Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 12

by Anne Rainey

  “See you in a few then.” He stood and Roni followed suit. As she walked him back to the front door, she realized she didn’t know his name. The other tech had worn a name tag, but this dark-haired hunk didn’t have one. “I never got your name.”

  “Jake Cornick.”

  Roni quickly put two and two together. “You’re the J.C. in J.C.’s Computer Repair?”

  “Yes, ma’am. None of my other techs wanted to come. I think maybe my other tech was a little embarrassed to have to tell you about the spyware problem.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. “They must all think I’m quite the nympho, huh?”

  He chuckled. “They’re too smart to say anything inappropriate around me. They know I’d fire them for talking about a client that way. But, I suspect there’s been…talk.”

  Roni covered her face as humiliation engulfed her. “I’ll never be able to face any of them again.”

  Rough palms covered her hands and slowly pulled them down. When their gazes met, Roni was surprised by the tenderness in his pale green depths. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll set them straight.”

  She tugged on her hands until he took the hint and dropped them. Cold emptiness filled her as he stepped back. “Thank you for your help, Mr. Cornick. I really appreciate it.”

  “Jake,” he insisted softly.

  “Jake, then,” she said, her voice husky with desire. She watched as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. When he flipped it open, pulled out a business card and handed it to her, Roni eagerly took it. Their fingers brushed and she swore sparks flew. Easy girl.

  “See you in a few, Doc.”

  “Sure,” she murmured.

  He grinned and opened the door. It was all Roni could do to keep from reaching out and grabbing a handful of his tight, muscular ass.

  Damn, the man was delicious. Roni smacked herself out of her lusty haze and went back to her office. As she sat down, she swore she could still smell him. A seductive, woodsy scent that wrapped around her like a warm blanket.

  “You’re losing it, girl,” she muttered to herself. “Get back to work or it’ll be a longer night than you planned.”

  When Roni moved the mouse, her screen blinked on and a new document appeared on the screen with the words, I LOVE POLKA DOTS, DR. SMART. VERY SEXY. SEE YA SOON, JAKE.

  Roni’s pulse skipped a beat as she glanced down at her pale pink blouse. There it was, her bra with the multicolored little dots clearly visible through the thin silk. “Oh, hell,” she groaned.


  It took Jake a good five minutes to breathe normally again. “Jesus.” He swiped a hand over his face and started his Mustang. As he pulled out of the parking lot, he had to readjust his jeans to accommodate the hard cock that had been intent on getting to know the sweet little doctor on a more personal level.

  If he’d known what he’d be in for when he’d decided to take the service call, Jake would’ve been coming around to fix the woman’s computer a hell of a lot sooner. He never would’ve guessed that the Ice Queen, as his techs had dubbed her, would turn out to be a curvy, petite blonde with pouty lips and eyes so blue a man could drown in them.

  Dr. Smart had a body made for long hours of loving. Instinctively, he knew they’d fit together perfectly. The flare of her hips and her pretty, heart-shaped ass beckoned a man to get up close and personal. His mind screamed at him to stay away. She was a client and she didn’t strike him as the type to play around anyway. A gentleman wouldn’t even consider touching her. Good thing he was no gentleman. Hell, it made him hard just thinking of all the dirty little things he wanted to do to her, the pleasure he could give her.

  Jake reached between his thighs and stroked his cock through his jeans, the need to take the edge off paramount in his mind. He imagined her naked, her large breasts so gloriously bared, her smoothly rounded hips cushioning him. He’d fit himself between her silky thighs and sink right into paradise. He could almost hear her shout his name. The thought of bringing her to climax nearly had him coming in his jeans.

  Christ, she was a dangerous one. A stubborn little spitfire that would have a man begging inside a minute. Jake had never messed around with a client. Hell, he’d never even been tempted. But when Dr. Smart had come around the side of the desk, putting her tantalizing breasts at eye level, Jake had wanted nothing more than to lean forward and suck one of her hard nipples into his mouth, blouse and all.

