Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 41

by JG Jerome

  When her hand appears complete. I tell her, “Sera, I am Jack Jerome. I am the Green Lord. Your sire, is the exact opposite of me. In case you didn’t pick it up from how Selene named you, he is known as the Dread Lord. Note that I don’t believe the word ‘father’ applies to him in any of its permutations. As much as I hate your step-father, I suspect that he is the only real father you’ve ever known. I’m going to leave you with Selene and Charli to have them explain the difference between me and your sire.”

  I turn to Charli and direct her, “Get Trina involved. She’s been with me when the Elves explained a lot of it all to me.” Then I explain to them all, “I have at least two other people I need to heal and an assassin to talk to. Therefore, I’m going to leave you ladies to catch Sera up to speed. Questions?”

  Charli asks, “May I have a kiss, my Lord?”

  I smile, “Of course, my Darling.”

  She wraps her arms around me and kisses me sloppily before leaning back to look in my eyes, “Be careful, my Lord. You need to be around to help me raise our baby. I’m sure Christie and Myra want the same.”

  I give her a quick brush of my lips, “Of course, Beloved.”

  She lets me go, and Selene gives me a ‘Khm.’

  I look at her questioningly. “Lord, I just joined the family. I need you to stay safe, okay?”

  I caress her cheek, “I’m afraid ‘safe’ isn’t much in the cards until we shut down your sire. I do promise to not take unnecessary risks if I can.”

  Selene leaps on me, wrapping me in a hug. “Thank you, Lord. I’ve known you for less than 24 hours, and you’ve already shown me more love than I’ve had in my lifetime. I want to keep you around.” She kisses my cheek and backs away shyly. Then she looks at Sera, “Okay, little sister. Let’s go to the dining hall and get you up to speed.”

  Selene hooks Sera’s arm and helps her up. “And I do intentionally call you sister. I apparently have the same sire.”

  I ask one last question in parting, “Sera, does your mother have a bracelet like yours?”

  She says, “No, Lord. She does have one that looks kind of like yours.” She points to Jacob, “There are darks stones instead of knots. Otherwise it’s twisted metal strands like that.”

  I ask another, “What position does your mother hold in the court?”

  She responds, “Similar to mine. She is a trusted confidant of the Summer Queen. You might call her a Lady in Waiting.”

  I caress her left cheek before I kiss her right cheek. Then I tell Selene, “She gets the same three options I gave you. Being here might present a fourth. Let me know what you come up with.”

  Selene responds, “Yes, my Lord.” She bows and then leads Sera away as Charli grabs Sera’s other arm.

  Chapter 43 - Recovery

  I take a deep breath. I’ve burned a lot of psychic energy between multiple blinks, bouncing Trevor, putting a variety of people to sleep, and healing Louis, Grace, Corrina, Sera, and myself. The headache is starting to come back. I close my eyes and take several deep breaths. It helps.

  “My Love, are you okay?” I open my eyes and see Megan standing in front of me with a worried look on her face.

  I frown before pulling her into a hug. I take a couple more deep breaths before answering, “Yes, Sweetheart. I’ve used both my Elven and my Verdic abilities quite a bit today. I need to take a break. I’m getting a headache again. I need to drink some more water and get some fuel.”

  Megan’s worried look warms my heart. I tell her, “I’ll be okay, Honey. I just need to listen to my body and do what it tells me.”

  “Okay, Love. I’ll arrange to get what you need. Let me quickly introduce you to my eldest sister, Morganna. She now prefers ‘Morgan’ to keep us all on our toes,” Megan says before smiling at one of the two women with her.

  The one she smiles at almost looks like a younger clone of Ariana dressed as a dominatrix. Her breasts are only slightly smaller and sitting higher than Ariana’s. Plus, she has a narrower waist. She might be an inch or two taller. She is of course stunningly beautiful. She steps forward and wraps me in a hug. “Hello, Jack. Myra has been pining for you ever since she arrived. It’s quite pathetic. I had to eat her pussy to get her to shut up about you.”

  I tilt my head to look at her. She grins at me, “They didn’t tell you I’m the bad girl?” I can’t help it, I pull her to me and turn my face away from her ear so my belly laugh doesn’t deafen her. I step back and hold her shoulders as I look at her and ‘assess’ her mind. I can see familiar scars, though not nearly as bad as her mother’s. I close my eyes against the growing headache.

