Kneading Love

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by Jaime Russell

  Kneading Love


  Jaime Russell

  Forever Safe Christmas Book 4


  Kneading Love © 2019 Jaime Russell All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Kneading Love is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/ use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Editing by: Nikki Reeves Southern Sweetheart Author and Book Services

  Cover by: Chelle C. Craze of Crazy Bird Imaginations

  Formatting by: Jaime Russell


  May all your Christmas wishes come true this year.


  Christmas has always been a tough time of year for me. My mom, sister and sister in law have always tried to help me through the pain of it with Christmas movies.

  I’ve been blessed this year to be able to write a Christmas book to try to make sadness ease some and being a part of the Forever Safe Christmas Series. The authors in this series Aria Cole, Mila Crawford, MK Moore, Chelle C. Craze, Simone Evans, Samantha Rose, Pixie Chica, Elisa Leigh, Claire Ashlynn, KL Fast, Sylvia Kane, Ember Flint, Brynn Paulin, ChaShiree M., Shaw Hart, Haven Rose, Dakota Rebel, Loni Ree, Autumn Remington, May Gordon, & S.E. Isaac have truly been amazing to work with and get to know.

  Forever Safe Readers thank you for taking me into your group and taking a chance on me.

  Nikki Reeves thank you again for making my words make sense and encouraging me to get better at my writing.

  Chelle C. Craze yet again your talent blows me away.

  My family thank you for putting up with me. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.

  Thank you to my Misfits for always being there for me.

  To my Tribe, Hooligans, Book Family Thank you for always being there for me and my family. This last year has been a rough one for us and you’ve had my back, tears, and venting when I had nowhere else to go. I love you all!


  Lucy Avery Smith

  I take a look around the apartment, that I’ve shared with my husband for the past three years, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I’ve finally made the decision to leave and go back to Mistletoe, Alaska. My family needs me to help run the family business, which is called Mistletoe Bakery. Ty doesn’t want to leave his life here, but my heart is telling me that it’s time to go home.

  Looking down, I rub my belly. I just found out that I’m seven weeks pregnant. Ty has stressed how he doesn’t want kids, and now, I’m terrified to tell him. He knew that I was leaving today, and yet, he chose to work a double shift at the hospital that he’s been working at for the last year.

  “It’ll be okay, my little peanut. I know it doesn’t seem like it’s the right decision, but I need to do this for us. Deep down, your daddy is a good man, and I want him to be successful.” I whisper to my belly, as I take my wedding rings off, leaving them in an envelope along with the letter that I wrote to him.


  You are the greatest man that I’ve ever known, and you gave me your heart, which I’ll forever be grateful for. I wish you nothing but success in your career, even though you don’t fully understand why I’m doing this. I just need to be with my family right now, and they need me more than you do. I love you with everything that I am.



  I walk out of the door with just my suitcase. I already sent the rest of my stuff last week. I sigh, as I ride the elevator down to the waiting cab. I’m trying to hold in my tears, but once I’m in the back of the cab, I can’t keep them at bay any longer. The cab driver doesn’t even say anything, as he hands me a tissue. I watch the city, that I’ve called home for three years, slowly pass me by, as I close my eyes, remembering some of the past.

  Ty is my brother’s best friend. When we first met, we hated each other, but over time, we fell in love. I moved to Boston to be with him, while he went through nursing school. At the time, I worked in a restaurant and a bakery to help cover the costs of living, so Ty could focus on his schooling. I’m so thrilled that I followed him, because it made me fall in love with him, and even more so, by watching him succeed in his career. He’s the first person in his family to go to college and graduate.

  I just wish that he would follow me now, like I did for him. Oh, well. Hopefully, things will be okay.

  Lucy Avery Smith

  Five years later

  I click the lock on the bakery, so I can open the door and start my day. As I swing it open, some of my regular six a.m. customers come in.

  “Good morning, Stew, Harry, and Mel. You guys ready for your card games?”

  I smile at them, as they walk past me, and each one gives me a kiss on the cheek. The three guys have been my regulars, since I took over the bakery four years ago. They meet every Monday for poker, and every Tuesday for checkers. The other days it’s just random games. There’s also a fourth man named Stan, who is usually running late, since he takes his grandchildren to school.

  I make sure that the coffee is brewing, and the water is hot for the tea. After I’m done, I turn to see Harry standing there. “I plan on taking all their money today because I’m wearing my lucky underwear.” He winks at me, and I laugh at him.

  “I won’t tell them, but I’m not wishing you good luck then,” I tell him. “Oh, I made your favorite cookies and mini donuts, too. I just need to go to the back and get them for you guys.”

  “You’re such a good girl.” He squeezes my hand.

  I head into the kitchen, grabbing ‘The Old Time Gamers’ their orders, as I begin my morning.

