Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection

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Nox Bay Pack: Complete Series Collection Page 37

by Connor Crowe

  A rustle of movement echoed behind me. Hugo’s fingers left and in their place rested a gaping emptiness. I almost cried out, but he soon replaced his fingers with something else.

  The head of Hugo’s thick cock rested against my backside, so close to entering me I wanted to cry. I held my breath and the world stood still for those few precious seconds.

  “You okay?” Hugo asked, dipping his head to whisper in my ear again.

  “Yeah,” I panted. “Just...please...”

  The head of his cock breached my walls easily enough. I had the slick and Hugo’s stretching to thank for that. But past the head as he slipped in inch by inch, I felt my channel widening and stretching more than it ever had before. I hissed in a breath and bit my lip. The tight, burning sensation overcame every sense. My hand tightened on Tristan’s cock and the other hand clutched out, looking for an anchor.

  “Bend over, baby,” Hugo muttered, his own voice deep and husky with lust. My fist slipped out from around Tristan’s cock and he lowered me down onto my knees, ass up in the air. The cool night breeze contrasted with the burning sensation of being filled. My mouth sagged open and my eyes widened. Hugo’s hands on my ass were firm, guiding me where I needed to go.

  “Fuuuuck,” Hugo growled. His nails dug into my skin as the stretching ache subsided. My body was getting used to him. Opening up to him.

  Fuck me.

  The weight and pressure of his cock inside me mixed with my extreme sensitivity would have brought me to my knees if I hadn’t already been there. My eyes rolled back in my head and the world spun.

  Tristan’s hand on my chin anchored me. I’d been staring at the ground, but when I looked up his cock was right there, twitching before my lips.

  No way.

  “Finish me off, babe,” Tristan moaned. “I want your mouth on me. I want to fuck your pretty face while Hugo pounds your ass.”

  The mental picture alone was almost enough to undo me. This was crazy. Totally, insanely crazy. Having two dicks at a time had once been a mere fantasy. Something totally out of the ordinary that I figured would never happen in real life.

  Yet here we were, and I was about to be spit roasted by two of the hottest guys on the planet.

  Oh, and they both happened to be my fated mates. I’d say this was a pretty good night.

  Bracing myself on my hands, I leaned forward just enough to take Tristan into my mouth. He wasn’t as long or thick as Hugo, but still had plenty enough to fill my mouth and then some. My lips wrapped around the head and made a little suckling motion before moving lower. I swiped my tongue across the underside and opened my mouth wider to take him in.

  “Ahhh...” Tristan groaned. He wove his fingers through my hair and pulled me closer. At the same time Hugo pulled out ever so slightly. The friction from both ends was like some kind of perverted see-saw. I rocked forward to suck Tristan’s cock. I rocked backward to ride Hugo’s dick. Being stuffed in both holes blotted out any other senses or sensations. Everything narrowed to the people in front of me. And as I rocked back and forth, mewling and moaning, my wolf side—no, my omega side, danced with bliss.

  This was right. This was home.

  My mates.

  Once I’d gotten the rhythm down, we picked up the pace. They switched it up now and then. Hugo would pound me while I gagged on Tristan’s cock. Or I’d suck him off while feeling Hugo’s dick just barely grazing my hole, trying not to arch backward and beg for more...

  The forest turned into a symphony of wet, slapping sounds. Moans. Cries of joy and pleasure and pure animal lust. My own cock leaked and begged for attention. It leaked onto the grass and yet I didn’t have the hands to deal with it.

  Hugo took that moment to change his angle and Tristan pulled out to let him adjust. This time he was fucking down into me instead of parallel, and that took things to a whole new level. There was a soft, sensitive area inside an omega’s channel that was said to bring immense pleasure, but I’d never had the luck to find it.

  Hugo had.

  Starbursts of ecstasy exploded through me and for a moment I forgot all about Tristan’s cock. “Oh fuck...right there...!”

