The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1 Page 16

by Lissett, Alonna

  “Well your Captain would have killed him, they were in the arena. And how many people have been killed in the arena undeservingly because of any of you? Patrick did what you would have in his position” Xander said looking around at the rest of the palace guards.

  “Whose side are you on boy?” asked Liano.

  “If you mean to scare me Liano it is not working. The only side I am on is that of the Princess. If you need to have words with me we can meet in the arena” Xander said as he drew his sword.

  “Let me remind you kids that there may be dangerous men prowling the country side” said Frowley before facing Patrick. “I don’t like this one right here, not even a little bit, but he did take down a bunch of them Inglish bastards and sent the lot of them running to their daddies trying to escape. We probably would have killed Stone too iffn we were Patrick. I don’t where he got delusions of living in the palace at, but let’s take what we can get and cut him loose when we reach the palace. It’s better than arguing in the dark when we could be sleeping.”

  “It hasn’t happened yet, but my actions killing the bandits during the attack, along with my stand during the Inglish attack, it’s just a matter of time before she asks for my hand” Patrick said smugly.

  “Well then it looks like you and your lover there may be at odds then bootlicker’ said Liano pointing at Xander. “It’s hard to tell now, but that pretty pink armor he has on means she has already asked for his hand. You weren’t the only hero of the bandit attack, he was there too and personally rescued her. We were on our way to his mum to ask her permission before we took a detour.”

  Patrick glared at Xander and said nothing for a few moments. Once he gathered his wits then he began to speak “Well then the best man won” said Patrick as he placed his helm on his head. “You men seem to be capable enough to assist the princess. I am heading back to ensure my mother is okay.” Patrick then walked out of the clearing without turning around.

  “Now that’s all sorted out, Xander can you set up some of those blasted light things and let us get some sleep” said Frowley.


  Xander was driving the carriage for not even an hour before his stomach started growling. He had took off with no food when he whisked Aubrey away and now started feeling hunger pangs, he imagined it had to be worse for the Princess. Xander stepped out of his daydream when Frowley rode up beside the carriage.

  “Damn boy, it sure would have been nice if we stocked up before we went tearing off after your ass.”

  “I am hungry too, if only there was something to hunt” said Xander as stared lazily ahead.

  “Hell it wouldn’t matter, we don’t have any arrows or even a cross bow. We all left our shields back at the outpost, maybe they could use them to make a quick fix on that wall. We cant even take out big game without em, they all have horns.”

  Just then a huge stag crossed the road. It looked at the oncoming men and continued to cross.

  “You see that, that thing either didn’t see us, or didn’t see us as a threat” Frowley said as Xander stopped the carriage.

  “What are you doing lad, there is no way you could catch up to that thing and if you did then what?” Frowley said as Xander took off after the stag.

  “Why have we stopped?” Princess Aubrey asked as she peeked out of the window.

  “Your betrothed took off after breakfast Your Highness, a thirty point stag if I ever saw one” said Frowley.

  “And you let him go alone” the Princesses Question hung in the air.

  “I was just sending some boys after him” Frowley said as he signaled to some other guards to find Xander.

  The guards had just got off their horse when Xander came back unto the road holding one of the animal’s hind legs. “The rest of him is up a bit if you are hungry, I’m pre paring some of this for the princess.

  Xander figured everyone must have been hungry as they took off after the remains. Silently blessing the Gods he had his misused but durable dagger with him, Xander skinned the piece and had thin strips of meat cooking over an open fire before the rest of the men came back with anything. Xander figured the meat would last long after they reached the capital and planned to donate the unused portion to a men’s feeding cafeteria. After breakfast the party ventured on.

  The rest of the trip was uneventful, as the group eventually reached the capital without incident.


  “What rubbish, I heard you were some type of hero but do you really expect me to believe you did all that?” said Durgard laughing. “The rest of these blokes may buy it but I don’t not for a second. Most Hero stories are full of it, told with a lot of hogwash to make a good story!”

  “Tis no story” said one of the Palace Guards. “I was at that outpost when the attack came, Patrick killed off a lot of them sure, so did the rest of the Palace Guards. But it was a man in pink armor that came through the crowd, cutting men down like wheat before the scythe. I can’t say it was this man, but I trust what I seen with me own two eyes. It is because of him I wanted to be a Palace Guardsman.”

  “He speaks true” said the witch reluctantly. “I was there when a man in pink charged in and slaughtered a lot of them. It matters not about his past, only his future when Patrick gets ahold of him.”

  “You mean to tell me Guard, that this man has personally killed all of those attributed to him, and he is the savior of Valley and the Butcher of Riley? That this man is in fact, Death’s Hand?” said Durgard suddenly looking sick.

  “All I can tell you is what I have saw, and what I have heard from those who rode with him” was the Guard’s reply.

  “Maybe there is some truth to your story lad, and I’ll admit it is good even if you are spinning us a tale. But you still haven’t told us about how you became the Butcher of Riley?”

