Gorgeous Gyno

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Gorgeous Gyno Page 27

by Karen Deen

  Tilly tries to get up and head to the bathroom without me.

  “The only reason you better be going in there is to pee, otherwise we are heading in there together so I can wash you clean.”

  “See? Sex maniac!” she yells behind as she closes the door.

  I give her a few minutes, but the moment I hear the shower I’m up and in to join her.

  “You know I can dry myself,” she says very matter-of-factly.

  “Yep,” I answer as I’m running the towel down her leg.

  “You’re not going to let me, though, are you?”

  “Nope.” I keep wiping the towel over the other leg.

  She just stands there smiling.

  “That’s right, just let me spoil you. The day I stop, then start complaining.”

  “Fair enough. I’m not complaining. It’s just new to me. You know I have so many things to add to your first list. You are excelling at this test, Dr. Garrett, just saying.”

  “I am pleased to hear that, my little one.” I stand and kiss her on the nose.

  “Now the important question. Today is your date day. What’s happening? I’m a little excited to see what you’ve come up with. The pressure is on, you know.” I’m standing in her room with just my pants from last night on. I need to get some clothes here for nights like last night where we end up here unexpectedly.

  “Oh, like I can even compete with your date. Mine I must say is great, but very different. However, I have some sad news. You need to go home now.”

  I look at her pretending to be not impressed. “Really? Why? What if I don’t want to?” I ask, faking annoyance.

  “Stop being a child. You need to take Memphis home and then wait for the first part of the date. I didn’t exactly plan on you being here last night.”

  Hearing his name, Memphis trots into the room looking for some loving.

  “Did you get that too, boy? She’s kicking us out. I’m so offended.” Memphis walks over to Tilly and plops his butt down on her feet.

  “You suck, you know, Memphis. What happened to the boys sticking together? You’re Team Gray, remember?” I watch as Tilly bends down and pats him, then hugs him while his tail thumps on the floor.

  “Yeah, I get it, she gives good cuddles. Okay, I forgive you for being a traitor. But just don’t think you get prime spot on the couch with her. That is all mine.”

  Tilly is looking up at me with such a sparkle in her eyes. I’m so glad the nastiness of yesterday is forgotten.

  “I’m not kicking you out. You just know how this works. When you ask someone on a date, you go to their home and meet them at the door to pick them up. Today is all mapped out, you know what I’m like. Now go home, get my little guy settled, put on something casual, and be ready when I come calling for you at ten o’clock.”

  I look at my watch and see that gives me an hour. I better get moving.

  “Any clues?” I plead with puppy eyes.

  “Not one, now shoo. Otherwise you’ll be late, and it’s rude to keep a lady waiting.” She’s waving her hands at me but there is no way I’m leaving before I’ve said a proper goodbye. I don’t care if I’m seeing her in an hour’s time.

  Taking Tilly in my arms, I whisper the words that I can’t keep to myself anymore.

  “I love you so much, little one.”

  Kissing her like it’s the last time I’ll see her, I leave her standing in the love-drunk stage. Where your legs don’t want to move, and your brain is in the clouds. The perfect state to be in.

  “Memphis, door,” I tell him, and he gives Tilly one more wag of his tail and is off waiting for me.

  “I have to go now. I have a date with this super-hot chick. She also gets jealous of any other women who hang around me, so I need to be home in plenty of time. She’s protective like that and I fucking love it.” She giggles as I pick her up off the floor and spin her around.

  “Don’t be late,” I tease her, “I get anxious if dates stand me up.”

  “You’re crazy, you know that. Now get out of here before my boyfriend finds you. He’s also very protective and has a vicious guard dog. His licks are his secret weapon.” We’re both laughing as I head to the door for our final kiss.

  “Love you too, Gray. More than I knew possible.” Her final kiss is in the palm of my hand. “Hold onto that until I see you again.” She closes my fist around where she kissed me, and my heart is melting.

  I can’t really talk otherwise I might choke on my own words; she weakens me like no one ever has in my life.

