Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 46

by Ami Snow

  Monday morning came before she was ready for work, but Tiffany couldn’t suppress the hope that Eric was as excited to see her as she was to see him. He’d awakened wants in her she hadn’t realized she’d had until he’d asked her out. She stepped into her office and smiled at the gift box that sat on her desk. The card for the flowers said simply, “I missed you.” She smelled the gorgeous lilacs and sighed before opening the gift box to find a dominatrix set with a BDSM for dummies book that made her laugh.

  “I was hoping you’d like it,” Eric said. Tiffany turned beaming eyes on him and smiled.

  “It’s definitely a very thoughtful gift,” she said smiling. “Can I thank you for it yet?”

  “Make it quick, I’ve got a meeting in about twenty minutes downtown.” Tiffany walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Smiling she brought her mouth to his and plunged them both into the heat as her hand took his and pressed it to the tight curve of her ass that was accented by the tight skirt she’d worn.

  “Thank you, for the flowers and the gift. Maybe I can use it on you soon.”

  “Tonight if you’re not busy,” Eric said, his stormy blue eyes full of the desire that stirred her own lusty need.

  “I’ve got plans with my boss,” Tiffany smirked. “I hope that’s okay. We can always schedule a rain check.”

  “How about you cancel with your boss and just let me come over and take advantage of that awesome kit you’ve got there.”

  “Hm,” Tiffany mumbled. “I’ll have to give it some thought. Why don’t you kiss me one more time just so I’m sure it’ll be worth it? Being my boss, I’m not sure he’ll be pleased.”

  “I think we should take the risk,” Eric smiled. “Playing hard to get can sometimes be beneficial to any relationship. Your boss is sure to notice. He may even give you a raise.”

  “Oh I have no doubt he’ll give me a raise. It might not benefit my finances much but I can bet I’ll be more relaxed when he’s done.”

  “Alright,” Eric teased. “Keep your plans, I’ll be sure to be on time.”

  “Good,” Tiffany said, grabbing his tie and bringing his smiling mouth back down for another soul smashing kiss. By noon she was steeped in paperwork for some ventures that Eric was looking into. Mondays were for Eric’s personal business and Tiffany took a renewed interest in the things Eric took time to care about. Had she ever really wondered at his generosity? If so she’d been an idiot. Going back a few months, Tiffany realized that nearly half of his paycheck went to charity. She wasn’t sure if he gave every two weeks as he got paid or if he did it in lump sums every few months, but either way, Eric Mathis was a very giving man with a big heart. She wondered how a woman like Cynthia could give him up.

  “I need to see my husband immediately!” came a voice from a woman standing in front of Tiffany’s desk.

  “Certainly Mrs. Mathis,” Tiffany said, keeping her voice even. Tiffany pushed the number one on her intercom and told Eric his wife was here to see him.

  Chapter Five: Dissolutions and Revelations

  “Show her in Ms. Richards,” Eric said, using her more formal name in the presence of his soon to be ex-wife. “Hello Cynthia.” Eric glanced at her, ignoring the urge to look at Tiffany. He didn’t need Cynthia to know about her and make both of their lives a living hell.

  “I need to know what the hell is going on Eric,” Cynthia said before turning to address Tiffany. “You may leave now.” Eric’s jaw clenched, but he kept his facial expression even as he waited for Cynthia to continue.

  “I’m going to assume for time’s sake that you’re referring to the divorce papers you received?”

  “You know damn well that’s what I’m talking about. Where did this hair brained idea come from?”

  “Cynthia, we both know that neither of us is happy in our marriage. We haven’t been together in years. You’ve been involved with whoever and I realized that what we had isn’t salvageable. I’ve come to terms with that fact. I want us both to be happy and I’m convinced we’ll be happier apart than we ever were together.”

  “You can have your divorce Eric,” she spat, daggers firing from her dark and angry hazel eyes. Eric remembered a time when he hadn’t been able to look away from them. He sighed, waiting for her to continue. “But you’ll give me two-thirds of your assets, not fifty percent.”

