Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 42

by Ami Snow

  “I’ll definitely think about it. I’ll have to talk with Kelly as well, before we make this change, but I’m definitely interested. How about I come by your office on Monday with our budget and needs. Then you’ll be able to tell me more about what my job would entail and the benefits of working for you.”

  “Sounds good,” John said. Standing, he offered Kevin his hand. “We’ll talk some more on Monday.”

  “Terrific,” Kevin agreed. “Kids, come out and say goodbye to John before he leaves.”

  John watched Kevin’s three kids, two boys-Jackson and James-and Justine all come out onto the porch. Jackson and James gave very male, one armed hugs and fled back into the house. Apparently they were in the middle of something important, like video games. Justine, however, stood waiting her turn, looking like a lily among the thorns. John felt her arms wrap around his back and then her hand slid into his back pocket. “Have a good night John,” she purred close to his ear. He had to swallow twice just to breathe right when she finally released him.

  “I’ll see you Monday,” Kevin said, waving as John hopped into the cab of his truck. He didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until he was at the stop sign, an entire block from his best friend’s house. When he got home John stripped and climbed into his comfortable sweats. Hearing a rustle in his jeans when he tossed them on the dirty clothes pile he dug in his pockets and found a piece of paper in the pocket that Justine had put her hand in.

  When can I see you?

  The simple question caused perspiration to bead on John’s forehead. This was exactly what John didn’t need right now. It was bad enough that he couldn’t seem to think about anyone except Justine. Now the young woman he’d known since she was knee high to a grasshopper was sending him notes about getting together. Did she have any inkling of what Kevin would do to them if she and he took their relationship up a notch? He might as well start digging his grave right now if he looked that way toward her.

  John went to bed early, hoping the extra sleep would help him wake up refreshed. The last time he looked at the clock it was three AM and sleep was no closer to consuming him than it had been at ten PM. Throwing the covers back, John padded down to his kitchen and pushed brew on his coffeemaker. The strong scent of coffee was a welcome one as John sat down at his computer. He checked his incoming emails, worked on invoices that needed to be finished for the quarter and went back over all the transactions his business had done.

  With the weather warming up John knew that if he didn’t keep up with the accounts and other things, he’d be swamped. He was just about to shut down his computer when an idea hit him like a lightning bolt. He’d offered Kevin a job and would see that through, but sitting at his computer at nearly five AM, John knew that he needed a bookkeeper to handle the shit he hated doing.

  Opening his email, John sent a quick note to Kevin and then closed his computer, hoping exhaustion would work when an early night hadn’t.


  Monday morning dawned beautiful and bright as John slipped on his work boots. Today was a busy one and he was already thankful that Kevin was coming along for the ride. He made it to the office fifteen minutes before John was supposed to arrive and John pressed the brew button on the office coffee maker. He pulled out a packet of pre-wrapped pastries as well, just in case his friend hadn’t eaten.

  “Morning!” he called when the doorbell over the entrance door jingled. “I’m in the back.”

  “Hey buddy,” Kevin Bradley said, immediately going to the coffee maker. “Bless you John. You’re a man who knows the importance of caffeine and sugar this early in the morning.”

  “Dad?” John closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

  “Justine’s here?”

  “Yeah, I got your email about letting her keep the books for your business. Thought it might be good to bring her along and see if she’s interested enough to take the job.”

  “There you are,” Justine said adding a smile. “Good Morning John.”

  “Justine,” John said, overly uncomfortable. “You’re looking chipper this morning.”

  “Oh, well that’s because my dad told me I might have a job helping you two make this business flourish.”

  “Yes well, we’ll take it one day at a time for now,” John said, clearing his throat. “Kevin you can roam around if you want. It won’t take long to show Justine the ropes and get her started.”

  “Sounds good,” Kevin said, turning toward the door, his coffee and Danish in hand.

  “I wondered if you got my note,” Justine said, stepping closer to John.

