Light in the Shadows

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Light in the Shadows Page 4

by Hillman, Eva;

  When things got out of hand at school, Maud was there. She had been a friend to Christopher all of her school life; she had been there, but Christopher didn’t realize she was there for him. Maud fought the teasing and bullying for Christopher. The two of them tried to stay away from the other kids. Also at school there was a boy named Eric who was the opposite of Christopher. Eric loved people and was always helping someone who needed him. He could not read very well, and didn’t like to study and he barely did well enough to go the to the next grade. Like Christopher, Eric went to school because he had to but did not enjoy it. Eric watched the bullying of Christopher and watched Maud try to stick up for him. Eric decided to finally to step in he and became a friend to Christopher and Maud. Eric and Maud were his only friends.

  Eric lived in a fourth-floor walkup with his single mother. She worked two jobs to pay their bills. Eric didn’t see her very much, but he kept their place spotless. Eric spent a lot of time running errands for the different neighbors that were in need. He needed them, and they needed him. With running up and down the stairs doing what he could for the neighbors caused Eric to become strong and fit. Being friends with Christopher and Maud he felt liked he belonged.

  Christopher realized that Eric needed help with reading and knowing how to study. Christopher started tutoring Eric. Maud and Christopher and Eric were together all the time. With Eric as their friend the bullying stopped. Because the bullies knew they would answer to Eric. Eric never hurt anyone, but the bullies didn’t know that and wanted it to keep it that way. As they grew older Christopher knew he loved Maud. He didn’t say anything to either Eric or to his dad.

  Christopher was not sure what to do with the love and he kept it to himself. He had never thought about love before. He realized he wanted to be with Maud all the time. When they graduated from high school Christopher knew they would to go on to college, but he didn’t want to go alone, so he asked Maud to go with him. Maud had always loved Christopher. She had been worried about what would happen when they graduated. Now she knew her life was not for her but for Christopher. Together they decided what college to go to. They knew they would go as man and wife.

  Eric’s mom, Edith met a man who loved her and could provide her the stable home she had always dreamed of. She would not have to work and, so she could be home with Eric and keep house. They would have to move to Tom’s home, which was in a different city. Eric didn’t want to leave with them, but he knew he would do anything for his mom. She had worked hard to keep them together and she deserved a great life. Such a joyous wedding! Eric loved to see his mom happy and settled. It was a very hard for him to leave his friends.

  Because of Christopher and Maud, he had a very wonderful school life. Eric was a very smart person and he knew somehow, he would be able to take care of himself as well as a wife when he found the right person. He had grown up to be a very handsome man. He was a big man and a gentle person. There wasn’t anything Christopher or Maud could ask him for he would not try to provide for them. Somehow, he knew Christopher and Maud would be together always. Eric knew he would go to college to complete his education and to make something of himself.

  When he found out which college Christopher and Maud had chosen, he decided to go there also. Eric’s new step dad, Tom told Eric he could go to the college of his choice and he would take care of everything. He loved Eric’s mom and he thought Eric was a very special person and wanted to help him in any way he could.

  Christopher told his father, Paul where he wanted to go to college and he also told him about Maud. Paul was very surprised and wondered how all of this had happened without his knowledge. They sat down and had their first real talk; they talked for hours. It was a lot different from their normal lives. They found out they really liked each other, not as father and son but as friends. Christopher’s father said he would give Christopher and Maud a wedding of their choice. Christopher said he wanted a very small wedding with just a few friends. He knew Maud would be fine with what he planned.

  After talking with his dad Christopher caledl Maud and asked her if she would go with him that morning.

  She asked him, “Where are we going?”

  Christopher said, “It is a surprise.”

  Maud thought about it for a minute because this was unusual for Christopher to plan. “Of course, “she said “I will go with you anywhere.”

  Christopher picked Maud up and they went to the jewelry store. Christopher said to Maud, “pick what would like for an engagements ring as I am asking you to marry me.”

  Maud knew this would happen eventually, but she was so surprised, she just starred at Christopher.

  He said to her “I do love you very much and I know I have always loved you. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you always at my side.”

  With tears in her eyes, Maud said, “of course I will marry you and will be very happy to be your wife.”

  They went to the counter and Maud saw a very lovely diamond ring. The diamond was not very big but it was exquisite and had a softness that touched her heart. That is the one she wanted for herself and for their marriage. With all the love in the world behind the purchase of the ring Christopher put the ring on Maud’s finger and gave her a kiss. They were engaged, and they were happy they would always be together.

  During college Eric met a wonderful girl and fell in love. Jen loved him in return. Jen grew up in the same area Eric’s dad lived so Eric and Jen decided to settle there also to be close to both of their parents.

  Eric and Jen had a wonderful wedding. Christopher and Maud went to the wedding and could see how Eric was happy. What a great friendship they had. They loved each other and now Eric’s wife, Jen was glad to meet Christopher and Maud. She knew Eric loved Christopher and Maud and was pleased to see they were okay with him now. He now had a good job and he and Jen bought a spacious house close to his mom. Eric wanted to be close to her and would be there if she needed him.

