Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance Page 52

by Ami Snow

  “Really?” Her words were barely above a whisper. “You’re going to spank me?”

  “Really.” Tristan snapped his fingers, and he grew stern. “Now, Lori.”

  Moving quickly, Lori lifted her skirt and hooked her thumbs in the elastic waistband of the red panties she was wearing. She pushed them down to her ankles, stepped out of them, and then stood there, with the cotton underpants wadded in her hand.

  “I’ll take those,” Tristan said. He plucked the red panties from Lori’s hand, and tucked them into his blazer pocket. “Now, be a good girl, and fetch me one of Chef’s wooden spoons.”

  Lori stared at Tristan wide-eyed for a moment. He dismissed her with a wave. “Go. And don’t take his favorite spoon. I wouldn’t want to hear about it if I broke that one.”

  Lori was intensely aware of her panty-less state as she walked from the dining room to the kitchen. She could feel the air sneaking between her thighs. Her mind was racing. Tristan meant to spank her, right on her bare bottom. She supposed he had every right after what she’d done – but what was the wooden spoon for?

  Chef kept a selection of wooden spoons in a stainless steel crock on the countertop. They all looked heavy and strong. Lori shivered, and selected a spoon at random. Did Tristan intend to smack her ass with this? She winced. That was going to hurt. Or perhaps, she thought, fingers curling around the spoon’s smooth handle, he had another use in mind.

  Lori shook her head, shocked by the direction her thoughts were taking. She couldn’t possibly be looking forward to being punished by her Father’s best friend, could she?

  “Today, Lori,” Tristan called to her from the dining room.

  She swallowed. “Coming, sir.” Lori hurried to the dining room and stood in front of her boss. She held the wooden spoon out in front of her, flat on her outstretched palms. “The spoon, sir.”

  Tristan smiled. “Thank you.” Then the smile faded from his face. “The vase you broke, Lori.”

  “Yes, sir.” Lori bowed her head. Her gaze was fixed on Tristan’s hands. On Tristan’s long, strong hands.

  “It was Macedonian.” Tristan paused. “Do you know anything about Macedonia?”

  Lori shook her head. “No, sir.” She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked up at Tristan. “I know if you had it, it must have been very old.”

  “You could say that. The person who made that vase, Lori, lived two hundred years before Jesus was born.”

  Her eyes went wide. “I am in so much trouble,” she breathed.

  “Is that why you’re sorry?” Tristan asked. He leaned forward in his chair, fingers laced together under his chin.

  Lori shook her head. “I’m sorry because I broke the vase,” she said. “I never should have done that.”

  Tristan sighed. He sat back in his chair, uncrossed his legs, and patted his lap. “Come here, Lori.”

  Lori stood, frozen in place like a deer. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “What are you scared of?” Tristan asked.

  “This is going to hurt,” she said.

  Tristan nodded. “It is. But it’s not going to be more than you can bear.” He patted his lap. “It’s going to be just enough to help you clear your mind.”

  Strangely reassured, Lori stood at the side of Tristan’s lap. He put on hand on the small of her back, and guided her into position over his knee. Lori more than filled his lap; she had to brace her hands on the floor in order to keep her balance. This occupied her attention for a moment, and then Tristan started running his hand over her uniform-covered ass.

  “The Macedonians would have loved you, Lori,” he said, as he squeezed her butt cheeks. “Big healthy hips. A strong woman.” Then he slid her uniform up, exposing her bare bottom. “Who just won’t listen.”

  “I’m sorry,” Lori said. She wiggled in Tristan’s lap. It just felt too strange to be there like that, naked and exposed. He wrapped one arm around her waist, squeezing her into place like a seatbelt. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  Tristan replied by spanking her bottom – a quick open-hounded slap that took her breath away. The second smack was just as hard, but on the other cheek. Lori yipped, but Tristan didn’t stop. He kept spanking her, one cheek and then the other, for several minutes.

  At first, Lori tried to fight it. She’d shift her hips around, trying to direct Tristan’s smacks toward less-sensitive areas of her bottom. But then one time, she shifted the wrong way, and the slap that was coming for her left ass cheek landed much lower – directly between her widely-splayed thighs.

