Happy in the Border Lands

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Happy in the Border Lands Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  “There are only three of us, so there won’t be as much laundry, and we have the washer and dryer. We only do laundry one day a week. That keeps the pull on the solar batteries down,” he explained.

  “I can’t imagine being able to use a real washer and dryer. You’ll have to show me how to use them. I’ve never had one before,” she explained.

  Jeff smiled. He hadn’t thought about that. She wouldn’t have had one since she’d been so young when the world had gone to hell. It would be fun teaching her how to use them as well as other things. He’d already gone over the electric stove with her. She’d managed to catch on to it fairly quickly. He was sure they’d end up with some overcooked meals until she got the hang of it, but that was to be expected with any newlyweds. He grinned. Newlyweds. That was essentially what they were.

  “Hey, you guys! I’m all done up here.” Ty’s voice carried down the stairs.

  “We’ll be right up,” Jeff said. “Ready for bed?”

  Lucille bit her lower lip. “Yeah. I suppose.”

  Jeff stood. “Go on upstairs and grab a bath or shower. I’m going to make sure everything down here is locked up. We can say goodnight upstairs.”


  Jeff had no doubt she expected him to sleep in his own bed and she wouldn’t be seeing him until morning, but he and Ty had already decided that they would be sleeping with her from day one. They might not be consummating their relationship right away, but they would be sleeping together. One reason was that it was the best way to get used to each other, but another reason was for safety. They didn’t like the idea of her being in a room alone in case something happened. There was just too much that could go wrong in the world these days. One of them would be close to her from now on.

  Jeff checked all the doors and windows to be sure they were all secure, and then he climbed the stairs and walked down the long hallway toward the master bedroom where Ty and Lucille would be. He could hear the murmur of voices.

  “We’re sleeping together?” Lucille said in a voice thin with panic.

  “It’s safer that way, angel,” Ty was saying.

  Jeff strode into the room. “It’s okay, honey. Nothing is going to happen until you’re ready. We’re just going to sleep. There’s too much that could happen to let you sleep alone. Not taking any chances with you.”

  “What could go wrong?” she asked.

  “Someone could break into the house for starters. There are plenty of desperate men out there looking for an easy way to get food and women. You’re better off between us, where we can keep you safe, Lucille. Let us worry about that. All you need to worry about is getting ready for bed,” Jeff told her.

  “Okay.” Lucille sighed and picked up her gown then disappeared into the bathroom.

  He was surprised when she took only twenty minutes to shower and change into her gown. He’d expected her to take a nice long bath, but she quickly bathed and hurried out of the bathroom to dive under the covers of the bed.

  “I hope I didn’t take too long. I was trying not to hog the hot water,” she said.

  “Honey, you can take longer with your showers or have a nice long hot bath when you want it. Don’t worry about taking too long. We want you to enjoy yourself. Let us worry about whether we need to watch the draw on the batteries. We’ll let you know if we need to keep things short or not. Okay?” Jeff said.

  “Oh, okay. Maybe I’ll take a hot bath tomorrow night. That would be wonderful,” she said.

  “I’ll be out in a few minutes,” Jeff said.

  He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. His cock was rock hard and straining against his jeans. He was worried it would be raw from rasping against the material since he didn’t wear underwear. Neither he nor his brother bothered with it since it was more clothes to have to wash. He might rethink that with Lucille around though.

  He checked the temperature of the water and, after disrobing, stepped into the spray of the shower and moaned with appreciation. The shower was a simple pleasure that both he and Ty enjoyed. Few people had that luxury anymore. It was one of the things they’d worked hard to put together when they’d added the solar panels.

  Jeff quickly washed off then soaped up his hand and grasped his hard dick and tugged on it. The hard rod ached with the need to be inside Lucille. She had him tied up in knots. She was beautiful with her curvy body with its wide hips and round ass. Her thick red hair would look amazing hanging over him as she rode his cock. He easily pictured holding it in his hand as she sucked his cock.