  “I did, although I’m not sure what you’re looking for Justine.” John pulled out his office chair, motioning for Justine to sit down. “I’m your dad’s best friend, not to mention I’m nearly old enough to be your dad myself.”

  “Nearly,” Justine smiled. When she was seated, John quickly ran through the short cuts that would take Justine through the account books, client information and the other forms and such she’d need. “I’ll get your tax papers ready later this week if that works for you. I can only pay you minimum wage to start. Hopefully with your father along as well, we’ll be able to get much more work heading out way. The more work we turn in, the faster raises can be given out.”

  “No problem,” Justine smiled. “I’m sure we’ll figure out a payment system that will work for everyone.”

  “Yes well, I need to catch up with your dad. If you need anything just give us a call.”

  “I’ll see you later John.”

  “See you,” John said. He didn’t quite run out of the room, but he walked as fast as he could in the direction Kevin had taken.

  “Hey man,” Kevin said when John got close enough. “This is quite the warehouse you have here.”

  “It is, although it’s way too much space for my business. I can’t beat the mortgage though so I deal with it.”

  “Have you ever thought about building a partition and renting out the excess space?”

  “No, but now that you say it, that isn’t a half bad idea. You feel like helping me get it done?”

  “Absolutely,” Kevin said. “How’s Justine doing with the books?”

  “We’ll see how it goes. It’s her first day so I’m not expecting her to be super excited about getting everything figured out today. Thankfully she’s okay with minimum wage. With you coming on board though I’m expectant that not only will business pick up, but hopefully the raises will follow.”

  “I’m sure everything will work out.”

  “We’ll see,” John said, hoping his friend was right. John ordered the wood and drywall they’d need to partition the warehouse and two days later he and Kevin started in earnest, getting the large walls framed out.

  “So when’s your last day?”

  “I put my two week notice in as soon as I went to work on Monday. I want to do the full two weeks, mainly because I have an example to set for my kids, but if it ended today I’d be happy.”

  “Don’t blame you,” John smiled. “I always hated the last two weeks at any job.”

  “Yeah, they drag by like each day you get closer and closer to the gallows. I’ve never had a job that was like, yeah that two weeks went by fast.”

  “Except on vacation right?” John laughed.

  “Exactly man,” Kevin agreed.

  Four hours later the two men had most of the main wall framed out and ready to lift. Kevin said he knew a couple guys that could come help out and stepped away to give them a call, just as Justine was coming out from the office.

  “Hi John,” she said. John looked up and nearly swallowed his tongue. His best friend’s daughter was a knock out and she was about to take him down for the count. Dressed in a beautiful pastel blue sundress that accented the curves of a woman. John cursed under his breath at the ache in his hands to touch her.

  “Morning Justine,” he smiled, returning his gaze to the wall that lay prone on the floor. He felt her hand on his shoulder as heat swamped his system.
He was going to spontaneously combust if she didn’t move. “Can I help you with something?”

  When she knelt down John turned his eyes toward her, getting a healthy dose of her cleavage before her face smiled down at him. “You can take me to dinner sometime. Or you could just take me.”

  “Jesus Justine,” John breathed. “Your dad is standing right over there and he’s my best friend. You’ve got to, I’m begging you, set those pretty eyes for someone else.”

  “That’s the thing John, I don’t want anyone else. And considering I’ve wanted you for a while now I figure one of us has to take the step. I don’t mind it being me as I appreciate your friendship with my dad. It’s sort of a turn on that you’re playing hard to get. I’m ordering lunch for dad and me, can I get anything for you?”

  A pipe wrench to the head? John wanted to blurt out. “Whatever you order for your dad is fine with me as well.”

  “Alright,” Justine purred. “But I’m serious John. Now that we’re working together you need to take a step forward because that’s the only direction I know baby.” When her lips barely touch the corner of his mouth John had all he could handle trying to keep a hold on the hammer in his hand. The woman was going to kill him and her dad was going to volunteer to do it for her if he put his hands on Justine.

