Dominant Professor: When you crave the punishment, you break the rules.

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Dominant Professor: When you crave the punishment, you break the rules. Page 24

by Mia Luxe

  I sit down. My thoughts get clearer.

  No one is going to find out. She’s an adult, and she’s capable of deciding on her own whether or not she wants to be with me. Fuck the rules. I will do anything and everything in my power to protect her. As long as I’m alive, nothing bad will happen to her.

  I pick up the paper that has her scribbled phone number, and a smile crosses my face as I imagine her walking back to her dorm rooms, knowing she is mine. I enter the number in my phone and crush the paper in my hand.

  I already want to hear her voice again. I already want to hear her moan again.

  My spent cock twitches.

  I thought I would be satisfied, yet fucking Olivia has only increased my need. The smell of sex fills my office and I wish she was still here.

  I put my phone down, but only for a moment. I pick it up and scroll quickly, clicking the contact and calling.

  The phone rings twice when a familiar Italian voice picks up.

  “Caffé Tuscan, how may I assist you today?”

  “It’s Bruce.”

  “Ah, Bruce. Will you be requiring a table tonight?”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  “Very good. We have your favorite table available.”

  “No. Not a table. I need the whole private dining room. 9 PM tomorrow”

  There is a pause.

  “We have booked it out until 10 PM.”

  “I don’t care. Give their whole party a tasting menu and a few bottles of the good stuff for getting out of there early, but make sure that room is empty by 9 PM.”

  “Yes, Sir. It will be done. We look forward to having you tomorrow.”

  I hang up the phone.

  There are perks to owning a restaurant.

  I don’t wait another second. If I do, I could change my mind. For the first time in years, I’m acting irrationally. I’m ignoring what my mind is telling me.

  I’m not going to let the rules stop me from being with Olivia.

  I quickly pen the text and send it.

  What if?

  Olivia Abernathy - Wednesday Afternoon

  I get through my dorm common room avoiding all conversation and walk with my legs squeezed together up the stairs. I open the door and step in, breathing a sigh of relief as I get into my dorm room safely. I can feel his cum welling up against my panties and start to drip down my leg.

  Zoe leans up to talk to me, but I smile and duck into the bathroom, turning on the shower as I undress in a flash. I hop into the shower just in time. His cum drips from me and I shiver at the sight, wanting him again.

  He was right. Every step of the way to dorms I felt like he owned me. What does this mean? What’s going to happen? I’m such a slut, the cliché of a co-ed getting fucked by the sexy professor. Oh God, I can’t believe he made me cum, I can’t believe how big his dick is, how beautiful his body is… think! I have to think. What if someone finds out?

  A horrible, sinking feeling sets over me as I shower.

  What if he’s fucking other students? I can’t be the first. He’s gorgeous, confident, and though it doesn’t matter to me, the fact that he’s obviously filthy rich makes him even more irresistible. He deals with a line of simpering, eyelash batting succubi flirting with him every day. What makes me special? What makes me different? Nothing… he’s probably fucked a dozen other students on that desk, just like me. How could I be so stupid?

  I finish up my shower and towel off, throwing my cum filled panties into the trash to avoid the shame of bringing them to the communal washing machines. I step into the dorm room, wrapped in the Egyptian cotton towel that my mom gave me when I went to dorms.

  Zoe is waiting impatiently. She has her workout clothes on, but is obviously waiting to hear how my first mindset session went before hitting the gym.

  “So, how was the first session? Did he spank you like I said he would?” Zoe giggles at the thought. Her laughing expression turns to inquisitive as soon as she sees my face. The wheels in her head are turning.

  Why would I go right to a shower after a meeting with my Professor? Zoe isn’t stupid. What if she finds out? I trust her with my life, but this is so embarrassing. I would love someone to talk to though…

  “It was fine.”

  “Fine? You always try to say as little as possible when you have something to hide.”

