Gifted Connections: Book 3

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Gifted Connections: Book 3 Page 25

by SM Olivier

  “One of the scenarios I ran had me saving my sister. In that scenario she was confined to a bed, and life support was the only thing helping her live.”

  He looked sad and defeated but resigned to his fate.

  I broke in. “I just don’t understand how we carry on with the shift in time and don’t know it. It was only because of our connection that the time shift didn’t work on us,” I said in awe.

  “With or without connections, we are all aware of a time shift,” Kade said pragmatically. “Have you ever had deja vu or felt like you already experienced something? A time shift had occurred. Déjà vu is our memories. They are events that already happened to us. Some people are more connected with their memories than others.”

  “But I thought there hasn’t been a time shifter in centuries?” Terrance looked over at Will. “I’ve experienced that feeling for years now. Long before Kade was even born.”

  “I’m the only time shifter Horatio could find. The other ones were too smart, too prepared, too trained to get caught. It’s a gift that we can hide well if we know how to,” Kade stated with wisdom far above his years.

  Silence followed his revelations as we were all left to ponder them. Our minds were blown. It explained so much. Without knowing a time shifter or knowing that it was even possible, we could live our whole lives not knowing our perceptions of reality weren’t true.

  “Is it time for cake yet?” Ella asked excitedly as if she was bored with the conversation.

  Most of us laughed, and I was made aware of the fact that I had barely eaten anything. “I’m not done with my food yet,” I stated with a smile towards her.

  She groaned dramatically. “Less talking and more eating then!”

  I stood in surprise as I stared at the sleek black Harley Davidson sportster sitting in the parking garage. I turned to look at Remy.

  “You did not get me a bike,” I said in shock. A big red bow was tied to the handles.

  He shrugged with a small smile. “I knew how much you loved my bike, and I figured when it gets nice out I can teach you to ride.”

  I squealed like a little school girl and launched myself into his arms. “Thank you. I love it.”

  He lifted me so I could bestow a kiss on his cheek. His stubble was rough against my lips but I didn’t care. He chuckled and squeezed me close. “I missed you,” he murmured in my ear and I knew what he meant. My affection towards him and the others hadn’t been where it once was. I had become reserved and more self-conscious in my displays.

  “I’m back,” I reassured him. “I’m sorry I haven’t been myself.”

  “First, she needs to learn how to drive,” Will interrupted us as a black jeep wrangler pulled up next to the bike with a big red bow attached to the hood.

  I gaped once more and felt tears well in my eyes. “You really know how to spoil a girl. I really don’t need all of this,” I protested feebly. He had purchased a Jeep for me before, too, but it was no less touching the second time as it was the first.

  “We’re not done yet with gifts yet,” Noah stated with a laugh. “Let’s go back in and open the rest of your gifts.”

  I turned and hugged Will. “Thanks Pops,” I murmured. “I love Wranglers.”

  I knew he was touched by my reference. I had once called him Pops, and it just felt right to call him Pops once more. He had come to mean so much to me. He would never replace my father but there was still room in my heart and life for another one.

  “You’re welcome,” he smiled fondly at me. “There’s a driving manual in there, and Troy and Remy are going to teach you how to drive normally, tactically, and defensively. When you’re ready, we’ll go get your license. But first let’s get those grades up again,” He added with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I’m working on it,” I reassured him.

  “I know you are.” He patted me gently on the back. “Life has a way of getting to us, and sometimes we need to refocus ourselves. You’re doing a fine job of it all.”

  “Does anyone else feel like their gifts are going to pale in comparison to a motorcycle and a Jeep?” Dawn quipped.

  Everyone laughed as we made our way back into the building.

  “Is it time for cake yet and ice cream?” Ella whined plaintively.

  I laughed. “Yes, we can do cake and ice cream.”

  “As you open your gifts,” Troy added as he took my hand. “Otherwise we’ll be here all night,” he joked.

  I smiled up at him and squeezed his hand.

