Gorgeous Gyno

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Gorgeous Gyno Page 7

by Karen Deen

  “I shouldn’t have done it. I need to go. Thank you. Yes, eleven out of ten.” With that, she is dressed, shoes in hand, and heading for the door.

  “Hannah. Please wait, I’ll walk you down for a cab.” After discarding the condom, I’m trying to pull my clothes on as I hear the door bang.

  For fuck’s sake, how did this happen?

  My damn mystery woman disappears from me again!

  Chapter Five


  Why do they have to make the alarms on phones such annoying noises?

  Okay, yes, I know it’s obvious, I just answered my own question.

  Seriously, though, this morning I want to pick it up and throw it across the room. My limited amount of sleep is not making me very pleasant. Well, even less than usual. Because I haven’t turned off the alarm, my phone starts vibrating and making noise as it warns me this is the second time it’s had to say, “get up, lazy bones.” I’m one of these people who sets several alarms, each five minutes apart. I hate being late, so it’s my safety net against sleeping in or hitting the snooze button. After the second alarm has already gone off, I can now picture the little person in my phone standing there, hands on hips saying, “now get up, woman, don’t make me have to come back here a third time to wake you or there’ll be trouble.” What the fuck is wrong with me?! Now I’m imagining little people in my phone. Because that’s normal…NOT!

  I stretch my body out as I lie on the bed, before I attempt to get up. There are muscles hurting that haven’t been sore in a very long time. Except for the last ten minutes of my stupidity, I couldn’t stop playing the night over and over in my head when I got home.

  OMG Grayson was not lying when he said nothing before would compare. I was so worried about getting out of there I even admitted it to him, which I’m sure fueled his ego.

  But holy shit balls, that sex was off-the-charts hot!

  I know I didn’t want to tell anyone, but I’m not sure I can keep all that to myself. I also know Hannah will be here at some stage to get all the gossip, and I know there is no way I can lie to her. She will read my face straight away.


  Shit, now I’m pissing off the little person in my phone. Okay, little alarm person, I’m getting up. I definitely need a shower, to wake me and soothe some of these muscles that are letting me know they’re still there after all this time.

  Feeling half-human and like I can face the day after a shower, a coffee, and piece of toast. I’m now just finishing off my hair and getting ready to leave for the office when my phone chimes again to alert me to an upcoming appointment. Not that for the life of me I can remember what it is. My brain is foggy this morning. Gray fog, and not as in the color grey.

  Appointment: Friday 8.45am Dr. Fontain

  Oh crap. I totally forgot that was this morning. Normally I would take extra care preparing my body, shall we say, for my gynecologist appointment. I look at the time and realize I don’t have time to do anything about it now. It’s already almost eight o’clock. It will take me at least thirty minutes to get across town to her office. I hate being late for appointments, so I need to leave. Maybe if I get there early enough, I can go into the ladies’ room and freshen up. I grab a razor and cloth from the bathroom and then head to the door.

  Taking the first step into the hallway, I hear Hannah and Daisy opening their front door. The smile on her face lights up as she sees me.

  “So how was dessert last night?” she says and I’m blushing.

  “Did you have the chocolate on top with the cherry?” Daisy asks, getting excited again thinking of ice cream.

  “I had the whole works.” Hannah gasps while I laugh. Daisy claps thinking I’m lucky. Oh, honey, I certainly got lucky.

  “I can’t stay and chat, I’m running late for an appointment.”

  “Bullshit you are, get back here right now, young lady,” Hannah yells after me as I speed walk towards the lift.

  “Mommy, that’s a bad word. You said we aren’t allowed to say that,” Daisy says as Hannah is trying to close her door.

  “Yes, but Tilly is being naughty, so she deserves it.” I chuckle as I jump into the elevator and close the doors as she is yelling at me that I better wait for her. I’m wicked, but I can’t do it this morning. Tonight, over wine, now that will be a different story.

  By then I will be busting to tell someone.

