Isabella's Promise: A Sweet Regency Romance (Brides of Somerset Book 4)

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Isabella's Promise: A Sweet Regency Romance (Brides of Somerset Book 4) Page 4

by Karen Lynne

“Lord Egerton may I present your nieces, Miss Annalynn and Lisabet Howard.”

  He blinked. “Miss Jenkins left?”

  “Yes, she couldn’t wait, her coach was leaving. Your niece’s luggage is here.” She pointed to the few cases left on the boardwalk. An older lady waited patiently next to them.

  “And whom do I thank for staying with my nieces?” He gave the pretty lady a smile as best he could.

  “Oh, I am sorry,” She curtsied. “I am Miss Dalton. I met your nieces on the coach.”

  Colton looked down at two bright faces turned up to him expectantly. “How old are you both?”

  “I am six, and Annalynn is four.” The pretty redhead replied. Annalynn’s head bobbed in agreement as her golden curls swayed in rhythm. He could just see some of his sister in their looks, but he couldn’t be sure.

  The ostlers were loading the girls' luggage onto the carriage boot. He lifted the girls into the carriage and turned to thank Miss Dalton. “Do you need a ride somewhere?” He hoped she did.

  “No, but thank you.” She smiled. “I have a carriage waiting.”

  He watched her move away, following the older women into a hired carriage. Why was he disappointed? He mused, climbing onto the curricle. He shook the reins while clicking his tongue. Colton looked down into a small round face peering up at him. It tugged on his heart.

  Chapter Seven

  Lord Egerton seemed surprised at the girls, had he never seen his nieces before? His wife would know what to do if he indeed was married. Isabella felt the life flowing back after the stressful week was behind her. To be able to make her own choices, she couldn’t fathom it but looked forward to the independence that was to be hers.

  Her brother’s message had been received, and a wagon waited to take her trunks. The carriage driver told her he had been instructed to take her to Fyne Court. She hoped to see Eliza.

  “Mildred, it is so green and fresh not at all like Bristol’s foggy ports. The country is wide open.” Isabella inhaled the fresh-cut grass. She opened the window further to get a better view.

  “Yes, miss, it is,” Mildred observed from the other side.

  The carriage started across a one-lane stone bridge with a babbling stream running underneath, curving its way like a snake along the trees disappearing around a bend.

  They slowed for sheep on the road parting for the carriage. A smiling Shepard tipped his hat to Isabella as she lifted her hand. It was fifteen minutes before the road cleared of the baaing mob. Impressive estates moved past Isabella’s view, but mostly small cottages and groups of villages were scattered along the route.

  She looked forward to walking in the countryside. The coach rounded a bend catching her breath at the view. A large manor house graced the curve along the rolling hills. Fyne Court was more substantial than she pictured in her mind. Two stories loomed above, and large windows flanking the front of both levels.

  Isabella stepped from the coach as the door opened. “Isabella!” Eliza flew from the house.

  “Eliza, I hoped you would be here.” Isabella wrapped her friend in a big embrace, holding tight. She never wanted to let her go.

  “I couldn’t believe when word from your brother said you were coming,” Eliza whispered.

  Isabella laughed through her tears. “I couldn’t believe it either.”

  “Come, we have prepared a room. You must be tired. I know how traveling can be with all that bumping and swaying.” Eliza guided her into the house.

  A plump squat lady came bustling down the hall. “Is this the little lady we have been expecting?” Her crinkly eyes smiled up at Isabella.

  “Yes, Mrs. Baxter.” Eliza turned. “May I introduce Miss Isabella Dalton, a dear friend. Isabella this is Mrs. Baxter who takes care of the girls here and everything else.” Eliza laughed.

  “With all the comings and goings, it gets a little hectic sometimes, but mostly I do the cooking, and Mr. Baxter takes care of the stables and yard. But don’t you worry Miss Isabella, we shall take good care of you, and you will be safe here as long as you want, you are welcome to stay.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Baxter, that means a lot.” Isabella's heart warmed to this sweet lady.

  “Mrs. Baxter may I introduce my maid Mildred.” Isabella turned. “Mildred was our housekeeper and all-around maid back home. She’s honest and faithful, maybe you could find work for her here?”

