Gorgeous Gyno

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Gorgeous Gyno Page 12

by Karen Deen

  We have been at it for around an hour when we finally get to the last one that is listed for a Friday night four weeks from now. The venue, the Blackstone Hotel, has already been booked with some vague arrangements in place, but it’s up to us to pull this together and implement any changes we need.

  “This is an important event that I want you to give your full attention to. It’s a new charity that is being started by one of our doctors at the hospital and his family. This man is very important, and I want you to make sure everything is perfect. Dr. Garrett is honoring his mother, so we want this to be everything the family is hoping for. I will have my PA send you the brief and organize for a meeting with Dr. Garrett’s father Milton early next week so you can talk to him about your visions. Dr. Garrett is a very close friend of mine, if you know what I mean, so make sure there are no screw-ups. Otherwise I will take it personally.” Kitty almost purrs when she says his name. What she should have said is I’m screwing Dr. Garrett so don’t fuck this up or else.

  Don’t worry, Kitty Cat, we get the message loud and clear. Bend over backwards for Dr. Garrett and stay away from him because he’s yours. I can picture the claws coming out if we even look like going near him. Can’t wait to meet this Dr. Garrett. The way she’s speaking about him, he must be someone pretty impressive. Little does she know it’s the last thing on my mind. With this new job, I won’t even have time for a date with my vibrator let alone a real man. Your man is safe, Kitty.

  We spend another hour running through security issues with all events, but especially the ones here in the hospital. We will be working closely with Banister Security who handles all the needs of the hospital and its staff. It’s unfortunate in the modern world it has to be a major risk factor that is managed carefully.

  My mom’s biggest concern when I was moving to the big city was that I’m more at risk for the craziness in the world. I tried to tell her I have just as much chance of being hit by a bus, but it doesn’t stop her worrying. It’s just what moms do, I suppose.

  Kitty shakes our hands again and then stalks off down the corridor on her next mission. Her heels clicking as she looks for her next victim. After she rounds the corner, we both look at each other and burst out laughing, covering our mouths trying not to be loud. Slowly, we make our way over to the elevator, not a word spoken. Both of us just try to hold it together until we are in the safety of the four metal walls so we can really let it out.

  Thank god the elevator is empty as the doors slide closed.

  “Oh, my fucking god, what a witch,” I let out after holding it in for two hours.

  “A bitch with balls, as Deven would say,” Fleur blurts out in between giggles.

  “I bet the amazing Dr. Garrett is some weedy little guy that she gets to push around and ties up in the bedroom. She’s probably one of those dominants that’s into leather and whips.” We both look at each other.

  “Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” we both say to each other at the same time. We continue to laugh all the way to the ground floor. We try to pull ourselves together to look professional as we walk out the main entrance of the hospital. I’ve got a feeling this is going to be one big adventure. Let’s hope that the reason the last company walked away from this job is not because it’s too hard to deal with Kitty. Only time will tell.

  “That’s enough for one day.” I sit back in my chair in our conference room in the office.

  “Don’t you mean one week? This one has been huge,” Deven says from where he has two laptops and piles of folders all spread around him.

  We’ve been brainstorming all afternoon after we got back from the hospital and putting action plans in place. Luckily, we don’t have a job tonight, so it allowed us to get straight into it while it’s all fresh in our mind.

  “That’s a great start for next week, and we have a plan to work off starting Monday morning.” Fleur starts shutting things down and tidying up.

  “Why don’t we just leave everything here and convene Monday morning seven am to get a jump on the week. Are you guys okay with that?” Both nodding at me, I can feel my shoulders starting to drop a little knowing that we’re feeling confident on our direction.

  Deven stands in between us with his arms around our shoulders. “I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink. Who’s up for a nice glass of bubbles to celebrate the two badass bitches in town who are going to totally rock this contract.”

  “Best thing I’ve heard all day!” I reply while I rest my head on his shoulder. Probably not the smartest idea to head out drinking when I’m so tired, but who cares. We all deserve to celebrate this achievement.