  The morning is filled with laughs, stories from the weekend, and frustrations from it being Monday. Today has flown by, and now, some of my staff have come in, so I decide to head into the back to start baking more cupcakes.

  I turn on some Christmas music, as I start singing along. “We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

  It’s the third week of November, and the bakery needs to get decorated for Christmas. I just haven’t had the time with all these orders for pumpkin rolls. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Plus, living in a place called Mistletoe, the town really goes all out for it, too.

  There’s a knock on the island, and I peer over my glasses, that have fallen down my nose. “Liam, what are you doing here? I thought it was your day off.”

  “It is, but I thought I’d come in to see if you needed any help with the orders for Thanksgiving.”

  He tells me, as he looks at the board, where we have them set up. Liam and I co-own the bakery together. He went to culinary school and studied in Europe. Liam also has a dream of opening up a restaurant one day. I haven’t had the training that he has, but Great Grandma did teach me several recipes and how to create different items. I’ve been baking, since I was eleven, and I can’t imagine doing any
thing else.

  “I could use the help, but I thought you had plans with Mom,” I say, rolling out the dough for the apple pie that was requested for tonight.

  “She canceled again. Something about Auntie and the big city.” Liam rolls his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I know how much you wanted to spend time with her to talk about the restaurant.” I smile at him, as he shrugs. “Do you want to help me with today’s orders? I really can’t believe that Thanksgiving is in four days. When I’m done with orders, then I can decorate for Christmas!” I squeal.

  “I think you’re the only person in Mistletoe that doesn’t start decorating for Christmas on November 1st.”

  “We can’t forget about Thanksgiving because it’s the holiday in-between.” I smile. “I’ll be here on Thanksgiving anyway decorating, since Black Friday will be one of our busiest days of the year. I’m planning on opening up about four a.m. for the early bird shoppers.”

  “I don’t know how you do it.” Liam laughs, as he starts making the apple fritters. We pass the time by making small talk about going to our parent’s house for Thanksgiving.

  “I’m starving. Do you want me to run out and get something to eat?”

  “Yeah, I think I need something more than all this sugar.”

  “What do you think about maybe adding some lunch sandwiches to the menu? I was thinking maybe your pretzel bun with some meat with cheese.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. Why don’t we try it out on Black Friday, and then, all through December, to see how it goes. People are going to be out constantly shopping, during the holidays, and that way, while they're hitting up the shops, then we can offer them lunch, too!” Liam’s smile is so big. “Now, go get me something to eat.” I laugh, as he heads outs of the kitchen.

  I’m boxing up the orders for this afternoon, when Jack comes into the kitchen. “Another order for you.” He states, laying it on the counter, as I give him a dirty look, which makes him laugh. He slowly starts backing out of the kitchen, watching my every move. Once the order is in my hand, he runs away.

  Jack is one of the three high schoolers that we employ here. We have six employees here today, and they’re out front working. I look at the order, seeing that it’s for tonight. I let out a deep breath, as I walk out to the front to talk to Jack. He needs to let the customers know that orders requested and turned in on the same day can’t be guaranteed, especially one this big.

  The bakery seems to be busy, as all three registers are in use, ringing up customers. It makes me happy, seeing the bakery succeeding better than I could’ve ever imagined. I decide to wait to talk with Jack, until the rush hour dies out a bit. So, I walk out onto the floor, making coffee, hot water for tea and hot chocolate, and then start cleaning up tables for the new customers. I also speak to everyone, as I pass by them.

  Finally, I see Jack is free, and I motion for him to come and talk with me in the back.

  “Am I in trouble?” He asks, seeming timid.

  “No,” I laugh. “I just wanted to talk to you about this order.” I hand it to him, and he looks over it. “This order is due for today, correct?”

  “Yes. The guy is coming by right before closing. Liam said it was okay. Plus, he was out there, when I took it.”

  “I’m going to kill him then.” I smile, as Jack looks terrified. “I’m kidding. But if an order like this comes in again, please make sure the customer knows that it can’t be guaranteed the same day, especially during the holiday season.”

  “I was telling the man that, when Liam said it was fine. I’m sorry.” Jack keeps apologizing.

  “Jack, it’s okay, and I’m not upset. I just want you to know that it gets crazy here in November and December. With this being your first year in the bakery, at Christmas time, we are just trying to prepare you.” I smile at him. “Alright, I need to start working on this order.” He turns and starts walking out of the kitchen, but then he stops and turns around, looking at me.

  “Thank you, Lucy. I know I have no experience, and I can be an idiot most of the time, but thanks for not giving up on me.”

  “Jack, we’ve all been there. Hell, I still make mistakes. Life is about learning, growing, and testing our limits. You’re smart and doing a great job, so please don’t doubt that. If you weren’t, then this would’ve been a whole different conversation.” He smiles widely, and then walks out of the door.