  “Hi, Lisa. How are you?” I approach the receptionist in Dr. Fontain’s office. She looks up from the desk with puffy eyes and not her usual smiling happy self.

  “Oh, hun, are you okay? Looks like you’re having a tough morning.” I stand waiting to run around the counter and hug her if she starts crying again.

  “Hi, Matilda. Sorry, it’s been a tough one alright. Dr. Fontain has been called away in the early hours of this morning as her mother’s had a massive stroke. They aren’t sure what’s going on at the moment. The family’s all at the bedside with her. She is such a lovely old lady. Always making us morning tea or just popping in to say hello.” Lisa has water in her eyes again. “I can’t imagine what they’re all going through.” She mumbles a little behind the tissue that she’s using to wipe her face.

  “That is so sad. My heart goes out Dr. Fontain and her mom. What awful news. Is there anything I can do for you? Would you like me to go and get you a coffee while you start cancelling your clients?” I feel a little helpless and don’t know what else to offer.

  “Thanks, but that’s fine. We have a friend of Dr. Fontain’s due to arrive any minute to take over her appointments today. We don’t want to reschedule because we just don’t know how long she could be gone for. It just creates too big a backlog. So, Cindy is going to take you through and get you set up, if that’s okay. That way we won’t be running behind. I hope you don’t mind another doctor. Yours is just a routine checkup anyway, right?” Lisa looks at me with despair. I can’t say no. I’ve been coming to Allison since I arrived in Chicago, and we’ve become good friends. I mean, we don’t socialize outside of here, but I tell her my deepest darkest secrets at times. We laugh over stupid things and she just gets me. She is more like my GP than my gyno. To be honest, I very rarely see a GP these days.

  I don’t want to let Allison down, either, by making a fuss.

  “Sure, whatever you need me to do. That’s okay. I’ll be in and out before you know it and keep you running on time.” In my head I’m also cursing because now I won’t even have time to freshen myself up either. This morning is turning into one disaster after another. That will teach me for going out last night and getting home late. Lack of sleep is not good for my little brain.

  Cindy takes me into the examination room, handing over my gown and running through the normal procedure. Go into the toilet and pee in the cup. Get into the gown and come back out. Hand her the sample then get myself up on the table ready. This has to be the most uncomfortable medical appointment there is on the planet. Guys can argue a prostate exam is bad, having a finger stuck up their butt for thirty seconds. Please, give me a break. We are splayed out like a turkey with our legs up in stirrups while they spread everything wide open for the world to see. Take a look inside, take a swab, stick some weird ass instruments inside us, and then to top it off, take one of those swabs and scrape our insides until they get enough flesh to put under a microscope.

  Oh yeah, men have it so hard! Poor bastards.

  That’s not even taking into account the whole birthing a baby the size of two footballs through a hole that won’t even fit a tennis ball. Plus, the joy of a monthly visit from the period and hormone fairy. Who, let me assure you, some months is more like she’s a devil carrying a pitchfork and is out to lynch any man she can find or any woman who looks sideways at her.

  Safe to say the deal men got is the golden ticket in the lottery of reproduction.

  Lying back on the bed looking up at the ceiling, I start to try to imagine myself in the warm water on the island in the picture. Allison has covered the ce
iling in pictures to take you away from thinking about what you’re doing here. I love it. Her sense of humor is great. She has also photoshopped herself in the background of the pictures so you can play Where’s Waldo while you lie there. The pictures get changed regularly.

  Cindy comes back into the room to collect my sample.

  “Dr. Gray has arrived and will be in shortly, I’ll just go and test this for you. Just lie back and relax.” She leaves the room again.

  Who is she kidding, just lie back and relax?

  Firstly, this is a gynecologist appointment which is bad enough, and secondly, it’s with a doctor I don’t know. I now have to expose my most private part of my body to her and let her touch it. Yeah, just relax she says!

