Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series Page 14

by Heather Morris

“Well, I think I’m going to head back to Tulsa. I have a lot of work to get done before tomorrow. Will you walk me out Audrey? It was so nice to meet both of you gentlemen. Take good care of my girl here will you?”

  “No need to ask that. I will do anything for her. It was great to meet you. We should all get together again sometime. Have a safe trip.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Audrey kisses my cheek and walks out with her friend. I can’t help but feel excited that she’s going to be alone. Now I just need to get rid of Carter without offending him.

  “I suppose you want me to leave too so you can be alone with your sweet thing?”

  “You read my mind. I didn’t know how to say it without hurting your feelings.”

  “Nah, I have people to see anyway, I’ll be on my way too. Walk me out?” He says with the same tone that Tracey had asked Audrey.

  “Haha you’re a funny man. I appreciate you coming and helping.”

  “Anytime. Keep me updated on what’s happening here. Maybe one day I’ll be ready to settle down too and come back. Right now I have ladies waiting.” We hug and say goodbye. I’m actually going to miss this idiot but excited to be alone with Audrey.

  Once I get out the doors with Carter I see that Audrey has said her goodbyes and Tracey’s pulling away. She looks at me with such emotion on her face that it hits me straight in my chest. This girl really does feel the same as me.

  “All set? Can I get a ride to my house?” She nods and we head to her car.

  “It was so good to see Tracey. One day I need to tell you the whole sorted tale about her but right now I just can’t wait to get you alone. And naked.”

  “Whoa Miss Blake are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Whatever it takes to get you to make love to me again. I have been waiting for months.”

  “What about the baby? Won’t that hurt him?”

  “No. He’ll be fine. Doctor said it was fine too.”

  “When do you go again? I want to go with you from now on. Can I?”

  “Of course you can. That would be nice if you would go.”

  “Nice? I’ll show you what nice is once I get you in my bedroom.”

  “Why Maysen you wouldn’t trap me in a room with no chance of escape would you?”

  “You won’t want to exit anytime soon Miss Blake. You are going to be busy all day long.” About this time we pull up in my driveway and I bail out of the car and rush to her side. As soon as she steps out I lift her up and run to my bedroom as quick as my feet could take us. I have dreamed of this happening since the morning in the hotel room. I am not letting this day go by without making love to Audrey again. And again.

  “I love you so much Maysen.” I murmur my sentiments back but can’t make myself think of anything but getting closer to Audrey. Getting as close as I possibly can be.


  “Answer the door Maysen. We know she’s in there!” We hear banging on the door later that evening. We both startle awake and smile knowing if her brothers were to get in that door they would not like what we just did. Three times.

  “I better go talk to them first. The girls must have filled them in on the paternity of our son.” She gets out of bed and dresses as quick as she can before her brothers knock down the front door.

  “I’ll be right there too. Better to face this head on than be a coward.”

  “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. But I love you anyway.” She leans over and kisses me.

  “Go get the door before I no longer have one.” I pat her on the butt and she heads out to face the firing squad.

  “Calm down you two idiots. The neighbors don’t need to hear you acting stupid.” She says as she reaches the door. Unlocking it and stepping back I see her brothers come bailing through it searching all around for me. Once they catch sight of me coming in the room they both step towards me. But before they can get too far Audrey steps in front of them. The look on her face stops them dead in their tracks.

  “If you take one more step towards him I will give you each a black eye. Do you hear me?”

  “Audrey we’re going to kill him.” Austin says and takes another step. Before any of us sees it coming, she punches him directly in the right eye.

  “I warned you! Leave him alone. Aiden?” She just punched her brother. For me. Wow that’s sexy and completely stupid. They’re really going to want to murder me now.

  “What the hell are you doing here Audrey? He knocked you up and left you.” Aiden booms out while shooting daggers my way. He isn’t stupid enough to take that step he was warned not to take though.

  “I’m a big girl and I can make my own damned choices. I have been telling you that for years. You were told the whole story and you know it. Maysen didn’t even know about the baby. I couldn’t tell him. But now that he does know he’s here. Here with me. Or I’m here with him, whatever. Deal with it.”

  “I love your sister with all my heart. I’m over the moon excited about becoming a father. I promise you I didn’t know this was my baby but now that I do I will never ever let her be alone.”

  “And you believe this hogwash?” Austin says gesturing towards me.

  “Every word. You two had rocky roads with the loves of your lives. Maysen and I have had ours. But we are together now. I love you two so much for wanting to protect me but you don’t need to protect me from Maysen.”

  “You’re sure?” Aiden asks one more time but looks to be calming down. Thank goodness.

  “More than anything. I love Maysen and want to spend the rest of my life with him and our son.”

  I take that opportunity to walk up behind Audrey. I'm not sure I heard her right. So I reach out and turn her slightly my way. “You do? You want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

  “Of course I do silly. You’re my everything. I don’t want to ever be separated from you again.”

  “Thank God.” I wrap her in my arms and before I remember that her brothers are here we feel them retreat. They take this moment as proof of what my intentions are with their baby sister. We look up to see them walk out the door and both smile at us before shutting the door.

