Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 4

by Ami Snow

  “Shut the door please,” he said from his seat. He was typing on his computer and didn’t even bother looking up.

  “And sit down.”

  Biting my lip to keep from saying something rude, I shut the door and walked to the chair across form his desk. Sitting down I adjusted my skirt and crossed my legs. He kept typing and I waited patiently wondering what he wanted. I noticed him watch me shift in my seat. He licked his lips and pulled his glasses off of his face. He wiped his eyes before he looked at me. I could tell he was tired, and he looked stressed.

  “You’ve been here for a few weeks now.”

  “Yes,” I replied shifting again getting more nervous. It was like he wanted to make me squirm

  “Do you think you can handle all that’s expected of you—plus more?”

  I sat up straighter. “I think I’m managing well.”

  He nodded and I couldn’t help but smile. That was as good as a compliment coming from him.

  “Do you think you could handle it outside of the office? Keep me organized, and stay on top of everything I have to do in a day?”

  “I do.” I sure hoped so or I’d be toast.

  He nodded again and leaned back in his chair. Everything about his posture would make a person think he was relaxed. Only I noticed how he gripped the pen in his hand and clicked the top incessantly. “I need to travel to vineyards and promote my new brand, and I’m going to need you to come. You’ll be with me every step of the way organizing the day to day activities. I’ve already got the events planned and most of it scheduled. I’ll need you to stay sharp and focused to help keep me that way. Can you do that?”

  I gulped. I knew travel was a part of this job, but so far he had yet to speak with me about anything other than what I was doing in the office. “Yes.” I wasn’t sure, but I had no choice. I knew I could handle the work, but I wasn’t sure if I could handle him. He was overbearing, aloof, domineering, and worst of all; he was the sexiest man I’d ever met. Most women swooned at his feet, but I cowered in the corner. My friends referred to me as a prude. I swear I wasn’t the only 24 year old virgin in the world, but they would swear otherwise.

  My boss was the first man I’d been attracted to in a long time. He made my heart beat run rapid and my pulse went erratic anytime I knew he was in the office. Life had become more complicated. He was the first man I’d fantasied about; the first I was almost willing to put my morals aside for—if only he would ask.

  He narrowed his eyes at me as if he knew I wasn’t 100 percent sure. “I need you to do this for me, Ms. Emmet. You’re ability to complete this will determine whether or not you keep your job.”

  I rolled my eyes tired of the stuffy professionalism he used. I was the only he didn’t call by their first name. “Please call me Neva. If we’re going to be spending time together I think we should graduate to a first name basis.” I uncrossed my legs only to switch and cross them the opposite way. His eyes followed the movement.

  “Fair enough, then you may call me Lucas.”

  “Fine, Lucas. When do we leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  My eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope,” he replied making the word pop.

  “Well, then I guess we better get all your plans in order then.”

  “I’ve sent you the itinerary, and the flight is ready. I need you to go home and get everything in order for yourself. Pack for three weeks away, and print off my schedule. If possible get my first few presentations ready for me.”

  I gulped. That was a lot to do, but at least I’d get to work from home and mentally prepare myself. Three weeks alone with this man was going to be the ultimate test for me. “Okay, what time do I need to be at the airport?”

  “I’ll pick you up at your apartment at 4:30 in the morning, and I expect you up and ready to go. I don’t have time to wait on you to pick out what shoes you want to wear.”

  The tone in his voice pissed me off. I hated when people made assumptions about me. “Yes, sir,” I said and saluted him with a glare. I couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of my voice. He really didn’t need to speak to me like I was some child.

  Heat flared in his eyes and he smirked. “I almost like the sound of that. No need for sarcasm.”

  “Then please don’t talk to me like I’m someone who’s worst dilemma is what shoe to wear. I am your assistant and I deserve some level of respect. I’ll be ready on time.” Then I stood and with one last glare turned and stalked out of his office. He didn’t stop me, and I felt his eyes burn into my back. I probably shouldn’t have been rude, but he showed me no respect, and I didn’t deserve his disregard as a responsible adult. Stalking to my office I grabbed my purse and left. I had a lot to do in a short amount of time, and now I knew I would have to work even harder to prove to him he could rely on me. I was young but I wasn’t stupid or unreliable.