  I can feel my heartbeat getting a little quicker as I start to feel anxious. God, can they hurry up so we can just get this over with and I can get on with my day?

  Go back to swooning over those strong hands from last night and what Grayson did with them.

  Those eyes, oh god, those dreamy eyes.

  A knock on the door wakes me from my daydream.

  Oh, fuck me dead and twice on Sundays. It’s those eyes!

  Staring at me from the doorway and walking straight towards me.

  The sound of the door shutting behind him can’t even make me move.

  Oh god, I need to get out of here.


  Shit shit shit!

  I’m frozen and can’t take my eyes off him.

  Maybe I’m mistaken. He could be a brother, a cousin, or just a lookalike.

  Until I see the little scar on his chin. Dread slams into me.

  It’s Grayson, I’m sure of it.

  For fuck’s sake, my life is a train wreck.

  Only I could have a mystery guy I plan on never seeing again, then he turns up in my life again less than eight hours later.

  What is he doing here?

  In the doctor’s room, in a doctor’s coat, with a stethoscope in his pocket. Coat open and his shirt fitting nicely across that chest. The one last night I explored every inch of.

  Oh crap, the name registers – Dr. Gray!

  His eyes haven’t left mine either. He hasn’t said a word.

  No, surely, he can’t recognize me. He only saw my eyes. I don’t have anything on my face that will give me away.


  He thinks my name is Hannah. Even if he is suspicious, my name will be different, so he’ll just think he’s seeing things. That’s perfect. I need to snap out of it and pretend I don’t know him. That I don’t know what those plump perfect lips taste like, and how his tongue circled my mouth as he took control.

  Snap out of it, you idiot. Just do the appointment and get out of here ASAP. Make up some crap about how you’re just here for a possible urinary tract infection. There is no need for an examination. Just test my pee and get out of here. I don’t even know if that’s a thing, but that’s all my crazy head can come up with. Slowly sitting up on the table, I come face to face with Grayson.

  Who apparently also goes by Dr. Gray.

  Or in my world.

  Grayson the Gorgeous Gyno.

  A quick shake of his head, and he looks down at his chart again.

  “Matilda, hello, I’m Dr. Gray. I apologize for the change of plans this morning. Unfortunately, Dr. Fontain has family issues to deal with. She has asked me to look after her caseload today until she knows more. Lisa tells me you’re okay with this, and that’s very kind of you.” He reaches out his hand to shake mine. As soon as I touch it, I can’t help but shiver. His expression tells me he felt something too.

  Now I’m back to the same problem as last night. If I speak too much, I’m going to give away who I am. Hannah, you owe me big time. Once again, remember the rule.

  Never listen to Hannah!

  So instead of answering him, I just nod my head.

  “Right. Let’s get on with the examination so you can get your clothes back on. You’re shivering a little so you must be feeling a little cold.” He smirks as he turns to pull the trolley with the tray of instruments on it towards him.

  “If you can just lie back down and we’ll get you set up in the stirrups and we can start. Then we can chat about any issues when we finish. How does that sound?” What is it about that voice that has me all sorts of giddy? Damn, I can’t even tell him I don’t need an examination because that means talking.

  Fuck, I give up. What does it matter, he’s seen it all anyway. Touched it, licked it and fucked it. I need to stop thinking about this otherwise he’s going to be looking at one wet turned-on pussy.

  Is there a shovel big enough to dig a hole for me right now, so I can crawl down into it and just die from embarrassment?

  How is it possible that last night’s fantasy has become today’s nightmare?

  Seriously, what even is my life!


  “Hey, Lisa. Have you heard any more from Allison on her mom yet?” I rush into the front of my friend’s office. It was not the phone call I was expecting at four am. Especially after only just getting to sleep.

  Allison and I went through med school together and both ended up specializing in the same area. Over the years, we’ve helped each other out on different occasions and also quite often discuss cases we need a second opinion on. At times it helps to have a woman’s opinion on certain things. I know all the technicality of the female body, but nothing is as valuable as firsthand knowledge.

