Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 49

by Ami Snow

  “Save a side for me once in a while.”

  “You got it lover boy.”

  Carla started working for Jason the following Saturday and eventually she did get used to her considerably huge bed. Her parents gradually accepted her relationship with Jason, such as it was for now. They weren’t expecting wedding bells anytime soon and both Jason and Carla had been adamant that things were moving slowly. They wanted to be sure and positive about their individual and coupled relationships before anything became more permanent. Carla knew it’d be at least five years before she was where she wanted to be. Jason would either wait or he wouldn’t. She’d be prepared either way because her parents had taught her to always rely on herself and that’s exactly what she was doing, even if she was enjoying a much more experienced man while she was at it.


  Fun and Games with Dad’s Best Friend


  By: Amanda Bolton

  Chapter One: Breaking the Rules

  Stacey McGinnis sat in church, her hands laid quietly in her lap. She listened to the priest give his exultations for the week and counted down the minutes until she was free to have time for herself. It’d be after Sunday supper of course, but that was only an hour and a half plus five minutes, give or take a few. She was starting a new job tonight and already anticipation sang along her nerves. Sitting still was her punishment for being impatient.

  The priest finally dismissed them and Stacey followed her parents from the Nave. On the way home there was the normal conversation about afternoon activities and the like. Stacey refrained from telling her parents exactly what she was doing. “Any plans for you this afternoon Stacey?”

  “Nothing major,” she said, already feeling the lie press down on her. “I got a new job downtown. It pays decent and I’m hoping the clients are nice.”

  “Clients? Secretarial work is a great profession to enter. I’m proud of you,” Mark McGinnis said, turning to smile at his only daughter. She didn’t bother correcting him. The longer he thought she’d be doing office work, the better. If he ever found out what she had really signed up for she’d be in for the ass chewing of her life. Not to mention he’d probably disown her. She hoped to save enough in the first six months to move out on her own. She needed her own place and privacy. She certainly wasn’t going to get that in her parent’s house.

  Dinner went as scheduled. Food was served, grace was given and the arguments over who was going to win the afternoon football game flew from her brothers to her father and back. Stacey asked if she could be excused as soon as she was done. “I need to get ready for work.”

  “Sure honey,” her father said. “Although, I’d prefer you not work on Sundays.”

  “I know dad, but it’s my first day. I didn’t want to start bartering for a fixed schedule right off the bat.”

  “Good girl,” her father said, as if she had agreed outright with him. She smirked and headed for her room. She chose her sexiest underwear and slid her most conservative outfit over the pastel set. She packed a new set in her purse and slipped into her high heels.

  “I’ll be home late,” she said, feeling exhilarated when she left the house. The drive downtown did little to relax her nerves. She was excited to be part of something that would finally give her solid footing of her own making. No longer would she rely on her parent’s for the necessities of life. She’d finally be taking care of herself. She sighed and turned the volume on her music louder, singing at the top of her lungs, completely off key and not giving two shits about it.


  Jack stretched his body, loving the way it released all the tenseness that had been straining his body for the last few hours. Turning into his own boss had him working hours that pushed him to his limit. Even on a Sunday he couldn’t take an entire day off. He left it to his first day of the week to work on paperwork that he neglected during the rest of the week. If he tried to do it during his actual work time it’d pile up on him anyway and cost him hours he could be sleeping. So Sunday it was that he sat down with his computer and spreadsheet to map out everything that had happened during the previous week and prepare for the one or two in the near future. He looked at his watch and saw that it was ten o’clock. Normally Sunday nights were his routine nights for getting his rocks off at his favorite escort boutique. He’d been frequenting it since its opening three years prior. At first he’d gone once-in-a-while to negate the sharp edges of a nasty divorce, but eventually he’d made it his weekly routine. He ended the previous week and started his new week with a sated body and an ability to think past the need in his body.

  Madam Charlotte had been his first experience there and even until this day he wondered if she did that with every man or if it was just men in his age range. She was beautiful no doubt, but age rarely lied and Jack knew his first time with her that she’d had plenty of experience. He couldn’t exactly complain. She’d been an excellent time and he’d returned with relative frequency until he’d decided to make it a sort of every Sunday ritual. Cassie had been a regular of his for a while in the beginning as well. She’d been relatively new and fresh as a ripe peach. Then he’d moved along to Rosita, a petite Latina who could do amazing things with her mouth when she put her mind to it. He found that with the right amount of money, he could usually persuade her. Lilly had come next and then Scarlett. He had no idea to this day if the names they used were their own. It didn’t really matter to him as long as they gave him the pleasure he paid for. He was thankful Madam Charlotte made sure all of her customers were satisfied. She kept her girls clean and rotated them during what Jack could only assume were their cycles. It was the only time he ever chose a new girl. Then he’d get hooked and stay with the new girl until she was out again. Thankfully Charlotte employed only the best and Jack never walked away wanting.

  Tonight wasn’t an exception. Showering quickly he pulled on fresh clothes, combed his hair and headed out. He’d been a big fan of cologne but most of the girls preferred just him and nothing else, so he’d started going without it. The fact that they seemed to find him incredibly sexy was a huge boost to his libido and his ego. The drive wasn’t long and he was already anticipating the leftovers of the night to come.