  He groaned at the thought of her on her knees, his hand wrapped around her hair as she took his thick dick into her mouth and sucked long and hard on him, taking him to the back of her throat. He had to hiss out his breath to keep from growling. He pumped his shaft with a tight grip at the thought of her hot, wet mouth sucking on him. He could imagine her mouth on his balls, and the saliva dripping from the corners of it as she licked around them.

  Jeff pulled on his cock over and over, his grip tight as he tugged. Fire burned in his balls as he grew closer and closer to orgasm. He twisted his hand at the end of each pull so that he had to bite back a curse. His balls boiled with cum as they tightened, ready to spew. He felt his buttocks cramp, and suddenly he was there. His cum raced up his cock to splatter all over the back of the shower wall even as he went up on his toes, his ass cheeks tight as he emptied his balls.

  He slapped his hand on the wall of the shower as he slowly came down from the high that had raced over him, sending sparks of electricity through his body, which left his ears ringing and his heartbeat pounding in his throat. She did this to him. Never had it been this fucking hot before. Never.

  Jeff quickly rinsed off and cleaned up his mess then stepped out of the shower and dried off. He wrapped the towel around his waist then walked out of the shower and found Lucille asleep on her side with Ty at her back.

  “She’s sleeping,” he said unnecessarily.

  “I’ll go shut down the electricity to the bathroom. Be right back,” Jeff said.

  “Not going anywhere,” Ty said with a huge grin.

  Jeff gave him the finger before walking out of the bedroom and down the hall to the upstairs control closet, which they’d installed so he could turn off the hot heater and electricity to the upstairs. Then he returned to slip beneath the covers and back up so that he could feel Lucille’s heat, if not her touch. Maybe during the night she’d reach out and wrap her arms around him. He could dream. And no doubt he would.

  * * * *

  Warm hands massaged her shoulders as she lay on a float in a pool in the middle of the forest. She could remember seeing pictures of swimming pools with floats but couldn’t remember ever having really been in one before, and were they ever in the middle of a forest? She had to be dreaming.

  Lucille looked over her shoulder to find Jeff massaging her shoulders with a broad smile on his face. Then she looked down at her feet to find Ty there massaging her feet and ankles. He smiled just as broadly.

  “Feel good, angel?” he asked.

  “It does,” she said.

  “Come swimming with us,” Ty said.

  “I don’t know how to swim.”

  “Sure, you do. Just jump in the water and you can swim,” Jeff said.

  Lucille took them at their word and rolled off the float to find herself swimming next to them. It was fun and exhilarating. Then they were walking in the forest toward the house. In her dream the house was in the middle of a meadow surrounded by the forest. They climbed the deck steps and sank onto a giant chair that the three of them fit on. They were all dry by now and were wearing just their swimsuits.

  “Will you let us touch you,” Jeff asked.

  “Please do. I want you to touch me,” she said.

  Ty cupped her face and kissed her. His kiss was hot and wet and wanting. She lost herself in his kiss as she felt Jeff run his hands up her arms to her shoulders, where he slipped the straps of her bathing suit down and kissed his
way from her shoulders down to the tops of her breasts.

  Ty’s kiss stole her good sense. She could deny them nothing with how he made her feel cherished and needed. She opened to him and allowed him access to all of her. He didn’t hesitate to stroke along her tongue with his.

  Jeff’s mouth licked and sucked along her breasts until he reached her nipples. There he stopped to suck and nip at the tiny nubs. Lucille gasped at the sparks that flared from there to her clit. Never had she felt anything like this before. It was all new to her, and if she were honest, it scared her a little bit. The passion that flared between the three of them was overwhelming, and she wasn’t sure she could handle it.

  “Jeff, please,” she began.

  “What, baby? What do you need?” he asked with his mouth hovering just above her breast.

