Power Prospecting

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by Patrick Henry Hansen



  Praise for Patrick Henry Hansen’s

  From Great Moments in History Series

  “Patrick’s link between history and sales is very entertaining, but more importantly, very relevant to modern sales and marketing professionals. If you are interested in dramatically improving sales results, read these books.”

  —Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  “These exciting books of superb selling methods and techniques, told against a vast panorama of historical events, are not only entertaining, they also show salespeople specific ways to double their sales and double their income.”

  —Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Selling

  “Patrick’s use of history to teach modern methods of sales and marketing is remarkable—inspiring, captivating.”

  —Larry King, former host, CNN

  “Patrick’s understanding of sales, together with his wit, makes his book series extremely enjoyable and informative. I’ve been lucky enough to see some of his ideas applied to a sales organization. As a result, pipelines grew, morale improved and our sales team performed better than ever.”

  —Kyle Powell, Co-founder, Novell

  “Bravo… a maverick approach to sales and marketing. Patrick’s use of history is engaging, interesting, and informative—a blueprint for sales and marketing success.”

  —Gerhard Gschwandtner, Founder of Selling Power Magazine

  “These are fantastic books. Not only are the sales concepts and marketing principles profound but the manner in which they are communicated is totally unique. I strongly recommend these books.”

  —Hyrum W. Smith, Vice Chairman of the Board, FranklinCovey

  “Patrick reminds us that those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. His use of classic scenarios informs present day practitioners. He communicates solid marketing principles, helping readers understand the past in an unforgettable manner.”

  —Dr. William D. Danko, co-author of The Millionaire Next Door

  “Patrick is everything he promises, and then some—entertaining, engaging and extremely effective.”

  —Jack Solomon, VP Strategic Procurement, Watson Pharmaceuticals

  “Fantastic! If you’re interested in dramatically improving communication skills and sales results, learn from the masters of the past by reading these books.”

  —Ron McMillan, co-author of Crucial Conversations

  “In a word… WOW! An irreplaceable tool in the sales process, these books will make you a more impactful, learned, and skilled professional.”

  —Clark Jones, Corporate Trainer, Sinclair Oil Corporation

  “Our company engages in complicated negotiations with large corporations including BMW and Mercedes. We needed the best strategies possible and Patrick delivered. His expertise and passion for the topic was palpable. I strongly endorse his books, approach and content.”

  —Denis Kerrigan, Director of Global Learning, Harman International

  “I have attended numerous sales trainings over my career and consider myself well read on the topic. I can say, unequivocally, this is the most effective sales approach available. The entertaining style and “real world” examples made it engaging, memorable and, most importantly, implementable.”

  —Ryan Rothe, Sales Director, Research Now

  “I highly recommend Patrick’s books and trainings to any organization looking to increase their overall sales results and negotiation effectiveness. Simply put, it’s the most engaging and thought-provoking content I’ve seen.”

  —Chris Prekopa, Sales Director, Time Warner Cable

  “My team has sang nothing but “Patrick Praises” from your books and training. It is really rare for my sales team to be this positive about training and about the trainer. You exceeded my expectations.”

  —Alison Hesse, Director of Sales, Clear Channel Radio

  “The mixture of history coupled with PHI’s ability to customize the B2B content to our industry gave our reps tools that they could immediately apply. One of our veteran sales reps said that in 40 years in the industry, this was the best training he has ever seen.”

  —Weston Winegar, Sales Manager, Sutron Corporation

  “One of the first actions I made as a sales director at Mediacom was to have my team go through PHI’s training. Although they were initially skeptical, they became disciples of the books, concepts and methodology.”

  —Dominick M. DePaola Jr., Sr. Director Enterprise Solutions, Mediacom

  “I can honestly say, choosing your company to train our sales force was the correct choice and you made me look like a hero. Your books and training really hit home with our sales team.”

  —Scott Youmell, Sales Operations Manager, Ranpak

  “Engaging, timely, well structured, and the ideas presented were solidly fleshed out. Well done, Patrick!”

  —Marshall Chapman, Sales Manager, Cates Control

  “PHI’s books, trainings, and materials received raving reviews from our sales people. His “street smart” content and unique historical approach was both entertaining and informative.”

  —Shena Weeks, Corporate Trainer, Kimberly-Clark

  “Rarely does someone capture so many priceless truths in such an interesting way. Patrick’s use of history as a teaching tool is fabulous.”

  —Rob Bishop, United States Congressman

  “Patrick understands how people learn and what it takes to create new, more productive behaviors. His content, teaching style and follow up tools stand apart from the crowd. He has become one of our trusted advisors.”

  —Ken Clayton, Vice President, Worldwide Sales, SolidWorks Corp.