  “Done,” Eric said, his note of finality apparently shocking Cynthia into silence. “I’ll have my lawyer draw up the new paperwork to send to you. If that’s all I have a meeting to get to.”

  Eric grabbed his blazer, his briefcase and his keys and headed out of the office, leaving a stunned Cynthia to slowly follow. He waited patiently for her to catch up before he spoke again. “I’m sorry, if it matters, for the mess of our marriage. I realized a few weeks ago that I wasn’t the husband you needed or deserved. I really do want you to be happy Cyn,” Eric said.

  “Who are you?” she breathed, clearly astounded. “And where did you put my cynical and angry husband?”

  “I’m still the same guy and I’ll probably always struggle with putting my job before my family, but it’s something I’m learning to work on. It was nice to see you Cynthia, I’ll have those papers to you next week.”

  “Thank you Eric,” she said, at a loss to come up with anything else to say. Eric waived as his car pulled away from the curb and as he sat back and sighed, he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. In a matter of weeks he’d be free to pursue a whole new life and he had an idea that one young and gorgeous Tiffany Dansbury would be a very integral part of that new life.


  Tiffany closed up her office, shut the lights off in Eric’s as well and locked the main door behind her as she met Stanley, the security guard, downstairs. “Have a good night ma’am,” the elderly gentleman said. Tiffany often wondered if he was fit enough to be a security guard, but the nine millimeter pistol he kept tucked under his shirt gave him a serious advantage if anyone came looking for trouble.

  “Goodnight,” Tiffany returned. She was just about to get into her car when she saw Eric pull up along the curb.

  “Can I interest a beautiful woman in a ride home?”

  “Well I don’t know mister,” she teased. “It depends on what you mean by the words ride and home.”

  Eric laughed. “Get in the car and I’ll not only tell you, but I’ll show you when I get you to your apartment.”

  Tiffany smiled and slid easily into his passenger seat. He took her hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss over her fingers. “I missed you while I was gone today.”

  “I missed you to, but I hope that within the next few weeks I’ll be able to amicably settle my divorce. Cynthia agreed to two-thirds of my assets, including selling the house as neither of us wants the reminders that live there. I’m hoping to get at least a million out of it. That will go a little ways to cushioning the blow to my stock portfolio.”

  “Are you concerned that she’ll try to milk you for alimony?”

  “She may, but because I’ve been up front and more than generous with my assets, the judge should understand my not wanting to agree to alimony. I’m hoping Cynthia isn’t stupid enough to bring it up and is satisfied with the huge sum she’ll already be getting. She didn’t used to be a gold digger so hopefully that hasn’t changed.”

  “I hope so, for both our sakes.”

  “Worried for me darling?”

  “Yes,” Tiffany admitted. “And I hope you don’t think it shallow of me, but I like that you’re wealthy. I like that I don’t have to worry when we go out on a date whether or not I’ll have to pay for my part or both of us.”

  “Any man who makes a woman pay is garbage and should be dropped like a hot potato, in my humble opinion.”

  “Humble opinion huh?” Tiffany laughed.

  “Well okay, maybe not very humble, but I believe a man should work for what he has, that he should be able to keep it if he wants to, and that he should respect the w
oman in his life enough to treat her like a lady.”

  “What is she’s a whore?” Tiffany asked, playing devil’s advocate.

  “Well then, she gets her pay upfront of course,” Eric said, laughing when Tiffany’s mouth dropped open.

  “You’re terrible,” she chuckled.

  “Just honest darling, and since I’ve had a run in a time or two with professional working women we’ll call them, I know that they absolutely get their pay up front.”

  “Were you ever disappointed?”

  “Never, although I wasn’t paying them for myself. I had a friend in school who was so afraid of women that he’d get sick just thinking about talking to them. I paid a woman one time to talk to him. Then I paid her to screw him so he’d stop seeing women as an unattainable goal. He eventually got over his nerves and is now married with six children.”

