful.” She said in awe. Ty came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. They stayed like that, silent and staring out at the stars, for a long time before Lacy started yawning and leaning back on Ty for support. She felt him chuckle before he led her backwards to the bed. He helped guide her under the covers and she lay there, on her side, facing the windows for several minutes before her eyes drifted shut and she fell into a peaceful sleep.

  Ty stood back, admiring his little Earther for a few more minutes before sitting at a console he used for work, adjacent to the sitting area. His work area was a mess of tablets that contained various books and other publications by geneticists back on Arath, as well as databases of alien anatomy. He took the memory drive out of his flightsuit’s pocket and inserted it into the console, immediately bringing up all the data he had gathered about Lacy’s anatomy and genome.

  His first priority had been to make sure she was in perfect health, and as far as he and his instruments could tell, she was. She had suffered no ill effects from being in a cryo-freeze for the nine-month voyage from Earth to Vox, and now she had also been given the standard inoculations for space travel, but Ty had always been thorough and was taking no chances with his Lacy’s health.

  He gave her scans one last look and, only when he was satisfied with the results, he brought up her genome. While aboard the shuttlecraft he had been able to determine that she was a DNA match for his species, but his laboratory aboard the Adastra had the technology that could allow him to possibly find the cure for his race. He got comfortable in his chair, opened the files containing Earther and Arathian DNA sequences, and then got to work.


  Lacy awoke to a wonderful sensation and fought her way out of the fog of sleep to realize that there was a head of long and wavy black hair nestled between her thighs, casually licking her pussy. Her body jolted in arousal as he licked all around her clit, but ignored the hard little bud that begged for attention.

  Kor lifted his head. “Good morning, little Lacy. Sleep well?” He asked, nonchalantly, while resting his chin on her thigh.

  Don’t stop, she thought. She replied breathlessly, “Yes, thank you.”

  “Good.” He replied before diving back down and continuing his torture session. He licked her slowly and thoroughly, stopping every so often as if to savor her. It was driving her crazy!

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and tried to guide his mouth to go harder but he would have none of that. He grabbed her wrists in his right hand, held them over her stomach, and continued his exploration.

  “Kor, please!” She cried, but he didn’t falter.

  Finally Ty came out of the cleansing chamber with only a pair of loose-fitting pants on and his hair gleaming from a recent shower. His attention immediately went to the bed and took in the sight.

  “Starting the fun without me I see.” He teased. She could feel Kor’s slight breaths as he chuckled against her pussy. She decided that Ty might be more receptive to hearing her pleas.

  “Ty please. He’s killing me!”

  He laughed but unfortunately replied, “I highly doubt that, little one, and our mate is not easily deterred.” He stepped forward and knelt right behind Kor. “Let’s see if I can persuade him to take mercy on you.”

  She saw Ty wrap his arms around Kor, but couldn’t see what he was doing. Whatever it was worked because Kor closed his eyes and groaned. She was rewarded with him plunging his tongue into her pussy.

  She screamed in ecstasy, after being so long denied, but then Kor was lifting himself off of her, and the bed, to whisk off his pants. Ty grabbed her around her middle and turned her so that she could settle her on her knees. He crushed their mouths together in a demanding kiss while grinding their bodies together, both kneeling on the bed.

  He broke apart from her to lie down on his back while urging her to straddle him. “Ride me Lacy.” He groaned.

  She didn’t hesitate in leaning forward, and used her hips to line up their bodies. She had a little trouble but, as always, Kor was ready to help by grabbing Ty’s hard cock and lining him up to her pussy. She wasted no time, sheathing him in one motion that was effortless due to their combined wetness.

  Lacy groaned at the penetration then wasted no time riding him. She planted her hands on his chest for leverage and rode him as hard as she’d been wanting to. He felt absolutely amazing, but when he rocked his hips upward to meet her downward thrust they both cried out at the sensation.

  She felt Kor at her back and didn’t hesitate to reach back and pull his head down for a kiss. She could feel him running his fingers around the ring of her pussy and Ty’s cock, collecting their juices, and not realizing what he was intending until she felt something nudge her ass.

  She faltered in her movements for a moment, but Kor wrapped his other arm around her torso and brought his face besides hers as he whispered, “Have you ever taken a male here, little Lacy?”

  She thought about her one experience with anal and cringed. “Yes, but it wasn’t pleasant.”

  “Then the male was worthless. We don’t have to do it today, but when we do take your ass, it will be heaven.” He punctuated his words by slipping the tip of his finger into her hole and wiggling it around.