  Lori howled. Tristan laughed. “If you don’t want that to happen, you’d better hold still.” His tone changed, and Lori became very aware of his erection pushing up against her belly. “If you want that to happen, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

  Lori froze in position.

  “That’s how it is, is it?” Tristan laughed again. “All right.” He started spanking Lori faster, each blow landing with a little more intensity than its predecessor.

  She closed her eyes. The pain was starting to build, but so was something else. Lori could feel her entire body trembling. She could feel her pussy throbbing. For a moment, she considered shifting her hips again, just to feel Tristan’s stern fingers pressing against her need.

  The thought was so appealing that despite all her better judgement, Lori did it. She timed things perfectly, moving her hips just as Tristan’s hand was coming down for a strong smack. When his hand came into contact with Lori’s crotch, her clit got a direct hit. Lori’s moan surprised her; so did the electric shock that ran through her entire body.

  Tristan stopped spanking her, but kept his arm cinched around Lori’s thick waist as she shook. For a moment, she just lay there, trying to catch her breath. Then Tristan shocked her again, by announcing, “Well, now that we’ve got you all warmed up, it’s time for your spanking.”

  She turned her head to look up at her boss. “What the hell was that then?” Lori demanded, all thoughts of prudent decorum forced out of her mind by her pink, stinging bottom.

  Tristan picked up the wooden spoon from the table and showed it to her. “Twenty strokes,” he said, adding magnanimously, “You can cry, if you’d like.”

  Lori closed her eyes. This wasn’t going to be so bad, she tried to tell herself. After all, she’d been dreading feeling Tristan’s hand on her ass, and that hadn’t been terrible. In fact, she thought to herself with a little smile, there had been a couple of swats she’d really, really enjoyed.

  The first touch of the wooden spoon drove all that quiet confidence right from Lori’s mind. While Tristan’s hands had hit her bottom with broad, warm strokes, the spoon was a hard, fast, intense burst of pain.

  She yelped. “That hurts! That really hurts!”

  “That’s why it’s called punishment,” Tristan said. He smacked her ass again with the spoon. “You’re not supposed to like it.”

  Lori tried to be brave. She resolved to keep her pain to herself and not let Tristan know how much the spoon hurt as it impacted her fleshy bottom over and over and over again. This determination lasted for almost ten strokes. Then it was too much, and she gave up and let herself cry.

  These weren’t the big, dramatic sobs she’d been crying in the kitchen when Tristan had seen her earlier. These tears came silently, and they came in quantity, running over her cheeks in a thick, salty river.

  Tristan stopped caning her with the spoon and ran his hand over her red-striped bottom. His erection was immense, pushing itself with great intensity into the soft rolls of her stomach. “I wish you had just listened to me,” he said, softly. “Then we’d never need to do this.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Lori said. “I promise I’ll never do it again!”

  “Oh, I know you won’t,” Tristan said. “But we’ve still got ten strokes to go.” He lifted the spoon. “That’s just the way these things work.”

  “But I can’t!” Lori yelped. “I just can’t take any more!”

; “Sure you can,” Tristan said. “We’ll go quickly. Count each stroke for me,” he urged. “It’ll help you not think about it too much.”

  “One,” Lori sobbed after his next stroke. “Two, three, four.”

  “You’re such a good girl,” Tristan said. “You didn’t mean to break that vase, did you?”

  “Nooooo…” Lori said. “Five. Six. It was an accident.”

  “And how did that accident happen?”

  “Seven!” Lori yiped. “I never should have opened the showcase. You told me not to.”

  “That was eight,” Tristan said. “So you knew you weren’t supposed to open the case.” His next stroke was the sharpest one yet. “What went wrong?”

  “I didn’t listen.” Lori broke down. She didn’t even try to count the tenth, final stroke. “I should have listened to you. I’m so sorry I didn’t listen.”

  Tristan dropped the spoon. It clattered to the dining room floor. “That’s a good girl.” He gently moved Lori from his lap, guiding her into a standing position. She wasn’t entirely steady on her feet, so Tristan kept one hand on her hip while he looked into her eyes. “Now you understand what you did wrong.”