  Hugo sped up as well. My moans and cries egged him on and I took every thrust, slamming my hips back into him while Tristan pumped his cock in front of my face. Hugo hit that spot again, and my hands balled into fists. I threw my head back and wailed. All that built up pressure and tension released with a final blow.

  I lurched forward and cried out as my cock spurted cum into the grass. Again and again the quakes hit me. Another. Then another. I’d never come this much in my life, and I hadn’t even touched my cock. Just when I thought it was over, I felt a new, swelling sensation filling me up more than ever before.

  Hugo moaned and dug his nails into my back, planting himself all the way to the hilt inside my channel. My walls clamped around him and milked his cock as he came. Then came the swelling, the incredible swelling as Hugo’s knot grew and locked inside me, holding us there and his seed inside. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t see. Couldn’t think.

  All I knew was that we were linked. We were one. We were mated.

  And that went for Tristan, too. He reached his own peak and called out my name, echoing through my sated haze. His cum splashed onto my face and dripped down my chin, onto my neck, spilled across my chest. The scent of him and the taste of his seed filled every thought I had left, and I slumped to the ground with the both of them, totally spent.

  The chirp of a nearby bird woke me. I eased into wakefulness, still wrapped in my mates’ embrace. The first rays of sunlight flowed over the horizon. The forest would wake soon as well. I blinked open my tired eyes and looked around, past our sleeping bodies.

  The trees were still mostly still, though a few early birds were getting a head start. Their song trilled from tree to tree. Perhaps they were calling to one another too, up there in the canopies. Perhaps they were looking for their loved ones, just as I had been before I found Hugo and Tristan.

  A sleepy mutter came from beside me. Tristan roused and snuggled closer against me, his skin warm and inviting. I’d fallen asleep in the middle—my arms wrapped around Tristan while Hugo cuddled me from behind.

  Thoughts of the night before flew back into my mind, and I couldn’t help a secret smile. We’d finally come together, all three of us—and it had been better than I ever could have imagined. I nuzzled into the back of Tristan’s neck. “Hey,” I whispered.

  “Hey,” he said sleepily. After a yawn, he shifted slightly and craned his neck to face me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. More than okay, actually. I feel fantastic.”

  “Me too. Some night, huh?”

  I snorted. “That’s an understatement. You all right? Sore or anything?”

  Tristan stretched his arms and legs. “Not that I can tell, but I should be asking you that question.” He smirked, knowing I’d been the most “active” participant. “The sleep did me a world of good.”

  I drew in the cool, fresh morning air. The chorus of birds rose and fell. The forest grew brighter with every passing second. The sun, the life-giver, had risen again. “Looks like it’s going to be a nice day.” I mused. “See the clouds up there?”

  “Yeah?” Tristan turned so that he laid on his back. “They’re all floating back the way we came.”

  “Exactly.” I pointed to the floating wisps and traced their path across the sky. “All the way back home.”

  Home. That hit me harder than I’d expected. I’d never been away from the pack for so long before, and to tell you the truth? I missed it.

  “Feels like it’s been forever,” Tristan said, still staring upwards. He lay with his arms stretched behind his head and his legs crossed as the sun began to filter through the trees. “I never wanted you to have to get involved with all of this, but...” He cleared his throat. “I’m glad you were here. I couldn’t have done it without you. Either of you.”

  I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. It s
ure had been an adventure, all right. All the way from “accidentally” stowing away to finding the city to infiltrating the Gala and then to tracking down the thieves...

  I think I’d had enough action for a while.

  “I guess what I’m trying to say is...” Tristan grasped for the words. “Thank you.”

  A loud, long snore was Hugo’s only response. It cut through the tension of the moment with hilariously perfect timing. Tristan and I burst into silent laughter, while our alpha snored the morning away.

  When our sleeping beauty awoke, we’d be homebound once more.



  I never thought I’d be so happy to see the gates of Nox Bay again. Our trip back took less time than expected and other than a few encounters with the wildlife, no one bothered us.