  Chapter 2

  I’d set my alarm to two a.m. to insure I was prepared when Lucas showed up at my apartment. He wouldn’t have any reason to fire me. I needed this job, more than my self-respect. I wasn’t the type of woman who let people get away with treating me poorly, but Lucas had done that since day one.

  Things were tough, and my mom needed all the help I could give her. She was sick and the pay was unbelievable. Good paying jobs were hard to come by even with a degree.

  I showered and dressed in a pants suit and flats knowing it would be more comfortable for traveling. I’d already formed my apology for my bad attitude and hoped we could clear the air before we landed at our first stop. I didn’t feel I should have to apologize, but he was my boss after all. The trip didn’t need to be any more uncomfortable than it already was going to be. I wasn’t sure how we were supposed to work so closely together when we didn’t even like each other.

  I tied my hair back and let a few strands fall free. I wouldn’t admit that I was primping for my boss. It wasn’t professional, and I needed to get a grip. Anything I felt for him was superficial. He proved to me time and time again that he thought very little of me. I glared at my image and yanked a wash cloth from the cabinet and washed away the makeup before reapplying it like I did on a normal basis. This wasn’t who I was. I was a strong woman who didn’t focus on men. I never had and I never would. I was waiting for my forever man, and Lucas Conner was not him.

  Feeling better about my thoughts I finished getting ready, and at three o’clock went to sit outside and wait for my boss to pick me up. I didn’t have to wait long as a charcoal gray Porsche pulled in front of my building. I grabbed my bags and walked towards the car. Lucas met me on the sidewalk holding out a hand.

  “Let me get those for you.”

  “I’ve got it thanks.” I walked to his trunk and waited for him to open it for me which he did without a word. Lifting my bags, I placed them inside his car. He shut the trunk, and as I was about to walk to the passenger side of his car he grabbed my arm. I gasped and froze looking at him in shock. He didn’t let go but his eyes widened before he cleared his expression.

  “I’d like to start over.”

  I nodded. “Me too, I’m sorry about yesterday. I feel like you don’t like me much, and I’ve worked hard to prove myself to you, and you were talking down to me. I guess that triggers a bad attitude. So I apologize.”

  He rubbed his thumb on my arm, and I didn’t think he even realized it, oh but I did. His touch was electrifying, and I needed him to stop touching me. He dropped my arm as if he’d been burned.

  “I’m sorry too. I don’t like change, and I wasn’t sure if you could handle how high maintenance I am. I’m a busy man, and I need someone who can handle everything I throw at them. I’m not always nice about it.”

  “I can understand that, and Helen warned me, so truce?” I held out my hand and kept my face blank when he grasped it.

  “Truce,” he replied and his lip curled up into a small smile.

  He opened the door for me and shut it like a true gentlemen. I was glad w
e cleared the air. Maybe things would run smoother between us. I could only hope for the best because being close to him did things to me. Things I refused to acknowledge.

  Lucas groaned and walked to the other side of the car. She was too damn sexy and he didn’t think she was even aware of how appealing she was. She wasn’t wrong when she told him he treated her badly, because in truth he did, and even when he tried to stop himself from being an ass it didn’t work. It was the only way to keep her at arm’s length. Yesterday when she’d stood up for herself and then walked out on him, he’d been pissed as hell—and turned on. Most women didn’t argue with him or call him out when he was a dick, but she did. It was a nice change. He shouldn’t have touched her, but her skin was so inviting.

  He slid into the car and pulled away from her apartment. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to spend three weeks with this woman, but he needed her. He always knew he was terrible at keeping track of important things, and she was the key to him not fucking up. His new brand needed to bring in new customers and more revenue. Stressed was an understatement to how he felt at the moment.

