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Claimed Page 8

by M. Never

  “I guess I don’t really have a choice,” she resigns.

  Once back, Ellie and I snuggle up in the lounge chair next to Jett and London. Jett throws me a look as Ellie situates herself between my legs and lays back on my chest.

  I return a head nod indicating things are all good, even though Ellie still feels a little tense. I rub her shoulders in an attempt to relax her, and after a few minutes, she inhales deeply and melts against me. I smile to myself, feeding off her energy. She’ll never understand the effect she has on me.

  For the next hour, the four of us just lounge like fat cats, soaking up the sun and sucking down drinks.

  I can’t remember the last time I sat around and did nothing, and actually enjoyed myself.

  “Oh!” Ellie sits up as two people standing on surfboards float by. “Do you want to go paddleboarding? I learned how to do it in Hawaii. It’s fun!”

  I curl my lip. “Fun? No engine, no pedal, no throttle. How much fun could it be?”

  Ellie’s eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, well, excuse me, Mr. Adrenaline Junkie.” She pushes me playfully. “You can just watch me then.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” I answer as she gets up haughtily, and walks down the beach to the man sitting under a straw umbrella signing out water sports equipment.

  “How much fun could it be?” Jett punches me in the arm out of the blue.

  “Hey! What the fuck was that for?” I rub my arm.

  “You are an idiot,” he snaps.

  “What? Why?”

  “Do you know how much fun it could be?” he gets in my face. “I’ll show you how much fun it can be.”

  I gape at him silently. “What’s got your nuts in a twist?”

  “You, you moron.” With that, he takes off in the same direction as Ellie.

  I glance over at London cluelessly. She just shrugs.

  I watch as Jett and Ellie walk their boards out into the water, then quickly and effortlessly mount them by kneeling first then standing. Ellie impresses me by how comfortably she can move in that skimpy little bikini I plan on burning once we get back to the bungalow.

  Jett and Ellie push off with their sticks, sending them gliding over the crystal-blue lagoon, both keeping pace with each other. I still don’t see how this is supposed to be fun. I want to yawn just watching them. I place my hands behind head, close my eyes, and relax. That’s when I hear Ellie scream. My heart nearly jumps out of my throat. I pop up to find Jett on Ellie’s surfboard. They’re play fighting, Jett attempting to push her off the board and then catching her just before she falls into the water. Ellie is laughing hysterically trying her damnedest to fend him off. I glare, my blood heating, as he puts his hands all over her mostly exposed body.

  Okay, he’s made his point. Repeatedly. Especially over Ellie’s back, sides, and thighs.

  “The man sure knows how to send a message,” London comments behind her large black sunglasses.

  “That he fucking does,” I gripe just as he grabs her ass with both hands and presses her against him.

  “Jett!” Ellie cries out laughing even harder wiggling in his arms.

  That’s it. Jett may be my best friend and all, but he is crossing the line. My girl, my body, and only my hands touch it.

  I toss my aviators down and storm off into the water, wading out to Jett and Ellie. She doesn’t see me coming because her back is turned, but Jett and I lock eyes. Just as I get a foot away, Jett pushes Ellie with some force, knocking her back right into my arms.

  “Oh!” she startles when I catch her. “Where did you come from?” she asks laughing.

  “I’m always around,” I tell her, tightening my grip.

  “Good to know.”

  “You’re having too much fun with Jett.” I hiss.

  “Jett was the only one who wanted to have any fun.”

  “That’s not true. We had fun this morning,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Yes, we did.” Ellie’s cheeks burn bright pink.

  Jett clears his throat. “My work here is done.” He jumps off the board and into the water.

  “Work?” Ellie repeats.

  “Ignore him, he has Tourette’s. Bogus shit just flies out of his mouth.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, bro,” Jett digs.

  “Get fucking lost.” I turn my full attention to Ellie.

  “With pleasure, cranky pants,” Jett says as he swims off.

  Ellie just looks at me with a strange expression.


  “I think that was the first conversation I’ve ever heard the two of you have.”



  “Yeah, well, you almost lose your life with a person a few times, you come to appreciate them.”

  “Oh? That’s how you talk to someone you appreciate? And how many times have you almost lost your life?” she says, sidetracked.

  “A few.” I press my forehead against hers. “That’s all you need to know. I’m here, and that’s what’s important.”

  “Yes, it is.” She kisses me softly on the lips.

  I return the kiss, adding a little more pressure before I pull away.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize earnestly.

  “For what?”

  “Blowing you off.”

  “You didn’t blow me off.”

  “I should have come paddleboarding with you.”

  “Why? I don’t expect us to like all the same things. That’s unrealistic.”

  “Are you a realist, Ellie?” I tease her.

  “No, I just have common sense.”

  “Glad one of us does.”

  “You admit to your flaws?” she jests.

  “My honesty is all I have left.”

  “Says the black operative.”

  “You got me there.” I curl her in my arms.



  “Did Jett make you jealous?”

  “Baby, when it comes to you, everyone makes me jealous.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about with Jett. We’re just friends.”