  “Well Mr. Durgard, I accepted my fate and just knew my life was pretty good. Aubrey seemed to like if not love me and a wedding date was set. I sent a letter right away to my mother when I reached the capital and was ensured it would get there swiftly. The wedding was a week away when I inadvertently heard that Riley was under attack and had been under siege for almost a week. The horrid part about it all is that not only did the Queen know, but Aubrey did too and decided not to tell me. When I spoke to her of it, things got heated pretty quickly.”


  “So you sent a letter asking my mother to come to the capital, have you heard any word from her?” Xander asked Aubrey as they were enjoying tea in his quarters.

  “Nothing yet my love, if she doesn’t make it to the wedding that’ll be a shame but I’m sure she will be there in spirit” said Aubrey as she sipped her tea.

  “Could it be she has not responded because she is getting ready to die at the hands of Thornians why you lie to me?” Xander asked as he slammed his cup on the table.

  “Where did you hear this information from?” said Aubrey startled.

  “It doesn’t matter, you knew and said nothing. Yet you claim to love me. You only care about having an enchanter nothing more” said Xander as he stood up and gave her his back.

  “Troops have already been dispatched to deal with any incursions by the Thornians, twice as much as needed to for the protection of our borders.” Said Aubrey as she calmed herself.

  “That is my mother in there, I should be there alongside her” said Xander raising her voice.

  “You are to be my husband, it isn’t proper to go off running to battle everytime you hear of it. We have a standing army for that, let them do their job. I did not tell you because I didn’t want you to worry, rest assured the situation is being dealt with.”

  “The situation? That is my mother down there, not some situation. I am leaving right now to be by her side.”

  “You will do no such thing. Our wedding is a week away and it will take you at least a week by horseback and that’s if you take a fresh horse every couple of hours and don’t bother sleeping. You will stay here and play your role, this is not
a request.”

  “So that’s how it is eh Princess Aubrey her Royal Highness? Sit here and be your lapdog while my mother gets ran through by some Thornians blade?”

  “I told you it is being taken care of, your pouting does nothing to help the situation. If you want to look at it that way then do it. I don’t have to explain anything to you, stay in a man’s place and leave the ruling to me.”

  “I’ll never forgive you if something happens to her, never!”

  “If something happens to her then it would not be my fault. I sent troops as soon as I heard and you might notice Liano or Max haven’t been around. Sit here and pity yourself if you want too.”

  “I will never marry you! Call off this sham of a wedding to avoid embarrassment, you can’t keep me locked up.”

  “If you run you will find yourself in the arena before nightfall. I am tired of trying to stroke your ego. You will learn your place or I will have it beaten into you. Guards! Guards!” Aubrey screamed.

  “Yes my lady” said Hawk as he peeked into the room.

  “My fiancé is not feeling well. Ensure he stays in his rooms and is not bothered. The wedding must be getting to him.” Said Aubrey as she walked towards the door.

  Xander heard the door slam and he was in a rage. Xander looked around his room and could not see anything he could roughly enchant to get him out of this predicament so he settled down and talked to his father.

  “Dad I need your help” Xander started as he explained his situation to his father.

  “Well that is a tight spot son, the only way I can see you getting a chance you bail is for you to be exactly who she wants you to be. You will stay locked up if she thinks you are sulking but you have to ask yourself, if you run and Maxine ends up being safe, then what?”

  “It’s a chance I am willing to take” said Xander as he closed his book. Xander figured he could break down a wall or two maybe, but he didn't like his chances against a heavily armored enchanted opponents. Xander thought about this as he drifted asleep, the day’s news taking a toll on him.

  Xander was waken by a sharp knock on the door. Answering it, he could see Hawk standing there with a shield and a gauntlet.

  “We need your skills again boy, those items you made us came in handy, made the job a hell of a lot easier.”

  “I am not enchanting anything anymore, go away and leave me in piece” said Xander as he went to shut the door.

  Hawk stopped the door from closing and began to speak again. “The Queen herself told me to have you doing this, and the Princess said you will do it. Now what do you want me to tell them? It won’t be good for you boy whatever the outcome.”

  “Tell the Princess I said to come make me do it” Xander said as he shut the door.

  Xander hurried to put on some clothing and wash his face before Aubrey would burst through his door. Looking satisfied at what he saw in the mirror, Xander went down stairs and waited. A little while later, his door opened and in walked Aubrey, along with four palace guardsmen.

  “You dare defy me?!?” screamed Aubrey as she went to grab him by the collar. Pulling him to a standing position she started screaming in his face. “Who do you think you are to defy my wishes? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of mother like I can’t keep my own man in check?”

  “I thought I was your beloved or has something changed?” asked Xander calmly.

  “What in the hell does that have to do with anything?” said Aubrey her tone still loud.

  “Then I don’t think it’s too much to ask for my betrothed to have breakfast with me before demanding I enchant something” said Xander still calmly.

  “All you want is to have breakfast with me?” asked Aubrey confused.

  “That was it, but since that seemed too much to ask of one who wants my hand, I can eat alone and enchant whatever it was Hawk brought me” said Xander trying to lay on a guilt trip.

  “No, it’s no trouble at all” said Aubrey.