  Eric and Jen were very happy together. They were both working, and they thought maybe someday they would have a family, but not now. They loved being together and they loved working on their home to make it one of the most beautiful homes in the area. They spent hours planning and researching how to make their home unique. It was what they did. For them it was fun to make their home unique.

  After college Christopher and Maud went back to their hometown and bought a house. The wanted a home of their own they wanted to settle with just the one home for them. Neither one of them wanted a lot of extra things; they just needed the basic. Lots of love went with them into the house. Little by little they were able to furnish it. Maud loved to cook and although she had a college education they decided she could stay at home and not work. Christopher had a job with a government agency within the defense industry. It was close to home and it suited them fine.

  Christopher was hired to research a formula that would destroy the nuclear waste that was generated by a nuclear power plants. Maud and Christopher’s lives became routine like many other newlyweds. She stayed at home and he at work, but Maud needed something else and they decided to have children for her to take care of. When she became pregnant with Beth they were so excited.

  Much of Christopher’s time had always been work and now he knew there were other things to be happy about. He told Maud a child to be with us, now we have everything. Beth came into the world on a cold December day and Maud and Christopher thought there was never enough love to give her. They named her Beth Grace. Christopher told Maud she is the most beautiful person in the world. Maud agreed.

  With the three of them in the home everything was perfect. Maud agreed. Christopher spent more time at work, although he planned to be home more. He loved his family very much, but he had been researching a new plan and thought he was close to finding the answer. He needed to stay with the research and he didn’t want anyone to know what he had discovered. Christopher knew if this plan got into the wrong hands it would be worth more than many millions. He
needed to finish it and get it to the right people.

  Christopher only told Maud. How great was the secret? Maud and Christopher stayed with their baby and didn’t make many friends to protect their secret. They thought they could raise Beth without her knowing what Christopher was doing. Most of the people in the neighborhood knew Christopher and Maud just liked to be alone and they were not invited to parties or barbecues.

  Despite the isolation they did not care. They had each other and the baby was enough. Several years went by with the job and the marriage the same. Christopher and Maud thought they had a good life and they loved Beth and each other. Christopher made good money and Maud was not one to spend it at all. They didn’t need anything more but soon Maud found out she was pregnant. They really hadn’t planned for another baby but thought it would be good for Beth to have a sister or a brother to be with her in their home.

  When Chris was born they thought they it was impossible to love another child like they did Beth. But they loved Chris just as much and they were happy with their family. That is what a marriage is supposed to be. Christopher told Maud you have made me happy that there is no way to say Thank You. With just my dad and me growing up it seemed like that would be all there was for my life. Now I have everything. A wonderful wife and two beautiful children.

  With the family in mind Christopher kept working knowing his job was important for his family. Christopher didn’t realize how serious his job was. Maud and he had visitors at the home and at work. It kept their lives more secret that they had thought it would. But no matter what the job seemed to be they wanted the best life for their children. Beth and Chris needed to know they were the same as the other kids they grew up with.

  The lives of the best friends became routine into their respective homes. The two couples were happy. They would like to live close to each other. But they kept in touch. They were both busy and didn’t visit each other as much as they thought they would, but they loved each other a lot and figured that eventually they would spend more time together. One winter day Maud got a phone call from Jen. Eric has been up on the roof putting up Christmas decorations and he fell off the roof. He was in the hospital and wanted to see Christopher and Maud. They found a baby sitter for the children to be cared for and went to see Eric. Christopher and Maud knew it was a terrible accident, but they thought Eric would be okay. When they got to the hospital room and saw Eric in intensive care hooked with the tubes, they knew better, he was not okay.

  Jen was there. She had been with Eric the entire time in fact Jen would not leave him. She sat by his side and when he felt like talking she was there. When he was sleeping she slept some as well. She was just there. Eric ruptured his spleen and during surgery the doctors found a large mass between the spleen and the liver. They were able to remove most of it but not all of it.

  The doctors ordered tests after the surgery, which showed Eric, had cancer and it had metastasized. Eric had taken such good care of himself, but he didn’t notice the changes in his body. The doctors told Eric he would only have a few months to live. Eric knew he and Jen could only be together for a little while and he wanted to do the best for Jen and his mother and stepfather.

  Eric was also concerned about Christopher and Maud. They were the most wonderful friends and they were always there for him. It was because of their help he was able to graduate and become successful. Eric didn’t want to leave Jen and he didn’t want to leave the life they had. It was a good life and he was sad it was ending. Eric took time to make a will and a trust for Jen.

  When Eric started working he purchased and planned everything. He had a lot of life insurance and had planned very carefully if anything happened to him Jen would be okay. After the surgery, when Eric started healing, he had more strength and he came home from the hospital and spent his time resting and a lot of time talking to Christopher and Maud. What memories they had, and they talked about them all. They also talked about the future. Eric didn’t say he knew there would be no future for him and Jen didn’t say anything either. They were joyous to be together and spend time with each other.