  “A housekeeper, you say.” Mrs. Baxter beamed looking Mildred up and down.

  “Yes,” Isabella said. “My mother is exacting in her demands, so I know Mildred to be a good worker.”

  “Well, Mildred, I will let lady Susan know you are here. Most of the ladies who come here have nothing but the clothes they are wearing. We would welcome your help. I will have some food ready for you both when you are settled.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Baxter,” Eliza replied.

  Isabella followed Eliza up a flight of stairs. Turning right, she led her down a corridor where Eliza stopped and opened a door. The bedchamber was more spacious than her room in Bristol, decorated in soft yellow, giving the space a cheerful glow.

  “Here is your sitting room.” Eliza opened a door. “There’s a small anti-chamber with a bed that Mildred can use. I know it must be overwhelming.” Eliza smiled. “You are invited to dinner; Abby is so excited to see you. She would have come with me but is having a dress fitting today, but you shall see her at dinner.”

  “Abby has returned from Bath?”

  “Yes, and she is getting married?”

  Isabella clapped her hands. “To Sir Andrew?” She squealed.

  Eliza laughed. “You know him?”

  “Yes, He is only the most eligible bachelor in Bathwick. Abby certainly led him on a merry chase, but I knew he liked her. He treated us very well. I am so happy for them.”

  “You shall meet them both at dinner,” Eliza informed her.

  “Sir Andrew is here?”

  “Yes, and his son Master William as well who is enjoying his soon to be cousins.”

  “Oh Eliza, I look forward to meeting your children.”

  “We are a wild and informal bunch. Just friends and family. I hope we don’t overwhelm you.”

  “Never, Eliza, I look forward to meeting everyone.”

  “Very well, I shall see you downstairs where I will introduce you to the ladies that are here.” Eliza left closing the door behind her.

  Isabella turned. “Mildred?” She walked into the sitting room where Mildred was already unloading her trunks. Isabella laid her bonnet on a small table.

  “You are not upset with me for asking Mrs. Baxter about a job, are you?”

  “Of course not miss. Taking care of you will not take all of my time. I would love having some work to keep me busy, besides we don’t know how long we will be here and we need the money.”

  Isabella fingered the coins through her purse. “You’re right I hadn’t thought of that. I wish I knew how to be of more help.”

  “Miss Isabella stop fretting; you are a lady. Enjoy your time with your friends. Lady Eliza is one smart woman. She will know what to do.”

  Mildred was right, her friends would be there to help. “Mildred, my mother will just pop in frustration when she finds out I’ve taken all my new clothes.”

  “We couldn’t have left them, she would have been suspicious, besides you deserve a new wardrobe.” Mildred reminded her.

  “But they are for a married woman, I’m still single,” Isabella remembered some gowns with their scandalously low necklines.

  “Pardon me miss, but you are not a blushing young debutante. These clothes will accentuate your beauty and make you stand out from the rest of the young ladies.”

  Isabella blushed at Mildred’s boldness, she hoped she was right.

  “Now let’s get you dressed so you can go downstairs and eat.”

  Colton turned the carriage towards the earl’s estate. With no nanny, and rooms still a mess he would have to avail himself of lady Susan’s offer to ca
re for the girls until his house was ready to receive them.

  Entering Bowood house, he felt like a gander with his goslings trailing behind. They made it to the parlor without a peep from his two charges. Lady Susan’s eyes popped when she saw his small family.

  “So these are your nieces.” Susan lowered herself to better view the two young girls.

  “Lady Susan, may I introduce my charges, Miss Lisabet, and Miss Annalynn Howard.” Colton clenched his jaw.

  “My what big girls you are. Nice to meet you, Miss Lisabet, Miss Annalynn.” Susan gave them a welcoming smile as she stood.

  Annalynn’s eyes grew wide. “You're pretty, are you going to be our new momma?”

  Her sister nudged her. “Annalynn, a lady, is not impertinent,” Lisabet whispered.

  James laughed out loud, startling the girls as he approached, their eyes grew wider. “No, Lady Susan is my wife. But I am glad to meet you.” He wrapped an arm around Susan’s waist as if to prove his point.