  “That looks like Laurel’s handiwork,” I tell her as I grimace through the spike. It slowly recedes to a dull ache.

  I open my eyes to see her concerned look. She smiles gently and says, “I guess you won’t be fucking me to heal me then.”

  I laugh again. I look at her and respond, “Well Morgan, fucking Corrina helped fend off the headache until I healed Sera and assessed you. Maybe that’s just what the doctor ordered.”

  Megan pipes up, “Oh no, Lord. You probably would only get the medicinal benefits if you fuck one of your sworn concubines!” She grins as she pulls her collar to the side to show my bite marks.

  Morgan and her companion both gasp. The other one says, “You took a mark?” Megan just nods enthusiastically and grins.

  I look at the companion. She’s wearing a black sports bra and boy shorts. She’s another beautiful Sidhe with dark grey skin similar to the assassin’s. Her figure is damned distracting, too. I say to her, “You seem really familiar to me, but I swear I have never met you.” I extend my hand, “I’m Jack. What’s your name?”

  She laughs, “Why Jack, you know me quite well! My name is Esmerelda Nightshade. You’ve been calling me Esmi since you arrived!”

  “Esmi!” I gasp. “You have a human form?”

  “Yes, Jack. Almost all the Fae have a human form. Nighthags are actually Sidhe-bat hybrids. Just like your Valkyrie is an Sidhe-eagle hybrid. They did a lot more experimentation on the Valkyries than they did on the Nighthags. Hasn’t your Valkyrie shown you her Sidhe form?”

  “Nope,” I answer. “She doesn’t have one. She can cast a human glamour, but no actual Sidhe form.”

  Esmi says, “Oh sure she does. Those dumb-asses in the Summer! Hundreds of years ago, they decided that they would only train Valkyries that are born in their feathered form. The logic, if you can call it that, was they would make the strongest Valkyrie warriors. There were getting to be too many, and they were starting to lose track of the genetic lines. Plus they had a shit-ton of them as trained warriors. Generations of births later, no one remembers that more Valkyries are born in their Sidhe form than their feathered form. You’d think with the appearance of skip-generation Valkyrie births, they’d have figured it out by now. Easily 50% of their population has Valkyrie genetics to one degree or another.”

  “Wow!” is all I can say. Then I pull myself together, “Esmi, I’m sorry for being so rude.” I pull her into a hug. “Thank you for being such a great guide.”

  She hugs me back, “My pleasure, Jack. You’ve stirred things up quite a bit, and I don’t think you’re done yet.” Then she cocks an eyebrow at me and says, “Once you’re done fucking my girlfriend to heal her, maybe you would heal me. I’m sure I have a booboo somewhere!”

  All four of us laugh at that. I kiss her cheek and ask, “Would you have a chat with Tiphanae? See if you can talk her through finding her Sidhe form? Knowing she can choose which form to wear would probably help her self-image. Valkyries are apparently taught that they’re freaks.”

  Esmi says, “They are freaks. Have you ever seen them fight? And sheathing swords in their flesh? If that’s not a freak, I don’t know what is!” I just look at her. “Fine, Jack. But remember, I’m bound to get injured doing this, and I expect the only way to heal me is to fill me full of your cum!”

  I chuckle, “Please show me your injuries when yo
u get back, Esmi.”

  She grins and says, “Sure thing, Jack.” She pulls Morgan in a wet kiss and winks at her before sauntering off. About two steps out, she starts to really work her motor, looks over her shoulder, and blows me a kiss.”

  I look to Morgan, “She’s your girlfriend?”

  “Yep,” Morgan responds with a grin.

  “Is she always that flirtatious?” I ask.

  Morgan considers before shaking her head, “No. I think having fucked your wife, she wants a full set.” She looks at me and says, “I know I do!”