  “Great, I would like to eat in here if you don’t mind. Hawk and the others can join us unless you insist they do not” Xander said gently removing her hand from his collar.

  “I don’t suppose that is too much to ask” said Aubrey as she calmed down.

  Xander ate breakfast and over the next couple of days saw Aubrey almost every hour, even letting her watch him and telling her all he knew about enchanting. Soon the wedding was two days away as nobles from all over started to visit the castle. Xander went out of his room and mingled, still unsure how to escape until help came from an unlikely source as he was walking back from seeing Aubrey in the throne room.

  “It looks like you have done alright for yourself” said Patrick as Xander walked by. “Went from a slave to the Royal Consort, a position I’m not sure you deserve.”

  Xander looked around the hall and found it deserted except for himself and Patrick, then he began to speak. “It is a position I wish I could escape Patrick.”

  “Escape” asked Patrick not sure if he heard the boy right.

  “My mother is probably dead right now, killed by Thornians as I am here, unable to leave while guardsmen watch my every move.”

  Patrick thought to himself. Aubrey would have been his if not for the boy enchanter and now he wishes to flee? If he could get rid of him without spilling a drop of blood, then Aubrey would be all his. “There are ways out of this place, ways so secret the guard doesn’t even post a watch for fear their presence would give it away.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Xander his hopes up high. “How would I reach it? What if they start shooting at me, I don’t even have my armor.”

  “I know where your armor is kept and can have somebody bring it to you if you wished it” said Patrick smiling.

  “Why are you helping me?” Xander asked suddenly suspicious.

  “I just want to be helpful; I will come for you at night. I will have a horse waiting for you, just be ready” Patrick said as he walked away.

  Xander packed his book along with his sword and dagger. Looking into the mirror, Xander decided to crop his hair real close, from a distance they could not tell if he was a child of war or not. The night seemed to drag on when Xander heard his door opening.

  “Hurry up boy, they will wake in a couple of hours” said Patrick as he peeked into the door.

  “Wow what happened to them?” asked Xander.

  “Sleeping potion, the whole guard has been dosed with it in their food. Normally they don’t all eat together except at feasts, like the one they had today when a member has finished commitment. Enough chatter, let’s get that armor and go.”

  Xander retrieved his armor and went the secret route Patrick told him about. Patrick wasn’t sure every guardsmen was down so he told Xander to keep a low profile. Xander left the city without incident and was riding hard when he had an idea. His horse would need to rest soon, while the guard could keep changing theirs out at every town getting fresh horses. While in the saddle Xander carved the word for endurance, and let his ether flow into it.

  Xander could feel his horse perk up immediately and he himself felt better as he rode through till darkness set again, letting his horse feed and get some sleep, hoping he put enough distance between him and the pursuers he knew would be coming.

  Xander woke and continued to ride, each day blending into the next. On his sixth day he finally reached familiar ground. It had been a little over seven months since he had been anywhere near Riley, but he longed for home. Xander rode even harder as he could make out Riley in the distance with streams of men running away from her. Xander rode until he reached one of the fleeing men.

  “Why do you flee?” asked Xander. “Are we not under attack?”

  “The Thornians are too much for us, we were ambushed from within, our ranks slaughtered. Let them have those damn witches I say, I’m saving my own hide. I’m tired of fighting in women’s wars anyhow. Run lad while you still can” was all he said as he ran towards where Xander came from.

  Xander spurred h
is horse on as he saw something he would never forget as long as he drew breath. On a pike outside of Riley, facing the Queendom of Rangel, was his mother’s head, her features twisted in agony alongside the mighty Gowan. Xander jumped off his horse and screamed as his world went red.

  Xander drew both of his swords and chopped through the now closed gates of Riley, once inside he started his slaughter of every living thing he could find. Men were cut in two, sometimes three or four pieces as he went on his rampage. He could hear men cry out as he ran them through, preferring to go with a stomach wound to give all officers a slow and agonizing death. Xander continued his slaughter going into every building he could find, slaying men in the colors of Rangel as well as Thornians, not sure of who sold out his mother. Xander could feel arrows bouncing off his armor leaving dents but not piercing as he continued his dance of death. The Thornians were in the middle of celebrating and most had dropped their armor when Xander entered his mother’s home, where he decapitated everyone he saw.

  Xander left his mother’s home and was still killing when he could see the Palace Guard enter Riley just as the last man fled.


  Frowley stepped around the many dead men he saw lying in the outpost in both countries colors and could see a fair amount of blood covering Xander. “Well boy it looks like you have had quite a bit of a workout. But as you know we are here to bring you in.”

  “Her head is the one you saw when you rode in” said Xander looking towards Thorn.

  “Whose head? What are you talking about boy?” asked Frowley.

  “My mother head was posted on her own door as some sort of twisted decoration. I am going to kill all responsible for this” Xander said as he wiped his blade on a nearby corpse.

  “Well it looks like you got a bit of payback today, but it ends now. You are coming back with us” said Max as he drew his blade.

  “All of you together may take me, but I promised some of you will not make it and only my dead body will you be allowed to take back to Aubrey. You can leave and say you never found me, only this damn armor”


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