  Colton groaned within. He hoped Annalynn did not ask all the ladies she met that question, how embarrassing.

  “Are you hungry?” Susan asked. The girls nodded their heads. Susan pulled the bell-rope.

  “I have hired a village girl to help with your nieces.” A young woman entered dressed in a clean uniform.

  “Clara, this is Annalynn and Lisabet.” Clara gave the small girls a curtsy.

  “She will be taking care of you while you're here. She will take you to see my boys. They are about your age.”

  Clara reached for their hands and led them from the parlor. When the door closed, Colton threw himself into the nearest chair. “They are mere babes. I hope Annalynn does not persist with asking all the ladies she meets to be her mother.”

  “It will get better, I promise. Until then, we have everything taken care of. You may concentrate on getting your house ready. We are invited to dinner at Sir William’s, the girls will be introduced to all the children, just a small group.” Susan reassured Colton.

  “It will be good to see William again. I do appreciate all you have done Lady Susan. It is just the shock of my sister’s death and suddenly being responsible for two babies.” Colton stood.

  “We are meeting at six, a family gathering of sorts, you can see how your nieces will mix with the other children.” James walked Colton to the door.

  “Take a deep breath.” James patted his shoulder.

  Colton headed home a little lighter.

  Chapter Eight

  Isabella relaxed as she viewed the green lush scenery drift by. Eliza had introduced her to three other young ladies with similar tales of woe. Mrs. Baxter’s cooking was superb. The housekeeper had been at Fyne Court since Lady Susan was a girl taking care of Susan’s mother and marrying Mr. Baxter. The house had a long history.

  Mildred had done her best at preparing Isabella for dinner. She felt overdressed running her hands down her skirt smoothing out invisible wrinkles. Her breath caught when she saw Montacute come into view. Abby’s childhood home was more extensive than Sir Andrew’s. Isabella felt all alone as she stepped from the carriage. Abby opened the door greeting Isabella with giggles and hugs.

  “You came.” Abby squeezed her tight.

  “Give her some air Abby, you're crushing her dress.” Eliza laughed from behind.

  Abby took her hand and stepped away. “Isabella you look stunning, that color suits you.”

  “A parting gift from my mother.” Isabella teased.

  Abby’s eyes grew wide and sent her into a fit of giggles. “Oh, Isabella, I didn’t mean to laugh. It must have been horrible… for you to leave your home.”

  “I will tell you all about it when we are alone,” Isabella promised. “Eliza tells me you and Sir Andrew are to be married.”

  “Yes, she is.” Sir Andrew’s booming voice sounded as they moved out to the terrace.

  “Your brother almost trounced me. Thank heavens, Abby turned him down.” Sir Andrew bent over Isabella’s hand.

  “Miss Isabella, it is good to see you are well.”

  “Thank you, Sir Andrew. Benjamin’s heart was not affected, but I am glad the two of you are together.”

  “Abby led me on a chase, but I finally caught her.” Sir Andrew brought Abby close and brush his lips across her hair.

  Abby smiled into his eyes. “No, I finally decided I liked you.” She teased.

  Sir William stepped forward. “Isabella, I would like you to meet our friends Lord Malmesbury, the Earl and Lady Susan the Countess of Malmesbury.”

  Lady Susan came forward greeting Isabella with a warm smile.

  “I am glad to meet you, Miss Dalton, Eliza has told us so much about you. I hope you have settled into Fyne Court safely?”

  “Yes, my lady.” Isabella curtsied in awe at the presence of this chestnut-haired beauty. She was not much older than Isabella but carried an air of someone more mature. The earl stood behind his wife a welcoming smile gracing his lips. Isabella was surprised by their relaxed demeanor which set her at ease.

  “You will find us very informal here in the country amongst family and friends Miss Dalton. I hope you will look to us as your friends.” Lady Susan gave Isabella an encouraging smile.

  “I would like that, please call me Isabella. After all, you are providing a roof over my head which I am grateful for.”