  “Let’s get out of this place and get a drink into us, do some serious partying,” Fleur announces as we break apart. “It’s not very often we get to hit the town on a Friday night or get Tilly out partying. Look out, Chicago!”

  Lordy, what have I agreed to? This must be the universe’s way of helping me forget Grayson. Being busy at work is a simple remedy, but drinking and partying with these two could get really messy. I have a feeling I’ll regret this tomorrow.

  Four hours later and I’ve had way too much bubbles and not enough food. Dev is dancing with a hot-looking guy, which looks more like dirty dancing from here. There is plenty of grinding happening. I doubt he’ll be coming home with us. Lucky guy.

  “I’m done,” I lean forward to tell Fleur as we stand on the platform up near the bar looking down at the mosh pit of hot sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other. I can see she’s torn about staying or leaving with me. “I have to go home. My head is spinning and I’m bordering on vomit territory. No thanks.”

  She smiles at me. “You are such a lightweight. No wonder you don’t go out partying all the time. Let’s get you home. But I warn you, if you puke on me, we are no longer friends.” I laugh because she says that all the time, and I think over the years I’ve done it about six times. She’s still my best friend and would never leave me in my time of need. Fleur on the other hand can hold her liquor like a sailor. “You just hold the table up here while I go and interrupt Dev and tell him we’re leaving. Don’t fall over or do anything stupid, okay?” She grins as she stalks towards the dance floor.

  How rude. I’m not that bad. Well, maybe. I know walking out on to the dance floor would be a challenge right at this moment, yet if you give me some water, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Let’s walk a little to get you some air and sober you up a bit. Then when you’ve had enough, we’ll flag a taxi. Okay?”

  “Yes, Mom,” I mumble to Fleur as I link my arm in hers to stabilize myself. I pretend it’s because I love her and want to give her a hug, but we all know I’m having trouble walking on my own.

  “You drank me under the table tonight, my Tilly girl. What was that all about?” Fleur asks as we slowly wander down the sidewalk.

  I think about it and I’m not sure I want to share my real motivation, but as usual, my filter mixed with alcohol results in the flood gates opening on my inner thoughts. My best friend knows that. She’s using it against me right now.

  “Celebrating being happy.”

  Her face says it all. “Yeah, nah. Not even close. Spill it, missy.” Why does she have to be bossy when I can’t defend myself?

  “You play dirty. You know when I drink, I talk. No fair. You’re supposed to be my bestie.”

  She starts laughing loudly. “Why do you think we’re walking and talking? I’m not stupid. Now, what is sitting on those shoulders that you need to offload?” I know she loves me, but she really sucks as a friend.

  Pausing for a moment, the little drunk girl in my brain opens the door and out it all comes.

  “Why was he the perfect gentleman that fucked me so good and then turned out to be an asshole? Why couldn’t he just stay in my dreams as that Prince Charming?” I’m standing still now, trying to explain my thoughts. “I mean, I don’t want a boyfriend, but lordy that man is so delicious and knows exactly how to please a l
ady. He breaks my drought and then leaves me high and dry. That really sucks, you know!” By now I’m getting worked up and stamp my foot like a little girl having a tantrum.

  Grabbing my arm and getting me walking again, I can see her grinning at me.

  “It’s not funny!” I raise my voice to get her to stop smirking at me. We have turned the corner on the street and a small crowd of people are heading towards us. I try to walk as straight and tall as I can, so I don’t give away how drunk I am.

  “You know how to get over Mr. Hottie is to do it again. Hook up with another man, and if that doesn’t work then try another. By the time you get to number four, he will be a distant memory.”

  I’m horrified at what she’s saying. I wouldn’t even know where to start. “Fleur, I’m not a slut, you know,” I scream on the top of my voice. Again, no filter or volume control apparently. “Just because I don’t know how to get over the best sex that was out of this world with a gorgeous gyno, doesn’t mean I go and fuck some random stranger.” By this stage, we’re close to the group of guys walking towards us.