  She nodded, her blue eyes wet with tears. “I do.”

  “When I tell you to do something, Lori, I expect you to do it.” Tristan was very hard. She could see his massive erection tenting out the front of his pants. “And when I tell you not to do something, you’re not to do it. No matter what.” He squeezed Lori’s tender ass cheek, sending new waves of pain – and a surprising rush of desire – through her body. “Am I understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Lori was drowning in Tristan’s gaze. All she wanted to do in that moment was please her Father’s best friend – whatever it took to avoid winding up over his knee again. “I’ll do exactly as I’m told.”

  “You’ve learned a valuable lesson today,” Tristan said. He sat back in his chair, and casually ran his hand over his erection. “And now it’s time to thank your teacher.”

  Lori’s mind raced. She wasn’t exactly the most experienced girl in the world. The one boyfriend she’d had previously had had an absolutely filthy mind, but not much in the way of follow-through; they’d broken up before they’d gotten much beyond the awkward fumbling stage. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  Tristan smiled. “Get on your knees.”

  Lori sank the floor. The dining room had hardwood flooring; it was cold and smooth beneath her bare knees. Her uniform skirt was distressingly heavy against her burning bottom; every time the fabric shifted, it brushed against some newly-tender spot.

  Tristan leaned forward, and slowly unbuttoned the top of Lori’s housekeeping uniform. The uniform had been a snug fit to begin with. Each undone button allowed her barely-confined breasts to break out into the open; they pillowed upward to meet Tristan’s appreciative gaze. He ran his fingertips gently over the porcelain colored mounds, tracing along the thin network of bluish veins that ran just under the surface.

  “The next time you forget to listen,” he said, “I’m going to put a nice red set of stripes here.”

  Lori shivered at his touch. His fingertips felt like they were made of fire. Everywhere Tristan touched came newly alive, tingling and sensitive. Her nipples were rock hard, aching inside her bra. Tristan saw this, and after loosening the last button, pushed Lori’s uniform off of her shoulders. She was now almost naked before her boss; naked and on her knees.

  “I promise I’ll be good,” she said.

  “I know you’ll try,” Tristan replied. He gently pinched one of her protruding nipples, squeezing just enough to force a fresh moan from Lori’s lips. “Because you want to please me, don’t you?” His next pinch was just a little harder. “You want to keep your job. You don’t want me telling your Daddy what you’ve done.”

  “No,” Lori said, shaking her head. “I mean, yes.” She was so confused, aroused and aching at the same time. Tristan was driving her crazy. Every time he touched her, new sensations were coming alive inside her body. It all felt so good – and yet at the same time, she knew she was in serious trouble. “Please don’t tell Daddy. I do want to please you.” She looked up at Tristan, and saw his eyes fix on her lips. “More than anything.”

  “Take your bra off,” Tristan said. “It’s getting in my way.”

  Lori nodded. She slipped the thick elastic bra straps off of her shoulders, flipping down the massive unlined cups so she could slide the band around and undo the four rows of hooks. Tristan watched, smiling as she let the undergarment fall to the floor.

  “You’ve got magnificent breasts,” he said, cupping Lori’s tits in his hands and crushing them together. “Big, fat and juicy.” He pulled her upward a little bit, drawing her bosom into his lap. “I’d love to fuck those titties.”

  Lori pulled back a little bit, startled by Tristan’s crassness as much as anything else that had happened that day. He smiled at her surprise. “Don’t worry, little lady,” he said, and reached for his zipper. “We’re going to start with something a little more conventional.”

  Tristan had the biggest cock Lori had ever seen. It was thick and pink and topped with a sloping head that looked nearly as big as Lori’s fist.

  “There’s no way,” Lori stammered. She looked up at Tristan. “That’s never going to fit inside me.”

  Tristan laughed. “You’re much more capable than you realize.” He slid his hands into her hair, burying his fingers in the ashy-blonde softness. “Just open up and say ah!”

  Her bottom was still throbbing. Lori remembered what Tristan had said about putting stripes on her breasts. The thought of what that would feel like terrified her. She let her mouth fall open, leaning forward as Tristan gently pushed her head toward his cock.