  He smiled when he thought of the note he’d left. Would she change her blouse before he returned? Something told him she was much too headstrong. Embarrassment or no, she’d leave the blouse and the bra on and probably use that sharp tongue of hers to give him a lecture on impropriety. There was something about the woman that made Jake think of whips and chains, though he couldn’t say why. She appeared to be the type who liked to have control over her own pleasure. Jake vowed he’d find out, soon. No way would he let this one get away, not without a little taste first.

  As he pulled into a space in front of his office a horrible thought struck. Could she be married? Wait, he hadn’t seen a ring. A woman like that didn’t stay single long though. She’d have a boyfriend or fiancé tucked away somewhere. He could feel his good mood going down the shitter in a hurry. He’d already imagined her naked and beneath him as he pounded into her soft, supple body, but she could very well be off limits.

  Jake slammed the door to his car and stalked across the lot to his office. The cool air inside the small building did little to change his mood.

  “Hi, Uncle Jake,” Lisa greeted him cheerfully. “Did you get Dr. Smart all straightened around?”

  “I’m still working on her, er, it,” he growled. “I’m still working on it.”

  “Awesome,” Lisa said, totally oblivious to his slip, and went back to texting on her cell phone.

  She was his niece, he reminded himself for the thousandth time. Otherwise, he would’ve fired her long ago. “No texting, Lisa. Put the cell phone away and get back to work.”

  “Sorry, Uncle Jake,” Lisa mumbled before dropping the phone into her purse.

  Jake shook his head. He could already see he was going to have to sit her down and give her a stern talking to, otherwise she’d keep riding roughshod over him. He was too soft, that was the problem. Lisa batted her pretty green eyes and he turned to mush. Was it any wonder his brother had such a hard time telling the girl no?

  As he entered his private office, Jake headed to the shelf that covered half the left wall. He always kept a few supplies on hand. The webcam he’d purchased a few days ago was about to come in handy.

  As he sat down and started filling out an invoice for Lisa to mail to Dr. Smart, one of his newest techs, Jimmy Chalvez, strode in. “You’ve been working on Dr. Smart’s computer?”

  “Yep,” he replied, not bothering to look up. He was a man on a mission and getting back to the doc was only part of what he had planned.

  “Did you tell her about the porn?”

  Jake stopped writing and pinned Jimmy with an icy glare. The smirk on the man’s pockmarked face had Jake tensing. “Dr. Smart’s computer isn’t any of your damn business.”

  Jimmy paled and stood up straighter. “I only meant—”

  “I know what you meant. You wanted to know if Dr. Smart had owned up to the videos. Well, here’s a news flash for you, Jimmy. Dr. Smart’s hard drive isn’t fodder for the damned gossip mill around here.”

  “Right. Sorry, boss.”

  Jake ripped the invoice slip off the pad and stood. When he came around the desk, Jimmy backed up a step. “Just so we’re crystal clear here. If I catch you or any of the other techs making nasty comments about a client, any client, you’ll answer to me. Is that plain enough for you?”

  “Uh, yeah. Real plain.”

  “Good,” Jake bit out. “Get back to work and leave Dr. Smart to me.”

  Jimmy bobbed his head and rushed off.

  Damn, he was already feeling territorial and he’d only just met the little
beauty. What was it about her that made all his protective instincts kick in? Jake hadn’t felt such an immediate response to a woman since the day he’d met Sarah.

  The thought of his loving wife always made him smile. She’d been his high school sweetheart. They were the couple everyone talked about, perfect for each other and desperately in love. After graduation, Jake had wasted no time asking her to marry him. Their first year together had been rough financially, but it hadn’t put a dent on their happiness. They’d spent their nights making love and their days in blissful contentment. Sarah had an energetic presence that made everyone feel better just for being around her. He’d sported a permanent smile that first year. Then the day had come when she’d found out about the breast cancer. His life had spiraled out of control fast. The mastectomy had been too little too late. Within months, he’d been forced to bury his wife, the love of his life. Jake had wanted to die right along with her.