  We made our way back down to the conference room, and Noah immediately placed a rectangle box in front of me after Troy sat me down on his lap at the gift table.

  “Let me guess… it’s a lap top,” I joked, remembering that’s what he got me the first times.

  He fake-glowered at me. “It’s not fair that you remember what I got you the first time.”

  I laughed. “I still need it and it will come in handy this weekend to finish my papers that are due.”

  He smiled as I opened the gift. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him when my assumptions were proven correct.

  Jaxson handed me a square box and I was surprised to find, in addition to the bracelets, there was also a gift card for a tattoo shop in town. He grinned at me. “I knew you wanted to cover up the scarring on your back. I figured it was time for another tattoo for me, too.”

  I leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you. Now I need to figure out what I want.”

  Jace came over and handed me two large boxes. “I know this is a violin,” I teased him. “But what’s that?” I asked him.

  He gave me a smug grin. “Open it up.”

  I opened it up and gasped as I looked at the guitar nestled inside. I immediately took it out and realized it was already in tune. Everything faded in the background as I began to play the song I had begun to compose in the laundry room. It felt like I was getting reacquainted with a long-lost friend. I immersed myself in the music and smiled to myself when the final note wrung out.

  I was brought back to reality as there was applause surrounding me. I looked up, slightly startled and smiled. “Thank you,” I said a bit sheepishly.

  “Sing us a song,” Troy bade me.

  I looked over at Gavin and gave him a teasing smile. “Only if Gavin will accompany me.”

  “Gavin can’t−” Jemmy looked at Gavin. “Can you sing?” She looked at him with accusatory eyes.

  Gavin glared at me. “Only in the shower,” he denied vehemently.

  “Come on,” I bade him. “I know you like country. Let’s sing some Whiskey Lullaby,” I insisted.

  “Ake!” he said in exasperation.

  “Come on,” I wheedled once more. “It’s my birthday!”

  “Gavin. Gavin.” Jemmy started to chant and most of the others joined in.

  Gavin caved under the pressure, and soon he was sitting next to me and singing the song with me. We got lost in the eerie melody of the song about a woman’s transgressions and her husband killing himself over the pain. In essence, he drank himself to death. Eventually she succumbed to death, too, with her guilt following him to her grave. They were buried beneath the same tree.

  I missed singing. I still wished I would have known where that path would have led had I had the chance to find out. Maybe one day I would be able to follow that path once more. It was hard to plan a future or know where it may lead me without knowing when or if Horatio could be taken out.

  The song ended and we were met with applause once more.

  “You can sing!” Sierra and Jemmy said simultaneously. Sierra seemed pleasantly surprised, while Jemmy sounded like Gavin had hidden a deep dark secret from her.

  Gavin ducked his head and nodded before he sent me a perturbed look. “I can carry a tune.”

  “You can carry more than a tune,” Megan said impressed. “You guys sounded great. Can we hear another?”

  “Can we hear a less depressing song?” Marcel quipped.

  I laughed as Dawn stood up. “Firs
t, Blake needs to open her other gifts.”

  “You haven’t eaten your cake either,” Micah nodded towards my cake.

  “I will.” I smiled as Troy proffered a fork with cake on the end of it. I opened my mouth and took it with a smile.

  My birthday celebration was more than I could have ever dreamed of. I had been spoiled beyond any expectations. Most of my presents were still stacked on the kitchen table. I didn’t want to find homes for all my new stuff yet. Our apartment was tight on space, and we had to find more storage solutions.

  I was offered a room once more but I didn’t think it was fair since I fully intended to share beds with my connections once more.

  “Your choice for a movie tonight,” Noah insisted as he pulled me closer on his lap.

  “My choice, really?” I asked in surprise. I normally didn’t care what we watched. I wasn’t fastidious. I was content with watching anything.

  “We always choose,” Remy stated as he sat down on the other end of the couch and grabbed my feet. “It’s your turn.”