  “You don’t need anything before we go to the airport do you?”

  “Nope, I’m good and ready to go—on time,” she said with a smirk.

  He chuckled. He liked her spunk. “Today won’t be busy. We’ll get settled in the hotel, and you’ll have the rest of the day to relax and get ready for tomorrow morning. I’ll need my presentation set up and ready by the end of the night. Then it will be pretty much nonstop all day tomorrow. I have meetings and tastings until the early evening.”

  “I know I read the itinerary for the next few weeks as well as typed your notes and I have everything you need for the first week ready for you.”

  Damn that was impressive. She managed to get a lot of the work done in a matter of hours. Maybe he had underestimated her. He nodded feeling much better. She really did seem organized.

  He inhaled and whatever scent she wore had him hard. He nearly groaned. Being in such close confines with her probably wasn’t a good idea. His automatic attraction to her was the main reason he was so pissed to have to work with her. Lucas Conner didn’t do relationships, and she had ‘forever’ written all over her face. She sure as hell wasn’t the, 'no strings attached' kind of woman.

  He drove the rest of the way in silence. He wasn’t much of a talker and it was better if he didn’t speak to her. She changed him, made him want to know her, and that was why he was waiting for her to mess up on the job because then he could get rid of her and get her out of his head.

  Since she started working for him he hadn’t slept without dreaming of her, bent over his desk, his car, anywhere really; it really didn’t matter as long as he could have her. Never in his life had he woke up hard like he did when he thought of her. It was bad enough he saw her all day, but then he went and dreamed about the damn woman. He either needed to fire her or sleep with her. It was lust and he needed to get her out his system then he’d be fine or so he convinced himself.

  Chapter 3

  The cab dropped Lucas and I off in front of a huge hotel. I mean it was extravagant. I shook my head realizing who I was with. Of course my boss would have gone all out. He was one of those men who expected the best and got it. I wasn’t the type of woman that could be won over by spending an outrageous amount of money on material objects, but even I could admit it was nice.

  He looked at me as if he expected me to swoon, and when I didn’t I saw the look of shock shadow his features a few seconds before it was gone. I didn’t get why it mattered what I thought. Most of the time he even didn’t like me and he certainly didn’t hide his contempt for me. I wasn’t sure what he wanted from me. I was there to be his assistant.

  When I got out of the cab and would have gotten my own bags, Lucas beat me to it grabbing them the trunk of the car. Seemed he was going to take the truce seriously. Or maybe he’d finally warmed up to me. That was doubtful. I followed behind him in my own world. I was worried about leaving mom alone for so long, but the nurse promised to call me if anything happened. Needless to say my phone would be with me at all times.

  He signed in at the desk and kept going expecting me to follow, and I did. I was ready to finish getting him ready for the next morning so I could spend the rest of the night vegging out. All of his presentations were basic, and focused on the wine itself which was his job. We stopped in front of the elevator and he looked at me seriously.

  “We’re sharing a suite. You’ll have your own room, but I want to keep you close.”

  I knew he didn’t mean that by the way it sounded, but I shivered anyway. Blushing I nodded hoping he didn’t realize. It made sense he wanted me close so we could work and go over his day to day events. He was going to be busy. “Okay.”

  He didn’t look away as if he were searching for something from me. My body flushed under his intense stare. He gave me a curt nod. “Okay,” he replied and focused on the numbers lighting up working their way to the ninth floor. The silent tension built between us and I worried it was going to explode, and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I knew I’d end up burned.

  The elevator stopped and opened. Lucas stepped out holding both of our bags. He led the way down the hallway to the very end. When he swiped the key card in the door and pushed it open I didn’t know what I’d expected, but the room wasn’t what I’d imagined. It was huge with a living area, kitchen and three other doors leading to other rooms. I gasped. It was ridiculous how gorgeous the room was.

  “Do you like it?” he asked, and my first thought was that he sounded too close. I spun around and he was standing behind me smiling.