  “Simply the most unique books I’ve read on sales and marketing. Patrick’s use of history to teach sales and marketing is informative and inspiring.”

  —Robert Dilenschneider, author of Moses: CEO

  “The books and trainings definitely lived up to their reputation.”

  —Lane Shelton, Executive Vice President, Softmart

  “Nothing compares to the training that Patrick provided. As a sales manager I couldn’t have asked for a better response.”

  —Terry Ray, Sales Manager, Modern Tech

  “I was skeptical about Patrick’s books and trainings (honestly, they sounded too good to be true). Not anymore. They far exceeded our expectations.”

  —Christian Smith, VP Sales, eProject

  “Patrick’s insight, paired with his teaching approach and implementation tools, has given our sales force more confidence in securing fair and equitable contracts that provide sustainable relationships with our clients.”

  —Eric K. Pritchard, Senior Vice President Pricing, Valassis

  Copyright © 2012 Patrick Henry Hansen, L.L.C.

  Third Edition.

  Brave Publishing, Inc. Alpine, Utah.

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN 1-932908-12-9

  This publication provides accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

  This publication may not be stored in a retrieval system, reused or reproduced in any form or medium, or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanic
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  The From Great Moments in History series is available at quantity discounts. For more information, please contact Patrick Henry International:

  Toll-Free (877) 204-4341



  From Great Moments in History, The DNA Selling System, The DNA Selling Method, Holistic Sales Training, and The Sales Messaging Matrix are all Trademarks or Service Marks of Patrick Henry Hansen, L.L.C. The superscripts TM and SM have been omitted for purposes of readability. However, the absence of superscripts does not indicate the waiver of any rights or protections afforded by those marks.

  In Memory Of

  My father, Daniel McGavin Hansen,

  who taught me the value of being bold.


  Special thanks to Matthew and Heather Moore for their meticulous editing skills, principle development, and insightful content review. To Melody Tripp, for endless edits and graphic design changes. Thanks to C. Parker Garlitz for his contributions and undeviating optimism. Thanks to Brian Tracy and Dr. William Danko for their professional critique. Thanks to Larry Brooks, Darren Dibb, Kevin Dibb, Zac Fenton, Clint Sanderson, David Stephens, and Jason Walker—some of the most gifted sales and business professionals I know—for their insight and in-the-trenches feedback. And special thanks to Bill Schjelderup for giving me my “first shot.”


  Historical References i


  Part One—Pre-Prospecting Preparation

  Chapter 1Power Prospecting1

  Chapter 2 Overcoming Prospecting Fears14

  Chapter 3Pipeline Management20

  Chapter 4Defining Your Target Market 33

  Chapter 5Qualification vs. Appointment-based Cold Calls 45

  Chapter 6Sales Messaging51

  Chapter 7Pre-Call Planning: Online Tools, Tips & Tricks59

  Part Two—Power Prospecting

  Chapter 8Opening the Prospecting Call71

  Chapter 9Working With Gatekeepers79

  Chapter 10Establishing a Powerful Telepresence86

  Chapter 11Creating an Initial Benefit Statement94

  Chapter 12Objection Management116

  Chapter 13Phone, Fax, Voice Mail, and Email125

  Part Three—Investigating

  Chapter 14The DNA Selling Method140

  Chapter 15Need-Problem Questions158

  Chapter 16 Dynamic vs. Passive Listening168

  Chapter 17Turn Interest into Action178

  Part Four—Building Credibility

  Chapter 18 The Role of Credibility in a Prospecting Call185

  Chapter 19Cold Calling Behaviors to Avoid193

  Chapter 20Measuring Success197

  Chapter 21The Ten Commandments of Cold Calling202

  Chapter 22Implementing Power Prospecting Principles211

  Selected Bibliography223

  About the Author222


  Figure 1.1 The DNA Selling Systemvii

  Figure 1.1 Traditional B2B Sales Cycle4

  Figure 1.2 Total Market Opportunity13

  Figure 3.1 Pipeline Categories & Terminology22

  Figure 3.2 Sample CRM25

  Figure 3.3 Sample CRM Pipeline Velocity Reports30

  Figure 3.4 Sample Account Briefing Report32

  Figure 4.1 Target Market Chart38

  Figure 4.2 Ideal Customer Profile Chart40

  Figure 6.1 The Sales Messaging Matrix55

  Figure 6.2 Sample Sales Messaging Matrix56

  Figure 11.1 The Power Prospecting Model96

  Figure 11.2 The Initial Benefit Statement115

  Figure 14.1 The DNA Selling Method143

  Figure 15.1 The DNA Selling Call Sheet167

  Figure 16.1 Listen-to-Talk Ratio172

  Figure 16.2 Balanced Listen-to-Talk Ratio174

  Figure 18.1 The Buyer Method188

  Figure 20.1 Power Prospecting Weekly Report201

  Historical References

  •Robert Bruce defeats King Edward II at the battle of Bannockburn. iii

  •English and Scottish monarchs ban the games of soccer and golf. 1

  •Pentagon “experts” build the first fighter aircraft in the history of aerial combat without a machine gun or rapid firing cannon. 6

