by Will Durant
Assizes of, 592
Latin Kingdom of, 592-594, 596, 609
Jerusalem Delivered (Tasso), 589
Jesuits, 978
jewelry, 131, 285, 287, 311, 376, 833, 834, 876
Jewish National Council, 347
“Jewish Pope,” 760
Jews, 15, 16, 56, 93, 97, 100, 122, 139, 140, 142, 147, 163, 164, 166, 167, 169-170, 171, 182, 184, 185, 186, 194, 202, 208, 211, 214, 216, 218, 219, 222, 223, 226, 238, 240, 243, 252, 285, 290, 299, 309, 312, 328, 333, 337-338, 345-419, 425, 426, 432, 436, 447, 465, 589, 592, 598, 610, 617, 619, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 660, 675, 690, 695, 696, 700, 711, 715, 721, 732, 777, 780, 831, 910, 925, 938, 939, 941, 966, 978, 979, 988, 990, 1003, 1006, 1031, 1041
apostate, 370
Ashkenazic, 382
Babylonian, 348, 368, 369
Byzantine, 389
and Christians, 385-394
converted, 521
Egyptian, 369, 414
English, 374, 397-392
Exchequer of, 377
French, 370, 390, 692
German, 369, 370*, 389, 391
German and French, 353
Greek, 369, 375
heretical, 411
Hungarian, 369
in Islam, 366
Italian, 370, 417
medieval, 350, 366-419
Palestinian, 347, 366, 375, 385
pre-Moslem, 185
Qaraite, 406
“Rabbanite,” 367
Spanish, 95, 370-373, 395, 399, 400, 991
JHVH, 354
jihad, 182
Jimena, wife of El Cid, 460
Joachim of Flora, 723, 808-809, 1000, 1068
Joachimsthal, 622
coins of, 622
Joan of Arc, 923
Joan, sister of Richard I, 600
Job, 412, 965, 1049
Book of, 48, 523
Jocelyn of Brakelond, 885, 926, 1019
Jocius of London, 921
John I, St., Pope, 101
John VIII, Pope, 529, 535, 538
John X, Pope, 538
John XI, Pope, 538
John XII, Pope, 512, 538-539
John XIII, Pope, 512, 539
John XIV, Pope, 539
John XVI, Pope, 539
John XXI, Pope, 977, 999-1000
John XXII, Pope, 682, 802, 899, 978
John Asen I, 657
John Asen II, 657
John I Tzimisces, Byzantine Emperor, 429-430, 444
John the Baptist, 743, 744, 745
John Cassian, St., 57
John II Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor, 650
John Damascene, St., 55, 219
John the Deacon, 897
John of Ephesus, 106
John of Holywood (Joannes de Sacrobosco), 990
John Lackland, King of England, 377, 494, 640, 648, 658, 672, 673-679, 690, 695, 763, 828, 992
John of Palermo, 990
John, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 54
John the Divine, St., 9, 53, 743
John of Salisbury, 476, 681, 735, 899, 909, 914, 923, 944, 950, 951-953, 985, 1027
John of Spain, see Daud, ibn
John III Vatatzes, 651, 652-653, 719
John of Vercelli, 1014
John Vladimir, Serbian prince, 446
joint-stock company, 627
Joinville, Jean de, 393, 608, 692, 693, 697, 822, 830, 1020-1021
Jonah ben Abraham Gerundi, 415
Jonah ibn Janaeh, 396
jongleurs, 563, 795, 901, 1027, 1029, 1054, 1055
Jonson, Ben, 124
Jordan River, 151, 274, 596, 716
Jordanes, 37, 38-39
Jordanus Nemorarius, 995
Jorden, Raimon, 1038
Joseph, 185, 268