  “Thank you, Isabella. When you get to know us better, I hope you will tell me how we can help. I too required help, and my friends came to my rescue. It is one of the reasons I started a lady's safe house.”

  Eliza and Abby were right, Lady Susan was a jewel of the first cut. Her kindness to others of lower rank was unprecedented in the people she knew. She was a true lady.

  “Isabella come meet the children.” Eliza encouraged.

  Isabella followed the ladies out past the garden. Children’s laughter filtered through the hedges before it opened onto a green where boys and girls were tossing a ball and chasing it across the lawn.

  “George William,” Eliza called to a young tow-haired boy who turned and ran toward his mother.

  “I would like you to meet Miss Dalton, our friend from Bristol.”

  “Good afternoon, George.” Isabella smiled at the happy boy. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Good afternoon,” George replied.

  The other children had followed, and two familiar faces looked up at Isabella, their red and golden curls unfettered by a bonnet.

  “Miss Lisabet, Miss Annalynn, it is good to see you again.” Isabella smiled down at the girls.

  “You have met?” Eliza asked.

  “Yes, we were on the same coach for the last part of our journey.”

  The girls squealed as they ran to keep up with the boys chasing the ball once again.

  “The other two boys are mine.” Lady Susan watched as they ran through the grass. “So much energy.” She shook her head.

  “Is Lord Egerton here as well?” Isabella asked.

  “He will be. I am sure his house is delaying him.” Lady Susan replied. “Do you know him?”

  “We met at the station when I arrived. Their chaperone had to catch the next coach, so I accompanied the girls until his arrival.”

  Colton was late. He had been working with his man to finish his nieces’ rooms which would be ready in a few days and ordered his horse to be saddled, it would be faster to ride. Colton didn’t bother to dress as immaculate as he did in town which is why he welcomed the relaxed dinners in the country with his friends. Colton rode to the stables and admired Sir William’s fine horseflesh while handing his mount's reins to the waiting groom. William had added some excellent stock to his stables since the last time he had been to Montacute. He would ask his friends advice on a few to add to his stables, when he improved the buildings of course. If they could be called such, in truth the outbuildings that had once been the stables were little more than decrepit piles of rotting wood hardly visible through the overgrowth of vegetation. The buildings would have to come down
and be rebuilt. That project would have to wait, until then, Colton would ask William for a tour of his stables, for what he could see of them they were impressive.

  Nearing the house, Colton could see a group gathered on the back terrace. The courtyard sloped down onto a green lawn where flower gardens with an array of colorful blooms surrounded it, making for a private parkland to relax on a warm day. Colton’s chest tightened once again at the contrast between his neglected yard where nature had grown wild and the manicured gardens of William’s estate. He took a deep breath; it would take time.

  William and James sat talking around a table while a group of women sat on low benches near the garden. Three boys played tag running around the yard while trying to avoid being tapped.

  A familiar figure sat on the lawn, a pile of flowers scattered across her lap tilting her head in concentration as her fingers worked to weave a garland. Annalynn lay on her stomach in front of miss Dalton handing her flowers. Lisabet leaned against her lap, watching in avid interest as the woven flowers took shape. He could not hear what they discussed as he joined his friends on the porch.

  “I lost track of time; I am sorry. The projects seem to consume so much more time than I expect, and before I knew it, the day was gone.” Colton greeted his friends.

  A footman offered Colton a drink. “My nieces seem content.” Colton lifted the glass and drank the cool liquid. He turned to see miss Dalton lay a floral crown upon Annalynn’s head and then Lisabet’s. Annalynn jumped to her feet and twirled around clapping her hands. Lisabet stood and place a flower in miss Dalton’s perfectly coiffured hair. She didn’t seem to mind that her elegant evening gown was being crushed as she sat on the lawn with two rambunctious girls hovering around her.

  “As you can see, they have settled in nicely. Clara is taking good care of them and your nieces like her. If you want, Susan said you make take her with you when the girls move home.” James informed him.

  “Yes, your wife is heaven-sent James, and I shall take her up on the offer to find a housekeeper for me. I haven’t the faintest idea of how to go about interviewing the female staff. I should have the nursery ready in a few days, at least to the point that my nieces can come home.”


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