Accel World: Crimson Storm Princess

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Accel World: Crimson Storm Princess Page 10

by Reki Kawahara

  However, just there, Haruyuki’s poor vocabulary ended.

  Takumu looked at him with pain filled eyes, then patted him on the shoulder.

  “It’s fine, I too still enjoy «duels». Instead of that, master. I want to consult with you.”

  He turned toward Kuroyukihime and continued with a serious sound.

  “...Chii-chan’s possibility of being a Burst Linker, do you think it is really zero?”

  Compared to the wide eyed Haruyuki, Kuroyukihime almost did not change her expression, she tilted her head with ‘Fumu’.

  “...The first condition has been cleared?”

  “Yes, it should be.”

  Takumu instantly nodded.

  The first condition for being a Burst Linker is «to wear the Neuro Linker right after birth». Takumu’s was from his parent’s educational policy that is full of enthusiasm and Haruyuki’s was used to remotely monitor him since both of his parents worked, their condition was fulfilled.

  Chiyuri was raised in a family full of love, the newborn her had worn the Neuro Linker for a different reason from them. Chiyuri’s father was treated for throat cancer, so it was difficult for him to produce a physical voice. That meant Chiyuri was raised while hearing her father’s mind talk through the network.

  Takumu did not explain that far and Kuroyukihime also did not ask.

  “I see.”

  After consenting, she looked toward the direction Chiyuri ran off to.

  “Actually, the second condition... «Brain reaction speed» does not have a rigorous standard. There are people who were bad with VR games that have installed Brain Burst. However, making someone into a Burst Linker without confidence could be said to be a large gamble.”

  “G, gamble...?”

  To Haruyuki who repeated what he heard, Kuroyukihime gave him a look with meaning and nodded.

  “Right now, Brain Burst’s copy and install... that is the privilege of a «parent» making someone a «child», is limited to be only once. And that privilege, even if the installing failed, will be lost and never return.”

  “O, once!?”

  Haruyuki involuntarily shouted, then he hurriedly held his mouth. He lowered his volume, but continued in haste.

  “B, but then, the number of Burst Linkers won’t increase by much. The people who retired after losing all points and the new people who joined... would at best be even...?”

  “That means, Haru.”

  Takumu who already knew the «once rule», pushed his glasses up and said.

  “I think the unknown administrator who manages Brain Burst, that the current number of people... about 1000 people is set as the upper limit. A limit to keep «accelerate» technology concealed, that is.”

  “Th... that might be the case... but even as it is right now, the day that the secret will be found out will absolutely come right? Now Chiyuri almost knows about it. If... if that administrator is the developer, eventually the existence of Brain Burst will be exposed to the world and of course then the Neuro Linker would no longer be able to use accelerate function, if he operates while already factoring that in, that guy... what is his goal anyway?”

  Haruyuki opened both hands and looked at Takumu and Kuroyukihime one after another.

  “Since, we... don’t pay to play the game. I have never seen any advertising either.”

  For many net games in the world, their profit structure is mostly of two different types. Monthly fees or item sales to users for money, and a flood like spread of contracted business advertising in the game, one of those.

  Brain Burst is unmistakably a net game and also with the «accelerate» technology, thus giving its users extraordinary privileges. With the price of zero, so no matter how you think of it, it does not fit.

  Hearing Haruyuki’s fundamental questions that were way too late at this time, Kuroyukihime had a slight wry smile.

  “Thinking about it is useless, Haruyuki-kun. To know that, you have to reach level 10 and hear it from the developer directly. However, I can say two things in confirmation. First, like you said earlier, the accelerated world probably cannot continue as it is forever. Eventually its secrecy will be lost, and the time when all Burst Linkers disappear will come. And the other point... the day that we will pay the proper price for the special privilege of «accelerate» will come. Or maybe...”

  What’s ahead, did not come with a clear sound, it was stuck with slight trembling lips.

