Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 52

by JG Jerome

  She takes a couple more deep breaths. Then she adds, “The most important things for you to know at this time are these. First of all, in the event the Green Lord marries the Lady of either court of the Faerie, that Lady becomes the queen of all Fae, or ‘the Faerie Queen.’ The Green Lord married Moira ab Liam Mac Nessus, the Winter Lady about two weeks ago. Moira is no longer the Winter Lady, rather she is now the Faerie Queen. She is also carrying his second child. Secondly, I understand that Morganna ab Liam Mac Nessus has been healed of her mental illness by the Green Lord, and she is now the Winter Lady. It seems that Laurel caused the insanity of both Morganna and the Winter Queen by repeatedly using influence ability on them. I ask Queen Moira to convey my apologies to her mother and sister, and I wish them a rapid recovery. Thirdly, I have sworn my loyalty to Queen Moira. I now reaffirm my oath to her.”

  There is a growing tide of murmurs as Titania steps down to the floor and prostrates herself before Myra. “My Queen! I offer my service, my family, and my people to your service.”

  Myra answers, “Queen Titania, I accept you into my service. For your service, I offer my service. For your family, I offer my family. We are a single people, and we have a singular purpose. Please rise, Queen Titania.” Myra bows her head to the Summer Queen.

  There is an uproar from the gallery as Queen Titania rises and quickly steps up the lowest step of the dais. She yells, “QUIET!” She waits for the grumbling to subside before she continues, “As much as we like to condescend to our Winter cousins, they, like us, have a purpose to serve. They have not been paying attention to their remit any better than we have to ours. They have just been more profitable at it. We are going to put this parochialism aside. There is much work to do, I expect all of you to step up and do your part.”

  She stops to listen to the response. Dead silence greets her. She continues, “Feel free to request an audience if you would like me to explain the reasoning in detail. The fourth historically significant fact is that Jack Jerome, the Green Lord, is not the only Verdic person to appear recently. The Green Lord is a force for creation. This other Verdic power is a force for destruction and hate. He is called the Dread Lord. We don’t know much about him, but expect epic battles to ensue when we do. We will support Lord Jack in this.”

  There is some discussion in the hall, but nothing nearly as negative as when she announced Myra as her sovereign. After pausing for a moment Titania says, “I now introduce you to our Queen, Moira ab Liam Mac Jerome.” Titania invites Myra to stand on the second step as Titania sits on it.

  Myra addresses the crowd, “My people, many of you have thought of me as an opponent if not an enemy. I too have sometimes fallen into the trap of despising those that are different. So, I can’t blame you for having had those thoughts. I ask that you join me in putting those differences aside to enable all Sidhe people, all Fae people, to lift each other up rather than push each other down. I intend for the courts to continue to exist. It makes sense to leave each to its specific remit. However, that does not mean the courts will continue to be at odds. If the two courts are not working together, then we are failing as a people. The Fae are picking back up our responsibilities and the division between the courts is going to be a fuzzy line rather than a stone rampart.”

  She pauses for a moment, and then she steps down a step on the dais.

  Myra continues, “Since long before humans became human, the Sidhe were entrusted to be the protectors of life and the earth. I don’t think anyone knows now whether we were created by the Green Lords for this purpose or if we were just judged as best to perform this duty and charged with it. As I told the Winter Court, it matters not one bit. When the courts split, the Winter Court was charged with the powers of renewal. The Summer Court was charged with powers of growth. You are meant to promote and govern growth, life, joy, romance, and play. Don’t forget, atrophy and entropy also fall under your bailiwick as they are parts of life. Arts such as music and plays have traditionally been yours, too. You will be picking up stewardship of all of these. The Winter Court will be focused on guiding the earth and its communities to restore the earth, refresh our resources, and guide people to connect with each other. You will encourage planting of plants to cleanse our air and oxygenate our atmosphere. You will be nurturing and breeding bees to be hardier to be able to better pollinate our food sources in our currently toxic world. You will husband food plants and animals to ensure we can feed the world. You will be infiltrating the large food consortiums to lead them in eliminating foods created in labs in favor of foods that are whole and real. Winter will also be working with you in this regard to ensure foods provide the nutrients we need to thrive. All of us are going to be active in human politics. We are going to be upsetting the human world immensely, and we will be doing it invisibly. I will guide your Queen and the Winter Queen in how we go about this.”

