Hold on Tight (Cowboys & Angels Book 1)

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Hold on Tight (Cowboys & Angels Book 1) Page 24

by Anjelica Grace

  While Chase knows she’s been riding again, and that it was a firm shove in the right direction from Cody that made me decide to be honest and help her, Chase doesn’t know how much progress she’s made. He will be more than proud of the determination and dedication she’s had to get here.

  When we finish with the few drills she was working on, we get Lightning back into his stall and Ava inside to shower. Chase will be here anytime now, and we all want to be ready and waiting for him when he arrives.


  A ride home—up our property line, overlooking our lands and the bulls out grazing—has never felt so good, ever. In just a few short minutes, I’ll be arriving home from a rodeo for the very last time—at least as a participant. It’s about nine weeks overdue. I’m not going to be walking through the door on my own two feet—yet. But I’ll be home.

  Home. For a while I didn’t know if I’d ever make it back here. But here we are.

  I get to be with my girls, and my baby. Nobody knows about the baby yet, not even Aubrey and Ava. After the last child we lost, we didn’t want to risk pain or loss again—or split ourselves wide open with it—by telling other people so they could ask and try to find the right words for the worst possible scenario a parent can endure. So, for the last four weeks, it’s been my and Allie’s secret. The biggest and best secret I’ve ever had.

  “You ready for this?” Cody asks, guiding his rental car over the road that takes us right up our drive.

  “I’ve never been readier to be home.”

  “I bet. We got a ramp set up to get you in the door. I know you won’t need it long, given all the progress you’ve made with walking, but no need to risk an accident if you’re having a rough day.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that. Everything you’ve done here and for the girls between rodeos.”

  “That’s what family’s for,” he says, shrugging like it’s no big deal.

  “You’ve gone above and beyond, Cody.” I look over at him. “I watched your rides from last weekend. You’re getting caught leaning too much.”

  He laughs. “You can take the cowboy out of the rodeo…”

  That draws a chuckle out of me, too. “Right? But really, you’re going to win it all this year with me out of the picture now, don’t risk that by getting lazy with your form.”

  “Yes, Coach…” he mocks. “Speaking of, Allie’s really on board with the school plan?”

  “She is, she said it’ll bring in good money for us, and it’ll keep me involved more, and she knows I need that.”

  “Good, because I bought a place about twenty minutes down the road, so I could be here to run shit with you, and I’d hate to have to put it back on the market before I even get settled in.”

  “You bought a place here?”

  “I did. I’ll bring you all over once I get moved. It’s a good portion of land, nothing like your spread, but it’ll do me just fine. Since I’ll be spending most of my free time here, I didn’t need all you have.”

  “You finally came home.”

  “Yea… My family needed me. And I need them, too.”

  “Does Allie know?”

  “Nah, she’ll figure it out eventually. I’m not stealing your homecoming thunder by sharing now.”

  “You just don’t want her coming over and trying to take over decorating and unpacking.”

  “There is that too, yes.” He looks over at me and we both laugh. This is what we needed. It’s what we’ve always needed, our family to be together, whole. And that includes Cody.

  “There it is,” he says quietly.

  My home is in sight, and just in front of the door I can make out three beautiful girls, waiting, our daughters holding what appear to be signs in front of them.

  As we get closer and closer, I can’t help but take in everything: the wraparound porch, white swing hanging off to the side of the front door, the navy house with gray window trims. This is the home Allie and I had built together. It’s the place I may have taken most for granted out of every other place I’ve ever had before.

  Rodeo was such a huge part of my identity. Rodeo was where I put my focus to give us everything we could ever want. But everything I could’ve ever needed was already right here. That didn’t become obvious to me until I was laid up in a hospital bed, facing the prospect of losing everything but my girls and this home.

  I’m not sure how I’ve come this far, but I won’t fuck up my second shot at life. Not now. Not ever.

  Cody pulls to a stop, right in front of our house, and I look out my window, smiling at Ava and Aubrey, who are both bouncing up and down on their toes. Allie takes the steps beside the new ramp down to me slowly and walks right up to my door, pulling it open and leaning in with a rushed, hard tug.

  “Hey, Darlin’.”

  “Cowboy,” she sighs, “You’re home.”

  “And I won’t leave without you again.”

  She smiles and steps back a little when Cody brings my chair over, before they each help me out of the car, letting me stand and shuffle with their assistance to sit in it. I can’t wait for PT to start up here so I can gain more strength, so I won’t need their help to shuffle or sit anymore. It starts next week, and I’m going to hit it hard. I want to be fully mobile by the time our new addition gets here.

  And I will be.

  I’ve never been more determined to rehab an injury in my life.

  Once I’m seated, Allie steps between my legs, slides her fingers though my hair, and leans in to kiss me.

  “Welcome home,” she says, smiling against my lips.

  “Thank you.” I kiss her a second time then look up to the porch where the girls are waiting. “I think I’d like to say hello to my two best daughters now. Come down here, girls.”

  Each of their eyes light up and Ava drops her sign, bolting down the steps in a hurry, waiting just long enough for Allie to step back before she throws herself into my arms.