  However, Haruyuki while blowing white breath in the cold morning air, seem to be able to see the short words.

  ‘- Or maybe, we are already paying for it.’

  Kuroyukihime looked at Takumu with a short laugh.

  “We went off topic. About Kurashima-kun... I think her chance of becoming a Burst Linker is pretty low, however there is worth in trying.”

  “Re... really, master?”

  To the wide eyed Takumu, Kuroyukihime nodded slowly.

  “Her physical potential is not low. Her earlier dash had a superb speed.”

  “Ah, she is in the track and field club.”

  After Haruyuki’s supplement, she murmured ‘Fumu’.

  “I see. ...For the brain, the circuits for moving the real physical body, is almost the same as the one for moving the virtual avatar. That means in Kurashima-kun’s case, her circuit ability might have fulfilled the required condition. The problem is her affinity with the Neuro Linker, which we can only try by force.”

  “Aha... but she can’t even do mind talk.”

  “For your case, you are way too specialized in the Neuro Linker side. Move your real body a bit more.”

  Kuroyukihime looked away from the immediately silent Haruyuki toward Takumu.

  “...Takumu-kun. If Kurashima-kun succeeds in installing Brain Burst, there will be a strong relationship between you two. As in «Parent and child». ...However, that does not always exist as a positive element, please remember that.”

  Haruyuki could not immediately understand the quiet but strongly said words.

  ‘Not positive... that means minus element? Between Burst Linker «parent» and «child»?

  What does that mean? «Parent» guide, and «child» admire. There shouldn’t be a dark side to that, isn’t that right? Different from the parent and child relationship in the real world. The father who threw away the crying young me and left the house, and the mother that doesn’t look at my face, nor talk to me, totally different from those. The parent and child in the accelerated world - between Kuroyukihime and me, there is a strong bond.’

  Haruyuki’s body momentarily trembled, and looked into the eyes of Kuroyukihime who stood right beside him.

  They, like usual, were filled with a gentle shine.

  ‘- No. Deep inside, there’s a somewhat sad... or more like, a fear like flash, that might just be me over thinking.’

  In that instant, in Haruyuki’s mind, since Kuroyukihime guided him to become a Burst Linker, a question he never thought about appeared.

  ‘Who was Kuroyukihime’s «parent»?’

  “...Ah, that is.”

  When he fearfully started to say that, Kuroyukihime said as if interrupting him.

  “Oh no, we have stood still and talked for too long. It’s the time that if we don’t hurry we might be late.”


  He hurriedly looked in the sky, it was becoming bright past the low clouds.

  “Uwa, it really is. If might be better to run a bit, Haru.”

  “Arg, spare me that.”

  As Takumu tapped him on the shoulder, and he shook his soft head, Haruyuki could not forget his earlier question.

  While he chased after Kuroyukihime who was already walking quickly, he wanted to ask that question again, but somehow the words did not come out.

  Rushing through the school gate right before the first morning chime, and determining that his Neuro Linker successfully connected to the Umesato middle school local net without a late count, Haruyuki left the other two.

r, even during morning classes, one thought kept circling around in his mind.

  ‘Why did Kuroyukihime say that there is a bad side to «Parent child» relationship for Burst Linkers? And why did she look somewhat sad at that time.

  I want to know. No matter what.’

  After the second class was over, and confirming that the virtual blackboard had disappeared from his view, Haruyuki started his Mailer without hesitation. With short words [Can we talk right now?], he typed and sent in 2 seconds.

  The reply came after 8 seconds. [Let’s meet at the local net virtual squash corner.], after reading that, Haruyuki sat deeply in his chair, closed his eyes and sang the Direct Link command.

  Between the 2nd and 3rd classes there is only 15 minutes, so the fairy-tale forest that is Umesato middle school’s local net was quiet. After confirming that his avatar’s short legs touched the ground, he aimed for a large tree standing on the outer edge and dashed.

