Once Bitten Twice Smitten: BBW Werewolf Shifter Menage Romance

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Once Bitten Twice Smitten: BBW Werewolf Shifter Menage Romance Page 9

by Ariana Hawkes

  Just then, the server brought their food, and Aspen straightened herself out in her seat. She risked a quick glance at Brad. He was trying to make the best of it, but he was obviously devastated. She wanted to pull him into her arms and kiss him better. But she couldn’t. She was Chase’s mate now!

  They ate quickly, fueled by hunger, as well as the desire to get away from the table to indulge their three separate desires. Chase wanted to be alone with Aspen, to finally claim her as his mate. Aspen was torn between wanting to be by herself to process what had the just happened, wanting to be with Chase, and wanting to comfort Brad. And Brad just wanted to get away from the two of them.

  They were done in less than ten minutes, plates completely clean.

  “Wow!” the server said. “Those steaks have got the better of plenty of people. But you guys have demolished them!” Aspen allowed herself a grin. She was enjoying her werewolf appetite a lot.

  When they got into the car, Brad deliberated over sitting in the front seat with Chase, or in the back with Aspen. She was Chase’s girl now, and being near her was almost a physical pain for him.

  “Hey, sit with me,” she said gently, and he reluctantly climbed into the seat next to her.

  None of them spoke on the journey back, alone with their private thoughts. When they reached the hotel, Chase got out of the car and stretched expansively. Aspen looked at Brad, wondering if this was the last time they’d be alone together. She opened the car door a crack and called to Chase,

  “Just a moment.” He frowned, then after a pause, he nodded. She closed the door again.

  “Brad, I’m so sorry it wasn’t you,” she said. You’re both such great guys. I mean – I’m glad it is Chase. I’m not saying that I’m not into him – ” Damnit! I’m saying the worst possible things right now. I was trying to make him feel better, but I’m just making things worse! In annoyance, she scratched at the itch on her ankle that had been driving her crazy for the past few days.

  “Hey, what is that?” Brad said.

  “Oh, just a scrape I think. It’s super itchy though,” she said.

  “Let me take a look.” She raised her ankle towards him, and he encircled it in his hand. Immediately, a jolt of electricity crackled between them.

  “What the – ?” He touched it again, and the same thing happened. The little patch of skin began to glow intensely pink through her lace pantyhose.

  “Aspen – ” Brad said. She dug her fingers into the lace and tugged. It tore easily, revealing a raised pink scar. It was tiny, only half an inch across. Brad stroked it with his fingertip, and it buzzed and throbbed. Brad’s eyes widened with hope. He opened the car door. “Chase, come over here!” Chase stuck his head through the car door.

  “What is it?” he said irritably, then, “what the fuck are you doing?” as he saw Aspen’s torn pantyhose.

  “Touch her scar, here,” Brad said. Chase ran his finger over it, and the scar paled and flattened. Brad touched it again, and it bloomed neon pink, with the sparks from his fingers making Aspen’s leg tremble.

  “What?” Chase knocked Brad’s hand away and touched it again, and again. Nothing. Brad repeated the action: pink, raised and tingly.

  “You bit me too!” Aspen exclaimed. “Chase took a piece out of my arm that day, but you must’ve nipped my ankle!” She looked from one to the other. “So, what does this mean?” Chase took a deep breath.

  “I think it means that you’re the destined mate of us both,” he said slowly. Brad slipped his hand into Aspen’s.

  “Really?” he said, his voice full of hope. “Aspen, that’s why you couldn’t work out which of us you were supposed to be with. We both have a claim on you!”

  “That’s amazing!” she said. Brad looked happy; Chase looked like someone had burst his balloon. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  The two men followed Aspen up the grand staircase that led to her room. They were both so close that she could feel their breath on the back of her neck. Her skin tingled from its awareness of theirs, but neither of them touched her.