  I turn as I get to the elevator and blow her a kiss. She reaches out, captures it in her hand and lays it on her heart.

  Yep, I’m done.

  Signed, sealed, and delivered, I’m hers.

  Now let’s see what she’s got in store for me today.

  The buzzer in the apartment goes off at nine fifty-nine, and I know it will be Tilly.

  Right on time.

  “Yes?” I try to sound like I don’t know who it is.

  When a male voice comes through the intercom, I’m taken back a little.

  “Dr. Garrett, your transport ordered by Miss Henderson is ready downstairs.” Buddy, the doorman, waits for me to answer.

  I finally snap out of it.

  “Great, thanks Buddy, I’m on my way down.” I grab my things and I’m out the door so fast. I feel like a little boy in the elevator wondering what she’s up to. Now I realize what she was feeling on Friday night. We need to keep doing this in our relationship. I’ve never had so much fun, either from the planning or from the enjoyment of how she has planned something for me. As the elevator reaches the ground floor, exiting and walking towards the glass doors, I feel my heart in my throat.

  It’s hard to breathe looking at my girl leaning against a 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood 60 in a blue color. This was Elvis Presley’s favorite car. I can’t believe she found one. The fact that she is starting the date with something that is so dear to my heart has already floored me. I walk slowly to her, still taking it in.

  “Hi, Gray.” Her soft voice tells me she knows I’m emotional. Up on to her tippy toes, she kisses me lightly and then hugs me.

  “Baby, you have no idea,” I manage to get out.

  “I kind of do. I couldn’t get a pink one, but we have this one that will drive us to our next destination. With the top down on this beautiful day. Does that sound okay? Oh and of course the only music it plays is Elvis on every channel. So, I think you’re set.”

  “This is more than okay, it’s perfect, just like you.” The driver then appears out of nowhere to open the door for us to climb into the back.

  I burst out laughing. He’s dressed in a full Elvis outfit. Gold sparkles and jewels over a white jumpsuit. The high collar, cape off the back of his shoulders, and the trademark glasses. I’m in heaven. Before we climb in, we get Buddy to come and take photos of us all with the car. I want to be able to remember this day forever and show Dad and Bella. They’ll understand what this means.

  Cruising down the freeway, wind in our hair, Elvis pumping through the speakers for an hour is so much fun. We’ve been talking, laughing, singing, although Tilly is much more in-tune than I am. I’ve spent time explaining things I know about the songs that I remember my mom telling me in the kitchen. She would sit me up on the kitchen counter while she was preparing dinner and we would chat about the music. Then for her favorite songs she would grab me down and we would dance around the kitchen.

  I remember coming downstairs one night for a glass of water and caught my parents slow dancing to Elvis in the family room. I sat on the stairs and peered through the railings watching two people so in love. It was when my mom started to unbutton my dad’s shirt that I took off back to my bed and decided I wasn’t thirsty anymore. Although it was weird at the time, it is a treasured memory I have as an adult of knowing how much in love my parents were. I’ve never told anyone that story until just now. Tilly gets tears in her eyes and agrees I was blessed to have that memory. I und
erstand why it is so hard for Bella because she doesn’t have the memories I have. As much as I try to share, it’s just not the same.

  The driver takes the next exit. I look to Tilly and she’s about to bounce out of her seat.

  “Welcome to Chicagoland Speedway, Grayson. I know you love cars, and this graceful trip in the old lady has been fun, but your next car will go just a little bit faster.”

  I blink and look at her again.

  “What have you got in store, baby?” I’m praying it’s what I think it is.

  “First you are going to do a few fast laps with a driver in a Nascar race car. Then after you have lunch with some of the team and drivers, they will send you out for your own drive around the track.”

  “Are you kidding me!?” I yell a little loud as the car comes to a stop at the back of the pit area.

  “I’ll take that as a happy reaction.”