  “It’s too much. I don’t know what to do,” Lucille said, thrashing her head back and forth.

  Ty captured her face between his palms. “Easy, angel. It’s all good.

  “Just relax and let us love you,” Jeff said. “We won’t do anything you don’t want. Just tell us to stop and we will.”

  Lucille wasn’t sure she could tell them to stop even if she wanted them to. It all felt so good, just scary as hell. She wanted them but wasn’t sure of what exactly that meant. Was she ready for sex yet? She didn’t think so. They were too new to each other. What else was there if not sex?

  “I’m not ready to have sex. I don’t want to tease you guys. That’s not fair to you,” she admitted.

  “We’re good, hon,” Jeff said. “We know you’re not ready for that yet. Just let us make you feel good.”

  She still didn’t know what that meant, but she nodded her head and tried to relax as they resumed kissing and touching her. It all felt so good and so dirty at the same time. She wanted them but was afraid of what it would mean.

  Suddenly, she woke to find she was draped half on and half off of Jeff with one leg thrown over his and her arm across his chest. She gasped then went still as she realized her knee was resting lightly against his cock. His naked cock.

  “Easy, honey. Just relax. Everything is fine,” Jeff said in a husky voice.

  “I—I’m sorry. I must have moved in my sleep,” she said.

  “It’s okay. Just watch that knee for me. Okay, hon?”

  “I’ll move off of you. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you if I fall asleep again,” she said. She carefully removed her knee and threw her leg off his and pulled away from him. He held her arm to his chest for a few seconds then let her go.

  “Hate losing you. Felt nice having you on me,” he said.

  Lucille felt her face heat at his words. Thank goodness it was still dark in the room so that he couldn’t see her blush. She might be a virgin, but she’d read enough romance books that she knew what went on between men and women. She shouldn’t blush at the mildest comment. What was wrong with her?

  “I would imagine it would be too hot to have me sleeping on you like that,” she said.

  “Not hot enough yet. Once summer gets here, maybe, but not now,” he said.

  “What in the hell are you two talking about over there? I’m trying to sleep,” Ty said in a grouchy voice.

  “Sorry,” Lucille said.

  “Shut up and go back to sleep, asshole,” Jeff said.

  “I would if you weren’t running your mouth over there.”

  Lucille could still taste Ty’s kiss on her lips from the dream and wondered if he would taste that good in real life. Her body warmed at the thought. She was sure her face was once again burning at the thought of him and Jeff pleasuring her. She sighed and fought to regain her composure once again.

  “Try to get some more sleep, honey. Morning isn’t far away,” Jeff said. “Going to be a long day. Lots to get done.”

  Lucille burrowed deeper under the covers, despite the fact that she was warm enough. She needed them to separate her from the men so that maybe she could calm down enough to actually fall asleep again. Without dreaming. Especially if it involved the two men in her bed and sex. Thankfully, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Four

  The next couple of days passed quickly as Lucille got used to the house and all the things she needed to do. After having lived with the Johnsons without solar energy, she found it so much easier that she flew through her chores and insisted on helping the guys in the fields with the irrigation.

  “Why don’t you use the solar panels to pump the water out to the plants?” she asked.

  “Too much draw on them. We’ve thought about it and are thinking about putting in more panels on the other side of the house if we chop down a few more trees to do that during the hottest part of the summer in the future, but not right now. Till then, we’re stuck with hauling water,” Jeff said.

  “I’ll help,” she insisted.

  “Fine, but you’re not carrying the water. You can stand at the end of the row and empty the water buckets we bring to you,” Ty said.

  “Okay. Whatever will help,” she said.

  The guys took turns carrying water to her, and she emptied them down the long rows. They worked through the long evening hours until it got too dark to see. Then they called it a night, and while they cleaned everything up, Lucille returned to the house to put dinner on the table. Once they came inside and washed up, they sat down to dinner and talked about what they’d accomplished and what they would need to work on the next day. Lucille liked that she was part of their plans. Even though she’d contributed with the Johnsons, she hadn’t really felt a part of the plans like she felt with Ty and Jeff. Now she felt like part of the family, and it felt good. She wondered if that was how Holly felt.

