Three Of A Kind

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Three Of A Kind Page 10

by Susan Hayes

  That note of delight told him everything he needed to know about her past lovers. They hadn’t known how to please her, and he relished the knowledge that he could be the one to show her what she’d been missing. Well, he’d get to start her education, and then the three of them would give her a scorching demonstration.


  Alyson was acting like a shameless wanton, and for the first time in her life, she didn’t care. Lance’s mouth was magic, and every touch of his tongue made her ache for more. She was so lost in her pleasure that she didn’t hear Dirk and Blade arrive. It wasn’t until one of them hissed at the chill of the water that she opened her eyes and saw they weren’t alone anymore.

  “You had to take her into the middle of the damned pond?” Dirk grumbled.

  “And you left your pants on. Alyson, sweetheart, please don’t judge us all by the actions of this idiot. I promise you, we’re smarter than him.” Blade appeared at her side and leaned in to kiss her as Dirk vanished behind her before she could see more than a glimpse of his hard, and very naked body.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” Dirk wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned back to nestle against the broad bulk of his body. His hands smoothed up her sides to cup her breasts, the calloused pads of his thumbs stroking over her nipples until they tightened into hard points.

  “I thought you were on dinner duty?” she asked.

  “We were. Then we heard you moaning. Did you really think we’d stay away after that?” Dirk asked.

  Lance raised his head from between her legs for a brief moment to mutter. “I was hoping you would, yeah.”

  Blade snickered. “Not a chance.”

  Distracted by the three sets of hands caressing her, Alyson didn’t say anything at all. She didn’t have enough focus left to form words. Lance bowed his head again, and she moaned as he zeroed in on her clit, working it with his tongue and teeth until she felt herself trembling on the edge of exquisite release. She crossed her ankles behind him and lifted herself up, silently urging him on.

  Blade and Dirk were taking turns claiming her lips and blazing a trail down to her breasts.

  “Are you ready to come for us, Alyson?” Dirk whispered, his lips brushing against her skin with every silken word.

  She managed to moan and nod her head despite the heat that flooded her cheeks.

  Lance uttered a muffled laugh that made her entire body hum with pleasure as the vibrations rolled through her.

  “Show us how good you feel right now. Let us hear you. I can see you’re close. So close.”

  Blade closed his teeth on her nipple, making her gasp as a bolt of something that wasn’t quite pain zinged straight to her clit. Her pussy walls tightened, and Lance slid two fingers into her channel, pushing her over the edge and into orgasm.

  Her senses exploded as her orgasm bloomed and rose up to consume her, carrying her away on a wave of sensations that left her limp and gasping for breath.

  “Watching you come was even sexier than I’d imagined.” Lance sounded utterly smug as he rose up from between her legs and grinned at her.

  “You’re incredible,” Blade declared a split second before he kissed her so deeply her toes curled and she forgot to breathe.

  By the time he released her from that kiss, Lance had moved to her side, and Dirk was standing in front of her, one hand wrapped around the thick length of his cock as he eyed her with blatant hunger.

  “Yes?” he asked, and there was a multitude of meanings locked into that single word.

  She swallowed sharply. This was it. If she said yes, then everything changed. She hesitated, but then realized she was lying on a rock, naked and still trembling from an amazing orgasm. Things had already changed—for the better.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  Blade chuckled from somewhere behind her. “Good answer.”

  She tipped her head back to look at him, and Lance groaned. “Perfect. Stay just like that.”

  “Oh, yeah.” One of the others spoke, but she wasn’t sure who. Right now, it didn’t matter. They were all in this together.

  Lance cradled her gently, his arm across the back of her shoulders so that her head fell back toward Blade and she was supported a few inches above the rock she was lying on. Dirk gripped her hips and moved between her legs. He drew her legs around his waist, and she gasped as his cock pressed against the still sensitive folds of her pussy. Her head starting to buzz from all the blood rushing to it and she felt a brief flash of doubt. Could she really do this?