  “I missed you so much, Daddy!” She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight.

  “I missed you, too. You just saw me two days ago.”

  “But you haven’t been home in forever.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  Aubrey carries her sign down the steps with a little more caution and stops in front of us. “I made you a sign. Look!”

  I turn my head to read her sign, ‘I missed you Daddy’, then grin. “I missed you too, Monkey.”

  “You aren’t going to leave us again, are you?” she asks.

  “No, I’m home to stay,” I assure her, then open my arms to her once Ava is done hugging me. “Come here, Aubrey.”

  Not one to drop a sign she made on the ground to risk getting it dirty, she thrusts the sign at Cody then bounds into my arms.

  “I love you so much, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too.”

  After a few moments Allie speaks up, “Shall we get Daddy inside?”

  “That’s a good idea,” I answer.

  “Need help up the ramp, or do you just want me to carry your sh—tuff in?” Cody asks.

  “Good save,” Allie says.

  “I can make it up the ramp myself, can you and the girls take my stuff in though?”

  Cody gives a little salute and guides the girls to the trunk, where they grab all my stuff and carry it up and into the house. As soon as they’re gone, I pull Allie back between my legs and lean forward to press a kiss over her belly. “How do you feel today?”

  “I got sick earlier, and I’m still nauseated, but okay.”

  “Take it easy for the rest of the day, the girls and I can take care of things.” I kiss her belly again and move my hands over it, whispering, “Hello in there. I’m going to need you to take it easy on your mommy. She needs a little break. Could you do me that solid?”

  Allie laughs and bends forward, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I don’t think it works that way, Daddy.”

  “Sure it does. This little one and I are going to have a tight bond.�



  “If you two are finished,” Cody calls from the front door, “The girls and I are ready to dig into your welcome home cake.”

  Allie laughs softly against my head and mumbles, “Let’s get inside before they dig in. Baby Canton and I will be okay. You can take care of us tonight.”

  I nod my head in agreement and start my roll up the ramp.

  Cody pops his head back out, grinning wide, and adds, “Oh, and, congratulations. I can’t wait to meet your newest addition. I’m happy for both of you.”

  He disappears back into the house, the sound of laughter from our girls following almost immediately, and I just smile at Allie. “The cat’s out of the bag now.”

  “He won’t say anything.”

  “No, he won’t.”

  Once we reach the top of the porch, Allie steps behind my chair and takes hold of it. “Let me.”

  “I suppose you can get me over the threshold this time. But after today, when I’m back on my feet, the honor will forever be mine again.”


  She pushes me through the front door and into the living room with our family.

  We’ve had one hell of a ride over the last nine weeks, over the last two and a half, three years. But we held on tight, and now everything has finally fallen into place. We’ve got our family here. We’ve got a baby on the way. And I’ve got a second chance at doing this life right with all of them.

  Six Months Later


  “You did it, Darlin’. I am so damn proud of you.” I lean over the bed and press a kiss to Allie’s head as a nurse places our son on her chest. He’s a seven and a half pound, brown-haired, brown-eyed little man with a set of lungs on him unlike anything I’ve ever heard. He’s perfect.

  “What should we call him?” she asks, looking down at him with tears in her eyes.

  “What about Chance?” I move my hand over hers on top of his back, staring at them both in awe.

  “Like a second chance?”

  “Like a second chance. Like new possibilities. That’s what he is for us.”

  “I love it. Chance…Joseph Canton,” she adds, looking up at me. “After his uncle.”

  “We wouldn’t be here without Cody, all his help, would we?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Chance Joseph Canton,” I say out loud. “I love it.”

  “ I love you. Both of you.” She kisses his fuzzy head and then lifts him off her chest, holding him up to me. “Hold your son, Daddy.”

  I take Chance into my arms and bring him to my chest, laying my own kisses on top of his head, and swaying side to side. “Hi, Little Man,” I whisper to him. “I told your mom this months ago, but I’m going to tell you now, too. You and I are going to be best buds. I’ll teach you everything there is to know about being a good man, a good husband, and most importantly, a good dad. I’ll support you in whatever you want to do. And I will love you forever.”

  He just looks up at me, mellow and relaxed in my arms. His eyes are wide, his skin still pink, and his head a little misshapen, and I know. I can feel it with everything I have in me, he and I will be close in a way I never was with my own dad. I know, without a doubt, he will be the greatest man I will ever know when he grows up.

  I’ve been on cloud nine for the past twenty-four hours with Allie going into labor and Chance’s arrival, but the excitement I have waiting for Ava and Aubrey to get here and meet their little brother is an entirely different level of excitement.

  I watch my wife feed our little boy, falling in love with her more and more by the second, until that tiny rap against the door finally comes.

  “I’ll let them in,” I say, basically jumping up from my seat to get the door.

  “Thank you,” Allie says, chuckling a little. “He’s about done here, so I will wrap it up for now, so they can meet him.”