  Thinking about her sister made her wonder if there was any chance she could talk to her soon. She wanted to let her know that she’d moved in with Ty and Jeff. She hesitated to bring it up but finally couldn’t stand it and asked.

  “When can I see Holly? I want to tell her that I’m living out here now. We’re living so close to each other it would be a shame not to get to see each other occasionally,” she said.

  “Let’s plan to make a trip over there at the end of the week. How’s that?” Jeff asked.

  Lucille beamed at him. “Great. Thanks.”

  She couldn’t wait. She was sure Holly would be as excited as she was. Plus, the other woman would have some much-needed knowledge about what to expect as far as the sex part went. Lucille was clueless and scared and didn’t want to be completely in the dark when the time came.

  This time when they went upstairs for bed, she let the men take their showers first, and she drew a hot bath and soaked in it until the water began to cool off. Then she dressed in her nightgown, slid between them in the bed, and quickly fell asleep. She’d been exhausted after having worked out in the garden with them.

  That was how the next few days went. She wore herself out during the day and slept like a baby each night. The guys didn’t seem the least bit upset that she was exhausted at night. They tended to cuddle her between them then fell asleep with her in their arms. She liked the closeness they seemed to enjoy and was happy that they weren’t pushing her to consummate their relationship. Still, she knew it wasn’t fair to them to wait so long while she was right there in their bed. Once she got to talk to her sister, she would approach them about the subject. They needed to talk about it.

  Lucille shivered at the thought of talking about it. It was so intimate. How could she bring up the subject? She wasn’t sure, but she’d need to. They had to talk about it before they did anything, and they had to go forward before something happened that all three of them regretted.

  On Sunday morning, Jeff and Ty grabbed backpacks and added some things to them that they would need if they got stranded in the woods between the two places and escorted Lucille into the woods toward the others’ cabin. She was so excited that she chattered like a magpie the entire way there. Ty was amused and laughed at her when she paused to breathe. Jeff just shook his head an
d led the way. They kept her between them for safety.

  “I don’t think we have to worry about startling anything. They can hear us coming a mile away,” Ty teased.

  “What? Am I supposed to be quiet? Why didn’t you tell me?” Lucille asked, her face growing warm.

  “It’s okay, honey. You can talk. We aren’t trying to hunt or anything. Just keep it down some,” Jeff said, flashing his brother a frown.

  Lucille sighed. She couldn’t help it. She was excited to get to see Holly. She missed her sisters and wanted to see them. They hadn’t been apart in all the years since they’d been born, and this was hard. She loved being able to talk to them on a daily basis. She hadn’t realized how hard it would be not to have them around all the time.

  Finally, they arrived at the other house to find everyone outside sitting on the back porch talking. Holly screamed and jumped up to race toward Lucille. Her men immediately grabbed her and slowed her down.

  “Think about the baby, Holly. You might fall if you run like that,” Jessup said.

  “Baby? You’re pregnant?” Lucille clapped her hands together and jumped up and down. “That’s wonderful. I’m so excited. When are you due?”

  “We figure around the end of October or first of November,” Holly said.

  “I’m so excited for you.” Lucille hugged her sister then squealed again.

  “Congratulations, guys,” Ty said, shaking the men’s hands. “That’s great news.”

  Jeff followed suit. “Bet you’re having a hell of a time keeping her still.”

  “You have no idea,” Evers said, shaking his head. “Come on inside. We’ve got pie and coffee.”

  The men herded the two women into the house and set them at the table with pie and sun tea. They went into the living room with coffee and their pie to talk. Lucille was so excited she nearly forgot her need to talk about what to expect with sex. They talked about the baby and what Holly was doing for a nursery.


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