Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series Page 16

by Heather Morris

  “Be nice son, we’ve been waiting a long time for this chance.”

  “Yes Ma, we have been. No more waiting, we’re making it official in October.”

  “That’s not very much time to get it all planned brother.”

  “Yes dear but you gave everyone a couple of hours.”

  “Touché. And I should be as big as a house by then. Thanks for that.” I walk up to my brother and soon to be sister and give them both a big hug. Another wedding soon!

  “To Austin and Leah finally setting a wedding date.” Dad proudly toasts. You hear everyone clinking their glasses and cheering.


  “Karlie and Leah, can I talk to you two for a second?”

  “Sure Maysen, what’s up? Everything okay?” Karlie asks.

  “I just wanted to take an extra minute to thank you two for all you did to get Audrey and I back together. Thank you for accompanying her to Omaha even if it was a wasted trip. Thank you for helping her get the courage to tell me about the baby. Without you two I’m not sure we would be standing here right now and I wouldn’t have this ring on my left hand. And most of all I want to thank you for that little outfit you picked out for Audrey for our date in Omaha. That was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.”

  “Was?” Leah asks not sure she’s happy with that answer.

  “Until I saw her coming down the aisle towards me tonight. She looked like an angel that God sent down just for me.”

  “You two deserve to be happy. Fate was working overtime for you two. Just be happy and love Audrey with all you are.” They each give me a quick hug and walk away to the love of their lives. Love sure is big on this ranch. I am so happy and proud to be in the middle of it now too.


  “Tracey, I am so glad you could be here tonight. But how in the world did you get here so quickly?”

  “I wondered when that question was coming. I hadn’t left town yet. I only told you I did because I could tell how much you and Prince Charming wanted to be alone. Then when I got to my hotel room Carter came and knocked on the door.”

  “I’m going to kill him. He didn’t hurt you did he?”

  “Of course not! He and I have been hanging out and talking. He is a really messed up guy. He’s got some issues he needs to deal with and I’ve been trying to help him through it. That is what I do for a living now you know!”

  “Oh whew, I thought I was going to have to go from wedding to jail in an hour.” I laugh and give her a big hug.

  “No we’re good. I wouldn’t have missed this for the world though. You look so beautiful and happy.”

  “Thank you for being here. You mean the world to me.”

  “Ditto. I need to get back but I will talk to you soon. Love you so much.”


  “Congratulations Maysen. It was very beautiful. Very happy for you two of you. She’s a wonderful girl but we all know I think that because I tried setting you up with her a while back.” Uncle Sam says after I say goodbye to Carter.

  “It was the best day of my life. Thank you for coming. We appreciate it with the short notice and all.”

  “It was no bother. We were glad we were able to be here. Your Aunt got tired of being gone from home and was worried sick about you Mama. We were already almost home when she got ahold of us. Gave us a good reason to get all spiffed up.”

  “Mom has missed Aunt Ingrid too. I wasn’t enough company for her.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about the garage. How’s it been going?”

  “Great. Nothing out of the ordinary I don’t think.”

  “Well, have you made up your mind about buying it?”

  “Actually I have. I think it’s time we sat down and hammered out the details. Price, timeline, etc.”

  “No need. The place is all yours. I’ll have my lawyer work up the papers and it’ll be a done deal. Wedding and baby present from your Aunt and me.”

  “Oh Uncle Sam that’s too much.”

  “No it’s not. It’s perfect for me. I don’t need the money and I don’t need the garage either. You change the name to whatever you want it to be and it will be yours. Your new family will do it justice too with any new ideas you can come with. It’s a tired old place but it works until you’re ready to go bigger.”

  “Uncle Sam I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much.” I give the old man a hug and hold on for a few extra seconds. This is the only way I know to get him to understand just how much this means to me.”

  “You are more than welcome and I should be thanking you for allowing me to retire. I’ve been enjoying it and so has your Aunt. I’m always here if you need anything. Which I’m sure you won’t though. Good luck in the business and your new life. You’re a good man and I’m proud to hand my business over to you.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to go find my bride now.” We shake hands and I can’t wait to tell Audrey all about this new development. This day keeps going and going. My head’s spinning with all that’s happened. Now, where is my angel?


  “You look so beautiful Audrey. I can’t imagine you looking more radiant than you did when you walked down that aisle towards me. I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest.” I hear Maysen say later that evening after the festivities started to wind down. I’m starting to drag and needed to sit down. I walked over to Mom’s pond in the corner of the yard where I always used to sit and read when I was growing up.

  I look up at him and can’t quit smiling. He’s my husband. Forever. All mine.

  “Everything looked so perfect. Mom and I used to sit around at bedtime and dream up what my wedding would be like someday. I had forgotten but obviously my mother never did. It looks exactly like we had planned. You were so handsome up there Maysen.” I kiss him when he sits next to me on the bench.