  Too close.

  “I’ll be your random stranger,” one of the guys calls out as they get closer.

  Goddammit, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut when I drink.

  “Don’t even fucking think about it, Tate. There is no way you can compete with this gorgeous gyno!”

  Oh fuck!

  That voice. I’d know it anywhere.

  Why does this keep happening to me?

  I stop dead and pull Fleur close to me. She is looking at me then the men who stopped in front of me.

  Grayson, so close I can feel the energy coming from his body.

  I can smell his aftershave. That scent that haunts me at night when I lay in bed touching myself.

  “Best sex in the whole world, Matilda. I’ll take that as a compliment,” he says then leans forward and whispers in my ear, “I told you no one would compare. Would you like me to remind you?” My damn body is betraying me again. Every time he’s near me, it’s like he casts a spell over my senses.

  “Holy shit, you’re the mystery woman from the ball? The one we chatted with and called Hannah.” One of the guys, Tate I think, says as he goes to step closer to me. Grayson shoots his arm out and glares at him to step back. What the fuck was that about?

  “This, my friends, is Matilda, who likes to go by Hannah when it suits. Now, who might your friend be?” Grayson’s deep voice breaks my trance.

  I’m struggling to talk from a combination of embarrassment and being so close to Grayson again. Thank god for my bestie.

  “Fleur, I was actually running the ball that night.” One of the others steps forward. “Mason, isn’t it? You were our speaker.” She laughs a little as they all start to talk to her and leave me standing staring at Gray like I’m hypnotized.

  For a man I was never going to see again, why does he keep turning up at the weirdest times?

  “Not the first time I’ve had you speechless, little one,” he says in a low voice. One that takes me right back to that room and the pleasure of that night. “Come home with me, ride my cock, and I can have you screaming in no time.” His words snap me out of my dream.

  “What the hell. As if I’ll go anywhere with you. I’m not a booty call. Remember last time I saw you? Does the word asshole ring a bell? Now you are a douchebag asshole. Let’s go, Fleur.” I grab her by the arm and start dragging her down the street. Funny how I can walk faster and soberly now.

  “Your loss, little one. Until we meet again,” Grayson yells out to me as I walk away from him.


  This is becoming an annoying pattern.

  Chapter Nine


  “Aren’t you supposed to be my best friend?” I scold Fleur as we stomp down the sidewalk as quickly as my heels will carry me.

  “What do you mean? Slow down, woman, you’ll break an ankle,” she growls back at me.

  “You know, the best friend who was going to knee him in the balls for being such a dick to me? What happened to that best friend, huh?” I stop to glare at her. Like it’s her fault I just made an idiot of myself. “For fuck’s sake, why does he bring out the bitch in me every time? Why didn’t you stop me from opening my stupid mouth?”

  “Umm drinking champagne, remember, results in no filter! Plus, how could I attack those balls on such a fine specimen of a man. Actually, times that by four. I was right from that night at the ball. Now the masks are off they are the Fuckalicious Four. Now, if you don’t take advantage of that, just stand back, woman, and let me choose. Or better still, maybe I will take them all for a ride.”

  I slap my forehead at Fleur’s spiel. “Don’t you dare touch Grayson, or I will take those flaming arrows I talked about and use them on you!” I start off down the road again to the sound of loud laughing from her.

  “You don’t want the asshole, but you don’t want to share him either. Hmmm, let’s see how that works out for you, Tilly.”

  I keep stomping forward and know I need to go home and go to bed. My plan when I woke up this morning was to forget Grayson.

  What a massive fail that was. Fleur thinks I’m stomping down the road because I’m pissed at her. But really, it’s because I’m pissed at how turned on I am again.

  His touch.

  That voice.

  The breath on my neck.

  Every damn time brings me to my knees.

  If we were anywhere else, being on my knees in front of him sounds perfect.