  I grab her face in my hands and kiss her so hard she falls back into the seat. “Happy! Oh my god, Tilly. How did you even make this happen?” I’m just in awe and so excited I’m already out of the car and helping her from the back seat.

  “Just like you listened to me when I asked you to slow down, well, sort of. You planned a beautiful slow romantic date. So today, because I know how you want to go a little faster and you love cars, I thought you might enjoy this. Plus, I know it will feed Mr. Competitive in you too.”

  “You are too good to be true. I’m not letting you go. Ever! Just so you know.” I hug her tightly and start twirling her around again. Listening to her squeal is music to my ears. The happiness is infectious.

  “Put me down, you crazy man. You don’t want to be dizzy when you get in the car.” We’re both laughing together by now, and I turn to thank Elvis for the ride in his car. He poses for a few more pictures and then we are off into the track.

  I still can’t believe she organized some fast laps in a race car. This has been on my bucket list for a long time. Tate and I always talked about doing something like this and never got around to it. Wait until he hears I’ve been without him.

  Approaching the gate, I squeeze her hand to let her know how excited I am. She just smiles at me and keeps walking. Matilda has her planner hat on now. She’s in charge of my day and is going to make sure everything runs as perfectly as she organized.

  Waiting just inside the gate is a man I recognize vaguely, whose face lights up as we approach. He opens his arms and Tilly lets go of my hand and goes to him. She falls into his hug and kisses him on the cheek. The hairs are up on my neck, but I’m holding it together.

  After letting her go, they turn to me and Tilly sees the reaction on my face.

  “Oops, I’ll explain. Paul, this is Grayson Garrett, my very protective boyfriend. Gray, this is my cousin Paul Bonnet. He is the crew chief for one of the big Nascar teams. So, you can calm down now.” She thinks she’s very funny.

  “Hey, man, nice to meet the man who has won our little Tilly’s heart. No worries, buddy, I’m more than happy for you to be protective of her.” He puts out his hand for me to shake.

  “My nerves have calmed, and I will be teaching your cheeky little cousin here about jokes a little later tonight.” I grab her around the waist and tickle her as she tries to struggle away from me.

  “Tilly just happened to time it perfectly because we’re here testing at the moment, and I’ve been trying to get her down to the track for ages. It just took a good man to get her here. Now let’s get you suited up and in a car as we run some test laps. While you’re out there, I can catch up with Matilda.” He walks towards the garage and we follow like excited little kids.

  The look on her face is one that shows how proud she is of her surprise. I kiss the top of her head as we walk and let her know that I’m so happy too.

  Suited up and ready to race, Tilly is taking a thousand photos of me near the car waiting. I feel like a celebrity. Paul just keeps laughing at her. Finally, we are ready to roll. I get strapped into the racing harness and introduced to my driver Roger who is a test driver for the team. He asks if I’m okay with fast, and I nearly choke on my answer. That’s a no brainer for me. Yes, all the way. The faster the better.

  Tilly pops her head in through the window to give me a kiss before we pull out on to the track.

  “Love you, time to take this relationship full throttle.” I chuckle and kiss her back before the pit crew lifts the safety net up on the window.

  The car roars to life and we start the crawl out of the pit lane. Through my headset I hear Roger talking to the crew in the pit. This is so much more than just a lap in a car. I’m getting the full experience.

  “Holy shit!” I yell as Roger plants his foot on the accelerator and the car heads up the track and the G-forces hit me.

  I can hear both Roger and Paul laughing at me.

  “We were waiting for that reaction,” Paul says through the headset.

  Spending thirty minutes in the car, doing various speeds as they adjust different settings on the car, is one of the greatest experiences of my life. As we pull into the garage, I see the smiling face of my girlfriend. Beside her are a few familiar faces I wasn’t expecting.

  Climbing out of the car, I grab her and hug her as tight as I can, kissing her as I let her go. Then it’s time to find out what’s going on.

  “What are you boys doing here?” Tate, Lex, and Mason all smile like Cheshire cats.