  “Yes,” I reflect. “I know all about Jett and his friends.”

  I place Ellie on the board. “Enough talk about Jett. Show me.” I climb on after her. She smiles brightly. Happily. It makes my chest hurt. All I’ve wanted was to see that expression, and I’m such an idiot I didn’t realize it’d take something as simple as paddleboarding to put it there.

  Once we stand, she positions the stick in the water steadying herself. I firmly place both my hands on her abdomen, pressing her back against my front. “Let’s see your skills, beach bunny.”

  I WASN’T EXACTLY UPSET THAT Kayne didn’t want to paddleboard, but it was nice to spend time with him doing something other than having sex.

  After an hour of quality time, we spent the rest of the day on the beach consuming copious amounts of alcohol and talking about a variety of subjects. School, my family, Mark. Such mundane things to the average person, but so critical to our fragile relationship.

  “Why don’t we all have dinner?” London asks as Kayne and I stand to leave.

  Both Kayne and Jett look at me. No pressure or anything.

  “Um, sure.” I smile as genuinely as possible. “That sounds fun.”

  I think.

  “Good!” London responds excitedly. “The sushi restaurant here is supposed to be amazing.”

  “Sushi it is, then.” I pull on my cover-up.

  “You eat sushi?” Kayne asks me.

  “Of course, I do. I’m from New York. It’s one of my five food groups.”

  “Perfect! Mine, too.” London’s big blue eyes sparkle. I stole glances at her and Jett all throughout the day. They make one beautiful couple. “She could live off the stuff,” Jett chimes in.

  “Eight o’clock?” I ask.

  London nods zealously.

  “See you then,” I say as Kayne laces our fingers together and leads me away from the beach. I tig
hten my grip, still getting used to him holding my hand. Still getting used to him holding me period—not ashamed to admit that I like the way it feels.

  “Do you eat sushi?” I ask him, realizing I have no idea if he likes raw fish or not. Or if he has any allergies or likes to sleep on the right or left side of the bed. Besides how he takes his coffee and his sexual preferences, I really don’t know much about him.

  “Yes. If I’m forced to.” He grins down at me.

  “Oh, no.” I stop walking.

  “It’s fine, Ellie.” He tugs me along. “There will be something on the menu that I’ll eat. I’m not picky. Trust me. It’s a meal, I’ll never pass it up.”

  “Okay. Well, what do you like to eat?”

  “Simple stuff. I’m a meat and potatoes guy. I could live off rare steak and cold beer.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Is there a preferred dessert I should know about?”

  “Cupcakes, of course. And before you ask, my favorite flavor is between your legs.” He informs me lewdly.

  “Kayne.” I smack him playfully right on his washboard abs.

  “It’s the truth.” He hugs me against him as we walk toward the long line of bungalows stretching out over the water. Ours is far off in the distance.

  “Where did you grow up?” I ask.


  “Tough city.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Tigers fan?”

  “Not in the least.”

  “Yankees fan?”

  “I’m not much into baseball. More a hockey guy. I like confrontation.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?”

  He shrugs, “You’ve seen my aggressive side?”

  “I don’t think I even scratched the surface.”

  “Let’s hope you never have to, either.”

  We stroll a few minutes in comfortable silence, taking in the scenery. It’s crazy, but Mount Otemanu almost looks blue this time of day.

  “So, now that you have whisked me away, whatever shall you do with me?” I toy as our bungalow comes into view.

  “I have dozens of ideas,” his voice vibrates with desire. “The question is what do you want to do?”

  I bite my lip before I speak. “I want to rent a Jeep and explore. And go snorkeling and learn to kite surf,” I say excitedly. “I read about this awesome tour guide who takes you on a private excursion around the island on his boat then makes you dinner on a secluded beach from the fish he catches that day.”

  “Had some time to do some research, have we?” Kayne asks highly amused.

  “Yes! I was googling on the plane. I get excited going to new places!” I say enthusiastically.

  “Do you always bounce?” Kayne laughs as I pop up and down on my toes.

  “No, not usually,” I giggle, planting my feet back on the ground. I’m probably making the biggest ass of myself. I am a severely deprived world traveler. “I only get hyper when you feed me too many sugary drinks.”

  “Good to know. I’ll make sure you stick to vodka and tonics with a lemon from now on.”

  “You remember?” I stop walking.

  “I remember everything, Ellie.”

  I can’t stop myself from smiling.

  “Maybe I should just stick to wine. Too many vodka and tonics make me horny.”

  “And we have a winner.” Kayne makes a fist over his head.

  I pepper Kayne with more questions as we get closer and closer to the bungalow.

  “Favorite color?”


  “Favorite city?”


  “You’ve been to Holland?”

  “I’ve been all over the world.”

  “All over?”

  “All over,” he confirms.

  “The Middle East?” I ask cautiously.


  “For business or pleasure?”

  “Both. Dubai is nice, but I wouldn’t recommend Bagram nowadays.”

  It’s sobering to hear him say that.

  “Ellie? Did I say something to upset you?” Kayne’s face drops.

  “Why were you there? Can you tell me?”

