Gorgeous Gyno

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Gorgeous Gyno Page 15

by Karen Deen

  “Dr. Garrett, I am so sorry. That was so rude and unprofessional of me. Now, does someone want to explain to me what’s going on here?” I can see her starting to eye me up and down. She’s like the mother lioness when someone is threatening one of her cubs.

  “Fleur, stop. It’s fine. We have been chatting and cleared the air. I have also done all your work while you weren’t here. So, you can calm down now.” Matilda has her hand on Fleur’s arm, which in a way looks like she’s trying to hold her back a little.

  “Okay, so we aren’t kneeing him in the balls or shooting flaming arrows at his dick?” Matilda’s face just drops into her hands with a groan, hearing what Fleur has just said.

  “I sure hope not. I must say though, Fleur, I think you and I are going to be great friends. That, and I might just buy a jockstrap while you’re around. You know, just in case I piss you off or something.” We all look at each other and the awkwardness is broken. I have laughed more in the last hour than I have in the last month. These girls are real, no pretentious bullshit. Just themselves, which is so refreshing.

  “All I will say before I shut up for a while to save my image. Yes, Grayson, you better be careful. Always be on alert. You hurt her again, I will come at you. Now we have that cleared up. Can we catch me up on the function I’ve probably just ruined any chance of us running? But please enlighten me anyway.” I look across at Matilda who still looks mortified. Trying to put her at ease, I reach out and place my hand on top of hers on the table.

  “It’s fine, Tilly, I’m not worried. Relax.”

  There it is again. That crazy sensation I get every time I touch her.

  As quick as I feel it, she pulls her hand back and it’s gone. Fleur looking backward and forwards between the two of us now with a stupid smirk on her face.

  Matilda starts shuffling papers on the table and is all of a sudden totally engrossed in her tablet looking for something.

  “Well, Fleur, I think Matilda has everything already under control so I’m sure she can fill you in later. We were just getting ready to wrap up the meeting. The only thing left to be decided was if Tilly agrees to come to dinner with me. Maybe you can help her with the decision.” I keep looking at her, only seeing the top of her head as she isn’t game to look up. “Perhaps that could be the way to make up to me the totally unprofessional greeting I received when you arrived. I’m sure with a lovely dinner in my stomach and a glass of wine, I would forget it was even said.”

  Fleur starts laughing as Tilly’s head whips up to glare at me. “That’s blackmail! I was going to say yes anyway.” She then realizes what she has blurted out.

  “Perfect, then no need for the blackmail. Mind you, I would really love to know more about the Fuckalicious Four? Maybe you can explain that over dinner?” Both her cheeks pink up a little.

  “You’re crazy, you know that, and I am not saying anything about that. Not even one word. Understand?” Tilly is finally relaxing as she giggles at me. Now that is what I love to see.

  “What, no invite for me?” Fleur stands with her hands on her hips and a sly smile.

  “No,” both Tilly and I say at the same time.

  “Wow, I see how it is. Be five minutes late to a meeting and you’re already out of the popular group. Well, you two have fun and don’t have too much to drink. We know how that ended for both of you the other night.” Fleur shakes her school-teacher lecture finger at both of us.

  “Yes, ma’am. I promise to have her home by curfew.” I stand up with my hands behind my back like a good schoolboy.

  “Oh god, what the hell for? That just sounds boring. Just make sure she makes it to work in the morning…or not.”

  “Fleur, seriously, where the hell is your filter tonight? I have no idea what’s going on with you two, and I’m not sure I want to know. Just dinner. I agreed to just dinner, two associates or at a stretch friends, having a meal to talk. Do you both understand now? Lordy, I have a feeling you two are going to be trouble together. And it will be aimed all at me.” With that, she stands and picks up her bag ready to leave. I signal for them both to start their way to the exit while I try not to make it too obvious how I’m watching Tilly’s ass from behind. The view is definitely one I could get used to.

  “Be good or be good at it,” Fleur calls over her shoulder as she’s about to get into her taxi. I laugh while Tilly is blushing for the about the tenth time today.