  I laughed evilly. “Well, the girls left some of their DVD’s in Troy and Drake’s room. I haven’t watched How to Lose a guy in 10 Days yet.”

  I fully expected them to protest, but Drake got up and went into his room and came back with the movie.

  “It’s a funny movie,” Jace shrugged as he took a seat in one of the sling back chairs.

  I looked up at him in surprise. “You’ve watched it?”

  “We all have,” Troy said dryly with a smile.

  “Not me,” Remy said with a crooked smile. “I never dated,” he explained to me as he began to rub my feet. “No female dictated what I watched. I have to admit to watching the Notebook and a few others with Jemmy, though.”

  I looked at him in surprise and he laughed. “You watched the Notebook.”

  He shrugged with a smile. “I’m a great big brother.”

  “Whatever,” Noah teased him. “She just knows if she cries enough, you’ll give in to anything.”

  “Is that the secret then?” I got off Noah’s lap and straddled Remy’s. “If I cry, will I get my way?”

  Remy cleared his throat and shifted me on his lap. “You know I’ll do anything for you. With or without tears.”

  “We all would,” Jaxson stated as he sat down on the floor next to the couch. He was already dressed in his pajama bottoms and nothing else.

  “Within reason,” Jace said. “If we think you’re in danger, we’re going to find it hard to just give in without talking about it first.”

  “I think she knows her limitations now,” Drake defended me quietly. “I think it’s time to start working on combining our gifts together. All of us. I think her gift is getting stronger. Ours are even growing beyond our expectations or what we have ever been taught that they could grow into.”

  He stood up and held his hands together. A blue sphere encompassed us and grew larger than I had ever seen it. He lifted his hands and everything, including the couch, lifted with it. We all looked down and noticed we hovered about two feet off the ground.

  He lowered his hands and we all fell back into place with barely a thump. “If all of us are together, we can control it. Blake knows it. I know it.”

  “I carried the motorcycle around the garage like it was a toy, and I barely tapped into my gift,” Remy stated as he stroked my back preventing me from leaving his lap.

  “You all know my illusions are no longer illusions. They can become reality at will. I’ve been playing around with it and the physical forms of my illusions are tangible for up to fifteen minutes.” Jaxson stated as Cooper the monkey came jumping onto the couch chattering as he climbed onto my lap.

  “If that animal defecates on me, we’re going to have a problem,” Remy stated cryptically.

  “Don’t listen to him, Coop,” I laughed as I pet the monkey. “Relax Remy, he’s potty trained. Aren’t you buddy?” I asked in my ‘baby’ voice.

  “I haven’t been able to test my gift,” Troy stated. “But I know that it’s grown. I feel it humming throughout my body.”

  “I’m constantly having to block other people’s feelings,” Jace stated. “I’ve felt people’s emotions on the lowest levels. I’ve never been able to feel people at that distance. I think we do need to start working on them together, if…” he looked at me hesitantly. “We stop when we feel our gifts getting out of our control.”

  I nodded. “I agree. After experiencing it, I know what to expect now.”

  “So, when does training begin?” Noah asked expectantly.

  “Monday,” Jace and Remy said simultaneously. They looked at each other and chuckled.

  Jace smiled. “We’ll tell Paul we need to cut back on their group training and start working on our own regimen. As we vet and choose the Nons we know we can work with, we can add them to our training. Gavin and the other techies are closer to completing the simulations. We also need to integrate April, Brad, and Warren’s people into our training,” Jace stated.

  “Let’s get this movie started,” Troy said. “Drake needs to be up early to start making the Thanksgiving meal.”

  “I’ll come,” I stated as I turned around in Remy’s lap and snuggled into his arms.

  “You have work to do,” Drake smiled at me fondly. “I think you had enough breaks today.” He gave me a knowing smile.

  I rolled my eyes but smiled. “I don’t have that much more to do.”

  “You do if you want to finish this year earlier,” Noah stated as he looked at me and Drake with consideration.