  Pulling into the parking lot Jack hit the brake, shifted his car into the right gear and climbed out. “Hey Jack,” the doorman said with a tip of his imaginary hat.

  “Carl,” Jack said smiling. Jack stepped into the iridescent glow of the reception area. The reds and pinks had been overwhelming at first, but Madam Charlotte changed the colors every month and Jack had become accustomed to the look. It set a certain mood and he had to admit that Charlotte knew a thing or two about that.

  “Hi Jackie,” the receptionist said with a sexy smile.

  “Candy,” Jack smiled. “I don’t suppose Rosita’s on the chart for tonight.”

  “She is actually,” Candy smiled. It’ll be about an hour, if you don’t mind waiting.”

  “I don’t mind spending the time, as long as I can talk to you while I wait.” Jack winked at her and Candy blushed. She wasn’t an escort, but she was fun as hell to talk to and Jack enjoyed flirting with her. She’d never given him any indication that she was interested in anything outside the shop and he’d never pressed the issue. Their flirting stayed within the four walls of the reception area and both he and Candy seemed to prefer it that way.

  Jack waited for a little more than an hour before he saw Rosita step out of her room. She came into the reception area and greeted Jack with a squeal and a kiss on his cheek. It was the one rule she had. She never kissed her men on the lips. He knew not all the women stayed with this rule, but he respected the ones who did and Rosita was his favorite of them. She was petite, with jet black hair that she would wear straight or kinky and still look delectable. Her body held a golden hue that reminded Jack of warm honey whenever he saw her. Even when he ran into the women he’d been with outside the boutique, he was always amazed that these seemingly normal wome
n screwed men for a living. He’d learned really easily to never judge a book by its cover.

  Chapter Two: Run-ins

  Stacey made it to work half an hour before her time started. Since it was her first night she knew that Madam Charlotte would observe her with her first client. Nerves skittered along her skin making her tremble as she got ready. She stripped out of her outfit and carefully folded it, setting it in the closet of her designated room. She’d been given the blue pastel room and had work a panty set to match that she hoped that man she was with would find alluring. She tucked her red curls up under her blonde wig as she got ready. Adjusting the brassiere and tight leather skirt she’d chosen, Stacey applied hot red lipstick to her lips, pinched her cheeks so her color would be high, fixed her insanely high heels and then stepped out into the reception area. She turned to the board and wrote her name down. She’d chosen Mercedes as her moniker, since Madam Charlotte insisted the girls use fake names. It hadn’t been hard to choose one. Mercedes was sexy and almost unforgettable. She hoped her clients remembered their time with her.

  The first man she drew was solidly built with enough muscle to make Stacey’s belly quiver. She walked Rex back to her room and allowed him to proceed her. He was easily in his thirties if not older, but he was handsome. His body spoke of the care he took to maintain it. Thankfully he wasn’t a fat slob who’d sweat all over her trying to get off. This man at least looked like he might give her some enjoyment along the way. If not, she’d fake it until he came and pocket the hefty price he’d pay for her company tonight.

  “I’m Mercedes,” she told the man who now stood in the massive room. Each room was set up relatively the same. They all sported comfortable, queen sized beds that were decked out for BDSM. Most of the girls said that their clients usually wanted some variation of plain sex, but occasionally they’d run into a John who wanted a little kink and according to Madam Charlotte they paid nicely for the privilege. “You have forty-five minutes from the time I start stripping.”

  The man took his time, thankfully. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to put up with someone who pawed at her as if she were the last chocolate bar on the shelf. She found him sufficiently aroused by the time she got done taking her clothes off and easily straddled him when he stayed in his chair. She looked into dark, need filled eyes and watched as his orgasm slammed into her. When he could move and breathe well, she pointed him to the bathroom that had its own discreet exit from the building should he decide to use it. She then retreated to her own bathroom to refresh herself. Having that half an hour was nice. She knew there were some places that barely gave you protection let alone time between clients.

  “You did an excellent job,” Madam Charlotte said from the doorway. “I’ve seen him here before and I guarantee after you, he’ll be back. I’ve never seen him so sated. I think a few more minutes and his eyes might have crossed permanently.”

  “I doubt it,” Stacey laughed, “But the thought that he enjoyed himself is nice. Isn’t that the service we’re supposed to be providing?”

  “Absolutely,” Madam Charlotte smiled. “I think you’re going to work out nicely, especially if you keep the clients as happy as he was when he left. She took out a two hundred dollar tip the man had left in advance and handed it to Stacey. “It’s for a job very well done.”

  “Well shit,” she smiled. “Thanks.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “Keep up the good work. Your next client should be ready for you.”

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Stacey pocketed the money and nearly jumped up and down. If her night kept up like that she’d be moving out in a much smaller time frame, which pleased her even more than the huge tip the previous man had given her. She also loved that Madam Charlotte was so awesome. She was slim for a woman her age and she’d obviously had her breasts worked on, but she kept the men coming in and that was exactly what Stacey wanted. If every man she had tonight gave her that sort of tip she’d be rolling in the money before long.

