Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 25

by Anne Rainey

  “So pretty,” he murmured as he leaned down and pinched her nipple.

  When she arched off the bed and buried her fingers deeper, Hunter groaned. Her hips moved back and forth in a rhythm that had his cock dripping with pre-come. As she cupped her free hand over one round breast, plucked and tugged at her own nipple, Hunter’s control snapped. He dropped the camera on the bed and leaned down. Jeanette’s eyes widened, fingers stilled.

  Planting both hands on either side of her head, he snarled, “You win. I’m putty in your hands, sweetness.”

  He touched the inside of her thigh, smoothing his hand toward the tempting wet center he ached to sink into. The staccato of Hunter’s heartbeat nearly drowned out all else.

  “Hunter, I want to watch you touch your cock a little more.” The throaty purr in her voice tore down shields he’d thought impenetrable around his heart.

  Hunter kissed her. “The show’s over,” he whispered against the satin of her lips. “I need to feel your body hugging my cock.”

  “Just once more? Pretty please?”

  Yeah, like a man could say no to such a plea. “Fuck, you really like watching, huh?”

  “I like watching you. You’re so big, so hard. It’s exciting to see your fist wrapped so tight around your cock.”

  “Your wish is my command, sweetness.” Hunter crawled onto the bed and sat back on his haunches, then wrapped a tight fist around his heavy length. He pumped, slowly, up and down, intrigued when Jeanette’s eyes grew dark with passion. Her lips parted and her small pink tongue darted out, licking, as if imagining his taste. He watched the movement, sensing that tentative stroke on his cock.

  “Is this what you like?” he asked. Jeanette’s eager nod sent a jolt of possessive heat through his body. He swiped his thumb over the pre-come at the bulbous tip, then brought it to her lips. “Lick it, pretty baby.”

  She never hesitated. Jeanette wrapped her hand around his, holding his finger still, then her tongue darted out and licked the sticky fluid. Hunter lost it. Her soft tongue. Her wild little whimpers. It was all too damn much.

  “Come for me now. I can’t wait much longer to have you.”

  Jeanette flicked a finger over her clit once before pinching the little bit of flesh. Riveted to the carnal display, Hunter gripped her thighs and spread her wider until he could see all of her. Wet, swollen lips and the tight pucker of her anus. Damn, what a view. First he was going to fill her cunt with the width of his cock. She would be tight. If he didn’t go insane from the pleasure of it, he planned to take her from behind, fuck the hot little ass he’d dreamed about.

  Two slim fingers dipped inside her cunt, once, twice, only to slip free and toy with the little bundle of nerves all over again.

  Hunter absorbed the sounds of her hoarse cries and whimpers. Suddenly she threw her head back and bucked off the bed, wildly, screaming his name over and over again as she came. Watching Jeanette take her own pleasure would forever be etched into his heart and soul.

  Not giving her a chance to come down from the high, Hunter reached over and pulled out a drawer on his nightstand. He grabbed the box of condoms he kept there and tore at it. Jeanette’s eyes darted open. Snaring her gaze with his own, Hunter ripped open the foil packet and rolled the condom down his cock.

  Poised at the entrance, he held himself still, mesmerized by Jeanette’s tender, innocent gaze eating him up. When her hands moved to wrap around his forearms, the fine-boned fingers tore through his lust-driven brain as nothing else could.

  He cupped her cheek and murmured, “You’ve been in my head for months, but I’m not going to hurt you, baby.”

  Jeanette released his arms to press a palm on his chest, her fingers curling in his chest hair. “I’ve been hungry for you, Hunter. I haven’t been with anyone since you started to come to my coffee shop. I only wanted you.”

  The quietly whispered admission pleased him, too damn much, but it was the heat and emotion behind them that made mincemeat of his heart. Hell, if she had any idea how easily she could crush him. For a loner like him, it wasn’t a pleasant thought.

  He pushed in an inch, effectively disintegrating all thought. “We can’t have you hungry, now can we, sweetness?”