  “It was fine! Um, he was a competitive swimmer. And so he had some of the same problems as I did but managed to get over them. You know, with focus and stuff.”

  “Is that so. God, you’re such a bad liar! Spill the beans already, you know you want to. He did give you a spanking, didn’t he!”

  I blush, and Zoe’s eyes widen with shock.

  “He didn’t… he didn’t spank me,” I say.

  “Then what did he do to you?”

  I lay back on my bed, sighing.

  “He fucked me. In his office. On his desk, actually.”

  Zoe’s mouth opens, and for once she is completely silent. The silence lasts all of two seconds.

  “You’re kidding. You fucked Professor Harrison? Professor super-hot, rippling muscles Harrison? You’re joking!”

  “No joke.”

  “Details, details, details. I need details! How did it happen? You haven’t been with a single guy since you came to dorms - that one drunk make out does not count - and you get with the hottest guy on campus? Tell me everything!”

  Zoe is beaming. For someone who loves gossip, this has to be the juiciest news she has heard in days. Weeks. Hell, her whole life.

  Even though it just happened, the weight of secrecy is intense. The words spill out of me and I feel instant relief.

  “Well, we were talking about self-control, and how you can’t let people get into your head… and then he noticed I was sore. So he gave me a massage and then… it happened.”

  “It happened? Nu-uh. You gotta tell me more! I can’t believe he just started giving you a massage! He knows how to seduce…”

  “It wasn’t like that. I could tell he wanted to help me. I was so sore I could barely lift my arm, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to perform in tonight’s game. After he used his magic hands on me, I feel relaxed, free.”

  “Cause you got laid.”

  “No. What’s wrong with me Zoe! I’m such an idiot. It started to feel so good, and feeling his hands on me… ugh, it was pure bliss. I guess he could tell I was liking it a little too much, and when I looked up at him, he kissed me. It was a kiss like I’ve never felt before. Nothing like a drunk frat boy fumbling. It was like he knew exactly how to tease me with his mouth, fulfill me but make me want so much more…”

  “You aren’t an idiot Olivia, and nothing is wrong with you. He’s gorgeous!”

  “And then he lifted me like I was a feather and put me on his desk… and you know the rest.”

  “I don’t know the rest!”

  “Well, you’ll have to use your imagination.”

  “Mmm, I don’t mind imagining Professor Harrison and his sexy body, but I’d much rather imagine myself on the desk. This is the biggest news I’ve ever heard.”

  “You can’t tell anyone. Promise!”

  Zoe no longer looks like she is laughing. Complete seriousness replaces her mirth. It’s what I love so much about her. She will tease and laugh at you, but when it comes down to it, she has your back.

  “I promise I won’t tell a soul. I remember what happened to Professor Muntz. So… Is this a fling? A one time thing? Are you going to see him again?”

  “I have no clue. It’s so confusing. He told me he thought I’m the smartest student in the class, and that the first time he saw me he knew I was special. But… I mean, he’s rich as hell. He has the most incredible body, that gorgeous face… I’m sure he can get any woman he chooses.”

  I grimace, my thoughts in a whirl. There is a distinct feeling that I’m in over my head.

  “He asked for my number, but I don’t know what this is. Maybe… maybe I shouldn’t see him aga
in. If this is a just physical thing, then it could really make my academic life complicated. And what if he’s fucking other students?”

  I wince as the words leave my mouth. I don’t want to imagine him doing anything with other students.

  “Your academic life just got very, very complicated indeed. I know it seems scary, but when you were telling me what happened in his office, you had this look on your face I’ve never seen before. This really hopeful, happy look. If Professor Harrison makes you feel that way, then you should let things happen. You can’t assume he’s banging a bunch of students. We would have heard a rumor.”

  I pump a little moisturizer on my hand, rubbing it on my feet and legs in my post-shower routine. Routine is exactly what I need right now.