  The hubbub rises, but it feels like more positive energy than before. Judging by the faces in the crowd, it seems real.

  Myra lets them talk for a moment before starting back up, “I thought being the Winter Lady was the highest call to service I could ever be asked to fill - preparing to replace our Queen to serve and guide our court. I’ve now learned that is no longer true. I have a bigger responsibility to serve all of the Fae people.”

  She takes a big breath before smiling to say, “Thank you, my people. Go forth. Start planning for how we are going to execute my guidance. I’ll be talking to you again either in groups or as a community. Be well, people of Fae!”

  Applause erupts as Myra kneels to the people, bows, and gets back up. She smiles and waves to the crowd and then sits beside Titania. She pulls the Summer Queen into a hug as the older women dissolves into tears again. Linden joins them to console her mother.

  The Summer Court are not as exuberant as the Winter Court was, but they still seem mostly positive. In addition to having the former Winter Lady as the Faerie Queen, I imagine the Summer Queen’s sorrow affects them, too.

  The Chamberlain comes forth and beats his staff on the ground three times before announcing in his booming voice, “This concludes the address by their Majesties Queen Titania ab Jorl Mac Cavanaugh of the Winter Court and Moira ab Liam Mac Jerome, Queen of Faerie.” Then he marches off around the corner, I’m assuming to his office.

  Christie follows him and shortly thereafter four Brownies march in what look like two elaborately carved saw horses. Christie directs them to set them about fifteen feet in front of the throne dais. Then Zelwyn has his detail gently place Laurel’s stretcher on the supports. He posts a guard at each corner of her stretcher with a fair amount of ceremony. Then he leads the remaining guard with him to march out to the side through the trees.

  Myra and Linden escort Titania to the stretcher, and Titania kisses her dead daughter’s forehead, both cheeks, both eyes, and her lips. Then she stands, raises both hands in the air, and prays, “Dear Goddess! Please shepherd the soul of my daughter, Laurel ab Lochlin Mac Cavanaugh, to the Summerlands until she can return a happier soul at a time of your choosing!”

  She holds that posture for about a full minute and then collapses to the ground sobbing. Christie and Linden kneel next to her and hug her. After a few minutes, they help her to her feet. Titania beckons me to her.

  I stand in front of her and wrap her in an aura of love. I genuflect, “Please forgive me for not being able to find a better solution, Titania. I did not think highly of Laurel, but I would rather have spared you this pain.”

  Titania drops to her knees before me and wraps her arms around me. “Jack, I forgive you. Prudence had been whispering poison into her ears for decades. I did not intervene. If I had, maybe she would still be alive.”

  I kiss her temple and hug her to me, “We can never know that, Titania. We can only strive to do better and serve our people to the best of our abilities. I am here if you need to talk. I know Myra feels the same way. Be at peace, dear Titania. You are loved by your daughters, your people, and my family. I wil
l leave you to grieve.” I lift her up, and her daughters support her.

  Christie says, “Jack, I will stay while Laurel lays in state. Georgia and Tiffy will stay with me. I’ll be home to you immediately thereafter, my Love.”

  I kiss her gently, cupping her silky cheeks with both hands. “Be safe and come home when you can, Beloved.” I release her and say to her sister, “Linden, I regret that we meet under these circumstances. Hopefully, we can meet again under happier auspices soon.”

  She says, “Call me ‘Linda,’ Jack. I would like that. Fare thee well.”

  Myra steps in and gently kisses Titania’s lips. She tells the grieving mother, “I will return for the third day.”

  Titania says, “Thank you,…”

  Myra silences her by putting her fingers gently on Titania’s mouth. “Please do call me Myra, Titania. I am here to serve you and all our people. I think our queens should be able to address me informally. Rest assured, my mother will.”

  Titania chuckles despite her grief, “I am certain. Safe journey Myra. I look forward to your return.”

  O’ren approaches and hugs Myra and I. “Safe journey home, Lord and Lady. I hope to see you again soon in happier circumstances.” O’ren then follows Titania as her daughters escort her to her chambers.