  “No, we can’t.”


  The head of Hunter’s cock stretched her tender tissues, but he took his time, as if afraid she’d break if he pushed too hard. Jeanette needed to tell him she wouldn’t break.

  She wrapped her legs around his hips and nudged him to move faster. “Hunter, you’re killing me.”

  He leaned over her, a muscle in his jaw jumping wildly with the control he continued to maintain. “You’re so goddamn tight, little love. Too fast and I could hurt you.”

  “I’m not so fragile, please,” she pleaded, beyond ready to be filled by her dark, mysterious lover.

  She couldn’t look away from the tender affection so clear in his expression. There was a darkness in Hunter, a savage predator, but he seemed intent on keeping that side of his nature chained. As if she were too delicate to handle the intensity of his passion. The man was an inferno and yet his gentle touch gave nothing of that away. He quite simply fascinated her.

  When he took her face in his hands and held her still for his kiss, her insides fluttered. He bit her lower lip, the pleasure-pain zipping straight to her clitoris. As he coaxed her lips apart, their tongues playing, Jeanette wrapped her arms around his head and held him tight, loathe to ever let him go.

  He pulled back a fraction and growled, “You drive me right out of my mind, baby. No woman has ever tied me in knots the way you do.”

  Jeanette didn’t know how to respond to such a declaration. It was as if she were on a high wire with no net to break her fall. “It’s never been like this for me either,” she confessed.

  He slipped in another inch, his voice dropping to a dark whisper. “Like what?”

  Jeanette’s thoughts scattered at the feel of his hard length pressing ever closer to where she needed him so desperately. Realizing he’d spoken, she managed a breathy, “Huh?”

  He pulled out all the way, then slid back in. Still it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel the wild man lurking just below the surface. Jeanette moaned, aching and restless.

  Hunter skimmed his hand over her hip, then farther north to cup and squeeze her breast. The delicious torture took her to a new level.

  “You’ve never been like what?” he asked, his voice a harsh sound in the quiet room.

  Jeanette managed to focus finally. “I’ve never gone home with a man so quickly.”

  The look he gave at her confession singed her. “This is unique for me too, sweetness.”

  When he dipped his head and kissed her nipple, then licked the sensitive tip, she arched upward, anxious to feel his lips wrapping around her, taking her to heaven.

  “Open yourself more,” he ordered. “Show me you want this. Show me you want me.”

  His hot breath against her flesh was all the incentive she needed. She spread her legs wider, then pushed against his hips, forcing him in another inch.

  “Fuck, baby,” he groaned. He lifted to his hands and without warning thrust forward, burying deep the full length of his large, hard cock.

  She gasped as inner muscles burned and stretched to accommodate the intimate invasion.

  Hunter stilled, his gaze boring into hers. “Too much?”

  “No, it’s…” She couldn’t find the words to express the sensations bombarding her. His cock touched places inside her body she was sure no man had ever reached.

  “Damn, you feel incredible,” he uttered as he pulled all the way out only to thrust forward again.

  One large, calloused palm swept over her nipples, and she arched upward, seeking more of his rough caresses. When he smoothed his way down her ribcage and belly to play with her tiny bud, she flew apart.


  “Yeah, baby,” he snarled, “come for me again.” He thrust harder, holding on to her hips a
s he plunged deep.

  Jeanette came, starbursts filling her vision as Hunter took her over that invisible edge once again.

  “Goddamn, even through the condom I can feel you bathing my cock with that sweet cream,” he growled. Muscles pumped and sweat glistened off his chest and abs. His thrusts turned faster, harder. Suddenly he flung his head back and shouted her name as he reached his own climactic finish. Jeanette wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding him to her in a tight embrace.

  When he collapsed on top of her, most of his weight on his arms beside her body, peace stole through her. She never wanted the moment to end. She never wanted to let him go. How would she survive when he rode off on his motorcycle?