  I look over the list again, as I start preparing my ingredients. After a while, I glance at the clock, when my stomach starts to growl. “Where is Liam? He’s been gone for almost three hours now.” I whisper, as my stomach keeps letting me know it needs food fast.

  I finish up the order just in time to take over upfront. I like to run the shop, when it first opens, and then when it closes. It’s something I’ve always done, and I don’t know if that will ever change. I set out all the orders that need to be picked up tonight, while I’m out front. It just makes it easier for me to grab them and go, just in case it gets busy.

  I’m wiping down the tables when I feel arms around me, and I look down, seeing my twin boys.

  “Well, look at who came to see me! I’ve missed you, my little lovebugs.” I say, getting down on my knees, so I can grab them both in my arms. When I moved here from Massachusetts, I was pregnant of course, but I honestly had no idea that I was carrying not one, but two little babies. Their names are Peter and Max, and they are both named after my dad and Ty’s dad.

  “Mommy, look what I made,” Max says, showing me a turkey that he made from his hand, as Peter tells me that he gave his turkey to Grandpa.

  “Oh, I love it, and I bet Grandpa loved it, too,” I say, kissing Peter’s curly, blonde hair.

  Sometimes, little moments like this really make me miss Ty. The thing is I haven’t spoken to him, since I left, and the only contact that we’ve had with each other is through our lawyers.

  Currently, the boys and I live in the apartment upstairs above the bakery. My parents and Liam have all been a fantastic support system, and Ty’s dad, Peter, is active in their lives, too. He’s the one who actually talked me out of telling Ty because he knew that Ty would’ve dropped everything and came here to take care of the boys. Peter has a lot of my traits, but Max is the spitting image of Ty with his brown hair. When I look at him, I miss Ty so much.

  God, these boys have honestly saved me more times than I can count.

  I just hope that Ty can forgive me for not telling him the truth.

  “Alright, who wants to color?” I ask my boys.

  They usually hang out with me, until it’s their bedtime. My best friend, Clara, comes over to help me, when I’m closing the bakery. I try not to open and close on the same day, but sometimes, it can’t be prevented. Like today, because Liam needed the day off. The boys sit down on the plastic table and chairs, that I brought from my parent’s house for them to color on, or whenever they do other activities.

  I go about my night, trying to clean up the house, and not knowing my life is about to be sent into a tailspin.

  Tyler Smith

  When I walked into the bakery this morning, I was already aware that Liam wasn’t supposed to be working, so I knew I could talk to Lucy. She’s been on my mind so much lately. When I asked about her at the register, the young man was going to get her, until I saw Liam, walking out of the back. I quickly thought on my feet, placing an order for the night shift of the emergency room staff, so he wouldn’t think anything of it. I’ve been back in Mistletoe for about six months now, running the local hospital emergency department.

  When I left Mistletoe, Alaska, I moved to Boston with Liam, before he headed off to culinary school, and I went to nursing school. I had it all, until one lengthy phone call from Lucy’s mother that changed my life forever. I couldn’t be there, when she left, and when I came home from work and saw her rings in that letter, I knew that I fucked up. My dad and I have talked so many times, and he gives me updates on life here in Mistletoe. Anytime I ask about Lucy, he onl
y says that she’s doing good. He also told me that she took over running the bakery, and she has really made a name for herself, as a businessperson.

  My stomach is in knots, as I grab the handle of the bakery, bracing myself for a lecture. I swing open the door, and I see the blonde bombshell, laughing at the register, as Lucy talks to someone. I walk up to the counter, while she’s busy, so she doesn’t see me. Once the customer leaves, I step up to the register.

  “Hi. Welcome to the Mistletoe Bakery. How can I help you?” Lucy smiles, looking into my eyes, as it quickly fades. “Ty.” She gasps, stepping away from the register. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m picking up my order for the Mistletoe Hospital,” I say, swallowing hard. She has a terrified look on her face, as her eyes dart all over the bakery. I’m the only one here, and she is acting like I’m about rob her.

  “You’re the one who placed that big order?” She asks, as I nod. “Liam,” she starts, pointing towards the kitchen, “knows you are in town.”

  “Yeah. I’ve been running the emergency room department for a while now.” I tell her.

  “I didn’t know. I guess, you and Liam are still good at keeping secrets.” She snarls at me. “I’ll get your order.” She says, as she turns with her back to me, walking away quickly.

  “Way to fuck that up,” I mutter to myself. I pull out my credit card, as she comes back, carrying three boxes of pastry goodies. “The staff is going to love me. Here’s my card.” She rings up the order, and only speaks to me, when it’s necessary.

  “Sign here.” She states, before handing me the receipt. “Thank you for your order. Here are some menus, as well as the order and cut off dates for the holiday season.” Lucy rattles off quickly, trying to get rid of me. Like she has a big secret she doesn’t want me to know about.


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