Nicole Krizek

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Nicole Krizek Page 12

by Alien Savior

  When the Council of Planets finally adjourned for the day, their pod took them back through the complex of buildings to Rex’s apartments. He wasted no time going straight to his large vid-screen to contact the Grays’ ambassador for a private conference.

  Kor saw the dark circles under Lacy’s eyes. He walked over and kissed her gently on her forehead. “Ty, why don’t you take Lacy and lay down for a while, until dinner.”

  Ty nodded then took Lacy’s shoulders in his hands and guided her to the sleeping chamber they’d be given.


  That night Rex spent hours talking with other ambassadors, trying to gain support for Earth. Most were sympathetic to the Arathian plight, but unwilling to bend the rules regarding entrance into the alliance. The following day, when the vote occurred, the council did not rule in their favor.

  They adhered to their point that Earth needed to have a unified government first, before being allowed into the alliance. Lacy told them that unification of the Earth’s governments was impossible in the near future and, trusting that she knew more of Earther politics than he did, Kor deferred to her wisdom on the issue and contacted Arath with the despairing news.

  Rex did his best to cheer everyone up by hosting a dinner, prepared by Vorman, his assistant. He served Arathian dishes and ales, and it wasn’t long before the men began telling stories about their childhoods. Even though Rex, Kor, and Ty all grew up in different areas of the planet they all seemed to have a penchant for getting into trouble as children.

  Boys will be boys, Lacy thought to herself.

  Rex was just finishing a story about how he used to play tricks on his older siblings when Vorman walked into the sitting room, escorting two Arathian guards.

  Kor had seen guards posted around the Arathian apartments, but they had always stayed in the shadows, silently keeping everyone safe. Seeing them openly enter the room, put Kor on alert.

  Rex immediately stood up from his chair, “What is it?” He asked.

  One of the guards took a step forward and bowed before saying, “Ambassador Rexvan, we were in the city doing our usual sweeps and we overheard a small group of Lazools. They were part of the crew onboard a Lazool spacecraft, and were complaining that they were stuck on this planet, serving the Lazool ambassador while one of their battlecruisers was heading for Earth. They were lamenting the fact that they could not take part in the action.”

  “Did you hear anything else? Where the battlecruiser was coming from? When they were leaving? Anything?” Kor asked.

  “No Captain Kor’ijak. They were angry about not taking part in the battlecruiser’s mission, but they did not go into detail. I’m sorry that we could not learn more.” The guard said.

  “No, you did an excellent job in bringing us this information. Please, go back into the city and see if you can learn anything else.” Rex instructed.

  The guards bowed together and left the room with Vorman following in their wake. Rex and Kor shared looks, but it was Lacy that spoke first.

  “They’re going there to kill all Earthers so you can’t save your race, aren’t they?” She asked.

  “Yes, I think so.” Kor answered as he sat down next to her on the lounger. Kor wanted nothing more to take Lacy and Ty someplace safe. He wanted to spare Lacy the heartache that was sure to come, but he knew that she needed to be treated as an equal in their relationship. Keeping the truth from her would be insulting and would show that he didn’t think she was strong.

  Instead of lying, he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes as he spoke. “Yesterday, when we announced to the council that you are pregnant, we knew the Lazools would likely see Earth as a threat because it can save Arath. When the council didn’t allow Earth to join, they must have decided to attack Earth since it’s a much easier target than the Arathian homeworld. Earth can’t defend itself against an attack from space.”

  “But I thought Earth was under the protection of the Grays.” She said, confused. “Won’t they stand up to the Lazools?”

  Rex was the one who answered, “The Grays have, historically, only shown interest in their experiments. Their interest in Earth is purely scientific and I’m not sure they would protect the planet if conflict arose.”

  He paused for a moment considering something as he paced around the room. “I’m not even sure they can protect Earth. They appear to be pacifists by nature and, while they have the best cloaking devices in the galaxy, I’ve never heard news of them being engaged in any conflict. I don’t even think they have weapons.”