  “Let things happen? What things? He goes from teaching me to… To taking me, and I have no clue what he wants! How do I know he’s even going to call? What if he ignores that it ever happened, what if he wanted me, had me, and now he’s going to forget all about it and move on to the next naive student?”

  My phone vibrates loudly, and Zoe sits up straight as an arrow.

  My hand darts out to grab my phone, and I groan as I get moisturizer all over the screen. I read the text and feel a foolishly big grin splatting my face in two.

  “What does it say!”

  It says “I’ll pick you up at 8:30 Friday night. Wear something nice. Pass me a tissue, will you?”

  Zoe throws a box of tissue and goes to the closet. I wipe my phone screen off as she contemplates my wardrobe. Our closet is packed full, but it’s mostly filled with Zoe’s clothes. She thumbs through my more meager selection.

  “Well Olivia, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, you have nothing nice. The good news is, Kim is your size and she won’t mind lending you some clothes. Don’t worry, I’ll have something for you picked out. Text your new man where to pick you up and let’s get ready! I’m going to do a light workout to get loose before the game, you in?”

  “I feel ready. I’ll meet you at the court.”

  The game. What I need to truly focus on tonight. Please, please Coach let me play.

  I text Professor Harrison which dorm I am in and try to push him out of my thoughts.

  You need to focus on the game tonight. We need this win if we want to make selections. We need this win more than anything.

  Game On

  Olivia Abernathy - Wednesday Night

  Maybe it was getting the text from Bruce. Maybe it was the anticipation of tomorrow. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the first lesson I had in his office that kept me focused and on point.

  Whatever it was, I had my best game of the season. The sweat dripping off my body is a testament to my effort. It is almost as sweet as the appreciative nod of respect from my Coach.

  Thank you, Coach, for letting me start. I know it was because you saw me giving it my all after practice. You saw me sweating and running when I could have called it quits.

  It felt like we were holding our breath as we watched the final point happen.

  Normally we scream and cheer at the end of a game. Tonight, we are all quiet as we look at each other. The words are unspoken and completely powerful.

  We can make it to selections.

  We need to win one more game to get to the post-season.

  We can do this.

  After showers and changing, I am about to slip away when Kim grabs me as I am leaving.

  “I heard you need some clothes for a hot date tomorrow!”

  A sinking feeling hits the pit of my stomach.

  What does she know? Did she see something?

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, Zoe told me everything.”

  Zoe told her everything? Why the hell would she do that!

  Kim sees the shock on my face.

  “What’s the big secret! Some guy from your home town is visiting Seattle for a weekend, and you want to dress to impress.”

  Relief floods over me.

  Of course. Zoe was kind enough to ask Kim for me, and she had to make up some excuse. As long as I look fine tomorrow, I’m happy.

  “Sure, I can do that. Thanks for your help! I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me shit! That was the performance of a lifetime. Great job tonight. You going to come out and celebrate? I want to hear alllll about this stud who came all the way to the West Coast to see you.”

  I realize I’m biting my lip as I think of the best way to turn down the offer.

  “I’m sorry, I just… I just need to get some studying in. Especially since I’ll be going out tomorrow night.”

  “Awww,” she sighs, the look in her eye telling me she knew what my answer was going to be. “You work way, way too hard Olivia. You deserve a night off. Well, you’ll have to give me every juicy detail of your date tomorrow. Trust me, the way you’re going to be looking… It’s going to end well. Finally, Olivia has time for a boy!”

  This is spinning out of control! I should have just asked Kim myself and thought of a better excuse. But I never would have, and Zoe knows it, so she asked for me. Because if it were up to me, I’d end up dressing in exactly the same clothes as I wear to school.

  “Deal. But you have to promise me you’ll keep it between us. I can’t deal with the whole team probing me for details right now, it’s a stressful time for me and…”

  “Don’t worry Olivia. I promise. Well, I promise that I’ll keep my mouth shut at least until I’m on my fifth vodka cran. I’m kidding! I’m kidding, God, you’re so serious. There’s nothing wrong with seeing a boy, but if you want to keep it quiet it’s fine.”