  Lance leaned in close and nuzzled her ear. “Don’t think. Feel.”

  She closed her eyes tried to relax.

  Dirk rocked his hips, dragging the thick head of his cock across her pussy and then covering her clit with the pad of his thumb. He caressed her with fingers and his cock, teasing her with promises of pleasure to come. Something soft brushed against her lips, and she opened her mouth, her tongue sweeping out to taste what was being offered to her. The scent of musk and the salt-tangy taste of pre-cum. She opened her mouth wider, using her tongue to swirl delicate circles around the head of Blade’s cock.

  They fell into a languid rhythm of give and take. Each stroke and caress moved her back and forth, while Lance held her safe between them, whispering encouragements and a litany of lurid descriptions of what was happening around her.

  By the time Dirk finally seated himself at her entrance, she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. Consumed by desires she couldn’t even name, she met Dirk’s gentle thrust with one of her own, driving him deep into her body.

  “I think she’s done waiting,” Lance chuckled, his breath still a soft buzz by her ear. “Tell us what you need, Alyson.”

  “More. I need more. Please.” She barely recognized the broken, breathless words as hers.

  “From both of us?” Blade asked.

  She nodded and reached up to grasp his shaft in her hand, guiding it to her mouth and drawing him inside. All three men groaned, and then everything seemed to go up in flames. She was filled at both ends, mouth and pussy, cocks stroking in deep and then withdrawing again, as Lance stroked and toyed with her breasts with his free hand. She was caught in a maelstrom of needs and desires, all of them working together to scale the highest peaks of pleasure, reaching levels of bliss she never even dreamed of.

  Blade uttered a low growl of need and tangled his fingers into her hair as he pushed deeper into her mouth. She flattened her tongue against the top of his shaft, using it to stroke and tease.

  Dirk’s hands tightened on her hips as his thrusts became shorter and harder. Every stroke passed over nerve endings alight with new sensations, and soon she was quaking with need, desperate for a release that she couldn’t quite reach.

  “I’ve got you, lover,” Lance murmured, and she followed the touch of his fingers as they trailed down her stomach, not stopping until they pressed against the throbbing flesh of her clit.

  She moaned and arched herself higher, pushing Blade’s cock deeper into her throat.

  Instinctively she reached for Lance, her fingers finding his cock and wrapping around its thick length.

  “Veth, woman. You don’t have to…”

  She couldn’t speak, but she tightened her fingers around Lance’s cock until he stopped arguing. She wanted to be connected to all of them, giving them each as much pleasure as they were giving her. Hand, mouth, pussy, they claimed her together, and it wasn’t long before it all became too much, and she moaned loudly.

  “Perfect,” Dirk groaned.

  “So perfect,” Blade echoed his brother’s sentiments.

  “Ours,” Lance pinched her clit on Dirk’s next thrust, and she fell into an orgasm so powerful the world went dark, and there was nothing but wave after wave of breathtaking bliss.

  She was roused by the primal cries of her lovers as they came in turn. Hot cum filled her body, flowed down her throat, and covered her midriff as she took them over the edge with her.

  Too satiated to even
move, she let herself drift in a hazy fog for a while. Something cool and wet stroked her thighs, her stomach. She opened her eyes as Lance lifted her into the air, carrying her back to shore.

  “You know if you keep pampering me this way I might decide to never let you stop.”

  “You’ve figured out our cunning plan,” Blade said, appearing beside her. He was still naked, and it dawned on her that she was, too. Suddenly embarrassed, she shrank in on herself, hands covering her breasts as she drew her knees in tighter.

  “Don’t,” Lance murmured, then raised his voice so that his brothers could hear every word. “You are gorgeous and amazing, and your ex-fiancé was a fraxxing idiot to cheat on you. Never doubt that for a minute. Being with you made all three of us lose our damned minds. That’s how amazing you are. Do you believe me?”