  Christopher and Maud knew they had to be with Eric as long as they could. He could get around some and they went out to eat at one of Eric’s special restaurants, but mostly they stayed at the wonderful home Eric and Jen put together. They spent a lot of their time in the den just talking and so Eric could rest. Eric got weaker and needed to stay down more. The hospital bed Jen had delivered for him was put in the den. He was able to be there with them. He was in a lot of pain, so the doctors gave him morphine. When he used the morphine, he went to sleep and most of the time he didn’t use it because he wanted to visit with his friends. Christopher and Maud knew Eric’s pain was getting worse and they would have to leave, as Eric would use the pain medicine.

  As Christopher and Maud were getting ready to leave Eric spoke up and said to them, Christopher and Maud no matter where I am I will always be there for you. I will always be in your lives. For all the time Christopher and Maud had been there Jen knew it was the best thing that could have ever happened to Eric. He loved them very much and it was very special to have the time together. Both Christopher and Maud hated to leave but they needed to get home to their children and job.

  They were glad they came because of what it meant to them and Eric. All the way home Christopher and Maud were very quiet. They were mourning Eric already. They knew they would not see him again. Christopher told Jen before they left; they would not come to the funeral for Eric. Jen was okay with that. She knew these were the best friends anyone could ever have.

  During the time they were with Eric Christopher used his computer and worked some when he had the chance. He knew somehow, he would find the answer he wanted to find. He thought of all the things he and Maud could do with the children when he finished this project. He had been told he would get a large bonus when the project was finished. Christopher knew that when he finished, and he had the bonus things would be different. He was excited about finishing it as the entire world could use the results of his findings.

  Sometimes Christopher dreamed about what they would happen when he was finished. They would take the kids on a great vacation. They would take them to places none of them had seen before. How exciting would that be! Beth and Chris were growing up and it seemed like everything was going well. Then one-day Christopher didn’t come home from work. The last time Christopher was home he knew he had the answer. He had the formula he had been working on for many years, but he didn’t say anything to his family. He was pleased that the next time he came home it would be with the good news about the formula and the bonus. Then they could plan their vacation.

  In the meantime, he needed to hide the formula. He knew that without a doubt the formula had to be used for good and not for evil. He was scared about who he worked for and wondered if there was a leak. Was there someone that knew what he was doing and watching him? It was important for Christopher to know the formula would be used for good and not evil.

  The next day when he went to work he tried to work as usual, but Howard asked him to come into his office because he needed some information about a prior project. As Christopher walked into Howard office he walked up to him and stabbed him with a needle. It was fast that Christopher couldn’t stop it. He collapsed. He wasn’t dead, but he was unconscious. Howard was not very well liked at work because he knew everything. Howard interrupted his coworkers as he thought he knew more than most and he would always start telling his coworkers whatever they were talking about. It got to the point that most of the coworkers avoided time with Howard if possible. Howard was very smart man and he knew his work and he did a good job and he solved some major problems assigned to him.

  Howard went into the office where Christopher always worked. He looked around thinking he would find the formula. He went to the computer and it wasn’t where he thought it was. Then he looked though Christopher’s files. Howard knew it was just a matter of time before he found it, but he
had to be careful. No big hurry because he didn’t want anyone else to know he was spying on Christopher or he knew about the formula.

  Howard realized he would have to move out of his office. He wanted to ask him about the formula, torture him if he wouldn’t tell him. He needed a place to accomplish this. In the meantime, Howard kept working on his own project in the next station. He didn’t want anyone else to know what he was doing. Howard knew he could sell this formula for lots of money and he could make it look like he had discovered it. Howard put the drugged Christopher into the laundry cart and covered him up with lab coats and towels

  He took the cart in the elevator to the basement and found a hiding place by the furnace. He dumped Christopher’s limp body on the floor and gave him another shot. Christopher was unconscious, and the drug would not wear off soon. The people in charge of the building and all the other projects were the only ones that had spent time with him. He treated them differently because it meant his job. He needed this job and he could learn what Christopher was doing and to know when Christopher solved the project he had been working on. He just kept watching hoping no one knew he was aware of what Christopher was doing.

  When Maud came to talk to Christopher the next day, Howard knew he would have to do something about them both. He talked to Maud and told her that Christopher was working on a project away from his office; Howard would take her to Christopher, then she could talk to him. They got in to the elevator and before Maud got a chance to ask Howard about what they were doing Howard told Maud to talk to Christopher and he would explain it all. He led her to the basement and before Maud got a chance to ask Howard about why they were there, he was ready with a syringe, just like he used for Christopher. She collapsed, and Howard put her body in the same place as he put Christopher’s. Howard went back to work,

  Howard kept working for a while and watched everyone leave. He often worked late, and then no one suspected anything. When he was sure the building was empty, he went to the basement to get Christopher and Maud. He wheeled the laundry cart to the car Maud had driven to the plant.


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