  “Then we have to go to Earth and defend it!” Lacy said confidently. “Without help from space, Earth will be destroyed. I can’t sit here and allow that to happen.”

  She stood up and turned to face Kor and Ty. “I say we get back to the Adastra and head for Earth. We’re closer to it than Arath is, so we’re the closest ship. Hopefully we can slow the Lazools down long enough for reinforcements to arrive. In the meantime, we can contact the Grays and see if they can help us. If not, at least they’ll have fair warning that a battlecruiser is on its way to Earth.”

  Kor stared at his mate and felt overwhelming pride in her courage and determination. She was right, the Adastra was the closest ship to Earth, by a week, but it was still a nine-month voyage.

  Suddenly Kor thought of something; it was nine months by ship from this part of the galaxy, where the Grays’ homeworld was, to Earth. How did the Grays travel there so often for their experiments and observations?

  The only explanation was that they had to have control over a wormhole that allowed them to get there quickly. If he could negotiate with the Grays to tell him where the opening was on this side of space, then their travel time could be cut down significantly and they could beat the Lazools to the planet and set up some sort of defense.

  With his plan formulated, Kor went to the vid-screen to contact the Grays’ ambassador, ready to beg if necessary.


  A few hours later and Kor, Ty, and Lacy were back aboard the Adastra and heading towards Earth as fast as their engines could take them. Kor had spoken with the Grays’ ambassador at length before leaving and he had finally been given the coordinates for the wormhole. The travel time would be cut down, from nine months to just eight days.

  The ambassador had been extremely reluctant to give Kor the wormhole’s coordinates, but he had argued that without help from the Arathians, Earth would certainly be destroyed, along with the Grays’ scientific studies. Kor had prevailed with logic, and felt better in that he seemed to be getting the hang of talking to the strange little aliens.

  The bad part of using the wormhole was that it was slightly unstable, which made for a bumpy ride. As the Adastra made its way to the wormhole’s coordinates, the Grays offered to send Kor’s engineers the shield specification that the Grays used. It would ensure that they traveled safely through the tear in space. Kor was willing to take all the help he could get in order to ensure the safety of his mates and crew.

  The new shields also had the added bonus of providing them with total concealment from Earth’s detection, which was something the Grays had demanded. Under no circumstances were the Arathians to make themselves known to the people of Earth since it would alter the Earther’s knowledge of the universe.

  The Grays had also explained that due to the wormhole’s instability, ships could only travel in one direction through it. To get back to the original sector of space they would need to enter an alternate wormhole. That wormhole, however, was much more difficult to use because it was located only ten miles over Earth in the planet’s troposphere, making it difficult to stay hidden from detection.

  Besides having to worry about detection from Earther radar, the wormhole was also risky because if there were any Earther vehicles directly under the wormhole’s entry point they would be pulled into the event horizon.

  The Grays admitted that they had experienced a few such accidents over the years, some even recently, and had inadvertently pull
ed Earthers into the wake of their own ships. Thankfully, the Earthers did not understand the phenomenon and had given it the ridiculous name of the ‘Bermuda Triangle’. They had created an entire superstition surrounding that area of sea in attempts to explain the strange events.

  Kor didn’t want to ask the Grays what had become of those unfortunate Earther vessels because nothing but the vast expanse of space waited for them at the other end of the wormhole. Assuming they made it that far. It was possible that the Grays had saved those individuals, but Kor wouldn’t bet on it since the Grays wanted to be nothing but passive observers in Earth’s development.

  Kor didn’t understand how the Grays could watch Earth for thousands of years and not interfere. They had watched silently as Earthers died from natural disasters, disease, famine, and watch as they destroyed themselves through war, religion, and greed.

  Passively watching was not in the nature of an Arathian. For hundreds of years they had defended any species weaker than themselves from natural, or self-imposed, disasters. It went against all his instincts not to step in and help. He knew that even without Earth being linked to his species by DNA, he would still be en route to Earth to protect them from the Lazools.