  She brought them into her room and sat on the bed, suddenly not sure what to do. They both stood near the door, shuffling from side to side. She realized that she was now in control of things. How crazy that these two stunning alpha males were waiting on her direction! But she was so inexperienced. Nervously, she reached both her hands out. Brad took her left, and Chase took her right, and they sat on either side of her. Brad dipped his head and brought his mouth to hers. She tilted her jaw upwards, and their lips met. His lips were impossibly soft and pillowy, and the pressure made her body tingle all over. There was a low growl, and Chase’s arms encircled her waist. She broke away from Brad, and turned her face to Chase. He cupped her jaw with his hand, and kissed her, more firmly than Brad, the tip of his tongue immediately darting out and licking at her lips. Wow! She sighed. Brad’s hand slid onto her thigh and tugged a little. He turned her head back to him, and she met his lips with a fierce kiss. He made a sound deep in his throat. His tongue slipped into her mouth, seeking out hers. It flickered back and forth, with light movements that made her dizzy. After a few seconds, Chase pulled her back to him, and possessed her mouth again, his tongue probing more deeply.

  Aspen was lost to the pleasure of being kissed by one man, then the other, then the other. She had never been kissed before, and this was beyond words. They were both touching her respectfully, holding her waist, or her knee, and not groping her at all, but she was well aware of their hunger, their desire for her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that they were both hard. She wanted them badly too. Her nipples were aching; she could feel them pushing at the satin of her bra, and there was an equally intense ache between her thighs. But she was nervous. She pulled back from their kisses and looked at each of them dubiously. Brad reached up and stroked her hair.

  “Aspen, we’re not going to do anything you’re not ready for. We’ve got all the time in the world for that.” She bit her lip.

  “It’s just a little overwhelming. I thought I had to choose one of you, which was totally crazy. But then I found out that I can be with both of you, which has totally blown my mind. And of course I want to do this, but I’ve never done any of it before.” She stared down at the floor, her throat tightening with emotion. Chase laid an arm around her shoulder.

  “Aspen, I think I can speak for Brad when I say that we want your first time to be really special. So we don’t want to rush you. We’ve waited so long for you, that another day, or a week, or a month won’t make any difference.”

  “Really?” her eyes flickered from Chase, to Brad and back again. They both nodded earnestly.

  “Of course, baby,” Brad said. “We want you to be really happy.” Aspen smiled, full of happiness. “Now, you’ve had a long day, so let’s get some sleep.”

  “Ok,” she said uncertainly, both relieved and disappointed.

  “Do you want us to sleep with you, or leave you by yourself?” Brad asked.

  “Please stay here with me,” she said.

  The Federation thought of everything. There were three nightdresses hanging in the closet – two satin ones, one cherry colored, and the other emerald green, and a stretchy cotton one, with cute animals on it. She picked out the green one. It could have been made for her, hugging her curves flatteringly, as the mirror told her.

  The guys disappeared to get t-shirts, and she was relieved, as, if they’d been bare-chested, there was no way she’d get any sleep. When they came back, she climbed into the middle of the bed, and they slipped in on each side of her. Hesitantly, they reached for her, Brad laying an arm over her hip, and Chase giving her his shoulder to rest her head on.

  “Goodnight, Aspen,” they each whispered, and, in seconds, their breathing deepened and slowed. She chuckled to herself. They weren’t kidding when they’d promised not to take advantage of her. She still had that nagging tingle between her thighs, but she forced her muscles to relax, and gradually, she fell asleep, sand
wiched between her two men.

  Aspen woke a couple of times during the night, each time finding herself entwined with Brad and Chase in different ways. At one point, Brad’s face was nuzzled into her neck, at another, Chase was spooning her. She wriggled, realizing that he was hard in his sleep. At the movement, he gave a little growl, and took hold of her hips, pressing himself against her ass. That’s so hot, she thought to herself, and shivered with a fresh burst of arousal.

  When she awoke in the morning, they were both up already. Brad was doing something that looked a little like yoga, while Chase was pacing up and down the room. She sighed sleepily. She’d been hoping that they’d be snuggled in bed with her, but it looked like they were bursting to let off some steam. As she yawned and stretched, they turned to her, and, seeing that she was awake, bounded over.

