Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection

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Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection Page 35

by Connor Crowe

  “Guess they got away,” James muttered, kicking at a now-useless pulley. “To wreak havoc another day, no doubt.”

  I groaned and sighed. We had one job, and we couldn’t even do that right. Come to think of it, my head was throbbing something awful as well...

  I swayed on my feet for only a second, but James was there to catch me. He braced an arm around my waist. “You’re the one I should be worrying about. You okay?”

  “Fine,” I brushed the question off and shook my head. The truth was, I had too much to worry about right now to deal with my own injuries. Tristan was missing, James was hurt, and the thieves had escaped. All in all, a total failure.

  And I’d never taken failure well.

  “Let’s get sat down somewhere away from all this,” he offered, leading me away from the wreckage. “Then we’ll go through what we know.”

  “Okay,” I said tonelessly. My mind still swam with a million fears and thoughts, but it didn’t stop a small smile from tugging at my lips.

  If there was anyone I wanted to be stranded and injured with, it would be James. His calm, compassionate nature and healing skills made him the voice of reason in the midst of all the chaos. Even when I was freaking out, even when I was supposed to be the big strong alpha and take care of my mates, he was there with a helping hand and a non-judgmental smile.

  Gods, I’d really lucked out when I found him.

  We moved away from the crash site and toward the trees, stopping in a small glade. A babbling brook ran nearby. As the water trickled over the pebbles and fallen limbs, my stomach growled and my throat grew even drier.

  Water. I needed water.

  “Stay right here,” James instructed me, pointing to a flat surface near the base of an old oak tree. “The fall crushed my supplies, but I can make more. We’ll need to clean ourselves up, though. It’s a good thing we’re both shifters.” He tapped his temple. “We heal faster than humans.”

  Then why did it feel like my body was about to fall apart? The pain of reincarnation into my phoenix form was familiar, almost preferred to this sort of pain. It wasn’t just the physical that ailed me.

  It was my very soul.

  I sunk down against the tree trunk and rested my head on the steady wood. How good it felt to be on solid ground again. How good it felt to touch something real.

  I dug my hands into the moss. Felt the dampness of the fallen leaves. Looked up just in time to see the first specks of starlight.

  “Man, that was some adventure, huh?” James’ voice startled me when he suddenly appeared at my side. He’d ripped off part of his ruined shirt and drenched it with cool water. “May I?” He held it up to my face.


  Some adventure indeed.

  James’ careful touch did more than cleanse my tired body. It just felt good to have him next to me again. Too long I’d been focusing on the wrong thing.

  All this time I was thinking about the Key and the mission when there was something much more precious at hand: my mates.

  James peeled away the layers of damp, bloodied clothing, bathing me with the cool water from the stream. He did it carefully, consciously, each touch soothing the sore muscles and washing away the stains of battle.

  So too did the pains begin to ease. And a new sort of pain begin to take their place.

  “Do you think he did it?” I asked James when he came back from wringing out the rag. “Do you think it’s safe?”

  James thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yes. I believe so.” He sniffed, eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’ve never been so proud of our mate.”

  He showed outwardly the emotions I’d felt all along, and with his breakdown my own feelings bubbled to the surface. He was right. I was proud of Tristan, more proud than I could ever name, but gods I missed him. What I wouldn’t do to have him here with me—with us.

  I pulled him into a hug and held him there, discarding the last of James’ soiled clothes. We stood before one another as equals, nothing but the air and the elements between us. My dragon swirled with lust and interest, but right now I needed something else.

  I just needed the feel of his skin on mine.

  “I wish he was here,” James whispered in to my chest. His arms wrapped around me and I felt each rise and fall of his chest. Still lost in thought, I stroked a hand through his hair and peered up at the sky once more.

  “He did what he had to do.” The words sounded hollow to my ears, but it wouldn’t do to have both of us breaking down. I knew the stakes, and I knew Tristan wanted us to be safe more than anything. I had to hope that he and others like him would make things right.

  James sniffed and looked up at me. “What do we do now?”

  “Well,” I started, “we need to get back to Nox Bay and tell them what happened. I’m sure they’re missing us.” Our pack, our village—it seemed so far away now.

  “You’re right,” James said, but I could tell he wasn’t happy about it. He drew away from my embrace and wiped his face, letting out a long sigh. “They need us.”

  I felt the emotion welling in the back of my throat, so I didn’t say anything. Just gave him a nod.

  We stood and looked around us. Night had fallen and the stars twinkled above us, brilliant as always. At their side was the moon, a lovely crescent shape tonight. The midnight-blue faded into black, blurring into the treeline. Where did one begin and the other end? Such was the mystery of night.

  “I guess that’s that,” I said, wiping my suddenly-sweaty hands on my thighs. My bare human skin pricked up with gooseflesh in the cool air of the night. We’d need to shift to get home in good time. After all, two naked guys on the road would draw a lot of attention—and not the good kind. “I’d say we should gather our things, but we don’t have those anymore. Shall we?”