  A quick glance around revealed that all three of them staring at her, waiting for an answer. After what they had shared, there was only one answer she could give them. “I believe you. I’m already trusting you three with my life. I might as well trust you with my heart, too.”

  Dirk’s cautious expression melted into a smile and Blade winked at her. “Another good answer.”

  She stopped trying to hide and reached out to her lovers, instead. They took her hands, and they walked back through the meadow together. It felt so right, she regretted spending so much time trying to keep them at a distance. These were the men she needed. Blade, who could always make her smile no matter how tired or stressed she was. Lance, who always knew the right words to make her feel better. And Dirk, her stubborn, steadfast lover who spoke from his heart. This was where she was supposed to be. Surrounded by men who cared for her, and would do everything in their power to keep her safe.


  Blade slipped out of bed the next morning without waking Alyson. She was still curled between Dirk and Lance, sleeping peacefully. Her blonde hair was sleep-mussed, and while there were still shadows under her eyes, they were less noticeable than they’d been in weeks.

  “Coffee?” Lance’s query sounded inside his head.

  “On it. Maybe breakfast in bed for our sleeping beauty?” Blade sent back.

  “Maybe you’re not the dumb one, after all,” Dirk said.

  “We all know that I got the looks and the brains.”

  He left the bedroom as silently as he could and stepped into the hall, moving around the neatly folded stack of blankets and pillows Alyson insisted on leaving out for whoever was assigned to guard her door as she slept. Last night would have been his turn, but instead of sleeping out in the hall, Blade had fallen asleep with Alyson in his arms. It was how he hoped to fall asleep every night from now on.

  Huey already had the food dispenser working on coffee by the time Blade arrived in the kitchen. The droid kept the kitchen well stocked with food, did the laundry, and somehow managed to keep up with the mess he and his brothers made. After living in a constant state of disarray and chaos, it was far too easy to get used to the way Alyson lived.

  None of them were quite sure how she afforded it, though. The medical center wasn’t cheap to run, and she paid her staff generously. Even assuming her spacious living quarters were included in the exorbitant fees she paid to Astek Corporation for her lease, she still lived a very comfortable life for a young doctor with no business partners. There was still a lot they didn’t know about each other, but time would change that. Now she had finally dropped her guard, anything was possible. All they had to do was protect her, and her research, until it was time to tell the galaxy the dirty secrets that the corporations were doing their best to hide.

  Ten minutes later, he was carrying a tray loaded with coffee, pastries, and assorted breakfast options, while Huey followed a few steps behind, carrying an even larger tray and two folding contraptions they could set the trays on.

  “Did you bring the whole kitchen with you?” Dirk asked in a hushed voice as they re-entered the bedroom. He was eyeing the trays with amusement.

  “Huey and I couldn’t decide what to bring, so we brought a little of everything.”

  “Aw, you’re bonding with the bot. You finally made a friend,” Lance jested.

  “It’s too early in the morning for you three to start with the brotherly banter,” Alyson declared in a raspy voice as she stretched beneath the covers. “What’s my rule?”

  “No banter before coffee or Alyson gets grumpy.” Blade rattled his tray. “In my defense, I did bring the coffee.”

  She cracked open one eye and grinned as she extended her hand to him and wriggled her fingers. “You’re now my favorite. Gimme.”

  “You’re adorable and far too easy to bribe. Might I suggest setting the bar a little higher?” Dirk leaned in to kiss her cheek, careful not to jostle her newly acquired mug of coffee.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “For starters, a massage every morning,” Dirk said.

  “Followed by breakfast in bed,” Lance added.

  “And of course, coffee and orgasms, in whichever order you’d prefer,” Blade concluded.

  Alyson spluttered into her coffee, and when she looked up again her cheeks were pink, but she was smiling. “That’s quite a morning routine.”

  “We’re full-service bodyguards, Doc. And we’re all yours.”

  Dirk rose to help serve breakfast, and Blade claimed his place on the bed. “Whatever you need. All you have to do is ask.”