  Lunch went by smoothly and John didn’t see Justine again until she stepped out of the office and waved to them. “See you two handsome men in the morning.”

  “Alright sweetie,” Kevin said, distracted by finagling the lifting of the wall. It had taken fifteen anchor screws to make sure the wall would hold up against weight and stress, but with the help Kevin had called in, the six men were able to get the wall up and set in before anyone keeled over.

  “Thanks guys,” Kevin said, catching his breath.

  “She’s a bitch of a wall,” Carlos Montoya said, looking up to the top.

  “I should’ve done her in two stages in all honesty, but now that she’s up it’s not so bad.” John admitted. Taking out his wallet he paid each of the guys twenty bucks for their help. “We really appreciate it guys.”

  “No problem,” Carlos said, happy to speak for the other men. “You get to the point where you need more help, call us, we’re all good workers and having a schedule like yours would be awesome.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” John said, intending to do exactly that.

  After letting Kevin head home John spent some time looking over Justine’s work. His office smelled like her, he thought as he sat down to go over her figures. Not that he was totally surprised, but the amazing amount of work she’d accomplished in such a short time astounded him. She’d balanced his books, written down all the inventory he’d needed to catch up on. She’d even taken it upon herself to send in the inventory he’d intended to order this week. There was a note telling him to check his computer and another that said she’d be by early in the morning as she had some errands to run for a friend at the end of her workday.

  Flipping further through her work he found paystubs made out of him, herself and Kevin; all neatly done up for the end of the week. Smiling, John knew that he’d certainly found his new secretary and the clenching in his gut let him know he was in serious trouble now. He couldn’t just fire her, especially when she was perfect for the job. He cursed when thoughts of Justine swam through his mind. He’d simply have to let her know that there was no future for them. She’d get over her infatuation and move on and so would he. Maybe he needed to find a woman to take on a date. Maybe that would show Justine that there was just too much history and age between them.

  Chapter Two: Entanglements

  Justine stepped out of the shower and wrapped her warm body in a huge bath towel. She wrapped a smaller one around her kinky hair and sponged off most of the water. The dampness gave her hair the moisture it’d need to let the cream adhere to her thick black mass. Looking at the clock she saw that it was nearly midnight. She didn’t yawn, but she knew already that she’d be the last on to bed in her house, again.

  At barely twenty she wasn’t quite ready to live on her own financially yet, but with the job going so well for John, she had no doubt that within the next six months she’d be able to afford her own small apartment. She’d have to use second hand furniture for the kitchen and living room, but that didn’t bother her. Hitting up garage sales was the next best thing to window shopping and Justine knew where all the really good sales were. She’d start first thing this weekend when she got her first paycheck. Then she’d start saving every penny for her first and last month’s rent and security deposit. If she really pinched her pennies she might even be able to get herself a cat to boot. Smiling she spread lotion on her skin, pulled on her nightgown and was heading for bed when she heard a knock at the front door.

  Grabbing her robe from her door, Justine was tying it when she came downstairs. Peeking through the peephole she saw John standing on the front step and her heart beat skipped before she recovered. “Hi John,” Justine purred as she opened the door.

  He looked just as good as ever, Justine thought, enjoying the way the light caught his gorgeous blue eyes. He was tall and broad, with thick shoulders and arms that she knew would care for and keep her safe. He’d been a steadfast presence in her life for what seemed like forever and she couldn’t wait to feel his hands and mouth on her. “What brings you out to our place so late?”

  “I need to talk to you and the conversation isn’t one best done in mixed company,” John said, his tone serious. He stepped back as Justine stepped out on the porch and shut the door behind her. She walked to the porch swing and sat down. She waited until John sat in the chair across from her.

  “I’m all ears,” Justine said, smiling at his obvious discomfort.