Joseph of Arimathea, 752, 1046
Joseph ibn Migas, 408
Joseph ibn Naghdela, 372
Joshua Rotulus, 134
jousting, 574, 840
Jovian, 20-21, 25, 31, 34, 143
Joyeuse, 570
Juan de Colonia, 891
Jubais, ibn, 596
Jubayr, ibn, 330, 704
jubilee year 1300, 753, 813
Judah ben Moses ibn Tibbon, 381
Judah ben Saul ibn Tibbon, 910
Judah Halevi, 255
Judah ibn Quraish, 396
Judaism, 55, 139, 156, 163, 167, 168, 170, 174, 176, 181, 184, 200, 226, 227, 252, 305, 347-365, 366, 367, 369, 382, 388, 391, 401, 405, 406, 413, 414, 415, 419, 721, 939, 953, 977, 987, 1068, 1083
Reformed, 353*
Judaism in the … Christian Era (Moore), 351*
Judea, 58, 343, 347
judges, 297, 341, 350, 463, 506, 711, 828, 829, 924, 1004
judgment, 676, 755, 972, 981
of the dead, 733*
Judgment Day, 94, 178, 327, 362
Judith, wife of Louis the Pious, 472, 473, 515
Judith, wife of Tostig, 493
Julian the Apostate, 3, 9, 10-21, 26, 31, 34, 56, 78, 121, 123, 143, 347-348
Juliana of Cornillon, Blessed, 752
“Juliana” (Cynewulf), 491
Julius I, St., 8, 50
Jumièges, abbey of, 869
church of, 479, 494
Jund-i-Shapur, 138, 145, 239, 246, 258
Junta, 700
jurata, 463, 680
jurists, 304, 982
class of, 566
jury system, 680, 828, 1083
justice, 374, 480, 484, 527, 547, 933, 1063
Justin I, 100-101, 104, 108, 115
Justin II, 146, 423, 434
Justina, wife of Valentinian I, 25, 56
Justinian I the Great, 26, 47, 89, 100, 102, 103-117, 119-121, 123, 125, 126, 129-131, 138, 145-146, 148, 155, 156, 389, 401, 423, 430, 431, 434, 451, 519, 524, 718, 744, 755, 1074, 1077
Code of, 111-114, 630, 754, 777, 916, 917
Justinian II, 425
Jutes, 22, 80, 450, 483, 492, 905
Jutland, 80, 471
Juvenal, 53, 55, 76, 120, 1018
Kaaba, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 193, 200, 213, 215, 216, 217, 228, 229, 259, 262, 325, 596
Kaddish, 356
Kadisiya, battle of, 152
Kainuka, banu-, 168, 169
Kalbi, Husein al-, 290
Kalonymos family, 370
Kamil, Malik al-, 311, 312, 607, 716, 719, 955
Kant, Immanuel, 71, 332, 972, 980, 981
Karakorum, 339, 656, 658, 993, 1012
Kars, 205
Kashgar, 207, 308, 993
Kathisma, 6
Kavadh I, 144
Kavadh II, 151
Kells, 499, 532
Kelso, 683
Kenneth I Mac Alpin, 501
Kenneth III, 501
Kent, 483, 484
Kepler, Johannes, 289
Kerak, fortress of, 596, 597, 892
Kerbela, 193, 252
Kermanshah, 149, 232
Kether Malkuth (ibn Gabirol), 399
Keys of the Sciences (Muhammad ibn Ahmad), 241
Khadija, 162, 163, 164, 165, 172
Khagani, 320-321
Khaibar, 173, 349
Khaizuran, 221
Khaldun, ibn, 141, 199, 240, 320, 334, 464
Khalid ibn al-Walid, 151, 170, 187, 188-190, 282
Khalid, son of Barmak, 197
Khalil, 609
Khallikan, Muhammad ibn, 247, 248, 253, 320
Khanfu (Canton), 208
Khariji (Seceders), 192, 217
Khazari, al- (Jehuda Halevi), 398-400, 406-407, 417, 910
Khazars, 446-447, 448, 653
Khiva, 243, 329
Khodainama (Danishwar), 268