  “I’m so sorry about her. I’m not sure what has gotten into her. She would never normally act like that with a client.”

  “That’s the thing, I’m not exactly a normal client, am I? Don’t let it worry you. I think she’s great. She was just protecting you at first, probably with good reason, and then after that she was just having fun at our expense. I have a feeling there will be more of that as we go along, and I for one look forward to it. Now where would you like to go for dinner, my treat?”

  Watching Tilly, her shoulders are starting to relax again now that it’s just the two of us. I can see she loves her friend, but she was making her uncomfortable and that’s the last thing I want. Tonight is about her getting to know the real me, not the asshole she thinks I am.

  “I’m in your hands tonight, so you choose.”

  “Argh, my hands are my strongest asset, so you are definitely safe in my hands. Let’s see what mischief we can get up to then.” I take her hand and hook it into the crook of my arm as I turn to walk down the sidewalk.

  “Friends, remember.” Tilly looks up at me as we walk along.

  “Mhmm,” I say, which is followed by a chuckle. Tilly just rolls her eyes and starts laughing.

  A strange feeling washes over me as we walk that there’s more at play here. This beautiful woman on my arm has tried three times to run from me, and every time the universe places her right back by my side.

  One thing I do know is that whatever it is, I’m sure as hell grateful and promise not to screw it up this time.

  Well, I’ll try.

  With my track record, promise might be too strong a word.

  Chapter Eleven


  “It’s warm out tonight and neither of us is dressed to be walking great distances. Let me get the car and take you to one of my favorite restaurants, Ocean Prime, down on the river. The food is amazing, and we can relax and get to know each other.” We stop on the pavement and it’s like Tilly is thinking about it in her head. “Look, you trusted me so many times already, I think a simple car ride is not even close to what we’ve done.” I turn her to face me. “We can walk if you like. Your choice.”

  “No, it’s okay, the car ride is no issue, unless you’re a bad driver?” She smiles a cheeky smile.

  “I think we’ve had this discussion before at how I excel at lots of things. Driving is also on that list. Just so you know. Now let’s get the car and get in some air conditioning. There is only one time I like to sweat, and it’s not standing on a sidewalk on a warm night.” Taking her hand this time, I lead her to the carpark, listening to her tell me how hopeless I am at making suggestive comments all the time. She is so right. I’m not doing it by accident. It keeps her blushing and I love it.

  “Let me guess, it’s not when you’re exercising either?” Her eyes sparkle when she’s up to mischief.

  “You could say I’m working out and getting exercise, just maybe not how you’re picturing. Or are you picturing it right now, you dirty little thing. You told me to behave and here you are saying things like that.”

  “I can never beat you, can I?” Tilly’s laughing at me as we approach the car. “You always have a comeback better than mine.”

  “Not a chance. What do you not get about me being pretty awesome at just about everything in my life?” I open the door for her to hop in.

  “Except being humble,” I hear as I’m closing the door on her. She is cheeky. The more I get to know her, the more I like it. I need someone to challenge me and who will also fit in with my friends. Lord knows there are some very bi
g personalities in the guys.

  Driving out of the carpark, she’s looking around the interior of the car.

  “You don’t like?” I ask her, hoping she doesn’t dislike my car. I’m rather fond of it.

  “The opposite. I love it. When I’m back home with my dad, he loves all things cars. We would spend hours at car shows just looking at all the fancy ones, the new ones, and the totally over-the-top muscle cars. Not having a brother, I was the only one who let him drag me along. I secretly loved the time with him on our own.” She’s running her hand along the interior dash leather.

  “I’m so glad my Audi is passing the test. I might have a soft spot for a nice car. I figure if I work long hours then I deserve a treat. Not that I get to drive it much. In the city it’s such painful driving. Taking it out for a good run in the country, now that’s a good day. You’ll have to come the next time I go. If you’re a good girl, I might even let you drive.” I turn to her, smiling at her smirk.

  “I suppose you’ll tell me you’re the better driver too.”