  “Morning, beautiful,” Brad said, and planted a kiss on her lips. He only got to kiss her for a second before Chase pushed him away and took his place. As Chase’s tongue flickered against her lips, her body began to wake up too, her nipples hardening beneath the satin nightgown. Disappointingly, Chase pulled away after a moment.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “Yes!” she replied. Her stomach was rumbling, but she was hungry for something else as well.

  “We thought we’d go out for breakfast,” Brad said.

  “Oh,” she said, struggling to hide her disappointment. “To a café?” Brad grinned.

  “No, to the forest!” His words filled her with excitement. She was dying to shift again. She could feel her wolf straining inside her, impatient to be free. As much as she wanted to stay in bed with Brad and Chase, the impulse to shift was equally strong.

  They left her to get ready.

  “What about my clothes?” she asked, as they walked to the forest. “I can’t deal with them getting torn to shreds again.”

  “It should be easier this time,” Chase said. “If you just undress as you start to shift, you’ll be fine.”

  They walked over to a densely-wooded part of the forest, and the guys shifted first. Aspen made a show of looking away as they stripped their clothes off, but she couldn’t resist peeking between her fingers, and the sight of them both naked, out in nature, made her catch her breath. She was still nervous at the thought of having sex for the first time, but this was mingled with a growing excitement. What would it be like to have them inside her? Which one would go first? She blushed at the thoughts she was having, aware that her panties were becoming damp.

  In seconds, they’d shifted, and there was a black and a golden wolf standing in front of her. Respectfully, they turned their backs on her. As Chase had advised her, she let her mind go blank, and then she concentrated on her wolf, imagining it leaping outside her human body. Almost immediately, the familiar burning sensation ran through her again. She undressed quickly, hanging her things on a tree, and she began to transform. It was way easier this time, only really hurting when her spine snapped her onto all fours. She let out a joyous bark, which was answered by Brad and Chase, and they ran deep into the forest together.

  Chapter Nine

  They ended up staying in the woods all day, the guys patiently teaching Aspen how to catch rabbits, until she’d mastered the skills. They played lots as well, fighting with each other. As a female wolf, she found herself instinctively submitting to them, enjoying the feeling of their teeth on the back of her neck, taking pleasure in rolling over as they pinned her down. She loved the way they took care of her, making sure there were no other wolves nearby, nothing dangerous that could harm her. She felt utterly safe and protected in their company. It was a feeling she’d never had in her life before, and she liked it a lot.

  “This is what your life will be like from now on, Aspen,” Chase said, as they shifted into their human forms and got dressed again. “We’ll look after you, take care of your every need. And, as our mate, you will be esteemed and revered by both of our packs. Impulsively, Brad wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the lips.

  “Your happiness is our priority, Aspen,” he said, and Aspen kissed him back, her heart blossoming with happiness.

  Aspen was aching all over. Today had been the workout of her life. She felt like she’d used every single muscle in her body, and exerted herself to her limit, sprinting and bounding through the forest. When the guys left her to go and have showers, she went into her bathroom and looked longingly at the bathtub. A thought began to form in her mind. She turned the faucets and let it fill up, adding a generous amount of bath oil. Soon the bathroom was full of steam and bubbles, and she left the door on the latch, stripped her clothes off and climbed into the giant tub. It was bliss. The water received her aching muscles, and went up almost to her chin. She laid her head back on the edge and relaxed. She had always loved being in water, loved the way it supported her body, lifting her breasts up so they looked real good and pert, and caressed her all over. Images of Brad and Chase came into her mind again. She imagined one of them on top of her, then the other, spreading her thighs, filling her up. Hardly aware of what she was doing, she lifted one hand to her breasts, pinching her aching nipples, and the other found its way down, between her thighs. She was so sensitive there, even her own touch made her body jerk. She pressed a little harder, and was rewarded with a sweet tingling sensation. Wow! It felt so good with her own hand, how much better would it be when Brad and Chase were touching her?