  “Wow!” Tiffany exclaimed. “Six children? He must have learned a thing or two while he was with those women.”

  “I talked to the woman I paid after they’d been together. She said the first night he couldn’t do anything but ejaculate early. She said after about five times of that his body was so worn out that he didn’t have much left. The next morning she apparently took him while he was half awake. She said after that he was like a Casanova in bed. She actually thanked me before I left her room.”

  “Thanked you with words or deeds?” Tiffany couldn’t help asking.

  “Words,” Eric smiled. “I was never big on being with a man’s leftovers.”

  “Ouch,” Tiffany said.

  “I wasn’t talking about you Tiffany,” Eric said, taking her hand in his. “You’re my diamond in the rough and I’m thankful that you’re here with me. A woman who gives herself to multiple men for money is the leftovers I was speaking of. Who knows how many men have had her and money or not she’ll be all used up. A man enjoys a little intrigue in the woman he gets with. He doesn’t want to wonder who had her before him or worry about who’ll have her after he leaves. At least I don’t.”

  “You make good sense Mr. Mathis.”

  “Back to formal names is it?”

  “It was in my gift you bought me,” Tiffany smiled slyly. “I figured I’d try it out and see how much you liked seeing me in my leather and chains. Personally I think it’s going to be so hot!”

  “I can’t wait,” Eric said, pulling into her parking space. He walked her inside and barely shut her door before she had him up against it, her hot mouth plundering his. Within minutes their clothes were strewn on the floor in a trail that led to her bedroom. He barely had time to notice that he’d stepped into a dominant woman’s domain. When her door shut he watched with hungry eyes as she slid into the dominatrix outfit he’d bought her. When she cuffed his hands to her headboard and almost immediately started sucking his cock, Eric knew that his love affair with BDSM was just beginning. He hoped for Tiffany’s sake that she was up for learning much more about bondage, dominance and submission. He may even stick his big toe in the masochism part, although he already knew Tiffany wasn’t a huge fan. Still the idea of this sort of lifestyle was intriguing and a massive turn on.

  As Eric’s body began to respond to Tiffany’s wet stimulation all he could do was hope that she’d give him a reprieve after every session, because the way she was working him over left little room for losing control.


  Getting High with My Dad’s Best Friend


  By: Amanda Bolton

  Getting High with Dad’s Best Friend

  Chapter One: Invitations

  Jason woke to the blaring alarm and tossed an arm over his tired eyes. When the snooze went off for the second time he tossed back his covers and climbed from the bed. Shaking from the winter chill before he ever hit the bathroom, Jason started the shower while he peed. Stripping off his pajama pants, Jason stepped into the hot shower spray and made the most of the heat that seeped into his body. He kept the bathroom shut tight so that he’d stay warm while he dressed and finished his grooming routine before he ever opened the door to his frigid one bedroom loft. Sometimes he wondered why he paid out the astronomical sum he did each month, but anyone who lived in New York City understood that landscape was a luxury for only the wealthiest of tenants. Even the crappiest of apartments cost upwards of five to six hundred dollars a month and that was in the less than stellar neighborhoods. The crappiest apartments in solid, upstanding boroughs started at twelve hundred a month. Amenities tacked on even more and not all jobs kept up with that sort of cost of living.

  He was thankful his stationary business was starting to take off. He’d never imagined it when the idea first came to him that it would actually go somewhere, because he was sort of a pessimist at heart and believing that good things come to those who wait wasn’t a weapon in his arsenal most days. However, with some good investments and smart business planning, as well as, the help of his best friend Ben, Jason was finally seeing the fruits of his labor pay off. With Valentine’s Day coming back up, he expected his annual sales to skyrocket. There was something about women and stationary that hopefully would continue throughout most of his business lifespan. And what woman didn’t like getting a cheesy love note on some flower scented or special embroidered paper?