  James stayed quiet for a long moment. He chewed his lip, something I’d seen him doing before when he was nervous. I could practically feel the waves of anxiety wafting off of him, but I didn’t know why.

  Pressing the subject would likely make him more upset, but that was my nature. I wanted to make it better. I wanted to scare all the demons away, just for a moment. I wanted him to feel safe and comforted and happy. Would I even get a chance to do that if our other mate was gone?

  “We can’t just leave him.” James’ voice barely carried, and I thanked my excellent hearing that I picked up the words.

  I grimaced, squeezing my eyes shut. He wasn’t making this easy. None of this was easy.

  “We don’t even know if...” I couldn’t finish that sentence.

  “He’s still alive.” James said it with such conviction, such determination that I almost believed him. “I know it. He’s a smart guy, and knows the place way better than we do. He’ll figure things out.” His voice faded, and he added one more worry: “We’d um...feel it if something happened to him, right? Over the mating bond or whatever?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I hadn’t felt or heard anything from him since the fall.

  James started walking and prompted me to follow. Ah well. A little walk would soothe the nerves as long as we kept to the shadows.

  “How are you feeling, by the way?” James tried to keep the conversation going. I knew it was his method of coping, but I really didn’t feel like talking.

  I humored him. “Fine. What do you mean?”

  “With the um, shifter business. The phoenix? The rebirth cycle? The instability of controlling your shift? I know you managed it on cue up there, but overall has it gotten any better?”

  To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it. Had too much else going on to even pay attention to the unstable current constantly running through my blood. Which, I realized, was a good thing. In the past it was all I could think about. An ever-present friend (or enemy, as it were) reminding me that things could change in an instant. That I could lose control again. That I could hurt those I loved.

  But as I thought about it consciously for the first time since Ata
raxis, I noticed something. I couldn’t feel it. The fear, the current, nothing. I felt...still. For the first time in years, I wasn’t on the verge of a literal meltdown. I’d been so close up there, something about the Key sending my senses all haywire, but now?

  It had vanished like a puff of smoke.

  “Actually, yeah.” I said. I stretched my arms and legs, marveling at the new feeling. “I feel pretty okay. And it’s been a long time since I could say that.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing,” James pondered. “Maybe that means things are finally stabilizing and we didn’t fail after all.”

  I gave him a cautious grin. “I guess we won’t know for sure until we give it some time.”

  “Guess so,” James agreed and kicked a rock. We walked a few more moments in silence, the moon smiling on us from above.

  Every time I ran through the events in my mind, I still couldn’t believe it. The past few days had been so incredibly crazy, so over the top...I huffed and shook my head at the thought.

  “What?” James asked casually.

  I shook my head and hoped he’d drop it, but as talkative as he was? I wouldn’t have such luck. “I guess what they say about The Flying City is right. Never seen anything like that in my life.”

  “And I hope I never have to again,” James agreed. He scratched at his neck and arms. “Those clothes were so itchy!”

  “Tell me about it.”

  I gasped and spun around. I was just about to spring into attack mode—someone had been following us! Then I saw the outline of a very familiar face.

  Tristan was back. And he was naked.



  I blinked to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. I glanced over at James, who was looking in awe at the same person I was.

  “Tristan,” James breathed. “Are you…”

  He outstretched his arms. “It’s me.”

  We didn’t need to say anything else. Words wouldn’t do this feeling justice. James and I rushed forward and leapt into his arms. In that moment, we were together. My dragon and even my phoenix rose up to meet him, twining together with his gryphon and James’ wolf.

  The feeling of our three bodies, together at last, was more warming than all the fire within. I let out a breath and sunk into him. Tears welled up once more and this time I didn’t stop them.

  “I thought we lost you.” I whispered. “What happened up there?”

  “I’m sorry,” Tristan said. “We had to do something. You think I wanted to see you fall like that? It’s the hardest decision I ever had to make.”

  “Is it done?” I was almost too afraid to ask.

  “Are you okay?” James echoed right behind me. “How did you get down here so quick?”

  All those questions and more bubbled up between us. Too many unknowns and not enough answers, but as long as I had my two mates in my arms, explanations could wait.

  “I could ask you the same question,” Tristan quipped. “I thought when I saw you go over...” He gulped.

  “Have a little more faith next time,” I teased right back. At least he was trying to lighten the mood. “I got this. You’re not the only one with wings, remember?”

  “And thank goodness for that.” He brought us in closer, planting a kiss on each of our cheeks. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you.”

  “Ditto,” James agreed. We stood there for a moment, content in each other’s arms. Unfortunately, I knew it couldn’t last.

  “We were just about to head back to Nox Bay. They’ll want to a report as soon as possible.” I wish I didn’t have to be the over practical one in this situation, but if I didn’t keep my shifter distracted, he was going to go a little nuts seeing both of my mates naked and pressed up against me.

  As much as I wanted them, I knew we had a job to do. But that had been the case ever since we’d first left on this journey, hadn’t it? Every time we tried to get intimate, someone or something interrupted us.

  There was no one around to stop us now.