  She found her next client and smiled at him. He was in his forties, easily, his hair had the salt and pepper look of middle age and he was nervous, probably his first time here. She let him into her room and watched him look around like a child in detention for a minute. “It’s okay to be a little nervous,” she said.

  “I just…someone recommended this place and it’s wonderful, but…” the man said, his light eyes unsure. Stacey went to him and put her hands on his shoulders, pressing him down into a chair.

  “How about we start with a teaser,” she suggested. “If you’re still not sure after that we’ll figure something else out.”

  “Alright,” the man said, sighing. Stacey undid his jeans and slid her hand beneath his boxers. It was always astonishing to her when arousal slid into a man’s system. It changed them, that hot burst of testosterone that turned them into hot blooded sex machines. He stayed for the entire time and when he left Stacey made sure there was a smile on his face. He had even kissed her cheek. The tip he gave her was just as nice as her first man of the night.


  Jack watched Rosita move around her room. He’d paid for an hour and knew that when she got around to it, he’d be gloriously sated by her tiny body. The fact that she could accommodate him was always a thrill. He didn’t brag about his size, but for a woman as small as Rosita it was astonishing nonetheless.

  “You’re anxious,” she said in her heavy Spanish accent.

  “I always look forward to Sunday nights,” John smiled. “Especially when I get to spend that time with a woman as beautiful as you.”

  “Flattery is fleeting,” she chuckled. “But that doesn’t mean you should stop.”

  He chuckled and watched her small body start its foreplay. Just looking at her was wonderful, but when he got his hands on her small breasts and curvy hips, it was all he could do most of the time to pleasure her as well. Truthfully he wasn’t always sure she got off as well, but if she didn’t, she’d perfected the fake orgasm. Their time flew by and John fixed his jeans once again feeling himself again. Tonight he’d sleep like a new baby.

  “Thank you as always Rosita,” he smiled. He handed her a healthy tip and gave her tight bottom a nice smack that made her squeal. “I’ll see you next Sunday.”

  “Si,” she said with a saucy wink. “I’ll be here.”

  Jack used the bathroom exit and headed to his car with a considerably pep in his step. As he came around to his car he noticed his friend Mark’s car parked in the far end of the parking lot. He wasn’t about to head inside and strike up a conversation. If Mark was here, it was obvious he needed something Jennifer wasn’t providing at home and it certainly wasn’t any of Jack’s business. He slid behind the wheel of his car and headed home knowing that tomorrow would be the start of seven long days before he came back.

  Chapter Three: Lazy Afternoons

  Stacey woke up on Monday feeling as if her body had gone through one hell of a transformation. She’d taken four clients last night for her first shift and her sore body told the long tale. None of them had been rude or even overly zealous, but have four different men was sort of like a sexual marathon and she knew that she hadn’t properly prepared for it. After a long shower, one which made her brothers fuss endlessly, she ate breakfast and researched diets that worked well with the workout she’d be giving herself most nights. She’d arranged for Wednesday and Thursday to be her days off. She wouldn’t get a weekend night off for a considerable amount of time, but having the two nights off together would give her body the much needed reprieve it would need. She’d found that starting off with the blonde wig and trading it for her naturally curly, red hair was a kick to the client’s libido. She also found that giving head wasn’t nearly as terrible as she’d feared. Her third client from the night had been particularly fond of the practice and had even patiently taught her how to do it in a way that he swore made men crazy.

  “Giving a man head is like icing on the cake, before you ever eat it,”
the man had said. “It lets a man know that you aren’t just a hot dick tease.”

  She smiled thinking about the variety she’d seen just last night. Two of the four men had been buff and easily pleased. The third man had been appreciative of her mouth technique and the fourth, who’d been her oldest client had been surprisingly virile for a man who had to have been in his sixties, although she hadn’t asked. They didn’t question her about her life and she refrained from entering that much too personal space. Madam Charlotte had been impressed with her abilities and had bumped her to the second person on the roster. She’d get more clients as long as she kept up her current rate. She’d pocketed seven hundred dollars in tips and with the fifteen an hour she was making before taxes, she knew that in a matter of weeks she’d be able to move out. Now it was time to broach the subject with her parents.

  “Hi mom,” Stacey said, entering the kitchen with a smile on her face.

  “Hi sweetheart,” Jennifer McGinnis said, a welcoming smile on her face. “How was work?”

  “It was relatively easy,” she smiled. “Just getting used to my co-workers and the general routine of the office.”

  “That’s good,” she smiled. “Well you stick with it and you’ll have that place down before you know it.”

  “Oh I plan on it. I can’t pass up the money and the work is extremely satisfying.”

  “That’s terrific. I’ve always thought that a job should be enjoyable, otherwise it just feels like work.”

  “I couldn’t agree more mom,” Stacey said, grabbing a peach from the fridge. “Listen I know that we haven’t really talked about it, but now that I’m working for myself I’d really like to find my own place.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little early to be talking about that? You have even earned a paycheck yet. It’ll take you several weeks to earn up enough money to get set up so you can take care of yourself.”


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