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Claimed Page 18

by M. Never

  “I’m not going to let anyone take you away from me, Ellie.” Determination dripping from his tone.

  “No one is going to take me away, and I know you respect me.”

  “Good. You’re the most resilient person I have ever met.” He swipes his thumb across my cheek.

  “And you’re the scariest.” I laugh.

  “It’s part of my conditioning. I don’t take shit.”

  “Clearly. But you can’t just pop off on people like that.”

  “I can and I will,” he argues with me.

  “Kayne,” I sigh.

  “Ellie. This one you’ll never win. I’ll never roll over and play dead where you or we are concerned,” he says with an unyielding look in his eye.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Yup. Mostly about you.” He presses a kiss on my lips. “Now come on.” He takes my hand. “We have to make a stop before we go to the restaurant.”

  “Stop?” I repeat confused as he drags me down a white marbled hallway clustered with stores and enters the jewelry store.

  “What are we doing in here?” I ask.

  “Good evening.” A bright-eyed salesman in a dark gray suit greets us.

  “Engagement rings?” Kayne asks, and I nearly fall over my feet.


  “Last case in the back.” The man motions fluidly with his hand.

  “Thank you.” We reach the case with Kayne still clutching my hand. “I asked you to marry me, and you said yes. You need a ring. I may not know much, but I do know that. So, go ahead. Pick whichever one you like. I want you to be happy.”

  “What?” I repeat again an octave higher than before.

  “Ellie.” Kayne laughs at me as the salesman steps in front of us. His name is James, according to his tag.

  “What can I show you?”

  I look down into the glass at the shimmering diamonds and truly feel like a cat mesmerized by the light.

  “Let’s see a variety,” Kayne answers for me, and the nice looking man with salt and pepper hair immediately pulls out several different rings. Some with round diamonds, some with square, one with an emerald cut. If someone told me when I got on that plane a week and a half ago that I’d be shopping for an engagement ring, I’d have laughed in their face—like cackled loudly. Yet here I am, staring down at some of the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen, and it becomes a sobering reality.

  “Hmm.” Kayne doesn’t seem impressed with any of them. “See anything you like?”

  I’m overwhelmed. “Maybe you should just pick for me.”

  “You deserve an opinion. You’re the one who has to wear it.”

  “If I may,” James cuts in politely. “Not to offend you, but can you tell me your price cap?”

  “We don’t have one,” Kayne tells him matter-of-factly. The salesman’s eyes glitter just as brightly as the diamonds in front of us.

  “In that case,” he pulls out a ring from the far side of the case and places it in front of me, “you two seem unique. I can tell these things. I see many couples walk through that door, and I can usually read them pretty well.”

  I glance at Kayne and blush scarlet. Are we that obvious?

  “You should wear a ring that reflects your personality. Two-carat cushion-cut diamond with a half carat of pink sapphires haloing around the center stone,” he explains.

  I immediately fall in love.

  “What do you think, Ellie?” Kayne inquires.

  I’m speechless.

  He chuckles, taking the ring from the James’s hand, “I think she likes it,” and places it on my ring finger. “Will you marry me?” he asks softly, and my breath catches. I look at the perfect ring and then at the perfect man with tears forming in my eyes. Is this really happening? I reflect. First, Kayne was the man of my dreams, then he was a monster, and now he’s . . . everything.

  “Yes,” I answer and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that regardless of what happened in the past, it’s the future that’s important now.

  “We’ll take it,” he tells the salesman, then bends down to kiss me on the cheek, whispering, “Cupcake,” in my ear.

  “There is also a matching wedding band. It’s a set if you’re interested?”

  “Fine, yes, we’ll take that, too,” Kayne says still looking at me.

  “And what about you, sir?”

  “Me?” Kayne looks over at him confused.

  “Yes. You’ll need a ring eventually. Would you like to take a look while you’re here?”

  I cock an eyebrow. This guy has balls. He’s going to squeeze every dime out of Kayne he can, and Kayne totally knows it, too.