  Warm, gentle fingers coasted over her hip, bringing her awake in an instant. As her eyelashes fluttered open, her gaze collided with Hunter’s. “Did I fall asleep?”

  He lay propped up on his elbow on his side, staring down at her. His sensual grin melted her bones. “Yep. I wore you out.”

  No kidding. She’d never felt so sated her entire life. “What time is it?”

  His hand continued sliding over her skin beneath the black throw blanket. He’d covered them and she hadn’t even been aware of it. “You’ve only been out about an hour. It’s midnight.”

  She started to get up, but he only held her down with his palm against her stomach. “Going somewhere, sweetness?”

  “I should probably get moving. I do need to clean the kitchen before my morning waitress gets there. And I’d like to go home and get a shower beforehand.”

  Hunter shook his head. “No. I’m not letting you go just yet. We still have plenty of time.”

  He pressed his body against her side, letting her feel the hard length of his cock. “My lord, don’t you ever get tired?”

  He chuckled. “I’ve had an hour to recover, baby. More than enough time.”

  “I don’t know if I can take more.” He cupped her pussy. As if he’d flipped a switch, her clit swelled and throbbed. “Okay, so maybe I can.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “I promised you wouldn’t have to show your cute ass on the camcorder.”

  Her temperature spiked at the mention of the video she’d allowed him to take of her. “Yes, and I appreciate that.”

  “But the camera is off, baby, and I’ve been dying to play with that particular part of your anatomy.”

  “What are you asking?”

  “Will you get up on all fours for me, sweetness?”

  “So you can do what?”

  “Pet. Spank. Fuck.”

  “Hunter.” His name was a breathless plea on her lips.

  “I’ve been very good, Jeanette,” he coaxed. “Give me my pretty treat.”

  Her blood raced, her body wild with anticipation. Dare she? Taking a deep breath, Jeanette obeyed his sensual command. “Like this?” she asked, as she got up on all fours next to Hunter.

  “Perfect,” he growled. Moving behind her, now on his knees, Hunter stroked the seam between her buttocks. “You’re so perfect. This ass has had me practically salivating. Did you know that?”

  “N-no.” Her voice shook with both trepidation and excitment. She’d never been comfortable with the size of her backside. She’d always felt so out of proportion. One boyfriend had even prompted her to go on a diet, stating she’d be prettier if she’d only lose a few pounds.

  “I’ve never obsessed over one particular body part before you.” He smoothed both hands over her hips and growled, “I hate that other men are thinking the same dirty thoughts as me when they watch you walk. It makes me want to fuck you here, to mark you as mine.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “Men don’t look at me like that, Hunter.”

  He kissed her nose and smiled. “Yes, they do,” he whispered as his palm massaged little circles over her flesh. “And I’ve wanted to pound them for staring, but I didn’t have the right then.”

  Without realizing, Jeanette had parted her legs, giving him better access to places no man had ever touched. “And now?”

  “And now things are different, sweetness,” he simply stated.

  His finger drifted back and forth over her puckered opening. A moan erupted from deep within Jeanette. Though she’d never had a man in such a forbidden way, the thought of Hunter there didn’t scare her. In fact, her pussy creamed just thinking about Hunter’s cock pushing inside her, claiming her as he’d said.

  He leaned over her and kissed the base of her spine. “Would you like me to fill this little ass, baby?”

  “Hunter, please…I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do,” he urged as his finger penetrated her. A mere inch, but it was enough to cause her to clench in fear.

  “Easy, little love, let me in.”

  Jeanette forced herself to relax. When she did Hunter buried his finger deep inside her anus. She shuddered and pushed against him. The single digit moved in and out, fucking her with slow, careful precision.

  As Jeanette started to think she could take no more of his teasing, one of Hunter’s big, warm hands connected with her upraised bottom. The erotic sting tore a scream from her lips.

  He quickly soothed the area he’d swatted with a kiss. “Do I stop?”