  “Whew that was close. I can’t believe you hit your brother.”

  “I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again too if they threaten you anymore.”

  “I love you Slugger.” I kiss her again and carry her back to the bedroom. I don’t anticipate any more interruptions today.


  “My family wants to have a barbeque tonight and you’re invited. They all want to meet you. Well, meet you as my guy and my baby’s father.” I say and kiss Maysen on the nose.

  “Your guy huh? Is that the same as boyfriend? Or just a guy friend?”

  “My everything. Boyfriend doesn’t do justice to the feelings I have for you.”

  “Do you want to get married before our son is born?”

  “Oh my goodness Maysen are you serious? Of course I would love to marry you! That wasn’t your proposal was it?”

  “No Slugger, I was just asking if you were interested in marrying me. I would want nothing more than for you to be my wife when our son is brought into this world.”

  I squeal and jump into Maysen’s arms. “I want nothing more than that too!”

  “Ok well now that we’re all on the same page I can start planning the proposal.”

  “It doesn’t have to be a big deal Maysen. We’ve already conceived a child before marriage.”

  “I still have to ask your father for permission before I can ask you. If we’ll be around him tonight I can ask him then.” He smiles and gets up to shower for the barbeque. I love this man so much and now we’re going to get married someday? Be still my heart.

  I put my hands on my stomach and say to my son, “Did you hear that little man? Your daddy wants to marry us.”


  “Are you sure they’ll all be okay with me being here?” I ask for probably the hundredth time since we left my

  “Maysen stop worrying. This is all their idea. They want to get to know you better.”

  “Or kill me and bury me somewhere on this humongous ranch where no one will ever find me.” I look out the car window and see the vast expanse of land Audrey’s family owns. It seems to go on forever.

  “Don’t be silly. They’ll love you as much as I do. Besides everyone has loved you since you came to town.”

  “Maybe but that’s before we all found out about the baby and Omaha.”

  “My brothers didn’t hurt you earlier today so I can promise you no one else will either. Just relax.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. They love you already.”

  “And I love you so quit acting like a girl.” She laughs and smiles.

  “Okay maybe I am being a bit of a girl but dangit I’m nervous. I am meeting my future in-laws for the first time, that’s not an easy thing to swallow.”

  “Baby just try to relax. We aren’t part of the Mafia or anything.”

  “That might be easier. At least then I would know what they’re capable of.”

  “Maysen shut up already. We’re here anyway. Breathe. It’s going to be fine. I’ll be here to protect you if you need it.”

  “Why are they all coming out of the house? Couldn’t they wait to kill me when I got inside?” I see all the Blakes filing out of the house and standing around like a mob of angry people. Holy crap what have I gotten myself into.

  “Relax honey. It’s okay.” She reaches for my hand and we walk towards the crowd of Maysen haters. I try to breathe in deep and exhale but I’m already holding my breath.

  “Hey guys, this is Maysen. But you already know that.” She shoves me forward towards the men who I see have the worst expressions on their faces. I gulp and try to smile.

  “Welcome Maysen. So glad you could make it.” AJ says then her brothers say the same. I must be dreaming. I think they knocked me out and I’m dreaming that things went so well. I look around for Audrey but she’s walking in the door with the women leaving me to fend for myself. So much for she’ll be here to protect me.

  “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Before we go inside we need to get a few things off of our chests.” AJ says and steps in front of the boys and closer to me.

  “First of all I’m sorry you didn’t know about the baby until recently. Second, we hope you’ll make our Audrey as happy for the rest of her life as she is right now.”

  I freeze and stare at the man in front of me. He didn’t hit me; he didn’t say terrible things to me. He is accepting me and sorry about me not knowing? Seriously? I have to be dreaming.

  “We know you love our sister and that she loves you.” Aiden says from behind his father.

  “We wish you two the best.” Austin then chimes in. He really has a shiner brought on by his little sister.

  “I don’t really know what to say. I was expecting you guys to murder me and bury me out in one of your pastures.”

  “Nah, Audrey would do the same with us anyway.” AJ chuckles and slaps me on the shoulder.

  “Come on son, let’s go get a drink.”

  “Um sir, I’d like to talk to you about something before we do.”

  “Sure, go on ahead boys we’ll be right in. I’m sure your sister is worried to death in there. Go assure her he’s alive.” He chuckles and puts an arm around my shoulders which then guides us to a couple of chairs nearby.


  “Please call me AJ. No need for formalities anymore.”

  “AJ I was hoping that I could ask you for permission to marry your daughter.”

  “I was praying you would say that. Of course you have my permission. You two need to get it done soon though. You have very little time left if you want her to have your last name when she delivers that little boy.”

  “Yes, I want that so much. Thank you for your permission. If it’s also okay with you, I’d like to ask her tonight at the barbeque.”

  “That would be great. Welcome to the family Maysen. You’ll forever be one of my sons too.”

  “Thank you so much. That means the world to me.”


  “Please tell me you two didn’t pummel him.”

  “No sis. He’s out there talking to Dad right now. He’ll be back in soon. Relax.”

