The Devil's Snare

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The Devil's Snare Page 8

by Sarah O'Rourke

  "A real devil," Kimmy breathed dreamily, watching as the intriguing duo disappeared out the swinging door.


  Reaching the sidewalk outside, Gabriel glared at Lucifer. "Quoting "Sympathy for the Devil"? Really? Isn't that a bit obvious even for you?"

  "Almost as good as your "Be at peace, Matthew Hunter," bit," Satan sneered, mimicking Gabriel's sympathetic tone. "Blech! Revolting crap." Shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, Lucifer glared at the man beside him. "I don’t care what you or The One say. He isn’t good enough for Lily.”

  “Will any mere mortal ever be good enough for daddy’s girl? Even earthly fathers have difficulty letting go,” Gabriel asked, knowing he’d never receive an answer.

  “I have no intention of letting go, but I believe this is where you and I part company. Unless, of course, you'd like to pay a visit to my realm. Your job would be a lot more fun if you went in my direction. All the perks, none of the heavenly bullshit," Satan offered, nodding toward the bolt hole that had sudden appeared in the ground to his left in the deserted alley.

  "And here I was going to invite you to travel with me," Gabriel chided, nodding toward the glowing light in the sky.

  "I think not.” The Devil shuddered distastefully. "Perhaps it would be best if you and I parted company for now. I do believe I have I pedophile waiting downstairs that needs a proper greeting," he offered over his shoulder as he strode on cloven feet toward the steaming opening to the Underworld.

  "Go with Go-"

  "Don't say it, you angelic Asshole," Lucifer ordered without turning, wagging one finger in the air as he disappeared, his spiked tail wagging in farewell.

  Smiling faintly, Gabriel shook his head. There were times he really missed his old friend.


  Smiling coldly as he entered the great hallway of Hell, his cloven hooves echoed as the marched down the corridor, his glowing red eyes glued to his newest entrant into the Fiery Pit.

  "Ah, Teddy," Satan greeted his lieutenant as he walked toward him, "I see our pedophile has arrived." In his human life, the good soldier had been the serial killer known as Ted Bundy. He’d be an adequate short term replacement. Hopefully this Sin creature would be easily traceable.

  "He has, my liege," Ted said, bobbing his head deferentially.

  Stepping up to the cowering man, Satan sniffed deeply. It was all there. The fear...the terror...the repulsion. "Hello there, s-s-sinner," he welcomed the damned soul, his serpent tongue darting out to tickle the man's chin. "We've been waiting for you," he intoned as he grinned, wrapping a taloned hand around the man's shoulder as he guided him toward the stairs.

  "I...I...I'm in hell, aren't I?" the pedophile that Matthew Hunter had dispatched earlier in the day asked, his voice wavering and barely audible.

  "Why, yes," the Devil answered smoothly. "Yes, you are."

  "Oh, God," the man whimpered, trying to scoot away, only to yelp in pain from the burning coals that appeared beneath his feet.

  "Nope, sorry. I'm not Him," Satan crooned sympathetically. "But, I think you'll be very happy here. You see, have you ever heard the turn of phrase, "The Devil has a special place in hell for men like you"?" he asked as they reached a stone precipice at the bottom of the steps.

  "Y-y-yes," the man nodded, his throat working as the sound of tortured screams filled his ears.

  "Good," the Devil said with a satisfied smirk. "I just wanted to be the first to inform you that it's all true," he whispered, poking one finger against the evil man's shoulder and sending him flying backward into the bottomless pit below. "Bon voyage!" Satan cackled, waving happily as the man's horrified scream echoed against the rock walls.

  Turning back to his lieutenant, Lucifer winked. "Sometimes it just feels so damn good to be bad, Teddy. I need a good cheering up. Find me something to kill."

  And whistling a happy tune, the Prince of Darkness headed toward his throne.

  After all, he had a plan to concoct. And he was going to enjoy every evil minute of planning his daughter’s would-be murderer’s torture. That was one soul he had no intention of losing. To anyone.


  Watch for Sarah O’Rourke’s sequel to this novel, coming soon!

  For more novels by Sarah O’Rourke, check out her author’s page on Amazon at

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