  He pushed thoughts of Sarah out of his mind and concentrated on getting back to Dr. Smart. First he planned to find out who was using her computer as their own personal playground, then he’d find out more about the woman who had his head all mixed up and his blood flowing hot and hard in his veins.

  Roni had debated changing her shirt. She always kept a few items of clothing at her office for emergencies. In the end she decided it’d be a lot more fun to leave the blouse on. Watching Jake squirm would go a long way toward repairing her confidence. The man had some nerve checking out her breasts to begin with. Admitting to it in writing? Now that was bold. She wasn’t sure if she should be turned on by his forwardness or not, but her panties hadn’t been dry since she’d spotted the black-haired devil through her front door.

  As she finished entering the last of her expenses for the month, Roni hit the save button and pushed her chair away from the desk. She’d been going at it for two hours straight and she’d skipped right over lunch, now it was nearing dinnertime and she was starving. When she entered the break room, she heard a knock on her front door. Her heart sped up as she peeked around the corner and saw Jake standing on the other side of the glass door, his concentration on the box in his hand. She shored up her nerve, all too aware of her see-through blouse, and strode across the room. When he raised his head, their gazes clashed for an instant, then his intense green eyes locked on to her breasts. His grin was slow and sensual and Roni felt her clit throb. Oh, God. This was crazy. She was baiting a tiger, she could feel it. Yet, she couldn’t seem to stop herself from throwing down the challenge.

  She flipped the lock and opened the door. “Thanks for coming back. I just finished for the day.”

  “My pleasure,” he murmured as he stepped across the threshold. Their bodies brushed and Roni’s temperature spiked.

  “You, uh, brought the camera?”

  He held up a black bag and a square box. “I’ve got everything you need.”

  She had a feeling there was more to his words, but she chose to ignore it. Instead she flipped the lock into place and escorted him back to her office. “Explain to me how this works exactly.”

  When he took up position behind her desk, Roni sighed. He looked entirely too sexy sitting in her chair. He opened the black case and brought out a computer disk. Roni was spellbound by his efficiency.

  “First I need to install a program for the webcam. Since you don’t want anyone to know it’s active, we’ll have to run it in the background. So, I’ll show you how to use the command prompt.”

  Already she was lost. “Command prompt?”

  He chuckled as he watched the screen. “It’s easy. I’ll walk you through it. You’ll be able to type in a few commands to activate the camera while you’re away from your desk. Like I said before, the camera is motion sensitive so if anyone sits down in your chair the camera will turn on and record what they’re doing.”

  Roni thought of her assistant again. At twenty-one, Melissa was sweet and a little shy. She was majoring in psychology and Roni had admired her drive. “I really don’t want it to be Melissa.”

  Jake nodded. “I can understand that.” He paused before adding, “Maybe it’s the janitorial service.”

  “Oh, God, I hadn’t even considered that. The idea of someone watching those types of videos and…” She couldn’t quite finish the sentence. It still made her want to replace the chair.

  His gaze turned serious. “It’s creepy as hell, I know. We’ll get it figured out though, no worries.”

  He was being so sweet even though she’d all but accused his techs of being inept. “Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it.”

  “Can I ask you something, Dr. Smart?”

  She sat up straighter in the chair, intrigued by his question. “It’s Roni,” she corrected, “and sure.”

  “Do you have a significant other, Roni?”

  “No, why?” She tilted her head and stared at him curiously. “Were you thinking my boyfriend was helping himself to porn at my office?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “I don’t even want to know,” she mumbled, suddenly feeling shy with the conversation. The odd reaction baffled her. She hadn’t felt a bout of shyness since first grade, when Brian the Dork had pulled down her pants at recess.

  “There, all set.” He positioned the camera on top of the monitor, then stood. “I’m going to need you to come over here so I can show you the commands you’ll need to know to activate the camera.”