  Kor’s primary concern was exactly how they were going to protect Earth with just the Adastra, which was a science vessel. They would be going up against a Lazool battlecruiser and, even with the enhanced shields the Grays had provided, he was worried about the safety of his crew, and especially his mates.

  Thankfully Lacy seemed to be quite calm and after Ty had used the Med Unit to check on her after they arrived onboard, he found that she was just as healthy as before they attended the Galactic Council. Since then, Ty had finally stopped fretting over her health night and day and they were all settling into a routine.

  Ambassador Rex had stayed behind to try to find a way to get the Galactic Council to ensure Earth’s protection. So far he hadn’t succeeded, however, he seemed determined to keep trying. He had assembled a team to go through all the historical documents available, in the hopes of finding a precedent for their cause, but so far to no avail.

  “What’s got you thinking so hard?” Lacy asked as she came out of the bathing chamber, looking delectably wet from her recent shower, wrapped in a towel. His little mate liked to shower at night and he loved how she smelled as they slept together.

  Ty and Kor had agreed to delay love-making for a couple of weeks because they were nervous about the new pregnancy. Now Lacy was seven weeks along and, after his latest scan, Ty said that he thought it was safe. Of course Lacy had been protesting the entire time, claiming that it was perfectly normal for pregnant females on Earth to have sex throughout the pregnancy, but her mates had not yielded.

  She wore outfits that she had replicated made entirely of lace, wore no panties, and had dropped her towel continuously over the past week in hopes of enticing them, but thankfully he and Ty had held out. Of course, Kor had resorted to stroking himself off in the shower to stay sane, but her safety and that of their child was paramount.

  He was currently sitting on the large bench in front of the room’s expansive windows. She came to his side and was immediately enfolded in his arms. She snuggled into his chest while he replied, “I was just thinking about what lies ahead for us.”

  She tilted her head to look up at his face. “Are you worried?” She asked.

  “No.” He lied, kissing her forehead and smoothing back her hair. “I just want to be prepared for anything, to ensure everyone’s safety.”

  “Your own safety included right?” She asked.

  “Of course.” He said smiling. “But you, the baby, Ty, and the rest of my crew will always come first.”

  She frowned, but once again nestled her face into his chest. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “Agreed.” He said. “Now, I don’t want to think about that unpleasantness any longer. I want to enjoy my mates, thoroughly.”

  He saw Ty’s head perk up from where he was sitting, pouring over tablets at his console, and knew he had been listening intently. They were both starving for her after the long nights of abstinence, so when Kor lifted Lacy and carried her to the bed, Ty was right by his side.

  Only a moment passed before he took her mouth in a tender kiss that quickly turned demanding. Kor felt like it had been so long since he’d enjoyed her delectable body and he wanted to rediscover her all over again.

  He placed her down, gently, on the massive bed then began removing his clothes while Lacy watched intently. He didn’t get far before Ty latched onto his mouth, his tongue demanding the access that Kor was happy to give. Kor reached up and grabbed the back of Ty’s head to hold it steady for his demanding mouth as he took control of the kiss.

  Ty’s hands were on his shoulders pulling him closer to the heat of his body, but between them, Kor felt small hands working the fastenings on their flightsuits to free their suddenly hard cocks.

  Lacy managed to get them both free as Kor and Ty continued to kiss hungrily. Kor faltered when he felt a warm, moist mouth dive on to his cock, nearly to his balls. He groaned, low in his throat, and reached down with his left hand to anchor his fingers in Lacy’s silky hair as she began bobbing her head.

  Kor released Ty’s mouth and let his head fall back and closed his eyes to better enjoy the sensation as Ty latched to the tender part of his throat and began licking and sucking while his hands unfastened the rest of Kor’s flightsuit. Kor reciprocated and began shoving at Ty’s uniform with urgency.