  “She loves you honey. Of course she remembered. You’re only going to get married once you know.” And he pulls me closer to kiss my temple at that moment. The love that flows in my veins right now is so intoxicating that I am feeling light headed. I rest my head on Maysen’s shoulder and sigh.

  “This really is our life now. I’m so happy Maysen.”

  “Me too. Are you about ready to go home? Um, we haven’t even talked about where home’s going to be. Where do you want to live?”

  “I want to rent Austin’s house until we can build our own out here on the ranch like Aiden and Karlie did. What do you think about that?” I look up at Maysen praying he’s good with that plan.

  “I am perfectly okay with that plan. I was actually going to suggest it just now. Let’s go home then. I want to show you just how much I love you. I want to show my wife how much I love her. All night long if she can stay awake.”

  “I will try. You’ll just have to work extra hard to keep me awake handsome.”

  “Is that a challenge Audrey Correli?” I smile the biggest smile ever as I hear my name said from his lips.

  “I love the sound of that. Say it again.”

  “Audrey Correli. Audrey Correli.” He pulls me onto his lap and kisses me with wild abandon. This is going to be the most exciting life anyone could ever lead.


  “You were right, third time was the charm for those two Amelia.” AJ says to Amelia form across the yard where they are watching their daughter and new son be so happily in love.

  “Now if we could just get that oldest son of yours married too. He’s the tough one.” Amelia says to AJ. “He’s a lot like his father. Strong, loyal, driven, and very stubborn.”

  “You got through to me, I’m sure a woman can do that to him one day. It’s a shame he had to miss his sister’s wedding but there’s no way he could make it home in time from wherever he is tonight. Some construction site somewhere I’m sure.” AJ says and pulls Amelia’s hand into his and kisses her knuckles.

  “That’s easier said than done. Trust me.”

  “Maybe so, but where do you think our children go
t their determination and love for life from? You, my dear. You have shown them what life is about and they live every day just like you taught them.”

  “Where did I go so wrong with Aaron? He doesn’t even want to be around the ranch, let alone Colvin. He hasn’t been home since Aiden and Karlie’s wedding.”

  “I know honey. I’ll call him tonight after everyone goes home and see what he’s up to.”

  “I have tried to call him at least once a day every day of the week. He’s never available and never calls me back.”

  “He’s busy making something of himself on his own honey. He wants to do it alone and without the Blake name getting him there. He’s the most stubborn one yes, but he’s also the most driven.”

  “He should slow down some. He’s almost forty years old and doesn’t have a family. I worry about him.”

  “You can worry all you want but it’s not going to change anything.”

  “I know.” She lays her head on AJ’s shoulder and sighs.

  “Three out of four isn’t bad. You have another wedding to start planning. You’ll have a little more time with the next one.” He snickers.

  “Thank goodness! I’m not sure I could pull this off again if I tried. Audrey always wanted exactly what you see here. Even when she was a child, she always knew she wanted a family of her own. I’m so happy she found that.”

  “Sam told me he gifted the garage to Maysen. It’s all his. That should make you happy too.”

  “She’ll have ties to keep her here too. Wonderful. Let’s go start shooing people away. I am exhausted.” She stands and reaches for AJ once he stands up too. They embrace and both smile knowing their children are happy tonight. Well, most of them are.


  Two months later

  “Leah Dawn, I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.”

  “Austin William, I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live.”

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Austin, please kiss your bride.” Reverend Lowell instructs with a wide grin.

  Austin envelopes Leah in his arms and they kiss for what seemed like an eternity. I’m not sure if anyone even knows I’m here but the wedding of my other little brother won’t be all that’s celebrated tonight. I see the newlywed couple walk down the aisle and before Austin can catch sight of me; I duck behind the last row of chairs. Now isn’t the time. This should be all about Austin and Leah. Even though a wedding is nothing but a waste of time and hard earned money, if you ask me anyway.

  I didn’t make it home for my little sister’s wedding because I was stuck in Chicago brokering a very large job for my company. The new airport their building will bring in more money than I have brokered yet and I am in desperate need of it.

  “Well, if it isn’t the lost sheep that found his way back to the flock!” I hear a familiar male voice from behind me. Dad.

  “Hi there. Didn’t think I would miss another happy ever after did you?” I take the big hug Dad was offering. It does feel great to see everyone again. Even if it’s just for the night.

  “Your Mama was pretty worried when you didn’t respond to the invite or any phone calls.”

  “I know. Things have been so busy I’m not sure which direction I’m going.”

  “Just glad to see you here. She’s going to be ecstatic when she’s your handsome face. Wow son, that handsome face looks tired. Do you ever relax?”

  “Not much time for that Dad. Where’s Mom at? I better go say hello.” I walk away feeling as if I dodged a big bullet there. I can’t even begin to tell my family where I’ve been or what I’ve been through lately. They wouldn’t approve and I wouldn’t want to see the disappointment on their faces. Dad’s especially.