  Megan is laughing behind her hand. I shrug and say, “Well, the full set is me and…” I start ticking them off my fingers, “Myra, Megan, Trina, Kristina, Chelsea, Supreet, Corrina, Charli, Daphne, Geri, Liesl, Marisol, Selene, Georgia, Christie, Tiphanae, Solange, Sowie, thirty-three nymphs, one Orc, six Goblins, and probably Sera.” Her eyes are huge. I continue, “Now that does include two male Goblins that I won’t be fucking, so I’ll leave it to you if you want to include them or not. I know Cholley would love to have some Sidhe pussy. Then assuming your mother will get in on know, Morgan. I recommend you pace yourself.”

  “How do you do it?” she asks.

  Megan laughs and wraps her arms around Morgan’s shoulders, “I told you! Love is his superpower! And I do mean super and powerful!” She keeps laughing. “Oh my Goddess, Morgan! Are you blushing? You?”

  Morgan whispers, “I’m getting hot just thinking about it!” She waves her hand at her face.

  Megan says, “Why don’t we go get some food and water for Jack? That will let you cool your jets for a bit.”

  Morgan says, “Okay, Baby.” Morgan leans in and says, “I really need you to heal me, Jack. I promised Sissi I would help her. I think I need to be sane for that.” Then she plants a lingering kiss on my lips. She lets me go and backs away. “Don’t forget me, Superlover.”

  Megan giggles and pulls me into a hot kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth. I suck it in and tease it with my own. We finally break, and she says, “I’ll be right back, my Lord and King. I love you! Christie and I want to share you! Soon!” She backs away and winks at me. Then she spins and trots to catch up with Morgan.

  Trina and Daphne intercept them. They have a basket, and I can see water bottles and fruit sticking up. Megan and Morgan chat with them. I head to sit with my mother-in-law and wife.

  Eliana speaks into my mind, *Jack, now that you have the full set, I can restore your mental energy when you get headaches from over-exertion. It’s better to save it for when you need it in combat because it takes me some time to charge back up. I actually absorb the energy from you when you are full-up. But keep in mind, it’s an option for dire circumstances. Duroc can now help heal injuries to your body, too. His special ability works similarly to mine. I started off with a pretty full charge. If you get in trouble later today, call on me. Otherwise, water, food, and sex will recharge your energy.*

  I’m surprised, *I didn’t imagine it? Loving Corrina helped my headache?*

  *Yes, silly Lord,* she laughs at me. *Making love to your ladies will help you recover. You’re right to say love is your superpower. The more wives and concubines you have loving you, the bigger your reserve of power is. I suspect you are overpowering each ability right now because you are still learning. You will get more efficient over time. And if I heard you right, you have a large number of lovers. Having all that love and loving them all will keep you well charged. Also, the love of your followers charges you as well even if you don’t make love to them. It’s a different kind of love, but it is all love. Romance, lust, brotherhood, loyalty, friendship - they all help your power grow.*

  I tell her, *Thanks for letting me know. Durec has been training me as often as I can find a break to concentrate on it. There’s just a steep learning curve at the moment.*

  I hear Durec, *In my experience, young lords of the blood learn these abilities and this lore over many years. You have been trying to do it all in a matter of weeks. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Lord. You’re doing well. With the complete set of relics, we will all take care of you even better than we could before.*

  *Thanks to you all,* I send to all the souls attached to me. I feel wrapped in love from them all.

  I walk toward the dais and stop in front of Jason. “Hello Jason, it’s good to see you again.”

  He grimaces, “Jack, I’m not sure if it’s good to see you or not. I think you have good intent, but I suspect you’re going to upset our entire world.”

  I lean just a little bit, “Jason, you don’t have to suspect. I become more certain of it every day. I started with the Goblins. Now I’m here to support Myra. Then I think we need to go have a talk to the Summer Queen. After that, I’m going to be back in the lead to clean some problems outside the Fae communities. I’m hoping I can count on your support.”

  Jason purses his mouth, “Look, Jack. I have to keep the safety of my Queen first, and our people second. Supporting you is way down the line.”

  I shrug, “Oh! Well, that’s too bad. I hope I don’t cause you too much aggravation. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go heal your queen. Apparently someone let the Summer Lady in here to scramble her brain. I need to go put her back together again.”

  Jason drops his spear across my path and shakes his head gently, “I’m sorry, Jack. You may not approach without being called.”

  I hear Morgan behind me, “Jason, you will get out of Jack’s way or I will hang you on Trevor’s tree over there and give everyone a demonstration of my prowess with a whip.” She steps up and hooks an arm through mine.