Khordadhbeh, ibn, 242, 376
Khosru I Anushirvan, 108, 128, 138, 141, 144-146, 149, 150
Khosru II Parvez, 138, 141, 146-148, 149, 228, 423, 424
Khumarawayh, 284
Khurasan, 151, 200, 202, 203, 209, 210, 242, 247, 259, 274, 278, 339
Khurramiyya, 20
Khuzini, Abu’l Fath al-, 328
Khuzistan, 278
Khwarizm, 237, 241, 243, 244, 311, 339
Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa al-, 241, 243, 305, 321, 911, 991
Kibt, 61*
Kiddush, 358
kidneys, 1000, 1001
Kiev, 441, 445, 447, 448, 653-654, 655, 656, 863
Kildare, 84
Kilwardby, Robert, 977
Kinana, 170
Kimchi, David, 396, 415
Joseph, 396, 910
Moses, 396
Kindi, Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-, 249, 251, 279, 898, 911, 954, 957, 1011
King Roger’s Book (Idrisi), 704
“king’s evil,” 986
kings, 270, 277, 308, 314, 327, 365, 377, 404, 438, 446, 448, 459, 469, 474, 480, 487, 488, 495, 506, 515, 526, 531, 546-548, 559, 560, 564-566, 572, 634, 638, 647, 658, 692, 699, 722, 727, 736, 752, 758, 760, 767, 778, 786, 790, 791, 807, 810, 812, 814, 817, 818, 825, 833, 845, 863, 878, 879, 923, 976, 986, 996, 1000, 1003, 1005, 1055
Achae-menid, 142, 149
British, 1019
Burgundian, 1032
Carolingian, 475, 480, 552
English, 377, 392, 566
French, 525, 541, 547, 566, 876, 880, 914
German, 512, 514, 525, 661
Ghassanid, 160
Irish, 500, 682
Lakhmid, 157
Lombard, 461
Merovingian, 370, 460, 480, 530-531, 552, 848
Moslem, 341
Norman, 291
Norse, 502-504
Persian, 348
Sasanian, 366
Seljuq, 317
Spanish, 459, 638, 697, 700, 919
Visigothic, 891
Kiot, 1047
Kitab al-Aghani (Abu’l Faraj), 263, 294
Kitab al-Amanat (al-Saadia), 368
Kitab al-Aqidah al-rafiah (Abraham ibn Daud), 407
Kitab al-Falaha (al-Awan), 330
Kitab al-Hawi (al-Razi), 246
Kitab al-Jami (Baitar), 330
Kitab al-Kulliyat fi-l-tibb (Averroës), 335
Kitab al-Lugah (al-Saadia), 368
Kitab al-Manazir (al-Haitham), 288-289
Kitab al-Mansuri (al-Razi), 247, 910
Kitab al-Rujari (Idrisi), 329
Kitab al-Shifa (Avicenna), 248, 255, 256-257
Kitab al-Siraj (Maimonides), 409
Kitab al-Tasir (Avenzoar), 330
Kitab mizan al-hikmah (al-Khuzini), 328
Kitab shakl al-qatta (Nasir), 328
Knight of La Tour-Landry, 822
knights, 459, 553, 571, 572-578, 638, 667, 671, 731, 746, 778, 822, 826, 829, 832, 838, 876, 1013, 1031, 1042, 1047, 1050
Arthurian, 496
French, 701
German, 575, 729
Norse, 1032
Templar, 593, 627, 716
Walloon, 664
knowledge, 260, 288, 325, 327, 332, 563, 795, 820, 913, 941, 945, 967-968, 972, 986, 1014, 1067
transmission of, 903-930
Kol Nidre, 384
Kolzim, Mt., 58
Königsberg, 618, 893
Konya, 311, 317, 325
Koran (Qur-ân), 114, 162*, 163, 164, 175-186, 209, 211, 213, 215, 219, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 235, 236, 237, 241, 247, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 259, 260, 264, 273, 276, 277, 278, 283, 287, 288, 305, 307, 320, 332, 336, 349, 353*, 362, 367, 372, 377, 395, 406, 407, 596, 911, 1068, 1083