  Ty chuckled while reaching up and stilling Kor’s fumbling hands. He made quick work of his own clothes but before he could kneel, Kor grabbed his hips and, instead, guided him to stand on the bed, next to Lacy, putting Ty’s long cock right at eye level.

  Kor moaned appreciatively and Ty’s cock bobbed in eagerness. Lacy pulled off of Kor’s cock for a moment to look up at her mates and take in the sight. Still holding onto Ty’s hip with his right hand, and Lacy’s head with his left, he pulled Ty a half-step closer and was then able to nuzzle his face into Ty’s hairless groin.

  At first, Kor ran his face over the tops of Ty’s thighs, across his balls, and ran his lips up Ty’s cock, stopping to give the tip a kiss before dipping back down and nuzzling his nose into Ty’s balls again.

  Ty was panting when Kor finally took one of the balls into his mouth and suckled on it before giving the other the same treatment. Ty threaded his fingers into Kor’s hair and tried to direct his mouth to his aching cock but Kor refused to be led. He took his time, tonguing each sack and the area behind Ty’s balls, until he couldn’t withstand the suction of Lacy’s mouth and was forced to pull her off or come down her throat.

  Lacy wasn’t fazed by the sudden pressure on her hair, but instead, decided to lie back on the bed and enjoy the view. She took her hand and slowly skimmed it down her body until she was parting the lips of her sex and showing her mates how wet she was for them.

  They both stared at her in rapture until she finally told Kor, “Let me see you suck him.”

  Kor wasted no time and dove down Ty’s cock like his life depended on it. Ty let out a guttural sound as Kor bobbed back up, swirled his tongue around Ty’s tip, and then dove back down.

  Lacy swirled a finger around her clit and watched intently at the most arousing sight she’d ever seen: Ty standing on the bed, his muscles taunt with unreleased tension, his hands in Kor’s hair, while Kor sucked Ty to the back of his throat.

  Without warning her climax crashed over her and she yelled out while pumping her fingers into her convulsing pussy. She looked up to see that both men had stopped to watch her come.

  “By the Gods, that’s a beautiful sight.” Ty said with a smile, right before they both descended on her.

  They laid on either side of her and each took a breast into their mouths. She had to remind them to be careful as she had been tender since the beginning of her pregnancy, but soon was begging them for ‘more’, and ‘harder’, when she co
uldn’t stand their barely-there touches any longer.

  She had just come a moment before, but felt like she’d combust if she didn’t have one of her mates inside her. Since they were taking entirely too long for her liking, she pushed Kor onto his back and threw herself over him to straddle him.

  She knew that he had allowed her to do it, so she rewarded him for giving up his dominance with an urgent kiss while rotating her hips along his cock. Ty moved behind her and fondled them both from behind until Kor couldn’t take it anymore.

  He lifted Lacy by her hips and Ty assisted by lining up Kor’s cock with her pussy. Kor slammed her back down and they both cried out at the intense pleasure.

  Lacy braced one hand on Kor’s chest and reached back with the other for Ty, who was already rubbing his hard cock in the crevice of her ass, leaving behind his lubrication. He must have put a finger beside his cock because on her next downward stroke it went into her orifice and she moaned at the sensation and increased her rhythm.

  Soon, Ty had three fingers inside of her and, other than the small amount of discomfort of that third finger on entry, she felt wonderfully full. Another climax was beginning to crest when his fingers were suddenly gone and she cried out at the emptiness.

  Two strokes later there was something much larger than the fingers at her ass and she experienced a moment of nervousness and stilled her movements on Kor’s cock.

  “It’s ok, little Lacy.” Ty said from behind while stroking his hands down her back. “I’m not going to hurt you, but I’m dying to have your ass. Will you try it for me? Please?”

  How could she deny him anything?

  She nodded and leaned forward laying fully onto Kor’s chest. He tipped up his hips and kept up a slow and soft rhythm while Ty lined up his cock and slowly applied pressure. Quickly it became too much and Lacy was tempted to tell him to stop. There was no way she was going to be able to do this! It hurt!


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