  “I’ll take a look,” he says shrewdly.

  “You look like a titanium man.” James pulls out a flat velvet board with a number of rings impressed in it.

  Kayne looks them over and then shrugs at me.

  “That one.” I point to a silver band with an extremely thin row of black diamonds.

  “Ah. Very nice choice,” James comments with dollar signs in his eyes as Kayne slips the ring on and makes a fist several times, trying to get used to the feel.

  “Make you anxious?” I tease him.

  “Makes me excited.” His eyes flash with something sinful.

  I bite my lip, knowing full well that look means trouble. A delicious kind of trouble.

  “Done.” He slips the ring off and hands it back to the deliriously happy man in the gray suit. I can’t even imagine how much money he just spent, and frankly, I don’t want to know. Kayne is wealthy. That’s obviously no secret. He has been since I met him. I’m just not exactly used to him spending large amounts of money on me. I guess that’s something I’m going to have to get used to.

  “I can have the two rings wrapped up and sent to your room if you’d like,” James says. “It looks like you’re going out.”

  “That’s fine.” Kayne starts to peruse some other glass cases while I admire my new ring. This is really happening.

  A few moments later, I hear Kayne ask James to see something at the far end of the store, near the front.

  “Ellie,” he calls me over. “Stand here,” he says once I reach him, both of us positioned in front of a mirror. “Pull your hair back, please.”

  I move my long, sun-kissed hair to the side. I blew it out straight and braided the front like a headband. Kayne drops something in front of my face, a necklace, and fastens it around my neck.

  “Now you can always be collared,” he murmurs in my ear as the salesman watches us.

  “The heart is Tiffany,” James informs us as I admire the sparkly pave charm attached to a black silk choker in the mirror. “We can change it up if you like. Maybe put the heart on a platinum chain?”

  “No,” Kayne snaps mildly. “It’s perfect.”

  I keep my mouth shut. This purchase is much more for him than it is for me. I secretly love it, and I’ll show him how much later.

  “Very good, sir. I’ll add it to the bill.”

  “Thank you.”

  I glare at him over my shoulder. “This was your diabolical plan the whole time,” I accuse him playfully.

  He shrugs. “A man always has to have a plan.” He tickles the heart on my ‘necklace.’ A prideful gleam of ownership shining in his eyes.

  I barely remember the walk to the restaurant, and I’m pretty sure if Kayne wasn’t leading me by the hand, I would have walked straight into a wall.

  This is really happening.

  “Ellie? Earth to Ellie?” Jett waves his hand in front of my face.

  “Huh?” I blink.

  “I said congratulations.” His big aqua eyes sparkle.

  Where the heck did I go?

  I think the enormity of the last week and a half—hell, the last year of jumbled feelings, the love, the hate, and the confusion—is finally hitting me like a ton of bricks.

  “Thank you,” I smile brightly because, for the first time in so long, I am truly happy.

  Kayne pulls out my c
hair at the table and the four of us sit.

  “You okay?” he asks quietly, concerned.

  “Yes,” I reply in my most confident voice, because I am.

  “A bottle of your best Prosecco, please.” I hear Jett order and see the waiter hurry off.

  “Let me see again!” London grabs my hand and moves it so my engagement ring catches the light. “I love the pink! It’s perfect for you, Ellie.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

  “Thank you.” I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying for the last ten minutes.

  The waiter returns with four champagne glasses and the chilled bottle of Prosecco. I suppose if you’re going to drink Italian champagne, the best place to do it is at a high-end Italian restaurant.

  When our glasses are full, we raise them for a toast.

  “I’d like to say something,” Jett announces.

  “Oh shit,” I hear Kayne mutter.

  “Shut up, idiot,” Jett snaps. “I just wanted to say that I’m elated this story has a happy ending. God knows we all needed it, not just you two.”

  “Cheers,” Kayne says hastily.

  “No,” Jett pulls his glass back. “Quit ruining my moment,” he spits.