  “Tilly, slow down and stop being such a drama queen. Let’s get a taxi and go home. You need to sleep off the hangover that’s coming.” Her words rattle in my head. Oh, Fleur, that’s not the only thing that will be coming tonight. That man might infuriate me, but he makes me so hot under the collar that I know what’s going to happen once I sneak under the covers tonight.

  Water runs down my back as I stand in the shower hoping the heat and steam will clear my head. One day I will remember the headache that follows the morning after too many bubbles. I love champagne, I’m just not sure it loves me. Well, maybe it has something to do with the quantity I consumed and the lack of food lining my stomach last night. You would think at my age I would know better.

  Come on, Tilly, time to suck it up and get on with the day. I promised Daisy a trip to Lincoln Park Zoo today. There is no way of getting out of it. That little girl will murder me if I try to suggest we postpone. Maybe her infectious energy will wear off on me. That or three coffees before I leave the apartment might help.

  I can’t believe it was Fleur dragging my drunken bum home last night. It’s normally the other way around. I wasn’t slurring my words, but I certainly was under the influence of the alcohol that alters my sensible brain filter. Not that it happens that often but still, between her and Deven, if we’re out partying, I’m usually the most sober. Wait until Hannah hears about this. She will be pissed she missed it.

  By the time I’m on my second coffee, the bangs low down on my door tell me that my little partner is ready. Opening the door, she comes bounding in like a kangaroo.

  “Look, Tilly, I’m a bouncing tiger.” Her smile reaches all the way up her cheeks. Please can I tap some of that energy. “You know, like from Pooh Bear, a bouncing tiger. Boing, boing, boing.” She cracks me up, even with a pounding head.

  “Daisy,” I hear Hannah calling across the hall. Her guilty face gives her away.

  “Have you brushed your teeth?” I ask, trying to put on my serious face and not laugh.

  She looks down at the floor, all the bouncing stopped, and shakes her head back and forth.

  “Off you go then. No teeth then no zoo. Skedaddle, missy.” She takes off back home with the speed of lightning, thinking she might miss out on today’s adventure. What is it with kids and clean teeth? I can’t think of anything worse.

  Within two minutes, the voices were coming back in the front door. One bouncing tiger and one growly grizzly momma bear.

  “I swear to god, that child is going to have no teeth left by the time she’s ten. They will rot and fall out. Are you sure you don’t want to adopt her? I promise she’s cute most of the time. Well, some of the time, actually for about five minutes a day if you’re lucky.” Hannah drops her bags in the kitchen and grabs a coffee mug. “There is no way we’re leaving before I get one more load of caffeine into me.”

  “Me too,” I mumble to myself only to have Hannah turn and look at me a little more carefully.

  “Well, well, well. Is someone a little under the weather this morning? Those look like champagne eyes to me.”

  There’s no point denying it. I need someone to give me some sympathy. “Too much celebrating last night after our hospital meeting,” I grumble, filling my cup with that third coffee I knew I would need. “Blame Deven. He suggested it. Fleur kept filling my glass.”

  “And you kept drinking them.” She laughs out loud at me. “Pretty sure it’s your fault. How messy did the other two get?”

  “Who knows about Dev, we left him grinding some guy on the dance floor at the bar. Let’s just say Fleur was the responsible one getting me home last night.”

  Hannah spits coffee across the kitchen counter. “Are you kidding me? Fleur is never the responsible person between you two when drinking is involved. Where was my invite? Hmm?”

  “You were holding down the home front with the bouncing tiger over there. It’s like the universe was playing some cruel trick, I’m sure. Besides losing my rambling filter with each glass of champagne I drank, on our way home we ran into Grayson the jerky doctor.”

  Again, the coffee ends up on the counter.

  “Seriously, can you warn me when you’re about to say something that is going to make me laugh? I’m not sure much of this coffee has been actually drunk yet. I’m getting good at decorating your counter, though.” Madly wiping down the mess, she’s glaring at me to keep talking.


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