  Her lips had to really stretch to encircle Tristan’s cockhead. She wasn’t sure what to do with it inside of her mouth, so she tried a tentative lick along the underside. Her father’s best friend groaned, so she figured it was a good move, and did it again. Each flicker of her tongue seemed to excite Tristan more and more; he started steadily sliding his hips forward, pushing more and more of his cock into Lori’s mouth.

  It was rapidly becoming more than she could handle. Lori was starting to struggle; it was getting a little hard to breathe, and she couldn’t move her head with Tristan’s hands lodged in her hair. At that point, Tristan pushed forward a fraction of an inch more, and growled, “Suck me.”

  Lori tried, hollowing out her cheeks as best she could while Tristan slowly drew his shaft out of her mouth. She had time for a quick gasp of breath before he plunged back into her willing mouth; this time he went so deep that she could feel his cockhead flattening against the back of her throat.

  Again, she flailed a little bit. Her voluptuous body shook, causing her loose breasts to wiggle and bounce against her belly. Below, her thick thighs scissor together. Almost unconsciously, her hand had dropped between her legs; having Tristan’s cock filling her throat made Lori need to press her fingers against her pussy.

  “God,” Tristan groaned. “You were born for this.” He started drawing his cock out of her mouth; Lori started to suck harder without being told. She was more turned on than she’d ever been in her whole life. Being naked, on her knees, in front of her fully clothed boss, with her ass freshly pink and thoroughly spanked, should have been a humiliating position – but much to her surprise, Lori was having fun. She started to rub her pussy faster; Tristan saw this, and introduced his leather shoe between her legs.

  “Is that what you want?” Tristan pushed the toe of his shoe up against Lori’s clit just as he pulled hard on her hair, burying himself balls-deep in her throat. “This is going to make you come?”

  Lori’s whole body answered him. She was shaking everywhere. Her mouth was too full of Tristan’s cock; the insistent leather pushing against her crotch was rubbing in exactly all the right places. The biggest orgasm of her life was about to hit when Tristan said, “What if I tell you not to?” He
slid his cock half an inch backward and brutally pushed forward again. Lori felt a little dizzy; it was getting hard to breathe and she felt like she was going to faint. Tristan rocked his shoe back and forth, grinding against her most tender bits. “You’re not allowed to come, Lori. Don’t do that.”

  Lori’s ears heard Tristan’s words, but her pussy wasn’t listening. Her entire body stiffened and she squeezed Tristan’s foot between her ample thighs. At that moment, Tristan’s cock flexed inside her mouth. “I’m going to have to punish you again, aren’t I?” he asked.

  Hearing him say that was the last straw. Lori thought she couldn’t open her mouth any wider, but there was just enough space for a moan to sneak out as she came. That pushed Tristan over the edge. He tried drawing his cock out of Lori’s mouth as the moment happened, but most of his load wound up behind her lips, with only a few glistening drops left to decorate her lips and chin.

  Lori sat back on her knees, while Tristan leaned back in his chair. They stared at each other for a long moment, each one surprised by the intensity of the moment.

  “Is it…” Lori asked, uncertain how to frame the question. “Is it always like that?”

  Tristan’s eyes widened, and he put his hand over his mouth while he looked at Lori. She blushed again, thinking she’d been especially stupid when he asked, “That was your first time?”

  She looked down and said, “For that, yes.”

  He leaned forward and cupped his fingers under Lori’s chin, forcing her to look up. “And did you like it?”

  Lori smiled. “I did.” Then her smile faded. “I mean, I know I wasn’t meant to like it. At least probably not that much, anyway.” Her smile returned and she faced Tristan with totally honesty. “But I did. That was pretty awesome.”

  Tristan laughed. “You are incredible. I wish I could tell you it was like that all the time. But I have to say, in my experience, that…that was pretty special.”

  Lori stood up. Under Tristan’s watchful gaze, she bent and retrieved her bra from the floor. He didn’t say anything while she tucked her massive breasts inside, and remained silent while she buttoned herself back into her housekeeper’s uniform.


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