  Roni quickly did his bidding. Once she was seated at her desk, a thought struck her. “Won’t it seem strange to have a camera in here all of a sudden? What if someone asks me about it?”

  He shrugged. “You’re a doctor. Tell them you need it for online conferences with your colleagues.”

  “Yeah, right. I guess I’m not very good at the whole cloak and dagger thing.”

  He knelt down beside her and Roni had the sudden need to reach out and drag her fingers through his black, silky hair. “Yeah, you’d make a lousy spy,” he replied with amusement.

  “Good thing I became a psychologist instead then, huh?” She whispered. Oh God, she was nervous and she was never nervous. Damn, he was a virtual stranger and yet he seemed to touch her on a level deeper than any other man she’d ever known.

  “Yeah, good thing,” he murmured, his gaze never wavered from hers as he pointed to the keyboard. “Type in what I tell you.”

  Roni turned her attention to the monitor and placed her hands on the keyboard. “Ready.” Jake gave her a series of commands, but nothing happened. “Did I do it wrong?”

  “No, you did it just right. Now the camera’s on and it’s recording.” He reached out and stroked her cheek, causing Roni to jump. “I had a feeling your skin would feel like satin. I was right.” Roni turned her head and his fingers brushed over her lower lip. “I bet you taste like pure sunshine too.”

  “Jake, we really shouldn’t—”

  “Shh, it’s okay.” He pulled his hand away and Roni suddenly wanted it back, touching and caressing. She was surprised at how gentle his large fingers were; she could well imagine how gentle they’d be stroking her to climax.

  “Now type in this,” Jake said, as he gave her another series of commands.

  Roni forced herself to turn back to the monitor, her hands shaking as she tapped the keys. A screen popped up that showed a thumbnail-sized video. “What is that?”

  “Our video. Click it, Roni.”

  Helpless to ignore the sensual tone in his voice, Roni moved the mouse and clicked the video. Their images filled the screen. She watched, mesmerized, as Jake reached out and touched her cheek. The surprise on her face was easy to see, as was the arousal on his. Roni felt her pussy grow damp when his thumb brushed her lip.

  “You’re beautiful,” he growled.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and attempted to quell the sexual tension rapidly filling the air. “Actually I look bloated.”

  “You look good enough to eat,” he shot right back. He reached out and hit th
e escape key, then pointed to the screen. “The next time you type in the commands I gave, hopefully it’ll show us our pervert.”

  Roni was so befuddled she’d already forgotten the damned commands.

  “Don’t worry, you can write them down and keep them in your purse,” he said, as if reading her mind.

  “Thanks,” she muttered. She felt like such a dolt. He had her coming and going. Well, not exactly coming, but close.

  “Buy me dinner and I’ll waive the cost of the camera.”

  She wasn’t surprised by his suggestion, but the idea that maybe he did this sort of thing all the time had her withdrawing. “Do all your clients fall for that line?”

  He reached out and cupped her chin. “You aren’t another in a long line, Roni. I’ve never dated a client before. You’re the first.”

  She moved back in her seat, forcing him to drop his hand. “We’re not dating.”

  “Yet,” he corrected her. His gaze went to her breasts and held. Roni could swear her nipples hardened just for him, as if begging to be licked. Her body’s reaction didn’t sit well. Roni liked being in control, but Jake made her feel like a runaway train.

  “You’re much too bold, Jake Cornick.”

  “Dinner, Dr. Smart. Nothing more.” He stood and held out a hand. “What do you have to lose?”

  She stared at it a second, before moving the chair back and standing on her own. “You don’t have a significant other?”

  “I wouldn’t be looking at your polka-dotted breasts if I did.”

  Her face heated and she crossed her arms over said breasts. “Just dinner?”

  He held up three fingers and grinned. “Scout’s honor.”

  “You were a Boy Scout, huh?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “You sound surprised.”

  She laughed. “You look more like trouble.”

  He leaned close and murmured, “Trouble can be fun, sweetheart.”


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