  Her eyes gleamed with pure contentment, and her smile was bright enough to put the stars to shame. “Right now, I have everything I need right here. This is the nicest wake up I’ve ever had.”

  It was the nicest morning he could remember, too. Since Alyson had come into their lives, everything was better. It was a sappy sentiment he would never admit aloud, but it didn’t make it any less true.

  While they ate, the conversation flowed from topic to topic until she asked a question they’d never been asked before.

  “Why are the three of you so different? I thought the corporations used clones because it made sure that you all acted and thought the same way. You three don’t. Not really.”

  All three of them looked at each other, then back at her. “You’re the first person to notice.”

  “Then no one else is paying attention. Luke and Kit are a lot more similar to each other than the three of you.” She tipped her head to one side. “I’m assuming it has something to do with the fact you were released from your behavior modification programs right away.”

  “That’s part of it,” Dirk said.

  “And the rest?” she prodded softly.

  Dirk spoke for all of them. “Most places we signed on to work didn’t need three bodies to do the same job. We wound up doing different tasks, and learning from different people. There were stretches of time we barely saw each other. We all developed our own skill sets.”

  “And developed your own personalities, too. I mean, it’s obvious you three are related, but I don’t understand how anyone could miss the differences between you.”

  “I told you before, sunshine. No one else sees us the way you do.”

  Blade leaned in to steal a coffee-flavored kiss. “What Lance said.”

  She cradled her coffee in her hands, staring down into the mug as if it contained the secrets of the cosmos. “So, what do you see when you look at me?”

  “A beautiful woman who is so far out of our orbit we shouldn’t even be breathing the same atmosphere,” Dirk said.

  It was a truth none of them had spoken out loud until now. She was sexy, fierce, cultured, and smarter than all three of them put together. As determined as they had been to win her over, Blade still wasn’t sure how in the galaxy they had gotten so lucky.

  Alyson’s head jerked up. “Don’t say that. I’m not too good for you.”

  “Yes, you are, but that doesn’t matter. You’re ours now, and we’re not letting you go.” Blade recognized the expression on their lover’s face. It was a mixture of self-doubt, denial, and yearning.
He knew the feeling well because he’d lived with it for years.

  “There’s still a lot about me you don’t know.”

  “So? You’ll tell us when you’re ready. There’s a lot you don’t know about us yet, too,” Dirk said.

  Blade snickered. “You make it sound like we’re fascinating and complicated. We’re not.” He pointed to Dirk. “That one’s bossy. Lance likes to watch, and I’m an extroverted flirt. Lance likes to tinker with machines. I play chess, and Dirk is a hell of a bartender, but he can’t dance. At least, not as well as Lance and me. There you have it, the Trello brothers summarized.”

  “You can dance? Where did you learn that?” she asked.

  Dirk and Lance groaned.

  “I thought we swore never to bring that up again?” Lance reached past Alyson to swat Blade’s shoulder.

  Blade ignored him and winked at Alyson. “Ask me again sometime, and I’ll tell you all about our brief but glorious stint as exotic dancers.”

  “You stripped? Where? Was it on the Drift? Wait, does this mean I’m officially dating ex-strippers? Phae is going to be so proud of me. She’s always telling me I need a little adventure in my life.”

  Dirk pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “I tended bar on this misadventure. My minimum standards for employment are higher than these two lunatics.”

  “We were broke, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Yes, it was here on the Drift. And yes, you’re dating a couple of former exotic dancers. As for adventure, I think you’ve got more than your share of that right now. When Phae gets here, she’s going to be amazed at how much trouble you’ve managed to find.”

  Alyson actually grinned at that. “You know, you’re right. For once, I think I’m in more trouble than she is.”

  “And you’re happy about it, too. Veth, woman, what are we going to do with you?” Dirk asked.

  She drained her mug and handed it to Lance and then stretched back out on the bed, eyes shining above her blushing cheeks. “I do believe someone mentioned orgasms and coffee, and I’m all out of coffee.”


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