  There was a knock on the hotel room door and Aspen jumped, guiltily.

  “Come in!” she hollered, before she had time to think. She heard the door opening and shutting, and footsteps walking across the bedroom.

  “Aspen?” came Chase’s voice from behind the bathroom door. She looked down at her body; it was invisible beneath the bubbles.

  “Come in here,” she called. The door opened a crack and a pair of green eyes peered through.

  “You sure?”

  “Of course!” she said, laughing. Chase and Brad came into the room. They were both wearing crisp white t-shirts and blue jeans. They were so alike in their good looks that they could’ve been non-identical twins. The sensitive place between her thighs gave a little jolt.

  “Hi Aspen,” Brad said, with a shy smile. “You look so pretty in the water, with your hair all damp and hanging in ringlets.”

  “Thanks,” she said, pleased and embarrassed at the same time. “Why don’t you come in and join me?” She was speaking fast, making sure she said it before her nerve gave out.

  She didn’t need to ask them twice. Immediately, they stripped off their t-shirts, pulling them from behind their heads in exactly the same way. Two sets of tanned abs and well-developed pecs were revealed. Then they unbuttoned the fly on their Levis. This time, Aspen didn’t look away as they pulled them down, leaving them totally naked. These men are my mates-to-be, she thought to herself, and I don’t want to miss a single moment of their ridiculous hotness. Leaving their clothes on the side, they walked over to the tub, and climbed in. Aspen watched their strong thighs flexing as they lowered themselves into the water. They eased in next to her, one on each side. Chase turned his face to hers. His usually pale eyes were dark with desire, the pupils dilated. As his lips met hers, she sighed. He kissed her gently, his lips soft, his teeth nibbling at her lower lip. After a few seconds he was replaced by Brad, who carefully turned her chin towards him, before pulling her into a lingering kiss. She loved the way that they kissed differently, one delicious sensation following on from the other. They continued like this for what felt like a long time, their hands beneath the water, touching her thighs or her arms. All the time, her arousal was building. It was pure bliss, being held in this moment, knowing that there was even more to come.

  As Brad’s tongue darted into her mouth, dancing around hers, her left hand jerked, and brushed against something hard. It was Chase’s cock! She moved her hand away reflexively, but she’d stirred something in him. He drew her mouth away from Brad, and possessed it again, more fiercely tha
n before, his tongue probing deeply. At the same time, his hand slid up to her breast. He cupped its full weight in his hand, and kneaded it gently, a finger and thumb chafing at her nipple. She sighed; it was an incredible sensation. And then Brad’s hand was on her other breast, touching it in the same way. Her nipples had become fiery points of need. Chase pulled his mouth away from the kiss.

  “How does that feel, baby?”

  “Unbelievable,” she whispered. His hand slid from her breast, and traced a line down to her belly, stroking with light fingertips.

  “Your body feels amazing, Aspen,” he growled. He reached the soft dark triangle of hair at the top of her thighs, and he teased it, giving it the lightest of tugs. Brad began to kiss her neck, sucking and nipping at her skin. That was very arousing too, making her feel like he wanted to eat her alive. She gave a little gasp at every nip. Her thighs had fallen apart, and Chase’s hand was so close.

  “Do you want me to touch you here, Aspen?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes I do!” His hand slid onto her most private place, and she moaned. It did feel so much better than her own hand! A finger flicked over her sensitive little bud and it was as if he’d given her an electric shock. “Oh my god, do that again!” she said. He stroked it gently, over and over, every movement bringing a hot tingle of pleasure. She was breathing hard, she realized, and Brad had both hands on her breasts, stroking her nipples in the same way that Chase was rubbing her clit. Brad moved one of his hands down, sliding along her thigh, deftly avoiding Chase’s hand, until he touched her beneath her clit, right by the entrance to the place that was aching unbearably.

  “Christ, Aspen, you’re so wet,” he said.


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