  “You’re okay with us now? Wait, he’s talking to Dad alone?” I smile.

  “Yes Aud. You love him and he loves you. End of story.”

  “No, beginning of the story you idiot!” I pretend to punch Aiden in the stomach and he grabs my hands and hugs me instead.

  “We’re happy for you sis. Be happy.” Austin says and hugs me too.

  “I am and I always will be as long as I have Maysen.”

  “Hey we understand. Now if we could just get Austin and Leah to set a date we might all be happy.” Aiden punches Austin in the shoulder.

  “We have you idiot. We’re going to tell you all tonight.” I smile and hug Austin again.

  “YAY!! I can’t wait to help plan another wedding.”

  “Well, you might be planning your own sometime soon.” We all turn around to see Mom come up behind us with a big sweet smile on her face.

  “Let’s not rush it Mama. We just found each other again. We’ll get married someday.”

  “I know sweet girl, I know. Dinner’s ready. Where are Maysen and your Daddy?”

  “Out front still.” I give Mom a strange look and decide it’s time to rescue my man.

  “Hey Daddy. Maysen. Mama says it’s time to eat.”

  “Come here baby girl.” I walk into Dad’s waiting arms. He kisses me on the top of my head like he always has and I feel his love for me. The love I’ll have for my son and Maysen will have for our son too.

  “Love you Daddy.” Dad hands me off to Maysen and walks into the house.

  “You’re still standing. Told you.” I smile and look down at his hands resting on the baby.

  “It was a tough battle but I came out victorious.” He raises his hand up in the victory pose. What a goof.

  “I can’t believe you just did that! Let’s go eat. Your son is starving!” I kiss him and pull him into the house and out to the back porch.


  “I want to thank you all for inviting me out here and being so accepting of me and Audrey. I know things weren’t actually done conventionally but I promise from this day forward we will do things by the book. Starting with this.” I kneel down on one knee in front of Audrey who has a surprised look on her face.

  “Audrey Blake, will you make me the happiest and blessed man in the whole world and agree to be my wife? My son and I would like nothing more than for us to be a proper family. I love you and our son so much. What do you say? Will you marry me?”

  Audrey just sits there with her hand over her mouth. The longer she sits there the more worried I am that she really isn’t ready for this. Then she stands up and kneels down in front of me taking my hands. She’s seriously going to turn me down in front of all of her family. I breathe in deep and exhale. This is going to hurt.

  “Maysen Michael Correli you are the most amazing person I have ever met. I know you’re going to be the best father to our son. Just like the one that my brothers and I have. Getting married is such a big commitment and having a son all at once isn’t right either. I will marry you on one condition.”

  I hear everyone gasp as she finally says the yes part. My heart was about the break into a million pieces. Wait? One condition?

  “What condition Slugger?”

  “We do it tonight. We can call Reverend Lowell and he could marry us tonight.”

  “Audrey that was not what I thought you were going to say. I honestly thought you were going to turn me down.”

  “I could never say no to a lifetime with you Maysen. Mom? Dad? Could you get things figured out with Reverend Lowell? We need to go get Martha. She needs to be here to witness her only child getting married. Right?” S
he says and looks at me with an abundance of love and excitement.

  “Yes baby yes. Let’s go. I love you by the way. Have I told you that lately?”

  “Every ten minutes. You know you sounded like a love song there don’t you?”

  “I don’t care. That’s how I feel. Let’s go get my Mom. We’re getting married tonight!” I wrap my arms around my bride-to-be and kiss her with all the feeling I have inside me.

  “I love you Maysen. Did you really think I was going to say no?”

  “No but you weren’t exactly screaming yes. Everyone else gasped too when you finally said you would.”

  “I’m sorry to scare you like that. I want to spend the rest of my life waking up beside you and going to sleep beside you.”

  “And a little bit in between there I hope?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her making her giggle with delight.

  “Always. Hurry up so we can get back and get married!!”


  “Everything is set. Reverend will be here in about an hour. I think Karlie and Leah have something for you in your apartment. They’ll help you get ready and I’ll be up there in a minute. Maysen you come with me and I’ll show you to a room where you can change too.” Amelia says to us once we walk back into their house with my mother.

  “Oh I never thought about what I was wearing. I don’t even own a suit.”

  “Austin’s got one for you to borrow. They’re all in the guest bedroom down the hall. It’s the third door on your right. Martha, if you’ll come with me I could really use your help setting things up.”

  “Of course. This is all so sudden and so exciting. I’ll be in there to see you before it all starts Maysen.”

  “Ok, see you in a few Ma. Thank you so much Amelia.”

  “You’re going to be a part of our family very soon. It’s what we do for family. You need to go get changed. My daughter is going to be expecting her groom to be ready.”

  “Yes ma’am. Thank you again.” I turn around and walk down the hallway with so much excitement it takes all the self-control I have not to jump up and click my heels together.

  Third door on the right. Ah here it is and of course Aiden and Austin are both inside looking dashing. I hope I can look half as good for my bride. I can’t wait to see how beautiful she is. I bet she’ll look like an angel.


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