  •Isaac Newton discovers the laws of motion. 11

  •Gunnar Kaassen and his team of dogs deliver serum to the children of Nome, inspiring the great Alaskan dogsled race: the Iditarod. 14

  •Aristotle publicly disagrees with Plato and is banned from Plato’s academy. 20

  •Nathan Rothschild uses Napoleon’s defeat at the battle of Waterloo to enrich his family treasury. 25

  •President Kennedy withdraws troops from the Bay of Pigs. 33

  •Roman senator Cato promotes the destruction of Carthage. 45

  •Christopher Columbus gains the support of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. 51

  • Stetson Kennedy uses the superman radio show to fight the bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan. 59

  •Cleopatra conspires with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to rule Egypt. 71

  •Celtic warriors battle Roman infantry using charioteer methods of warfare. 77

  •P.T. Barnum learns the power of creative marketing and becomes America’s premiere showman of the nineteenth century. 79

  •President John Quincy Adams conducts an interview with a persistent female journalist while submerged naked in the Potomac River. 83

  •Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven create the most famous music in history. 86

  •Leader of Denmark, King Christian X, defies Hitler and inspires his people to resist German occupation. 94

  Colonel William Travis, Davy Crocket, and a band of Texan soldiers die fighting at the Alamo. 116

  •Mountain man John Colter is hunted by the Blackfeet Indians and narrowly escapes with his life. 125

  •Francis Crick and James Watson make the most profound scientific discovery of the twentieth century: the structure of DNA. 140

  •General George Armstrong Custer is defeated by Sioux warriors at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 148

  •Ch’u-Ts’ prevents the complete destruction of Chinese culture from Genghis Khan. 158

  •German actress Hedy Lamarr files a secret patent based on information gained as an anti-Nazi spy in WWII. 168

  •Meriwether Lewis inadvertently poisons the men on his expedition by prescribing mercury pills for venereal diseases. 170

  •Benjamin Disraeli outwits Parliamentary colleague and political opponent, William Gladstone. 175

  •Watching the doomed advance of the charge of the Light Brigade, French general, Pierre Bosquet lamented, “C’est magnifique, mais ce n’est pas la guerre.” (It’s magnificent, but it’s not war.) 176

  •Hernando Cortez and an army of 400 Spaniards miraculously defeat an army of 40,000 Aztec warriors. 178

  •Benjamin Franklin defends the character of George Washington. 185

  •Thomas Edison fails to entirely electrocute a man on death row using alternating current (AC) electricity. 193

  •Leonardo Fibonacci introduces the Arabic numerical system to Europe. 197

  •Moses receives The Ten Commandments from Jehovah. 202

  •British mathematicians and chess players decipher the famous Enigma machine to intercept German communication codes. 204

  •Peter the Great modernizes Russia. 211

; •Benjamin Franklin develops a self-improvement system. 213

  •Abraham Lincoln experiences nine political defeats before being elected President of The United States. 216

  For more information regarding historic references, see the Selected Bibliography.


  Edward I was one of the most capable and accomplished monarchs of England. He was also one of the cruelest. The line of succession for Scottish rule came into question in 1292, and Edward re-asserted English claims as the protectorate of Scotland. He appointed a puppet king who manipulated Scottish nobles with brutal political and military tactics. Building his power against the Scots, Edward attempted to subjugate the Scottish people by replacing the Scottish clan system with the English feudal system.

  Three bold Scottish patriots stood against this tyrant: William Wallace, Andrew Moray, and Robert Bruce. While Wallace and Moray were the initial leaders of Scottish resistance, it was Robert Bruce who ultimately achieved independence for the Scottish people.

  Bruce conducted sudden raids, night attacks, and scorched-earth tactics to torment the English. His repeatedly successful tactics rallied the Scottish cause and eventually forced a pitched battle with King Edward. Edward, however, died while leading his army against Bruce and his son, Edward II, succeeded him.

  Edward II summoned a massive army to defeat the defiant Scots. He hired knights from France and Germany, infantry from Ireland, and famed archers from Wales. He bribed and lured thousands of Scotsmen who were opposed to Bruce into his army. Consisting of close to 25,000 men, Edward II amassed the largest army ever assembled by a king of England.


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