  “Of course, that’s a given.” I look back at the traffic in front of us heading up South Michigan Ave, making sure I don’t run up anyone’s ass and cause a crash. The last thing I want to do is ruin that driving reputation in the first thirty seconds.

  “We’ll see about that. I’ll have you know I’ve done four fast laps in a Nascar at Daytona. My lap time was pretty impressive.” The look of accomplishment on her face makes me laugh.

  “Wow, I have a lot to live up to then. I’m guessing me delivering the baby of one of the top Nascar drivers, who I can’t name for privacy reasons, doesn’t count? It was an emergency delivery while they were in town for a race and then he let me drive his Nascar to say thanks. That doesn’t count?” I try to keep the straight face

  “Are you for real? Humility really isn’t in your vocabulary, is it? Every single time, you one-up me.” She’s slapping her forehead, and I can’t hold it in anymore. My laughter bubbles out and she looks at me suspiciously.

  “Nah, just joking. But you totally fell for it. You know you’re cute with that little competitive streak. I’ll have to remember that for future reference.” Now that comment earns me a slap on the arm.

  By the time we get out of the car at the restaurant, it feels like we’ve known each other for years. The conversation is flowing so easy and she seems to be relaxed around me. I probably shouldn’t have, but I place my hand on the curve in her back as I guide her to the doors. It might be an intimate move, but she doesn’t seem to react or mind. It just feels natural.

  Being seated near the window, it means we get to enjoy looking out at the nighttime activity, and it’s a little more cozy than being amongst all the people. The restaurant is abuzz, and we’re lucky to get a table. I think it helps that I’m a regular. It has such a warm atmosphere with all the brown leather seating and the gold lights and furnishings. The guys and I have eaten here many a time and frequented the bar that serves some of the best cocktails in town. Not that I’m a cocktail lover, but I have been known to taste one or two.

  We continue to talk about just general life, our jobs, friends, the foundation. We can’t seem to venture into personal questions. Every time I try to go there, she steers it back to safe territory. It’s like she doesn’t want me to get too close. Little does she realize that’s exactly what I want to do. For obvious reasons, but also to really get to know Tilly, not just the Matilda I’m chatting to now.

  I feel like there are two women in her world. Matilda the professional businesswoman, who is efficient and slightly guarded at all times. Then there is Tilly who I’ve seen glimpses of. Even if one of them was under the Hannah disguise at the time. Tilly is the one who was naked in bed. Shy and a little unsure but with a playful side that’s dying to be unleashed, I can tell. I need to stop this thought, otherwise I’m going to embarrass myself when we stand to leave. I won’t be the only one standing up.

  “Your dad said you have a sister, that she’s studying to be a doctor too. Where is she based?” Tilly asks in another change of subject.

  “Currently she’s at Mercy too. Believe it or not, she is about to start a rotation of neurosurgery and has Tate as her head doctor. I just lost my shit over it when you ran into me the other night when we both had a little too much amber fluid under the belt. He is my best friend and one of the biggest man whores in the hospital. I was a little peeved. Bella made me see that I trust him with my life, so I should trust him with my little sister. She had a fair point. I’ll be warning him, though, don’t you worry.” When I get off my soap box, Tilly is laughing at me, her hand over her mouth trying to hide it. “What’s so funny?”

  “How old is your sister?” she asks.

  “Twenty- five. Why?” I reply.

  “Your dad did mention you were an overprotective older brother. I can definitely see that already. She must love you.” Tilly is still trying to hold it together.

  “Most of the time, yes. When I’m being the big brother, not a whole lot. You nailed it in one. Now let’s not talk about my sister. I’d rather talk about you.” Again, I try to swing the conversation around to her.

  “I’m pretty boring, not much to tell. Grew up in a small town. Have an older sister who is off travelling the world, currently working her way across Europe. Mom and Dad happily married and still living in the home they moved into after their wedding. We are the typical American family. Even have the family dog and cat. Mind you, they hate each other, but they make it work.” She laughs at the memory of her family pets.