  The leader of the bullies who forced Haruyuki to use the pink pig for avatar is no longer there, his underlings were now in hiding, so he could have changed to a more cool design anytime, but somehow did not have the chance, so he continued to use that. Kuroyukihime said ‘I like that also’ probably had influence on him.

  With that shape he bounced up the stairs carved in the tree trunk, when he jump onto the top floor with the squash game, he saw a slender avatar standing quietly in the center of the court.

  Deep black dress with silver edges. A similar colored parasol in hand, and on the back, black swallowtail butterfly wings with deep red lines running in them.

  Kuroyukihime, who looked like a dark fairy princess, turned her almost colorless white face toward Haruyuki and lightly smiled.

  “Hi. It’s been a while since I saw you in that shape. Lately we have just been talking in reality.”

  “...Senpai hasn’t been to the local net much, the fans of that avatar are feeling sad.”

  With about three times smoother voice than reality he replied, and Kuroyukihime’s smile changed to a wry smile as she shrugged her shoulders lightly.

  “Really, I was thinking of how eventually it would be nice to use a black pig avatar to match with you. ...Instead of that, what is it, that you want to meet and talk.”

  “Ah... about that... that is.”

  This time he faltered like usual, and Haruyuki tried to find the words.

  Thinking about it, so far he had asked almost nothing about Kuroyukihime’s private matters. And now suddenly, he is doing something like stepping his foot inside.

  To Haruyuki who hesitated after calling her out, Kuroyukihime showed a wry smile for a while, eventually the wings on her back waved as she moved. The bells on her parasol made a clear ringing chime.

  “...Haruyuki-kun. What you want to ask about, is my «parent» right?”

  Kuroyukihime murmured with a somewhat more mysterious silky voice than her actual voice.

  Without waiting for Haruyuki’s reply after he took a breath, she continued with lowered long eyebrows.

  “Sorry, but... right now, I cannot say that name. I don’t want there to be a chance of you contacting that person. For a legion master... and also as a girl. That might just be ugly jealousy.”

  While his avatar stood frozen, and his eyes wide, in Haruyuki’s brain a few thoughts flashed in his consciousness.

  With that speech, he understood some things. First, Kuroyukihime’s «parent» is still a Burst Linker existing in the accelerated world. And the other thing, is probably a female.

  While moving around soundlessly on the squash court, Kuroyukihime’s voice continued like a harp’s low tones being played with fingers.

  “...That person, was... to me, the closest human being. Continuing to forever shine brightly in the center of my world, or in other words driving darkness and cold far away, I believed.”

  ‘- That is just like what you are to me’, Haruyuki thought in reaction.

  “However, one day... at that time, that instant, I learned that it was a fleeting illusion. Right now that person could be said to be an existence as my arch enemy. Just like, this bottomless hate, was born the moment I met that person, I can only think of it like that.”

  The voice was controlled to be calm, but the fierceness of those words, it was unbelievable that they came from Kuroyukihime. The lowered eyes took a quick glance at Haruyuki who stood still, and a somewhat hollow smile appeared on the deep black fairy princess.

  “If possible, I want to fight with that person right now. I want to cut away her limbs with my sword, throw her on the ground, and while I enjoy her unsightly plead for life, cut off her head mercilessly. However that wish won’t be granted. ...Haruyuki-kun. Do you understand the conclusive difference between Burst Linker’s «Parent child» relationship, and the other for example «Comrade» or «Lover» kind of relationship?”


  After a moment of confusion, Haruyuki remembered that fateful day three months ago, the shining thing that Kuroyukihime held out. That is, the silver colored direct connect cable.

  “That is... «Parent child», without exception, know each other’s «reality».”

  “Yes, that is exactly it.”

  Nodding, Kuroyukihime stuck the tip of her parasol into the court.

  “To copy and install Brain Burst, two Neuro Linkers must be directly connected. At that time, the «parent» and «child» must face each other in reality, and also have a relationship that allows direct connection. That means, Burst Linker «parent child» relationship is strongest bond in accelerated world... at the same time, the strongest curse is created.”