  “Hey beautiful. How about a hug for a weary traveler?” I say from behind my mother hoping those she’s talking to don’t give me away.

  She turns around and has the most angelic look of happiness on her face. “Aaron! I am so glad to see you! When did you get in? We weren’t sure you were going to make it. I’m so so glad you did.”

  We stand there in front of all the wedding guests hugging a few seconds longer than were needed. I have missed her most of all. She’s such a ray of light and happiness. I have definitely needed a lot more of that in the past couple of years.

  “You look so tired honey. Have you slept at all since the last time I saw you?” She runs her hand along my cheek and frowns with concern.

  “I’m just a little jet lagged Ma. No big deal. The wedding was great. They look just as happy as Aiden and Karlie did on their wedding day.”

  “And Audrey on hers. Have you seen her and Maysen yet? She’s going to be so happy to see you too. And your brothers.”

  “I’ll see them all in due time Ma. I’m not going to disappear on you. I’m here.”

  “For how long son? Audrey’s not due for a couple of weeks but she’s been having some pretty strong contractions so you might have your first nephew any day now.”

  “We’ll see Ma.” No need to upset her now. She’ll be just that when she finds out that I’m leaving again in the morning.

  “Let’s go see your father. Have you seen him yet?”

  “Yes, he’s the one who told me where you were.”

  “Well, we have to get things ready for the reception in the equipment barn out at the 6AB. Daddy moved all the equipment out and we had the place all prettied up for Leah and Austin. They wanted rustic so to keep away from the smell of manure, the equipment barn was the only place big enough that would work. I could really use your strong arms.”

  “Let’s go then.” Mom and I head out the back of the church and to my rental car.


  “We need to get the flowers out on those tables before Amelia shows up and panics. That head table looks plain without them. She specifically asked for at least the tables to be done before she got here after the ceremony." Amie directs her forty workers. Being an event planner for a large wedding like this is a dream come true. No one gets this type of opportunity without first having to serve under those who don’t care about their workers. “Once those arrangements are on there, we’ll be right on time. She should be here any moment too.”

  “It looks so amazing Amie! I love it and Leah’s going to be blown away by how you’ve transformed this old barn into something so beautiful. It’s exactly what they envisioned. You’re a miracle worker!” Amelia screams in excitement when she walks in the side door of the barn.

  “Everything looks okay? They’re headed out now to get the arrangements on the tables. I take it the ceremony is over and the rest of the crowd will be coming soon? They’re about ready with all the food and drink too. Champagne and sparkling cider.”

  “Perfect. I’m going to keep you in mind for the next Blake wedding.” Amelia beams then looks at the gentleman next to her and her smile fades just as quickly. Who is this guy that can make her smile turn to a frown so quickly?

  “Everything okay Amelia? Is this gentleman bothering you?” I ask stepping forward.

  “Oh no don’t be silly. This is my oldest son Aaron. I was just trying not to ask him what I always ask him.”

  “When are you going to find the right woman and settle down Aaron?” The gentleman mocks with a smile on his face now.

  “Oh son you know I have your best interests at heart.”

  “Yes I do. That’s the only reason I keep answering you the same way. I don’t have time for a woman let alone a marriage.” He kisses his mother on the forehead and storms off. Touchy subject I take it.

  “Sorry about that. Don’t mind him. He’s j
ust gotten in from Chicago or Denver. I’m not sure which it is this time. Remind me to introduce you later. You would be a wonderful wife with your organizational skills.”

  “Oh no. I have a boyfriend. One is enough thank you. Are you ready for the herd of people to enter? Do things look right to you?” I ask trying to change the subject. I don’t want to explain to Amelia why I don’t want a man in my life. It’s much easier to say I have a boyfriend; people tend to leave you alone when they think you’re already taken.

  “Well dear, if that changes, you let me know. I would love to introduce you to Aaron. He needs someone sweet and light in his heavy and busy life."


  Does she always think she needs to set me up? This family thinks of nothing other than happily ever after. Fairy tales are for little girls.

  I think I’ve snuck out before anyone can see me just as I hear, “So he is alive?”

  “Aiden. How are you? Austin sure looked happy didn’t he? Never thought he’d be the one to snag the model.”

  “I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of models brother. How the heck are ya?”

  “Not too bad. Just tired from the flight. How are you?”

  “Great. Tired from the little girl that doesn’t like to sleep very much at night. Besides that I’m great.”

  “Good to hear. What’s new with you?”

  “Not much really. The breeding program has taken off and it’s going great. Got us a new foreman that’s working out even better than we thought. Not the same without Gene but things are a new normal with Jason.”

  “Good to hear. Look I need to go get my stuff inside and shower before too much of this party starts. I’ll catch you when I get back. Tell Karlie to save me a dance.” I wink at my brother and walk towards the house. I can’t wait to get inside the four walls that have been the only place that’s felt like home since I was a little boy.

  “Where you running off to? Ditching your Mom already?” I hear from behind me just as I get inside the kitchen door.


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