  “I will get my credits early,” I said with determination. “Helping with dinner won’t take too much time. This is my first real Thanksgiving dinner. Ever. Even Thanksgiving with my Dad was spent at a local Chinese food restaurant. He wasn’t the greatest cook, and the Hungry Man dinners weren’t the greatest. I use to always want the traditional family meal. Can I please cook? I know it’s not quite the same as if we were at home, but it’s the closest thing I ever got to it.”

  “If you promise to work on your school work and nothing but your school work on Friday,” Remy stated as he caressed my bare arm.

  “But Friday, Jemmy wanted to go Black Friday shopping with the girls, get a head-start on Christmas shopping,” I said with a pout. “How about Saturday?”

  “Start crying,” Jaxson whispered loudly out of the side of his mouth.

  Remy gave Troy a pointed look, and Troy leaned forward to cuff the back of Jaxson’s head.

  “Ow,” Jaxson said in mock hurt.

  Remy and Troy exchanged grins as Noah, Drake, and Jace laughed.

  “Saturday then. We’ll take the kids Christmas shopping, and you’ll have no distractions,” Jace stated firmly.

  “Deal,” I said with a sigh as I leaned back into Remy once more.

  Chapter 18

  I was gently shaken awake and blearily opened my eyes to see Drake standing above me. “Are you sure you want to get up now? You can come down when you get up,” he whispered.

  I sat up and gently disengaged Troy’s arm from around me. “I’ll get up now,” I stated firmly. “I want to do this.”

  He smiled as he pushed an errant curl off my face. “I’ll have your coffee ready by the time you get dressed.”

  I smiled as I stood up. “Thanks.”

  He left the room, closing the door softly behind him. I nearly yelped as Troy pulled me down onto his bed. I hadn’t realized that he had woken up.

  “Stay with me for a little while,” he said in a persuasive tone as he kissed the back of my neck. “I need to feel you. I need to be with you. I want to be inside you.”

  His words turned me on, and I found my body responding to him immediately. The idea of a quick morning romp sounded like a great idea. I could be thirty minutes late. Right?

  I sighed and arched back into him. “Let me tell Drake I want a quick shower, and I’ll meet him down there.”

  “Hurry back,” he urged me as he ground his hips into my ba

  I leaned down and kissed him quickly. “I’ll be right back.”

  A few hours later, I wondered about my sanity in offering to help with the preparation. I thought helping Drake in the past with our breakfast, lunch, and dinners could get tasking, but feeding over three hundred people a home cooked meal, was pure madness.

  Drake had elected to cook most of our food instead of ordering the prepackaged meals the ordering company had available. April’s people had brought fresh produce to contribute to the compound.

  I was a glorified line cook today. Me and three other people were in charge of peeling potatoes, dicing celery, onions, mincing garlic, and anything short of cooking anything. I was okay with that. My new iPod and speakers were plugged in, and we were all cooking, laughing, and making the best of our hard labor.

  “Just a little smaller,” Drake said as he picked up one of my onion pieces before he kissed my cheek.

  I loved seeing him in his element. In our family dynamics he might not always take the lead or even speak up. He was content with blending in and not causing waves. In the kitchen, though, he was in his domain. He led with a firm but kind hand. He was a great mentor and had the patience of a saint.

  “Yes, sir,” I joked with tongue in cheek.

  He turned back to me with a secret little smile. Then he lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “Keep that up, and I’ll be taking you to one of the storage rooms and reminding you who your master is and what insolence would get you.”

  I bit my lip and smiled up at him. “I will take my punishment as you see fit.”

  He cleared his throat, reddening slightly before turning around and talking to the men he had in charge of making the pies for after dinner.

  “How does…connections work in your community?” a man barely older than me who went by the name of “G” asked as he looked at Drake, then back at me.

  I looked over at him, slightly surprised by the question. He was generally a very quiet and shy guy. He worked hard, kept his head down, and barely joined into the banter of the kitchen. He looked highly curious, but uncomfortable by his own question.


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