  Hugo grew stronger by the day, while James stepped into a new confidence. I loved seeing the changes in them, but they weren’t the only ones. I had changed as well.

  The scared, panicking omega that would rather do anything than visit his homeland seemed so far away now. Those wounds would stay with me for the rest of my life, but I had a new perspective now. They no longer defined me.

  In going through the belly of the beast, I had found something even more valuable than the Wings of the Wind.

  My two mates.

  We made love every night on the way back home, and each time I felt ever closer to them. It boggled the mind that I could find such a unique pairing, but at this point I didn’t question it. Whoever was up there, they knew what they were doing.

  That thought buoyed me as we descended the last hill into the valley where Nox Bay lay sheltered. So much had happened. So much to report. Not to mention my newly-mated status. I felt confident that Alpha Markus would welcome us with open arms, but I wasn’t sure about the others.

  Couldn’t think about that now, though.

  The first thing I noticed when we crested the hill and saw the village below was the debris. Piles of it stacked all over the valley, waiting to be burned. The once proud gates of Nox Bay stood in shambles, a temporary fitting the only thing securing our borders.

  My heart flew into my throat and I fought the urge to run.

  “Oh no,” James breathed. “The flood.”

  Visions of water and terror crashed back into my mind. Before we’d flown up to the city. Before we’d split from Markus and the others. We’d meant to go together, but that fateful night we heard the dam collapsing, and all we could do was run.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and forced out a breath. I had hoped with everything in me that the village would be all right. That Markus and the others could return in time to warn them. Were they—and we—too late?

  “We gotta get down there,” Hugo commanded, and we took off at a sprint.

  With every beat of my heart I thought of another pack member. Another shifter I’d come to call my family. What of them? What of—heaven forbid—what of the children?

  I reached the gates first and peered at the rickety plywood. It had been thrown together in a hurry, but hadn’t fallen apart yet. Insecurity and indecision rose up once again. What would I even say? Now that we were back, and the village was like this, what could we even do? I didn’t know whether to knock, or announce our arrival or…

  “I’ll handle it,” James said when he arrived next to me. Hugo joined us not long after. “I’ve been a member of the pack the longest, and I know their calls.”

  I stepped to the side and let James settle himself in front of the door. He stood silent for a few moments, his lips forming some forgotten prayer, then he shrunk down into his wolf form and howled.

  “Of course,” I realized. James was a wolf like the rest of them. Nox Bay had taken in strays from all over at this point, but it was formed originally as a pack of wolves. If anyone could contact them, it would be James.

  We waited a beat. Two. My mouth grew dry and my stomach sank with each passing second. Looked like it wasn’t any good.

  I sighed and turned away, trying to think of what to do next. My heart cried out in grief and confusion. Where would we go? What would we do?

  Just then, when the last fragment of hope dared to splinter away, I heard it.

  The echoing howl of a wolf. And not just any wolf. Nox Bay. Another howl sliced through the air and added to the first. Then a third. A chorus of cries and howls filled the valley—and our tired trio—with hope.

  “They’re in there,” James said excitedly. He leapt forward and pawed at the plywood, looking for a way in. “I can hear them, they’re there, they’re just…”

  A howl echoed again, this time louder, and the rustle of paws against the ground grew closer.

  A snout poked through a crack in the plywood, paw coming out to bat it aside. It toppled over and there he stood in all his glory.

  Alpha Markus was still alive.

  Flanked on his side were our friends. They’d all come out to welcome us home.

  The crushing weight of guilt and sorrow turned in an instant. A soaring, hopeful joy rose in its place. Relief flooded through me like a cool drink of water, and I couldn’t believe how grateful I was to see each one of them.

  Structural damage be damned, as long as my pack was all right…

  Markus shifted first, standing upright on two legs and then morphing into human form. A smile broke out over his tired, wrinkled face and he outstretched his arms in welcome.

  “I thought we’d lost you too.”