  “Cu... curse...?”

  “That’s right. For example when «parent» and «child»’s path differ, and they have a fighting relation, that hate will definitely expand to the real world. I... right now, even with this much hate could not fight my «parent». Because that person, in the real world, can use overwhelming influence on me. - The proof of existence for a Burst Linker is «duel». To fight each other, we put our mind inside a Duel Avatar. Even so, only a «parent» and «child» cannot fight. What would you say that is, other than a curse?”


  Haruyuki whispered that, and tried to find words to continue. However, he did not think he can put the feeling swirling in his heart all into sounds that will express them.

  That’s why, he took a step, then another forward, and held Kuroyukihime’s left hand that was hanging down without any strength with his two round hands. For an avatar that is not supposed to have a temperature difference, that hand was freezing cold.


  The quiet voice was similarly cold.

  Probably, Kuroyukihime now is still suffering from her hunt of Red King Red Rider, forcing him to forever retire. And then to conform to that action, she must continue to make herself turn her sword against many Burst Linkers. Even if the opponent is her own «parent», or - «child».

  Her white hand touched his mouth, more like his big nose like pushing against it, as Haruyuki desperately tried to speak. ‘This is all I can convey to her right now’, while thinking that.

  “I said it yesterday too. I will absolutely not fight with senpai. Never become senpai’s enemy. If, for some uncontrollable reason that became the case... before we fight, I will un-install Brain Burst.”

  While the virtual sunlight came down the tree canopy with diagonal drawn lines, there was a long silence.

  Eventually, Kuroyukihime’s voice with a bit of returned temperature echoed, at the same time she hit Haruyuki’s round head with her parasol.

  “Fool, I should be the one to leave. You keep fighting. Compared to me, you who enjoy Brain Burst... «duel» way more, should stay in the accelerated world.”

  “No, absolutely no way!”

  Then, with a light sound the parasol fell down to the blue carpet of fallen leaves.

  On Haruyuki’s face while he was screaming like a spoiled brat - .

  Her right hand
smoothly caressed.

  When he lifted his head up, he was eye to eye with Kuroyukihime who knelt down at an unknown moment. At very closer range, her faint red lips moved.

  “No matter what kind of future awaits us, I will never regret choosing you.”

  At the same time as her speech, her two hands extended and hugged Haruyuki’s head to her.

  That was supposed to be a heavenly moment, but from his almost burnt out sensory signals, Haruyuki felt that an indescribable loneliness floated through.

  After school.

  Kuroyukihime and Takumu said they would drop off their things at their house first, so Haruyuki returned home by himself.

  He opened the front door while somewhat prepared for the worst, but today there were not any loud game sounds or any screams, so he said ‘I am home’ in a low voice and peeked in the living room, and saw the back of Niko sitting on the sofa.

  She was so quiet that he thought she was asleep, but soon she waved her small right hand. Haruyuki who came around to the front, saw the girl looking at space with her wide open big eyes - that means she is busy with her virtual desktop, he determined.

  “...I am home.”

  After saying it once more, Niko replied shortly with ‘Ou’, and instantly looked at Haruyuki.

  “What about the other two?”

  “They went home before coming here. It won’t be more than 20 minutes I think.”

  “Okay, we should be able to make it in time... Chrome Disaster has not started to move yet.”

  Haruyuki blinked to that speech. Somehow Niko with whatever method, can monitor the movement of «Disaster Armor» that is «Chrome Disaster» - the Red legion member «Cherry Rook» who was given that enhanced armament, for that purpose of course her Neuro Linker will have to be connected to the outside net.

  “, are fine with connecting to the Global Net? Since this is not Red legion territory.”

  To his involuntarily question, Niko showed a fearless smile.

  “Earlier I was «challenged» by a daredevil once. I blew him away in 10 seconds, and told him to tell other guys not to bother me, so it should be fine.”


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