  I offer Myra my arm, and we head back to the portal leading us to the Winter Court with my guard detail in the lead, followed by Sera and Chelsea. The Ravens range on either side of us and to the rear.

  We pass through the portal and pass the guard station on the Winter Court side. The guards snap to attention as we pass. They call out, “Hail, Queen Moira. Welcome back to the Winter Court!” Myra waves as we hurry past.

  As we emerge into the audience chamber, I see a collection of beings designed to induce nightmares. Tentacles, fur, red eyes, claws, and sharp teeth are in abundance. Talking to them is a hulking human-like man in quilted leathers with an impressive rack of antlers sprouting from his head. The crown of his head easily reaches 6’6”, plus the antlers extend at least another 18” above that. I bet he has a hell of a time passing through standard doors.

  Myra calls, “Lord Cernunnos!”

  The huge man turns to reveal a face that’s more bestial than human. He has a short muzzle that encompasses his nose and mouth, but with human eyes and a short beard. He smiles, which surprises me, and calls out, “Queen Myra! Welcome back to the Winter Court!” He turns to the night hag, “Let the Chamberlain know.”

  The large bat woman launches up into the air in a whoosh of shadow as Myra guides me over to meet him.

  Myra says, “Lord Cernunnos, allow me to introduce my husband, Jack Jerome. He is the Green Lord. Jack, this is Lord Cernunnos, King of the Sluagh and Lord of the Wild Hunt.”

  I offer my hand, “Lord Cernunnos, please call me Jack.”

  He engulfs my hand in his. “It’s my pleasure, Jack. Congratulations on catching this fleet young lady.” He squeezes my hand, but he’s not a dick about it. “Call me Harald.”

  “Harald?” I am thrown off.

  Harald releases a huge belly laugh. “Yeah, whodda thunk it, right? Lord Cernunnos is a title for the Lord of the Hunt and ‘king’ of the host. My actual name is Harald. My family is one of three beastkin families among the host that habitually serve as King of the Sluagh and Lord of the Hunt.”

  “Oh!” I exclaim. “Pardon me for being a dumbass. I’m still learning new things every day about the people of Faerie.”

  He chuckles and slaps my shoulder gently, “No worries, Jack. Supreet told me you were here. I’m glad I could catch you. By the way, that fellow you had Trina tell us about - ‘Georgie Porgie.’ We’ve chased him for hours every night for the last two weeks. He’s a runner with a strong sense of self preservation. Ralph here loves nipping at his heels to see if he can get him to run faster.”

  Ralph comes up and growls something that is barely recognizable as, “Yeah! Much fun!”

  “Hello, Ralph. I’m Jack,” I introduce myself.

  Ralph looks like a cross between hyena and a bear. He grins at me for a moment and then extends a clawed paw. I shake it like a dog as he growls, “Niceta meetcha, Jack.”

  I release Ralph’s paw, and he growls to Harald, “Later, Harald.” He trots towards the portal for the Sidhe, and the tentacled beings and two more of Ralph’s sort follow.

  Harald says, “I know you’ve probably got a full schedule. Come visit for a horn of mead when you can. Maybe you’d like to chase after Georgi before Ralph gets tired of his feet and guts him.”

  I chuckle, “I’m not sure if I will free up before then, but I will come and visit. Until then,” I tell him as I offer my hand again. He gives a gentlemanly shake and follows his people off.

  Myra says, “Let’s go say goodbye to the family and collect Megan.”

  “No need,” I hear from the direction of the throne. Ariana, Morgan, Lorraine, Megan, and Trina all walk up. I feel someone slide up under my left arm. I look down to see Jessica smiling up at me. Another swoosh of shadow lands beside Morgan and reveals itself as Esmi.

  Esmi says, “I got the sisters to agree to different color ribbons with a medallion engraved with our names. These are temporary, but we should have permanent ones the next time we see you.” I note Esmi’s ribbon is a deep forest green.

  Ariana come to stand before me. She places a hand on each side of my face and kisses me deeply with lots of wet tongue involved. When she stops accosting me, she says, “Thank you for saving my daughter and I, Jack. I will be eternally grateful.”