  Her entire body went through spasms at the touch and Ty groaned as the muscles in her pussy clamped down on his shaft. She continued riding Ty, harder, as Kor pumped his finger into her ass.

  When the pressure increased and bordered on pain, she knew he was adding another finger, but he lowered his other arm from her torso and reached under her pelvis, stroking her clit. After a couple of strokes the near-pain was replaced by shards of ecstasy and she was immediately at the edge.

  “Oh God! Harder… I’m coming!” She yelled at her men. Each increased their intensity and she came around Ty’s cock. She dimly heard Ty give a mighty bellow before, he too, came in waves inside of her.

  Lacy collapsed on Ty’s chest and he immediately wrapped her up in his arms. She thought of Kor and looked back to see him gather her and Ty’s come from where they were still joined, wrap his hand around his shaft, and give it a couple of pumps. It wasn’t long before he was throwing his head back and white come hit her on her back and ass. Ty moaned as her inner muscles clamped down on him in arousal at the sight.

  After he had spent himself, Kor fell forward on the bed and settled Lacy and Ty, on their sides, snug against each other. It took her a few minutes to gather the strength to move from the coco
on of limbs and warmth, but Lacy knew she had to wash the mess off of her back.

  As she untangled herself and got up, she watched the two men reposition themselves so that they were still holding each other. She smiled at the intimacy and love they shared before walking into the bathroom.

  She was surprised to see that the cleansing stall was different from that of the shuttle and let out a happy cry when she realized that it used real water. She lamented the fact that there was no tub, a hot soak would have been divine, but enjoyed her shower anyway. Maybe she could talk her men into installing a tub later, one that was big enough for all three of them. Oh yes, that sounded like a great idea.

  She dried off, but realized that she needed a few other things first before a tub, things like a hairbrush, toothbrush, and other basic necessities. Too bad there aren’t convenient stores in space. She thought as she chuckled and wrapped herself in a towel, which was way softer than any she’d ever used on Earth, and went back into the bedroom.

  Kor and Ty were still dozing so she took the opportunity to explore the rest of the room.

  It was larger than she expected, but everything was still gray: floors, walls, ceiling, although someone had tried to break up the lack of color with blue covers for the bed and blue pillows for the lounger. She wandered over to Ty’s console and had to shake her head at the complete chaos. She mentally added ‘disorganized’ to his list of qualities.

  In contrast, the other desk in the room was nearly bare, except for a vid-screen, a tablet and what looked like a holographic image of a smiling woman flanked by two men. If she had to guess, she’d say that they were Kor’s parents.

  She picked up the tablet and activated the screen. It lit up with information about Earth and humans, and she smiled to think that Kor had been researching her. She wondered if he read anything fascinating or if Earth was like many other planets he had visited in the galaxy.

  She moved towards the kitchen to try and find something edible. The night before, she had fallen asleep before eating and was famished, especially after her morning exercise. She snagged something that looked like fruit out of a bowl on the counter and moved to eat it on a bench seat near the windows. There was nothing to see except stars, but it was still an impressive sight.


  Kor awoke to the familiar weight of Ty sleeping across his chest. He looked around the room for Lacy and saw her, sitting at the windows, lost in thought. She didn’t look sad, just contemplative so he stayed in the bed and thought about his latest conversation with his commander, General Kitsom, on Arath.

  After they had docked and Ty had taken Lacy to the Med Unit, he had ordered his men to plot a course home. They were now in procession of precious cargo and they needed to get her to Arath as fast as possible. He knew that Ty would continue working on her DNA sequence along the way. No time would be wasted.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Kor filled the general in on their discovery. The general’s first concern was how he and Ty had come to possess an Earther since Earth was a protected planet, but after Kor told him how they had found her, and that she was in their possession legally, the general had dismissed the cost of buying her and tried to mask his excitement with professionalism.

  The general confirmed that Kor had been given orders to return to Arath, but mentioned that he would order the other science ships to continue the search, in case Earthers were not as compatible as they hoped.

  Kor eventually told the general that he and Ty had mated with Lacy, and the news was well-received, not opposed as he had feared. Kor ended the transmission, promising to contact the general with any relevant news on Ty’s research. General Kitsom thanked him and said that he’d call again once he briefed the Arathian Council on the situation.

  Kor leaned back in his chair. Everything was in order and now he had nothing to do but ensure their safe trip home, and lavish attention on his new little mate.

  Life was indeed good.


  Lacy spent her days reading through the data on her tablet. She figured that, if she was going to be staying in space for the rest of her life, she needed to learn as much as she could. After a week of pouring over data, the men showed up one evening with her very own console, complete with a large vid-monitor. They said that she needed a proper place to work and Ty added that he didn’t want her straining her eyes with the small tablet. So every day, when the men left for their shifts, she sat at her screen and learned.