  “We’ve come to see Tilly own you on the racetrack. She is totally going to ruin you.”

  I look to her when she raises her hands on either side of her and shrugs her shoulders to tell me it’s possible.

  “Am I racing you?” I start laughing because this day keeps getting better.

  “Settle down there, big boy. Paul isn’t silly enough to put both of us on the track at the same time. We will be racing our times.” Tilly puts her hands on her hips.

  “I get to go first, and you get to see if you can match me. I know you love a bit of rivalry. I thought it would be a great idea to invite the boys to see me smash your time. That way you can never dispute as I have witnesses.”

  “Very confident there, baby. Let’s just see how well you are up against the master. What have I told you before? I’m an overachiever.” The boys all break up with laughing and smartass comments.

  “First I just want to say you obviously haven’t slept together if Tilly is calling you big boy.” Mason takes control of the conversation. “Secondly, since when have you overachieved against any of us? You’re all talk, Doc. I can’t wait to see your woman totally blow you away out there.” Putting his arm around Tilly, he proudly looks at me and says, “Team Tilly all the way.”

  “For fuck’s sake, not you too. I thought we agreed, baby, I got to keep my friends. You’ve already claimed my sister and the dog. Give me a break. What about you two suckers?” I look to Tate and Lex who turn around to show the backs of their shirts at the same time Mason turns, revealing “Team Tilly” plastered across the back.

  “Are you serious!” Everyone can’t stop laughing at me, and I’m actually happy, for once, to be joining in. I love how easily Tilly fits in with my friends.

  “Paul, I’m sitting with you at lunch. These dickwads are in the enemy camp.”

  “You aren’t having much luck. Remember cousin? I’m Team Tilly all the way, man.” With that, Tilly comes over and puts her arms around my waist, looking up with those beautiful eyes that suck me in every time.

  “I promise I’ll give them all back when I’ve whipped your ass today.”

  I grab her on the cheeks and tilt her face up to hold her looking at me.

  “I love you and your cheeky ass. But you can keep the cocksuckers. They have crossed the line. You will regret taking them. They’re just a pain in the ass anyway. Now where is this lunch you promised?”

  We all head into the mess area where the caterers have set up for the crew and we’re joining in. I know the guys are loving chatting to the team and finding out different things
about racing life.

  Me, on the other hand, can’t get enough stories out of Paul about Tilly when she was little. This is my one chance to get ammunition against her before Arabella spills all my secrets. We’re laughing so much at times Tilly is crying at the stories and memories. Today meeting Paul is giving me a real insight into her childhood and what makes her the beautiful woman she is.

  We’re laughing about the time that Tilly wanted to be like the big boys and climb the tree to the treehouse only to get stuck halfway on a branch. They had to get the fire department to rescue her. Paul then looks at the time and declares it’s time to race. We have one of their test cars, thank goodness. I do not want the responsibility of the top car and me breaking it.

  I’m actually not sure how I feel about Tilly in danger out on the track, but I know I have to keep that to myself. I will get crucified if I say anything. With her now strapped in the car, it’s my turn to kiss her and wish her luck. She doesn’t look at all nervous. Perhaps I should be a little more worried that she may be better at this than me.

  “Stay safe and don’t do anything silly. Just remember it’s a bit of fun.” I want to say all the safety warnings like, don’t you dare crash and get hurt, but I don’t want to jinx her. I’ll admit I am freaking out, though. It has taken me so long to find her, I can’t imagine losing her. My heart would not take it.

  “You just want me to go slow so you can win.” She chuckles as she pulls away and out towards the track. I like that she’s being a little cautious on the first lap, but by the time she gets around in front of us for her second lap, she’s going full throttle. Well, full speed for amateurs like us. Paul has put a headset on me without me realizing so I can hear everything that’s being said between them.

  It’s then I know I’ve been set up. She knows exactly what she’s doing out there. The language she’s using is totally above my head. I’ve lost before I’ve even gotten in the car. Well played, my little one.


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