  “It was my pleasure, Ariana”

  She adds, “At some point soon, I am going to want that gift you gave Lorraine.” She looks at me pointedly.

  I kiss her forehead chastely and say, “Christmas is coming, Arianna. If you’re a good girl, there’s no telling what Santa Claus puts in your stocking.”

  We all laugh at that. Myra and I collect kisses and hugs from Lorraine, Morgan, and Esmi, too.

  I ask Trina, “Where is Peg?”

  She points at my feet and suddenly there is Peg. I pick her up and seat her on my left arm. “Are you coming with us, Peg?”

  “Not yet, Lord. I’m getting the Lassie’s belongings packed up to move. I’ll be along when the house is complete. I think we may need a bigger house at the rate you’re collecting ladies,” she says as she cocks an eyebrow at me.

  I shrug gently, “We’ll see, Peg. I can only think of one other we’re missing.”

  Myra says “Erica” at the same time Trina says “Annette,” and both Morgan and Esmi say “me.”

  I purse my lips. “Yeah, we need to talk about that, Peg.” We all laugh.

  I kiss Peg’s cheek and whisper, “Come home soon, Peggy. I love you, and I will miss you.” She hugs me tightly as I kneel down to set her on the floor. She holds me tightly for a moment longer and then pats my arms and dashes off as soon as I release her.

  I turn and lead the way to the Goblin portal, and all my family follows. I stop at the mouth of the corridor. “Uh...I think it’s just Supreet, Solange, and I going this way. Aren’t you going to Shadow Portal them all back to Phoenix?”

  Myra says, “Silly man. No way any of us is going to leave you right now. Supreet gave Christoff her hotel key. He’s been in Hartford making arrangements since you started healing Mother. Let’s go.”

  I look at her for a moment before I say the two words that every married man needs to learn quickly, “Yes, dear.”

  She flashes me a brilliant smile and leads the way with extra little ‘loco’ in her ‘motion.’

  Jessica and Chelsea each grab an arm and slide under it. Chelsea says in a conspiratorial tone, “I think our Queen is putting on a show for you, Fiancé. What are you going to do about that?”

  I smile as I think about the surprise I have for her. “I’m gonna fuck her until she can’t walk and then do it again.”

  “Then me right afterward,” Chelsea responds. “Don’t even shower. I want to sme
ll her on you as you make me yours.”

  Jessica whimpers. When I look at her, she implores, “Me too! Fuck them all and then come to me last. Get that saucy little High Elf right before me.”

  Sera calls out from nearby, “I’ll go after Chelsea, Lord!”

  Trina is laughing, “I’ll work it out, Master.”

  “Form up,” I call out the order. “Ravens on Myra. Goblins on me and the rest.”

  The Goblin detail squeezes in close as the Ravens run past to get in position. They are FAST! Selene lags, but I suspect she’ll be able to keep up in a few weeks if she wants to. Considering how fast the Sidhe are, Selene had to be able to keep up with any collegiate female sprinter to be able to pass Raven training.

  Solange pulls her into the rear of the formation and smiles encouragingly at her. Selene returns the smile as she catches her breath. The rest aren’t breathing hard at all. It will be interesting to watch her progress.

  After that, Frannie and Grace take point on my detail; Supreet, L’liana, and Trina create the wedge behind them. Sera skips ahead of me to fall in behind them. I follow with Karla and Sherrine flanking Chelsea and Jessica. Louis and Trinity take the rear.

  As we march down the corridor I see Corrina lead the Ravens and Myra through the portal back to the Goblin Court.

  Chapter 52 - Return to the Goblin Court

  I step through the portal to hear a Goblin say with a credible Essex accent, “We din’t invite no bloody Sidhe here! Go back where ye came from.”

  I call out, “Tell my good friend, King Salt, the Green Lord has arrived with the Faerie Queen.” I push my way through the gorgeous female flesh guarding my wife to stand beside her.

  The armored Goblin gulps as I step up to his post. “Yes, milord.” He nods at one of the other two guards on post. That one takes off at a run towards the audience chamber. “Follow me, your Majesty and milord.”


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