  Then Megan steps up and hooks an arm through my left elbow. “Hello, Jason.” Then she turns her attention to the throne, “Mother! Would you mind if I bring Jack over to check your health?”

  Ariana says, “Of course! Approach, my son-in-law.”

  “Later Jason,” I whisper to him. “Coming, Queen Ariana!” I call.

  I walk up to the dais and kiss my bride. I sit on the other side of my mother-in-law with Morningstar gliding across the step behind me. Megan, Morgan, Daphne, and Trina approach with the basket.

  Trina pulls out a bottle of water and hands one to me. I turn to the Queen of Winter, “Ariana, when was the last time you ate or drank anything?”

  She looks at me like I’m stoned. “I don’t know, Jack.”

  I crack open the water and take a sip. “It’s safe to drink, your majesty,” I tell her formally. I hand her the bottle. “Drink, Ariana. It’s time we take care of you. You need water, and you need food. I’ll join you because quite honestly, I’m in much the same predicament.”

  I crack another, take a sip, and pass it to Myra. “Stay hydrated, beloved wife,” I tell her with a smile. I look up at Daphne, “Precious, please put the basket down here.” I indicate the step between the queen and myself.

  “Of course, my Lord,” she responds with a sultry smile. “We have more water, a variety of lightly salted roasted nuts, fresh fruit, and cheeses. High energy foods. Good fats, good carbs, protein, fiber. We’ll get you chipper in no time.”

  Georgia tries to join us, and Jason stops her. “Jason, stop fucking with my people,” I call out.

  Ariana sighs and says, “Lieutenant. Let Jack’s family join me as if they are my own. Ask my daughters or Daphne if you have questions.”

  Jason turns and bows to Ariana, “Yes, my Queen.” Then he turns back to his post.

  I tell Georgia, “You look good in Raven battle togs, Sweetie.” She preens at the praise. “What can I do for you?”

  Georgia says, “Trina said you had needs. I’m here to service you if you need it, my Lord. I’m the only one of your three pets that isn’t Winter Court. I can enjoy playing the part of your fuck-toy in public without political implications.” She gives me a hopeful smile.

  I look to Ariana, “It’s your court. What are the standards of conduct?”

  She points to a young man near the third column on the left, kneeling w
ith his mouth full of his lover’s cock. Then she points into the shadows between the first and third on the right. I squint and detect two females kissing across the chest of a male while they stroke his cock and balls. He has their skirts up and it looks like he has fingers buried in them.

  I look at Ariana and then tell Georgia, “Strip, Georgia. Keep your boots on. Make a pillow with your clothes and assume the kneeling position and rest your head on my knee. I’m not ready for you to service me, yet.”

  I look around Ariana at Myra, “Georgia won the prize for most broken until I met Grace. She may push Georgia to second-most-broken. Time will tell.”

  Myra asks, “Which is Grace?”

  “She’s the extremely shy Goblin.”

  She looks puzzled, “A Goblin named Grace?”

  I shake my head, “She didn’t have a name. Her parents always called her ‘four.’ I named her Grace. You’ll understand when you meet her. Corrina’s taken all five of them to get clothing and weapons. They decided they are going to be my personal guard. Corrina likes the idea, so she is enabling them.”

  Myra leans forward, “Georgia, I’ve not met you before. Welcome to our family. Let’s plan on spending some time getting to know each other.”

  Georgia flashes Myra a brilliant smile, “I look forward to it, my Queen!” Then she kneels between my legs with her knees spread wide apart. Then she wraps her arms around my left calf and squeezes her breasts around it before laying her head on my knee.

  I look down at her, “Georgia, that looks more awkward than I thought it would. You may sit on your clothes. If your neck aches, then sit up. I’m going to pet you while I eat.”

  She leans in and kisses my package. Then she turns around and slides back until her back rests against the step I’m sitting on. Then Georgia wraps her arms around my left leg again and leans her head against my knee. She looks into the basket and plucks a small jar of nuts and hands it up to me. I take it. Then I lean down and kiss her rich amber hair as I murmur, “Thank you, my Strumpet. You’re too good to me, Georgia.”


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