  I nod my head and walk to the door, opening it for our girls, with Cody standing behind them. “I won’t stay,” he says, grinning. “You all need this time, I just didn’t want them by themselves. I’ll head out to the waiting room until you’re ready for visitors.”

  “Thanks, brother,” I respond, sticking my hand out to meet his, shaking it firmly.

  “Congratulations! To you, too, Allie!” he calls around me, then steps back. “I’ll be around.” He turns down the hall and saunters off, whistling as he goes.

  I turn my attention to our girls, each wearing their big sister shirts, and squat down.

  “Are you two ready to meet your baby brother?”

  “Yes!” they answer, in unison.

  “We even washed our hands already, Uncle Cody said we should so we could hold him.

  “Come with me then,” I say, smiling proudly and taking their hands. I lead them into the room and toward the bed, where Allie is sitting up, holding Chance in her arms.

  “Hi, my babies,” Allie says to them.

  “Hi, Mommy,” Aubrey says, letting go of my hand to move closer to Allie.

  Ava keeps her hand in mine and watches them closely, her smile growing impossibly wide. “Is that him?” she whispers.

  “It is. Why don’t you hop up on the bed with your mommy and Aubrey, and we’ll introduce you to him?”

  Ava finally lets go of my hand and moves up onto the bed next to Allie’s legs, and Aubrey climbs up on the other side.

  “Girls,” Allie says, “This is your baby brother, Chance.”

  She angles Chance so the girls can see him, and Aubrey’s eyes light up. “He’s so cute!’ she squeals excitedly.

  “He’s so tiny,” Ava says in wonder, moving closer and reaching out for his hand.

  She takes it slowly, carefully, then smiles wide. “We’re going to be the best big sisters. I promise.”

  “We know you will,” Allie responds, wiping a tear from her eyes. “Do you both want to hold him?”

  Ava and Aubrey nod, and I take that as my cue to help them get situated so they get their turns with Chance. Ava gets him first, and then Aubrey, and they couldn’t be more elated or in love with their little brother. Seeing all three of my kids together makes my heart burst with pride. This is everything.

  Life has given us some pretty unexpected ups and downs, but today is the first day of the rest of our lives as a family of five, and we’ve got everything we could’ve ever possibly dreamed of having.

  The End

  Did you fall in love with Chase’s best friend, Cody? Check out his story here: “Never Let Go” (Cowboys & Angels, 2)!

  Thank you for taking the time to read my very first book baby, and for taking a chance on me. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts—by way of a review—you may have about “Hold on Tight” here on Amazon or on Goodreads.

  More than Winning (A Cowboys & Angels Short Prequel)—Available Now

  Never Let Go (Cowboys & Angels, #2)—Order Now

  I don’t even know where to start with my acknowledgements. The list of people that have helped and encouraged me along the way is endless and words will never be enough to express my gratitude to each and every person that has helped me. But I’ll do my best.

  First and foremost, I have to thank my parents. Since I was a little girl, all three of you have done everything in your power to give me everything I could ever need, or want, in life. You have supported, defended, and encouraged me with a fierceness that nobody could ever possibly match. You’ve held my hand, held me, and been there through every single high, every single low, and all the tears shed over everything good and bad, no matter what. The second I told you all that I wanted to write this book, that I was really going to do it, you made sure I knew that no matter what you were all in my corner. You’ve read my words, you’ve listened to me talk about plotting, characters, and writers block with an understanding and love that has meant the world to me. I wouldn’t be me, or have the courage to follow this dream through, if it weren’t for you. I love you all so much. Thank you.

  And my grandparents—thank you. Thank you for taking an interest in my book. Thank you for asking questions and being as excited for me as I am. Thank you for praying for me endlessly and loving me always. The words in this may not be your cup of tea, I’m sorry. But even with that, you have been my cheerleaders every step of the way. I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine. And I’ll see what I can do about fading some of those pesky inappropriate scenes to black, just for you, so that you can read and enjoy what you have so enthusiastically supported from day one, too.

  Next, I have to thank my beta readers, because if it weren’t for you all agreeing in the start to take a chance on my story, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the process. Your support and advice, and your love for Chase and Allie, meant everything. And it made all the difference. So; Bailey, Rachel, Karlyn, Stacie, Brooke, and Joanne thank you all SO MUCH! I hope you’re all ready for Cody’s story, because I’m going to need you all again soon!

  Where my Betas were absolutely crucial to making sure the story was worth sharing with the world, my editor, Karen Hrdlicka, was the absolute best and most important part of the writing process. If not for you, Karen, my story would be full of repetitive words, missing punctuation, and wouldn’t be even a quarter as pretty and polished as it is. And as a bonus, I’m grateful to have you as a great friend and someone I’ve come to absolutely adore and value. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for being my Editor Extraordinaire. And thank you for making me a better writer.

  To all of you, my readers, again, thank you. I wrote this with hopes that even a handful of you would be taken in by this story. I wrote this hoping that maybe, just maybe, my words could provide an escape for you like so many incredible authors have done for me. Your reading and supporting me and these characters is what makes me want to keep on writing. You are the best!


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