  Jeanette couldn’t think past the pleasurable haze covering her mind. When Hunter pulled his finger all the way out she whimpered. “Please,” she managed around the pounding in her head.

  “Please, what? Please continue?”


  “Fuck, you’re a delight. Such a sweet delight.”

  His finger slipped inside her once again, while the fingers of his other hand caressed her clit. Jeanette writhed and moved in time to his strokes. When she squeezed her bottom, Hunter growled.

  “Such sweet torture. I’m going to love fucking this cute little butt.”

  His finger penetrated deeper, the fingers torturing her little nubbin suddenly disappearing. The only warning she got was the rush of air before his hand came down harder than before on her ass. He swatted one cheek, then the other, his finger moving in and out, pumping faster. Her skin burned, her body alive with sensation. Every heated touch took her higher. Three more swats, then he began massaging the ache he’d created.

  “Two fingers now, sweetness. I need to prepare this virgin ass for my dick.”

  As a second finger joined the first, barriers dropped away. Jeanette went wild. She gyrated against Hunter, begging him and aching for everything he had to give.

  “Play with your clit, baby. Take the edge off.”

  Jeanette reached down and took her clit between her finger and thumb, pumping and driving herself mad. Suddenly Hunter cursed and leaned down, then bit her hip.

  Jeanette’s climax came from somewhere deep inside. She screamed hard and loud, her back arching as her body flew apart. Everything she thought she knew about sexual pleasure seemed to pale in the wake of what she’d just experienced.

  Hunter’s rough voice just barely broke through the quagmire of her mind. “I want this ass,” he hissed, then he moved his fingers out of her and cupped her dripping mound. “Look at me, little love.”

  She tured her head, already limp and sweating from her orgasm. When she saw the intensity, the insane yearning etched into Hunter’s not-so-perfect features, her body went from sated to hungry in a heartbeat.

  As she watched, Hunter squirted lubricant over his sheathed cock. She hadn’t even been aware he’d grabbed a condom, much less lube. When the heavy weight of his erection entered her bottom, inner muscles clenched. Fear had her attempting to close her legs, panicked and scared.

  “Hunter,” she cried out, her body tensing further.

  He pulled out instantly and caressed her buttocks. “Shh, it’s okay. There’s no rush, sweetness.”

  Jeanette relaxed, relieved by the soothing tone. Hunter appeared as if he had all the time in the world. He kissed her shoulder and she rocked against him. His tongue flicked over a sensitive spot behind her ear and her panic disappe


  Hunter stared down at Jeanette on all fours in the center of the rumpled bed. The low lighting turned her alabaster skin into a creamy latte. Her luscious body and plump bottom were mere inches away from his eager fingers and cock. The sight had him nearly whimpering like a greedy pup.

  “You’re a feast for my starving libido, Jeanette.”

  She turned her head to speak, flipping her long hair, the color of milk chocolate, over one shoulder.

  “You’ve been with other women, Hunter,” she said, her voice small and unsure. “Probably a lot of them more exciting and prettier.”

  “I don’t deny I’ve been with other women, but none could compare to you,” he told her as candidly as he knew how. “All I want is you. All I need is this.” And then he touched the soft curve of her ass. The sleek skin, softer than any silk he’d touched. “So round and firm and kissable,” he murmured. And so far away from my mouth.

  On his knees between her legs, Hunter leaned down and licked one smooth cheek. The startled sound Jeanette emitted urged him on. Already Hunter recognized her sounds. The needy little whimpers and anxious groans were for his ears alone.

  He touched the cleft of her ass and stroked her intimately. “Only desire at my hands, never pain, sweetness.”

  She didn’t speak, but her body told him all that he needed. She trusted him. It was the type of confidence he hadn’t expected from a woman he’d met only hours ago, but he treasured it nonetheless.

  Hunter caressed Jeanette’s collarbone and shoulders, then moved to massage her long, elegant neck. Damn, so delicate and vulnerable. His teeth ached to nibble on the velvety-soft skin.


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