  “Training exercises mostly. We were dropped in the baddest of the bad and left to find our way back to home station.”

  “But you don’t have to go back, right?”

  “No, not at the moment. But there’s always a possibility. Does that worry you?”

  “Maybe.” I chew the inside of my cheek. It makes me think long and hard about what it’s like caring for a man who puts himself in danger as his day job.

  “Hey. Whatever you’re thinking about, please stop. I don’t like that look.”

  “I’m sorry.” I blink rapidly out of my silent thoughts. “I’m not thinking about anything.”

  “Ellie, please. Let’s get something straight. You’ll never be able to lie to me. No matter how hard you try. So if something is on your mind, just say it.”

  I’m not sure I’m ready to tell him that putting his life in danger terrifies me. That after only spending one day together, I’m already getting attached. Or that old feelings are resurfacing faster than I expected. No, I’m not ready to tell him any of that yet, because I’m just coming to terms with it myself.

  “It’s just scary, that’s all.”

  “What’s scary?”

  “The thought of you being in a place that’s so dangerous.”

  “You get used to it after a while.” He starts ushering me along.

  “How about we sit down with Matias and set up some excursions. This vacation is all about fun, and I think we can both use a huge dose of that.” He does a good job of spinning the topic of conversation.

  “Agreed,” I relent, wrapping my arms around his waist and squeezing tightly. A healthy dose of fun is exactly what I need. We walk arm in arm until we reach our butler’s office, then spend over an hour plotting out activities for the next week.

  “I AM SO READY FOR a shower.” I head straight for the bathroom once we get back to the bungalow.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Kayne rips off his shirt and follows close behind me.

  “I don’t remember inviting you.” I coquettishly look over my shoulder at him.

  “I didn’t think I needed an invitation.” Kayne wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. It’s a sexy, lust-fueled gesture.

  “What if I said no?”

  “I would respect that, and then just stand here and watch you lather up all my favorite parts of your body. I enjoy watching you touch yourself just as much as I enjoy touching you.” He slides my bathing suit top over my head.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yup.” My bottoms are gone a second later.

  He drops my bikini into the sink.

  “I’m never going to see that again, am I?” I ask him.

  “Nope. Now get in the shower.” He taps me lightly on the ass.

  I step into the cream-colored stone stall with Kayne right behind me.

  “Stay there,” he orders. Mr. Bossy is never far away.

  With my back to him, I’m suddenly very aware of what can happen in situations like these. I brace myself for his hands. Not in a bad way, but in a domineering, I’m going to take you right here right now and you have nothing to say about it way. But Kayne surprises me. Instead of going straight for the kill like I’m expecting, he starts to wash my hair. Massaging my scalp in such a way it almost doesn’t feel like him. Or does it? I remember those times. Those faint moments when he touched me with such tenderness it actually felt like he loved me. Back then, I couldn’t decipher, but now his intentions are very clear.

  “How does that feel?”

  “So good.” I close my eyes and get lost in the ministrations of his fingers.

  “It’s longer.”

  “What’s longer?”

  “Your hair. It’s lighter and longer. I like it.”

  “More of it for you to pull,” I tease.

��That’s not what I was getting at.” He tugs gently.

  “You couldn’t resist.”

  “You planted the seed. I was trying to be nice.”

  “And you are,” I moan as he presses harder.

  “Good to know I can elicit sounds from you the nice way.”

  “It’s a pleasant surprise for me, too.”

  “I’m hoping to surprise you a lot during this vacation.” He spins me around and tips my head back to rinse out the soap.

  “I’m keeping an open mind,” I speak with my eyes closed.

  “I’m very thankful for that.” He drops a kiss on my lips, and then starts to lather my body, making sure he covers every curve.

  I glance up at him through my wet eyelashes, darting my eyes away shyly once they meet his.

  “Ask, Ellie.” Kayne brushes over my breasts, his hands sliding easily from the soap.

  “How did you know?”

  “I’m trained to read people, and I’ve made it my business to read you like a book.”

  “What’s my tell?” I put my hand on my hip. I didn’t think I was that easy to pick apart.

  “It’s your eyes. They’re too inquisitive, especially when something is on your mind. So ask me whatever you want to know. I’ll answer as honestly as I can.”

  “Your honest side is refreshing.” I run my fingertips over his stomach, tracing the words etched on his ribs. A certain kind of darkness is needed to see the stars.

  “I told you, I don’t want to keep anything from you. I only kept secrets for a reason. A very important reason,” he stipulates.

  “I know.”

  “Do you?” He lifts my chin with his finger.

  “Yes. Now, I do.”

  “Good. So ask already.”

  I chew on my lip, then fire away. “What happened to the women who worked for you?”

  “They were compensated for their services and sent on their way.”

  “Sent where?”

  “Wherever they wanted to go,” he says breezily. “Some stayed in the life. Some started fresh. I’m not exactly sure what happened to each and every one of them, but I do know they’re safe and doing what they want.”

  “Did you sleep with all of them?”

  Kayne freezes with his hands on my backside.

  “No, Ellie, I didn’t.”

  “How many then?”


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