eternity of, 353*
Kossara, wife of John Vladimir, 445
Kriemhild, 40, 1034-1036
Krum, Khan, 443, 657
Kublai Khan, 993
Kufa, 175, 191, 192, 193, 196, 207, 212, 229, 232, 245, 251, 262, 264, 273, 277
Kuhin al-Attar, al- 403
Kulin, 658
kupah, 379
Kuraiza, banu-, 168, 170
Kurds, 13, 652
Kutna Hora, 660
Kyrie eleison, 749, 895
labor, 285, 375, 634, 636, 643, 647, 788, 864
laboratories, 330, 1004, 1008
Labrador, 504, 506
Lactantius Firmianus, 46, 78
Lacy, Hugh de, Bishop of Winchester, 884
Lady Chapel, 747, 863, 883, 885
La Fontaine, Jean de, 1054
La Fossalta, 724
Lagny, 615
Lambert le Bègue, 809
Lambert, Duke of Spoleto, 538
Lambert li Tors, 1044
lamps, 838-839, 848
street, 285, 302
Lancelot, 575, 1019, 1045, 1046, 1071
land, 485-486, 505, 552, 560, 564, 567, 823, 924
ownership of, 118, 120, 370, 375, 434-435, 463, 464, 480, 486, 497, 553, 607, 631, 647, 667, 679-680, 786*
Landfried, 661-662
Landulf of Aquino, 961
Lanfranc, 479, 482, 494, 668, 669, 741, 828, 871, 916, 932
Lanfranchi, Guido, 1001, 1016
Langton, Stephen, 674-675, 677, 763
language, 343, 466, 578, 903, 904
languages, 208, 396, 489, 719, 905, 906-908, 979, 983, 1006, 1008, 1012, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1084
Alemannic, 905
Anglo-Saxon, 487
Arabic, 121, 158-159, 176, 201, 236, 237, 239-241, 244, 246, 248, 262, 267, 279, 282, 367, 371, 376, 395, 396, 403, 406, 411, 413, 596, 607, 715, 716, 719, 868, 876, 910, 911, 919, 979, 989, 990, 1009
Aramaic, 349, 352, 367*, 396, 401
Bavarian, 905
British (Celtic)* 81, 489
Bulgarian, 445
Castilian, 459, 698
Catalan, 459
Chaldaic, 979, 1009
Danish, 905
Dutch, 905
Eastphalian, 905
English, 81, 264, 484, 485, 681, 683, 684, 841, 903-904, 905, 906, 910
Flemish, 685, 905
Franconian, 905
Frank, 376
French, 81, 605, 685, 792, 904, 905, 906, 936, 1020, 1029, 1084
Frisian, 905
Gaelic, 496
Galician, 702
Galician-Portuguese, 698
German, 81, 445, 466, 489, 515, 618, 904, 905
Great Russian, 445
Greek, 65, 96, 112, 124, 126, 205, 239, 240, 349, 376, 437, 450, 461, 477, 497, 515, 531, 715, 719, 895, 909, 912, 919, 923, 925, 1006, 1086
Hebrew, 121, 158, 349, 368, 371, 383, 384, 395, 396, 401, 402, 403, 407, 411, 413, 698, 910, 919, 925, 936, 979, 1006, 1008
Icelandic, 905
Irish, 489
Italian, 451, 456, 792, 905, 1027, 1056, 1058, 1062, 1066, 1081
Kufic, 229
Latin, 65, 85, 88, 94, 95, 99, 112, 121, 124, 236, 371, 403, 411, 450, 456, 461, 466, 484, 488, 515, 698, 719, 770, 792, 903, 904, 905, 906, 909, 910-912, 915, 919, 927, 936, 1006, 1009, 1018, 1022, 1024, 1025, 1027, 1029, 1044, 1058, 1062, 1066
Little Russian, 445
Neo-Hebraic, 352, 409
Norwegian, 905
Old Norse, 504*