  “Fine.” Kayne drops his head and huffs.

  “I want to relay something someone very wise once told me. A man’s most precious possession is the woman who walks by his side. And I don’t think you could have found a more perfect woman.” Jett clinks Kayne’s glass. Kayne stares at him idly with a glint in his eye and ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  “You couldn’t have said it at all. You suck at heartfelt speeches.” Jett gulps his Prosecco.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” I grin behind my glass right before I take a sip. The champagne is delectably sweet, clean, and crisp. Delicious.

  Dinner moves swiftly as we dine on flaky bread, fennel and aged pecorino salad, filet mignon with a balsamic glaze, and indulge in several more bottles of expensive Prosecco. By the time dessert rolls around, not only am I stuffed, but feeling no pain as well.

  “You know what I think you guys should do,” London says as she drains the last drops of champagne from her glass, “and it may sound crazy, but I think you two should do it while you’re here.”

  All three of us look at her strangely.

  “Not that. I know you do that.” She sticks her tongue out and laughs. “I mean get married. You should totally find a deserted beach at sunset and get married.”

  “I’m sure Ellie would want her family there,” Jett says.

  I nod, glancing at Kayne. He’s staring at London stoically. A little tingle of worry runs down my spine. Did she just spook him? Is he coming to realize we’re moving too fast? Is he suddenly having second thoughts?

  “Probably.” London drops her head into her hand dreamily. “It would be romantic, though.”

  “We can always have a sunset ceremony. On Maui maybe?” I look at Kayne apprehensively.

  “We can have anything you want.” He smiles, but it’s a distant expression.

  I internally panic, but I’m not going to dwell. If there’s something to be worried about, I’ll find out soon enough.

  Once the bill is paid, we move outside to the patio where oversized couches surround a large brick fireplace; dark-red lanterns hang overhead and sweet smelling cigar smoke lingers in the air. London and I park on a couch while Kayne and Jett stand by the bar and cut new cigars. I never found it appealing—a man smoking a cigar—until now. Until I watch Kayne wrap his lips around the thick brown Churchill and elegantly puff one O out after another.

  “You happy, Ellie?” London asks as she lazily twirls a piece of my hair around her finger.

  “Yes. Are you?” I ask surprised.

  She smiles, her eyes glassy from all the alcohol. “Deliriously. Even if Jett and I never get married, he could make me happy for the rest of my life.”

  “Well, that’s good to know. I’d hate for you to spend it with a man who makes you miserable,” I laugh.

  She laughs, too, her head resting comfortably against the thick maroon cushion. “You’re funny,” she says as she gazes at me, the fire illuminating her dark-red hair and crystal-blue eyes. “And really beautiful, you know that?”

  “You think?” I tuck some hair behind my ear shyly. It’s one thing to get compliments from a man, but a woman, a woman who you’ve had sexual relations with, is a whole other story.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” She sits up and scoots closer to me so our bare legs are touching. I nod, having to keep my knees together to keep from being tickled by the nighttime breeze as it brushes up under my shorts and pets my unclad privates.

  “Sure,” I shift.

  She leans over to whisper in my ear. “Sometimes, when Jett makes me touch myself, I think about you.”

  “What?” My eyes fly to hers.

  “I’ve had a lot of sexual experiences, but that night with you was one of the best.” She looks down at my lips, and my heart skips like a scratched record.

  “Do you think . . .” She runs one soft finger up the inside of my thigh, “you’d want to give Kayne an engagement present?”

  I’m momentarily stunned. One, because she’s hitting on me; two, because the memories of that night are uncontrollably flooding my mind, and three, because suddenly I really want her to kiss me.

  “Same sex is an acquired taste,” I hear Jett say, and he’s right. That night was one of the hottest, if not the hottest, of my life. I glance over at Jett and Kayne as my mouth and London’s hover closely together. Vance Joy singing about riptides and dark sides softly in the background. They’re both watching us closely, like two lions spying on a gazelle.