  I met Tristan’s gaze and his eyes shifted, a warmer, hazier color that revealed his own struggle. From what I could tell of James’ needy pawing and little gasps, he was thinking the same thing.

  We deserved a reward after all that hard work, right?

  “You know we have a lot to talk about,” Tristan started. His voice already took on that low, lusty timbre—it did nothing to stop the sinful thoughts racing through my head. Instead, it sent blood straight down south. Since all three of us were naked, there would be no hiding the truth.

  “It can wait.” Tristan tilted his head upward to kiss me, and my resolve flew out the window.

  James didn’t miss his chance to get in on the action either. He stood on his tiptoes and pressed his lips to my neck while his hands snaked around my back.

  Two men kissing me at once—thought I’d never see the day. My dragon somersaulted in my chest and the heady, intoxicating lust had only just begun. Finally there were no more obstacles. Finally there were no more interruptions.

  Just me and my mates, alone at last.

  “I’ve been needing this for ages,” I admitted with a groan. I pulled apart from Tristan just long enough to claim James’ lips instead. Where Tristan’s kisses were strong and passionate, James was soft and gentle, relishing the feel of my lips and tongue like he wanted to remember it forever. I knew I did.

  “Right here?” James asked breathlessly after we pulled apart. “In the middle of this field?”

  That was our James, always looking out for every complication. It was adorable. “Why not? Before we have to go be all serious business again.” I smirked and reached around to cup his ass. He let out the cutest yelp I’d ever heard, so I was going to take that as a yes.

  James grinned from ear to ear, tugging me by the hand.

  Tristan needed no further prompting. “Catch me if you can, suckers!” He shifted on the spot and took off at a run into the trees.

  “No fair!” I whined. James shifted next to me and took off after him, but for me old fears died hard.

  I’d managed a shift in the heat of the moment, sure. But could I do it again?

  Too many times I’d lost control of my phoenix and literally lit myself on fire. Too many times I put those around me in danger. The uneasiness and instability was gone, but I still didn’t trust it.

  I’d been careful for years, never shifting unless I couldn’t help it. To do it now, on purpose, was a huge show of faith.

  Come on, you can do it! Tristan’s encouragement echoed through my mind. I balled my fists. Took a deep breath. Shifting was scary, but my mates were worth it.

  I let everything go and sunk into myself, deeper than I’d ever gone before. The dragon and the phoenix were still there, still very aware of my two naked mates, and begging to play. I focused my energy on the dragon first, feeling the fire spread from my heart down to my fingertips. My eyes shifted between reptile and human vision. My fingers lengthened and sharpened, becoming deadly claws.

  Now was usually the time when sparks started flying and the flames couldn’t contain themselves. Any minute now, things would boil over and I’d lose myself to the fire again...

  Only that didn’t happen. I clung to Tristan and James’ presence. Repeated their words in my mind. I could do this. I was an alpha for crying out loud. The times of fear and uncertainty were past us now, and the throb of primal rightness I felt around my men blocked out any insecurities.

  Wings sprouted from my back and extended to their full span. My mouth elongated into a snout while a strong, agile tail extended from where my tailbone used to be.

  In a matter of moments, it was over. I was the dragon, and the dragon was me.

  And now, it was time for this dragon to claim what was his.

  With one flap of my wings I took to the sky. The cool night air against my scales was something I hadn’t felt in far too long. I relished each wind current and each star in the sky. I sent up thanks to the moon for her favor
and followed the scent of my mates.

  Things looked so different from up here. On the ground everything was so close. You could never see very much at one time. But from above it was like looking over a huge, life-sized map. I could see the curves of the terrain, watch the river cut through the forest, and see the swaying leaves of each tree.

  But more interesting than that was the wolf and gryphon I saw running through the forest. Two omegas. My omegas. And I was about to show them just how much I needed them.

  I sailed forward until I was right over them. They tumbled over one another in the grass, playing and and rough housing. How could I resist joining in?

  With a roar I dove and landed in the clearing. Dry leaves, dirt, and twigs flew out in all directions from the downdraft. I couldn’t see a thing. When things settled they were there, standing at attention. They’d seen my form before, but I’d never seen such awe in their eyes. That mixed with the current of lust in the air made me want them even more.

  I leapt forward and caught both of them in my wingspan. We rolled over and I hovered on top of them, my wings and claws holding them down. Breaths came hot and heavy from my nostrils, and with it the taste of flame.

  Tristan squawked and snapped out with his beak. I dodged to the side just in time, but James took that as an opening. That was the bad thing about having two partners. They could gang up on you.

  James jumped onto my torso. His weight and momentum overtook my balance and I flipped onto my back, James’ panting wolf form above me. Meanwhile, Tristan took his chance to play with my tail. I snapped it back and forth, trying to keep it out of his reach, but he finally sunk his claws in.

  The small prick of pain was nothing compared to the amusement and closeness I felt. Nothing like a little good-natured horseplay to let our animals free.

  Of course, there was one more thing I needed…

  My body buzzed with adrenaline and testosterone as I shifted back to human form beneath them. They followed suit and soon we weren’t three animals playing in the forest, but three naked men.


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