  It was a simple enough phrase, but it held all the emotion we’d all been feeling. I broke at the concern in his voice, smiling through blurry vision.

  We were home.

  Markus brought us all into an embrace, his strong grip showing just how much he’d missed us.

  “Was so worried about you.” He sighed and took a step back to look at us. “We wanted to send out scouts to look for you, but as you can see we’ve been so swamped here...”

  “Literally swamped, if you can’t tell.” Kit piped up with his usual deadpan humor.

  “Is everyone okay?” That was the first question on my mind.

  Markus nodded. “Don’t worry about that. I was able to send word to Felix in time and he helped evacuate the village. No one was hurt.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”

  “But,” he continued, “as you can see, some of the structures didn’t fare so well.”

  “Structures can be rebuilt,” I reminded him. “Lives cannot.”

  “Too true,” Markus agreed. “Nox Bay is nothing if not resilient, though.” He turned and waved for us to follow him. “Come, let us eat. You must be very tired from your journey.”

  My stomach growled in response and my muscles ached. I needed a hot meal, a long shower, and a real bed.

  James, Hugo, and I followed Markus into the village. I kept watch on everything we passed. Some of the buildings still stood while others lay collapsed in rubble. The ground slopped and squelched, still waterlogged from the flood.

  It had done plenty of damage, that’s for sure. But not everything was destroyed. The dining hall, for one, still stood. My stomach was definitely grateful for that.

  “Did the granary survive?” James asked as we made our way into the hall. “It would be terrible if you ran out of food as well.”

  “Yes and no,” Markus replied. “Some of the stories were waterlogged, but not all of them. We’ve also set up teams on foraging and hunting missions.”

  The dining hall looked the same as ever, if a bit barren. We gathered at one of the long tables while Elliot and Arric hurried into the kitchen to fetch some food. The place still smelled the same, at least. Stew and broth and home.

  It was nice to have this little piece of normality.

  Within moments, we had beef stew and a strong-smelling herbal tea in front of us. Chunks of stale but still edible bread made a perfect piece to soak up the broth.

  “What about the children?” Hugo asked over his mug. “Are they okay?�

  “Speaking of children,” Arric spoke up with a glowing smile. “We had a new addition to the pack while you were away.”

  My mouth hung open. “No and Elliot?”

  Arric beamed. “That’s right. He gave birth while you were traveling. Elliot’s on his way here now, if you’d like to say hello.”

  “How wonderful!” I cried. Hugo and James showed similar delight. Not only had the pack persevered, they had even given birth in this time of chaos. That, more than anything, was a sign of hope and life.

  Hugo, I knew, was even more over the moon than I was. Elliot was his brother, after all.

  With that thought, the door opened and in stepped Elliot, carrying an infant in his arms. I gasped and couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. Every time I saw someone from the pack, that gratitude and love bloomed in my chest all over again. I hadn’t realized how much I missed home, and how glad I was that everyone was okay.

  “You’re back!” Elliot glowed with just as much delight as we did. He walked straight over to the table where we sat and hefted the child up on his hip. “And just in time to meet little Ivy.” He brushed the blanket back and two huge brown eyes stared at me. Those cute, full lips opened in a surprised grin. “Say hi, Ivy.” He took her hand and waved it at us before taking a seat at the table.

  “Ivy,” I breathed. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Couldn’t ask for anything better,” Elliot agreed. He didn’t take his eyes off his daughter. The way he looked at her—I wanted to be able to look at someone like that one day. Pure love and devotion. Pure omega.

  “Hi, Ivy.” James waved at her and grinned like a loon.

  “Congratulations, brother.” Hugo clapped Elliot on the shoulder, still gazing longingly at the little girl. She looked up at him and grasped the blanket in her tiny hands, holding it out to him.

  “No no,” Hugo cooed. “That’s for you.” He tucked Ivy back in with delicate care, leaning down to kiss her forehead before returning to his seat.


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