  “I think he’d like that,” I tell her summoning my courage and stroking my excitement all at the same time. London brushes her lips against mine, and I inhale a sharp breath. She smells good, like some kind of spicy perfume, but feels even better. When our tongues graze, a million little tingles race all over my skin. For a second, I forget where I am, solely concentrating on the feel of London’s mouth and the smooth caress of her hand on my naked thigh.

  Someone suddenly clears their throat very loudly, breaking the spell the two of us are under.

  I look up to see Jett standing over us, with Kayne behind him, arms crossed.

  “Time to go,” Jett informs us. “You two are drawing a little too much attention,” he says with a wicked gleam.

  I glance around to see most, if not everyone, on the patio staring at us. Oops. Jett extends his hand to London and pulls her to her feet. Then Kayne does the same to me. I look up at him a little guilty. Should we have asked permission first? How does this work?

  “Yes. You’re in trouble.” Fire dances in his unique, spellbinding eyes. I gulp.

  “You told me I could fuck as many women as I want.”

  His gaze darkens. I don’t think I’m helping myself here.

  “I remember. I also told you I would be the only man who ever touches you. So don’t get any ideas.”

  “Ideas?” I say as he pulls me in the direction of London and Jett. In no time at all, the four of us are crunched in the back of a golf cart.

  “Bungalow forty-six,” Jett tells the driver, and he steps on the pedal. “Please.” He then turns to London and me. We’re practically sitting on top of each other. “Feel free to pick up where you left off.”

  London doesn’t miss a beat, she dives her tongue back into my mouth and kisses me without any hesitation. I’m suddenly trapped, my back pinned to Kayne while she freely explores my body, her hand brushing down my neck, over my breasts, and around to my ass.

  The golf cart suddenly jolts to a stop and I realize we have reached bungalow forty-six.

  The four of us pile out, London yanking me eagerly behind her. I see Jett pull out a wad of cash and smack some into the driver’s hand. “Bet you don’t get tips like that every day,” he says to the wide-eye
d boy. I giggle to myself; he so wasn’t talking about money.

  The inside of London and Jett’s bungalow doesn’t look much different from ours; it’s just on a smaller scale.

  “How come you aren’t staying in a big bungalow like ours?” I ask Jett as he turns on a light.

  “I’m not ostentatious. Besides, this is enough.”

  “All we really need is a beach and bedroom,” London says impishly. “The bedroom is this way,” she tugs me. I glance back at Kayne as I follow her. He’s been threateningly quiet, despite his howling presence. Images of him from the first night London and I spent together turn over in my thoughts, the way he touched himself as he watched us, the way he instructed us, the way he fucked me while I made her come. It was barely human.

  Once inside the bedroom I stop, slipping my hand out of London’s. What was I saying about their bungalow not being much different than ours?

  I was dead wrong.

  There are shackles attached to each post of the canopy bed and a thick black collar dangling by a chain on the headboard. The nightstand is covered with an array of sex toys, a ball gag, lubricants, and wax candles. But it’s the long rope on the floor that has me looking at Jett strangely. He just shrugs. “I’m into Kinbaku.”

  I draw in my eyebrows. “What?”

  “Rope bondage.”

  “Oh.” I stare at him blankly.

  “It’s a very beautiful art form,” he tries to explain, almost like he’s defending it.

  “Okay.” He doesn’t need to sell me. I willingly walked through the looking glass. This time.

  “I’m a kinky bastard. What can I say?”

  He brushes past me to the opposite side of the room, opens the sliding glass door and pulls in two chairs from the sundeck.

  “It takes one to know one?” I jest.

  Jett smiles entertained as he sits in one chair and Kayne sits in the other, suddenly making me feel like the main attraction in a private XXX show.

  “London, come,” Jett says, and she immediately drops to all fours and crawls to him. Once she reaches him, she kneels submissively between his legs. I automatically look at Kayne.

  He just lifts his hand off his knee slightly as if signaling me to stay.


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