  “I have a rescue dog who is my best friend. I can’t even tell you the breed, or mixture of breeds, but I wouldn’t know what to do without him. After a bad day at work, he’s nice to come home to for that wagging tail and the cuddles that he loves.”

  “I can’t picture you with a dog.” Tilly looks at me genuinely.

  “Why is that?” I’m a little confused.

  “Well, it must be hard to compete with your ego at home. Usually the pet rules the home, yet I’m not sure there’s room for two alpha males in one place.” She starts to laugh after struggling to keep a straight face.

  “I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or not. Maybe you’ll have to come and meet Memphis to see who the boss of the house really is.”

  She looks at me with a grin. “Your dog’s name is Memphis? Did you choose that?”

  “I did, but that was after he chose me at the rescue center. It was love at first sight for both of us. Be careful if you meet him, he might claim you too.” The words that have just left my mouth actually give me a warm feeling. I would love to see her in my home with my boy. He’s a smart dog. I know he’ll trap her heart too. The perfect wingman.

  The waiter had been to the table with the bill, which Matilda tried to pay half. No way, no how, is any woman ever paying for a dinner when we’re out together. My parents raised me better that that. My father would whoop my ass.

  “Can I drive you home please, Tilly?” I ask hopefully as we exit the restaurant. What I wanted to say was I’m driving you home now. I’m trying to keep my ‘alpha,’ as she called it, in check and not appear like the jerk she thinks I am.

  “That would be great, thank you. It’s probably a little out of your way, but I would appreciate it. I don’t drive around the city during the day. I find it easier to use taxis or Uber. I’m not sure where you live, but I live north in Uptown, so if it’s too much of a pain, I can order a car.” I can see she is hoping to get a ride, but as I would expect, doesn’t want to put me out.

  “It’s perfectly fine, happy to do it. Doesn’t matter where you live. You know how much I love to drive my baby.” She rolls her eyes at me as we head back to the car. Pulling out of the carpark, she casually asks where I live. Luckily, we’re already in the car and moving.

  “In The Loop, it keeps me close to the hospital when I’m on call.” It doesn’t take long for the reaction I’m expecting.

  “Gray!” she yells.
“I am so far out of your way. You should have let me call a service. I feel so bad now. Why didn’t you tell me?” Her eyes are fixed on me with fire in them.

  “Because it wouldn’t have mattered if I lived in the back of butt fuck nowhere, I still want to drive you home. You’ve met my dad, right? He wouldn’t be impressed to know I let you take a car service home after dinner.” The fire in her eyes is gone and she’s relaxing into the seat again.

  “So, you aren’t really a gentleman. It’s just you’re scared of your father.” Her smirk tells me she’s baiting me.

  “Very funny, missy.”

  “And butt fuck nowhere, really? Want to explain where that is, because I can’t wait to hear this one or see your house there.” We continue to chat for a short while until we get closer to her suburb.

  “I suppose this baby has a pretty impressive sound system too.” She has no idea. Pressing a few buttons on my steering wheel, the music comes to life. I see her grin even though the music is loud. I start to turn it down, but her hand reaches over and stops me.

  “No wait, I love this Shallow song. Who knew Bradley could sing like that?” She starts to sing along. Her voice is so sweet. Nothing like when Bella and I did carpool karaoke. I could sit here all night and listen to her angelic voice. Just as it finishes, she realizes where she is, and her cheeks color at exposing something about herself.

  The song changes, and Elvis starts blasting through the speakers. Burning Love, to be exact. As the song starts to really get going, I feel like I’ve been hit by a brick.

  “Holy shit, it was you,” I burst out. As I pull into the spot outside her building, Tilly’s head whips around to look at me.

  “What are you talking about?” Looking confused, she has her hands clasped on her lap.

  “That day outside the building, the woman I nearly ran over the top of, literally.” Her hand goes to her mouth as the gasp escapes. “I was running listening to this song and then you appeared from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. I can’t believe I didn’t remember that.” I look at her and the vision of her face in the back of the taxi comes racing back to me.


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