  There was a time at college where we were flirting around each other, but then realized before it was too late, we were just really good friends and should keep it that way. I’m so glad we did.

  It was awful to hear her in tears as she tried to tell me this morning what was going on while she was on the way to the hospital. The best thing I can do for her is look after her patients and keep her business going as much as I can. It will mean pulling some big days between her load and mine, but I’ll pull in extra help if I have to.

  “Hi, Gray, not much. I got a text about an hour ago to say no change. She’s still in the ICU in a coma.” Poor Lisa has tears spilling down her cheeks. By the look of her, I’d say they aren’t the first tears for the day. I think we’re all in shock. Even when you’re a doctor, it still doesn’t make you immune to these sudden medical episodes.

  Walking around the desk, I put my arm around her and give her a hug, showing we’re all here to support each other. Rubbing her arm a little, I know I need to get started so the day doesn’t get any worse. Luckily Allison only had morning appointments and afternoon rounds in the hospital. I’m rostered on afternoon shift today so I can cover her rounds with mine, and then manage some sleep sometime early tomorrow morning. Nothing I haven’t done many times over the years.

  “Okay, let’s pull it together and get things underway. Who’s my first patient, and please tell me they didn’t already bolt because I’m a guy?” Lisa lets out a little giggle and hands me the file.

  “Matilda Henderson. Routine checkup and smear. Cindy already has her in the exam room and got you set up.” Just as she’s finishing, the phone on her desk starts ringing which cuts our conversation off.

  Dumping my bag in Allison’s office and dragging on my coat, I start scanning the file as I head down the corridor to the exam room. I see Cindy head into the back with a specimen jar, so I know my patient will already be ready to go.

  Entering the room after knocking so as not to startle her, my feet freeze as I lock onto those eyes.

  Holy shit, it can’t be her.

  But those eyes!!

  The same ones that had me hypnotized all night.


  Fuck, it has to be her.

  No, but that’s not this patient’s name. I fumble with the file to look down again.

  Matilda Henderson, that’s not even close to Hannah.

  Looking up again, she is staring right at me. Looking like she is freaking out. Why is she freaking out too? Is it her? Shit, I don’t even know what th
e hell is going on. One thing I do know, though, is I need to find out more about this woman. Otherwise I’m going bat shit crazy and I have no idea why.

  You need to pull this together. You are a professional and also helping out a colleague. Do not fuck this up, you idiot. At the same time, she seems to snap out of her freak out and sits up on the table.

  We are eye-level, and I’d know those beautiful eyes anywhere. They’re her eyes. No matter what her name is.

  I need to get to the bottom of this.

  I start to introduce myself and put my hand out to shake hers. I deliver my best bedside manner speech which almost derails when I touch her. There is that feeling again. The one from last night. The one that’s different and I can’t work out why. I feel her shiver at our touch too.

  Try as I might, I can’t get her to speak. So, I just need to be the doctor here and put all this weirdness aside. I would never forgive myself if I missed something because I was too busy worrying about a woman who may or may not be my mysterious date from last night.

  “Right. Let’s get on with the examination so you can get your clothes back on. You’re shivering a little so you must be feeling a little cold,” I say to her, waiting for her reaction. I’m trying to call her bluff, but still she stays silent. She’s going to have to talk sooner or later when we get to the question part of the examination. If she’s trying to hide from me, let’s see how she goes trying to get through this taunting.

  “If you can just lie back down and we’ll get you set up in the stirrups and we can start. Then we can chat about any issues when we finish. How does that sound?” I wait as she reluctantly lies back down on the bed.

  If I was a responsible doctor, I would tell her that I know who she is and ask if she wants me to get another doctor for her. It’s what I should do, but I can’t help the pressing need to know who she is. This is the only way I’m going to find out. I’m still hesitating, feeling guilty for not saying anything, but surely, she would be saying something if she is uncomfortable. Maybe it’s not her.


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