  “Justine I’ve known you since you were a young girl, woman. Shit, you’d barely become a woman when I started getting to know your dad. I’ve watched you grow up and I’m proud of the woman you’ve become. You’re smart, sensible, compassionate, and eager, among other things. Your work is impeccable at the job and I appreciate you giving it your all, even when the pay stinks. This, infatuation you have with me, however, puts a serious strain on my relationship with your dad and you to be honest. You’re a beautiful young woman Justine and while I’m flattered that you’d think of me that way, I can’t give you what you’re looking for.”

  “And what is it I’m looking for?” Justine asked, putting heat behind her words.

  “You’re looking to sleep with me and we both know your dad would kill me if I touched you.”

  “My dad, seeing as I’m an adult, has no say in who I sleep with or don’t. He might not like it, but he has no say.”

  “That may be Justine,” John said. “But he pays for the roof over your head. Your clothes, food, entertainment, that all came from him until this last week and trust me, a week on minimum wage isn’t that much money, especially when you start paying rent and food and entertainment out of your own money.”

  “Alright John,” Justine said, slipping from her seat to kneel in front of John. “At least let me give you a parting gift before we call whatever this is, quits.” Her hands tugged at the snap of his jeans before he had the fortitude to grab her wrists.

  When he looked down at her, those beautiful, dark eyes were so full of lusty need that John couldn’t stop the erection that bulged inside his jeans. “We can’t do this Justine,” he said before her smiling lips pressed against his.

  The softness of her mouth amazed him and John took her deeper before he could stop himself. His hands slid down to her hips and enjoyed the flare and curve of them before he buried them in her hair. He tugged just enough to have her opening for him and sank deeper into the heat of her. Their tongues danced as John filled the need to touch her. His hands molded her supple breasts that his beneath the covering of her robe and nightgown. Still he could feel the way they grew harder for him and he rubbed the pad of his thumb over their stiff peaks, glorying in the way she moaned at her own pleas

  His mouth traveled along the slope of her jaw, nuzzling the flesh of her neck so that her breath caught in her throat. His hands tore at the ties to her robe, needing the warmth of her flesh. He pulled her nightgown up and yanked her body up onto his lap as his hands ran along the length of her thick thighs. Her creamy skin warmed beneath his touch and John buried his face the in the plushness of her gorgeous breasts.


  Justine knew that no man had ever touched her like this, with this level of hungry need. Her body was on fire as John’s hands roamed over her. The feel of his large, work-roughened hands on her skin was glorious and when one of those hands dipped beneath her wet panties to touch her, Justine couldn’t contain the eruption that echoed through her body. She came on a cry of pleasure before John’s fingers even found her warm pussy.

  She barely had time to recover before John’s hands pushed her up again, making her teeter on that sharp edge again. “Please take me John,” she begged, her breathless gasps muffled against the hot flesh of his neck. Her own hands were eager to touch in turn and Justine found the strong muscles of John’s abs and chest beneath his t-shirt. The curly hair that covered his chest only added to her arousal as the bulge in John’s pants pressed against her thigh.

  She could feel his heartbeat in the flesh of his neck and wondered at the pace of it. He was just as turned on as she was and one look into those gorgeous blue eyes and she knew he wanted this as much as she did. He just wouldn’t be the one to say it. That was fine with her as she intended to make him explode before they ended what was between them. If he was going to walk away, she’d damn sure make him remember how good she’d made him feel before he rejected her.

  Her hands found his jeans again as she slid down to her knees again. This time he didn’t try to stop her and she relished the feel of his massive cock in her hands. He was considerably more well-endowed, than she’d expected and the thrill that whipped through her at the thought of him filling her sent rippling sensations through her body. Looking up at him, Justine watched his eyes blaze when her tongue flicked out to wet the head of his hard cock. Then she only focused on how it felt to go down on him, taking the length of his massive member into her mouth. Over and over again she took him in, her tongue sliding hotly along his length as his hands buried themselves in her hair. She felt the pressure of his hands as he found his own rhythm, using her warm, wet mouth as the catalyst to orgasm. She increased the pressure of her lips and heard him gasp with pleasure, but when she would have finished him she felt him pull back and tug her to stand up.


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