  I leave the dressing room and exit the building into the crisp air.

  Let’s hope it stays quiet.

  Little Black Dress

  Olivia Abernathy - Friday Night

  I wish we had a full-length mirror in dorms! I can’t tell if this looks good or not.

  “You look drop dead gorgeous.”

  I’m out of my comfort zone in the tight black dress. It’s lower cut than anything I would wear out in public.

  “Are you sure? I’m almost naked.”

  “You look like the classiest high-end escort I’ve ever seen. He’s going to love it.”

  I can feel myself blushing, remembering his touch in the office.

  “I want him to look at me as a woman, not as his student.”

  Zoe holds up 4-inch heels. I shake my head.

  “No way. I’m not wearing those.”

  “You have to! You’re so lucky. I’d kill for a guy who’s taller than me in heels! Us volleyball girls have to take our opportunities when we get them.

  “I’ll fall right over!”

  “Nonsense. Put them on.”

  I put them on, and Zoe bursts into laughter at my wobble. It doesn’t help that Zoe is at least half a shoe size bigger than me.

  “Zoe! I’m not used to this! I’m going to wear my normal heels.

  “Ok, ok, 3 is fine. You’ll be at the perfect level to kiss him in 3-inch heels.”

  It takes an hour before Zoe is satisfied with my makeup and outfit. I look better than I ever thought I could. The woman who stares back at me in the mirror is fierce and ready for anything.

  “He is not going to be able to take his eyes off you. When a man says dress in something nice, it’s not a suggestion. It’s a challenge. It’s a challenge for you to be more beautiful than his wildest imagination, and you, girl, have succeeded. What do you think?”

  “I think I’m going to be completely freezing!”

  Zoe rolls her eyes and pushes open the door to our tiny closet. A closet that does not close properly anymore under the sheer mass of our clothes. Mostly Zoe’s clothes.

  “I knew it was too small, but I couldn’t resist picking this up. It’s got to be in here somewhere…”

  She pushes aside years of accumulated wardrobes and pulls out a thing of beauty.

  The little black dress doesn’t feel like me. That? That feels like me.

  It’s a pink, long wool dress coat with over-sized buttons and belt. I take it wordlessly and put it on, tightening the belt into a huge bow.

  I love it.

  It’s like I’m a big present and he’s going to unwrap me.

  “It’s perfect,” says Zoe, and I can tell by her smile she is happy it looks good on me, and not the least bit annoyed that it is too small for her.

  Can I do this? Maybe I should text Bruce that I’m busy, or…

  “This is too crazy. I can’t believe I’m really doing this.”

  Zoe gives my arm a squeeze.

  “Life is crazy. Do you want your story with Bruce to end now, or just begin?”

  I screw up my face. “Since when have you been deep, Zoe?”

  “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover! I never thought you’d be daring enough to go on a date with a Professor, but here you are, looking fucking hot and about to get wined and dined.”

  I smile with nervous anticipation. The idea of going on an actual date with Professor Harrison is titillating. It’s hard to think of him as Bruce, even though that’s his first name. To me, he still feels like Professor Harrison. Tonight will change that.

  There are so many worries going through my head.

  What if someone sees us? What if when he is talking to me he stops thinking I’m smart, or he doesn’t like me?

  I push the worries out of my head. They do not belong there. It’s time to think positive and do my best to enjoy the night.

  Professor Harrison is smart, and I am sure he has taken care of everything. I look at my phone. It’s 8:27, and I take a deep breath and walk towards the door.

  “OK. If I’m going to do this, I better do it now before I chicken out.”

  “Have fun… don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

  “Is there anything you wouldn’t do?”

  Zoe laughs. “With a guy as gorgeous as Professor Harrison? He could do anything he liked to me! Stay safe, enjoy the night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? Don’t you mean tonight?”


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