  “It’s beautiful really. I wasn’t expecting to stay anywhere like this—ever in my life.” It was true. I was part of the low- middle class. There was nothing fancy about my life, but that never bothered me, until that moment. For the first time I wished for more, and that didn’t sit well with me.

  “I’m glad. I figured you’d be more comfortable in your own space. I know you don’t really like being around a lot of people.”

  I wasn’t sure how he knew that, I’d never told him anything personal about myself, and he hadn’t asked.

  “Thank you.”

  Our eyes locked and the more I stared, the more I realized there was something shadowed in his. There was more to Lucas Conner than he showed to others. The world saw him as a rich playboy and a hard ass that spent his whole life working. It was true he worked nonstop but the other stuff, well maybe it was gossip. I was softening to him and I didn’t like it. If I softened I’d be the vulnerable one.

  He leaned in towards me and for a minute the thought of him kissing me froze me, but then my mind kicked in and I backed away shutting him down. I knew I looked shocked and my eyes were wide as my body froze not sure how to react.

  His eyes flared and his cheeks turned red. “Sorry,” he said roughly and pointed. Your room is over there. Then he spun and left the room slamming the door behind him. Apparently he’d lost his head and was pissed, and I wondered if the truce was no longer in affect. Shrugging my shoulders I went into my new room for the next three weeks and shut the door.

  Lucas was pissed. Not at her, no she was perfect and he was glad she pulled away. He lost himself in her eyes, and all he wanted to do was kiss her. The burning need still filled him, but she shot him down. It was the first time a woman had ever done so, and he found he didn’t like it at all. Especially because of the fact it was Neva.

  He thought she wanted him to kiss her. The way she looked at him with such longing, but apparently he’d read her wrong. He sat at the bar and ordered a shot. He’d need it to face Neva again. What was it about her that had him tied in knots? Clearly he’d lost his goddamn mind.

  After the third shot he scrubbed his hand down his face calling it a night. She would be asleep and he wouldn’t have to face her until morning, and then they’d be too busy for him to worry about what happened. He hoped she’d leave it alone, but
she didn’t seem to be the type of woman to let something like that go. He dreaded seeing her. Maybe this was the perfect reason to get rid of her. He’d find her a new job of course, since it was his own damn fault. Just when he was beginning to appreciate how quick she worked.

  Lucas knew better than mixing business with pleasure. It always bit him in the ass.

  Chapter 4

  Lucas didn’t come back. I waited for a while to see if he’d come back after he calmed down, but an hour later he hadn’t showed so I brought out all of the things he would need for the next three weeks. He needed several different displays and it was something I waited on doing to get his opinion, but once he left he didn’t come back, I couldn’t hold off longer. I was tired of putting off the work. He’d have to deal with what I chose.

  I’d made up the goody bags and ‘thank you’ cards. He was already well known because of his family’s company, but this was him striking out on his own. He needed to stand out, be a different than the typical Conner. Catch wine lovers’ eyes and let them know he was his own man.

  I was tying the last ribbon around the scented bubbles all the guests would receive. The bottles were shaped like a wine bottle, and they were wearing Lucas’ labels. It was an idea he approved right away which surprised me. The door opened and opened slow. I ignored him and kept working. Running out like that was a dick move. He tried to kiss me, and then he ran away. I wasn’t sure what the hell to do, but I had plans with him tonight. We had a lot to prepare for, and I ended up doing it all myself. He walked into the room and groaned. I kept my back to him fuming.

  “I’m so sorry, I forgot.”

  His words slurred and I knew he was drunk. Lovely. I ignored him and moved to the other side of the room where everything was set up. He stepped behind me and sighed.

  “You did all this?”

  I spun on him and poked him in the chest not caring that he was my boss. “Yes I did. I finished the job we were supposed to do together, but because you got pissy and walked out I was stuck making the decisions I wanted your help with.” I don’t think I’d ever been so mad. My face flushed and my body shook. It was then I realized how little I was wearing, and how much my body craved him. And he realized it too.


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