Pahlavi, 262
Persian, 203, 248, 267, 376, 445
Pict, 489
Polish, 445
Portuguese, 702
Provençal, 459. 904, 1057
Ruthenian, 445
Sanskrit, 244, 262
Saxon, 489, 905
Serbo-Croat, 445
Silesian, 905
Slavonic, 376, 445
Slovak, 445
Slovene, 445
Spanish, 95, 376, 910
Swedish, 905
Syriac, 121, 138, 239, 240, 912
Thuringian, 905
Tuscan, 905, 1057
Ukrainian, 445
Wendish, 445
West-phalian, 905
langue d’oc, 770, 904
Languedoc, 292, 393, 771, 773, 774, 778, 783, 803, 816, 1057
langue d’oïl, 904
Laon, 475, 476, 639, 864, 876, 914, 935, 940
Cathedral, 857, 859, 860, 865
“lapidaries,” 992
Lapo da Pistoia, 854
br /> Lapo Gianni, 1057
Las Huelgas, 766
Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of, 314, 697
Last Judgment, 166, 184, 185, 211, 491, 732, 733, 849, 860, 867, 877, 881, 885, 889, 964, 1052, 1069
Last Supper, 748, 1046
Lat, al-, 161
Lateran Council, in 1057, 545
in 1059, 546
Second, 572, 707
Third, 387, 630-631, 768, 914
Fourth, 387, 388, 567, 606, 734, 739, 740, 741, 745, 763-764, 914, 954
Lateran Palace, Rome, 51, 538, 550
Latif, al-, 329
Latin, in Africa, 108-109
codices, 479
knowledge of, 926
modifications in, 903
script, 489
Latini, Brunetto, 696, 1015-1016, 1058, 1067, 1072
latrines, 611, 835, 1003
Latvians (Letts), 659
Lauda Sion (Aquinas), 897, 964, 1026
Laudibiliter (Hadrian IV), 681-682
law, Anglian, 486
Anglo-Saxon, 484, 486, 678, 830
anti-Jewish, 370, 373
barbarian, 637, 754, 844
Byzantine, 429, 434
codes, 434, 448, 451, 496, 784
commercial, 434, 620, 641, 680, 699
criminal, 360, 662, 830
Danish, 666
English, 567, 666, 672, 678-680, 905
European, 652, 1085
feudal, 375, 464, 547, 566-569, 679, 692, 917
forestry, 675
French, 696, 838
game, 840
Germanic, 486, 665, 667, 825
Han-seatic, 618
history of, 117
Icelandic, 504
international, 620
maritime, 506, 618, 620-621, 699
modification of, 352
moral, 353*, 809, 844
Moslem, 226, 227, 254, 276, 341, 348, 363
municipal, 681, 729
natural, 938, 939, 955, 956, 957, 975, 1063
Norman, 667*, 678
Norse, 506
Persian, 141, 348
Saxon, 486, 825
schools of, 226-227, 434, 496, 765, 916-917, 919, 923, 924
Spanish, 699
Venetian, 710, 711
Visi-gothic, 986
law, canon, 434, 547, 554, 572, 632, 668, 679, 680, 754-756, 759, 767, 779, 811, 822, 824, 825, 826, 914, 916, 918, 920, 923, 924, 928, 949, 1083
law, civil, 360, 365, 434, 566, 569, 572, 694, 777, 826, 923, 924, 1083
faculty of, 920
Law, Jewish, 351, 352, 353-364, 365, 375, 379, 380
food regulations of, 386
Mosaic, 367, 939
oral, 350, 351, 367, 368
Talmudic, 353-365, 366, 369
written, 350, 351, 368
law, Roman, 23, 89, 90, 107, 111, 434, 437, 566, 567, 568, 630, 637, 662, 665, 695, 699, 707, 718, 754, 756, 777, 781, 784, 824, 844, 917, 949, 1077
study of, 916
“law of wreck,” 620
Lawrence, St., 744
Laws (Plato), 240, 784