  Looking at the clock on the wall above his TV, Jason saw that he had about fifteen minutes to get to the café where he’d agreed to meet Ben for coffee. Ben was a number’s guy and had played a huge part in making sure that Jason’s budget would hold and stay intact while he bought inventory and leased a space for his business. He’d scouted countless places to set Jason up with and ran countless analysis to find him the perfect storefront. Jason knew that he probably felt too obligated to Ben for the success of his business, but he wasn’t going to stop looking for ways to pay him back, because in the end he never really could.


  Carla Danvers rushed out the door to climb into the warm car beside her dad. “Let’s go already,” she smiled.

  “You’re awfully chipper this morning,” Ben Danvers said as he put the car in gear and pulled out onto the street.

  “I’m getting coffee from the coolest coffee joint in the tri-cities and it’s going to snow today. What isn’t there to be stoked about?” Carla didn’t mention that she was going to sit across from Jason Platt who in her opinion was the sexiest man to walk the planet. She’d known him for a while now as he was her father’s best friend, but in the last year her attraction level had turned up at least a notch. One day he’d been Mr. Platt and then in the blink of an eye he’d been Jason and Carla was seriously hooked. She knew he was considerably older than her, being in his late thirties, but that didn’t mean anything nowadays. She was eighteen; that was what truly mattered, especially with the thoughts that often ran through her mind.

  She’d imagined their first time a million times. How he’d touch her, taste her. She’d dreamed of what it’d feel like to kiss him. As they turned into the parking lot Carla nearly jumped out of her skin with excitement. She already knew what she wanted to order. An extra-large white chocolate mocha with extra whip and a side of Jason. Although the latter part she’d keep to herself, for now. Eventually she knew she’d have to let him know of her interest. She expected him to balk at the idea, he was her father’s best friend after all, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be interested. She was a gorgeous woman after all, not that she was conceited about it or anything. But really, who could resist her?

  She stepped into the café and immediately headed for the counter. She ordered for herself and her dad, hoping that paying for both would show Jason how mature she was. At eighteen she was a legal adult and it was just about time he took notice that she had more to offer than just a joke whenever he came over, which wasn’t nearly often enough.

  “Can I get an extra-large white chocolate mocha and a medium coffee black,” Carla asked politely, placing her order.

  “Sure,” the barista girl said. Carla waited for their beverage
s and when they arrived she headed for the back table where her dad and the delectable Jason sat.

  “Here you go dad,” she said, sitting his coffee in front of him.

  “Thanks honey,” Ben said. He took a tentative sip and closed his eyes. “Best damn coffee on the planet.”

  “That it is,” Jason said, raising his own cup.

  “You boys go ahead and enjoy the tar,” Carla chuckled. “This woman’s diving into this sweet treat, as soon as it won’t scald my taste buds off.”

  “So Jason,” Ben said, returning to their conversation. “You said that you’re hoping the upcoming weekend will prove to boost your sales?”

  “Well obviously,” Jason agreed with a shake of his head. “But more than that I want it to get people in the door. Card and stationary sales are good, but if they come in the door they’re likely to find something that can go along with their stationary. I was also thinking about posing a proposition to some of the local florists to see if they want to get together for a package deal of sorts?”

  “That’s a great idea,” Ben said, sipping his coffee. “There’s nothing women like more than flowers and adding those to any gift packages you have will only increase your sales potential. And if they all say no, you can try some of the more independent flower curators in the area. You can post pictures to your site and then have the florists put together the baskets you need for shipping.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Jason said. “Not that I have a lot of time. I’ll type up some proposals and get them out today. If I don’t hear back in a week I’ll talk to the more remote florists.”

  “Good,” Ben smiled. “Let me know how it turns out. I’ll try to stop by and lay some ground work for you, unless you’d rather I didn’t.”

  “No, that’d be great. Thanks.”

  “Excellent,” Ben said, standing. “You ready to head out Carla?”

  Carla buried her irritation. She knew she should have driven herself, but what excuse would she have for that, or turning down the ride home? It wasn’t like she could just say, “Hey dad I want to stay here and see if I can talk my way into Jason’s pants.”


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