  She learned about Arathian history, their allies, and their enemies. She had hoped to find peaceful races occupying the galaxy, but there were good races and bad races, just like there were good people and bad people back on Earth.

  She also read about the Grays. She was fascinated with them because Earth was one of their protected planets, and she was surprised to learn that they had been monitoring Earth for thousands of years, using advanced cloaking technology to keep their ships hidden from humans while they studied the planet in the name of science.

  That pissed Lacy off! That meant that they had been using Earth as their own personal science experiment for thousands of years and stayed passive while Earth suffered from untold natural disasters, famine, war, and extinctions.

  It didn’t say anything about them performing experiments on living subjects, but Lacy wondered if the stories of alien abductions were also true. Could all of those alien sightings actually have happened?

  The Grays’ main objective seemed to be their scientific research, but they were also active members of the Galactic Council.

  She also read about the nastier races in the known galaxy and found that, along with the Voro-Anim, was a species called the Lazools. The Lazools were a long-time enemy of Arath that came from a neighboring star system. They had used up their planet’s resources and now traveled the galaxy, invading other planets regardless of whether or not they were populated.

  The Lazools and Arathians had a long history of war. Arath defend planets from invasion, and the Lazools would take over planets for their resources. It was a strained relationship with conflicts eventually being taken to the Galactic Council for mediation.

  A few days earlier she had looked up “Earth” in the Arathian database, curious to know what Arath thought of her home. She hadn’t been surprised to find that there wasn’t a lot of information, besides a physical description of the planet and its solar system, a cursory description of its inhabitants, and words of caution about its protected status. She was relieved to find nothing negative about humans, just a short comment about them being a younger species. She liked the fact that Arath didn’t seem to view humans as being beneath them, despite the fact that Arathians were much more advanced.


  A few weeks after they had returned to the Adastra, Ty was ready to beat his head against his desk in frustration.

  Another test had failed. To make matters worse, he didn’t have a clue as to why. He was positive that Earther and Arathian DNA were compatible, but every time he tried to combine the two strands they refused to bind together. He had tried everything he knew to coax the two together, but test after test had failed. He didn’t know which strand was causing the problem and he didn’t have a clue how to correct it.

  He was running out of options.

  He sat in his office, with his head down on his desk, and waited for an epiphany.

  He was not the only scientist failing either. He had transmitted Lacy’s DNA sequence and genome to the Arathian Center for Genome Research and they were also working, tirelessly, to find a way to repair Arathian DNA using Lacy’s, but unfortunately they were coming up with the same results. It was maddening!

  He heard his door whisk open and looked up to see Lacy standing in the doorway with a tray of food in her hands. “You always work through lunch so I thought we could eat here together.” She said with a brilliant smile.

  He smiled back at her, “That’s exactly what I need right now. Thank you little one.”

  She went in and sa
t the tray on his desk, mindful of the piles of tablets strewn about. “This isn’t the usual place for a picnic, but I thought you deserved it since you’ve been working so hard.”

  He appreciated the thought but asked, “What is a picnic?” Lacy began uncovering the dishes. Ty did not recognize much of the food and watched as she poured the juice.

  She sat on his lap and smiled. “Usually, a picnic is when you eat food outside and enjoy nature while having a meal. You go to a park or someplace peaceful, spread a blanket and put the food out. On Earth I loved taking my lunch outside in the summer and eating in the sunshine. It was always so peaceful.”

  Ty didn’t miss the longing in her voice and promised himself that he’d take her on a proper picnic as soon as possible.

  “Eating here, in your office, isn’t exactly like being out in the sunshine, but I thought that it might be a nice change for the two of us to eat peacefully instead of in the Dining Facility with everyone else.” She added.

  “It’s a lovely idea,” He said kissing to top of her head. “I needed a little peace and quiet today.”

  “Is your research not going well?” She asked.

  He looked into her eyes for a moment, not sure if he should tell her, but he saw determination in her gaze and knew she deserved to know everything.

  “The truth is that it’s not going well. Every test shows that you’re a match for our race, but I can’t get our DNA to cooperate, no matter what I try. It would help if we knew the exact reason why we can’t reproduce, then I could concentrate on one section of DNA, but I have to work with the entire genome at once.”

  For the first time in his life, Ty felt like a failure. He had the future of the Arathian race in his hands, had finally found DNA that could save his species, and he wasn’t smart enough to come up with a cure. He hung his head, dejected, and sat there with his arms wrapped around his little mate.


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