The Chieftain: A Highlander's Heart and Soul Novel

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The Chieftain: A Highlander's Heart and Soul Novel Page 16

by Maeve Greyson

  With one last glance at his men, Alexander pulled in a deep breath and forced himself to enter the cave and make his way to Catriona.

  “Where is Sutherland taking Father William?” Catriona rose from her stone seat and looked toward the mouth of the cave. “He told me to wait here but promise me he doesna mean to harm the man? Not a man of God?”

  “Nay, m’lady.” Alexander hurried to reassure her. That’s all he needed was for Catriona to think them a band of soulless murderers. “Sutherland…” his words trailed off. What the hell should he say to her?

  “Sutherland?” Catriona prompted, seeming a great deal more calm than when he’d first left her beside the fire.

  Alexander made a mental note to thank the priest. He must’ve talked to the lass and eased her mind. “Never ye mind about Sutherland.” Alexander waved away her words then took hold of both her hands and held them between his. Such a beauty she was. Alexander gazed into the deep green of her eyes and a calm knowing came over him. Aye. This is the right of it. 'Tis surely meant to be.

  “Catriona.” He took a step closer and cradled her hands to his heart.

  “Aye?” Catriona said in a hesitant whisper, leeriness shining in her eyes.

  “I would verra much like to take…” he paused. Nay. 'Twas no' how he should say it. He swallowed hard and started over. “If ye’d like to be…” He blew out an impatient huff. Nay. That wouldna do either.

  “For God’s sake, Alexander, what are ye trying to say?” She looked as though she was about to cry.

  “Be my wife, aye?” There. He’d said it. He held his breath, every muscle tensed as he waited for her answer.

  She ducked her chin, her unblinking stare locked on the floor. After a long painful moment, she lifted her gaze and gave him a sad look. “Ye dinna have to do that, Alexander. I’ll be all right on my own.” She squeezed his hands. “I care about ye too much to burden ye with such.”

  She cared about him. He caught hold of those words and held fast to them as he took a step closer, close enough that he felt more of her heat than that of the fire. “Ye are no' a burden, my lovely one. Ye would never be a burden.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but Alexander pressed a finger to her parted lips. “Hear me out, lass. I beg ye.”

  Catriona closed her mouth and hitched in a shaking breath before giving him a quick nod.

  “I’ve nothing to offer ye.” Alexander opened her hands and pressed them on top of his heart. “No hearth. No home. No clan.” He folded his hands atop hers and pressed them against his chest. “All I can give ye is protection.” His voice lowered of its own accord. “And m’heart and soul.” With one hand still pressed atop hers in the center of his chest, he reached out with the other hand and cupped her face in his palm. “For all time, ye ken?”

  Her mouth ajar a hair’s breadth, she gazed up at him a long moment then raced the tip of her tongue across the opened seam of her lips, mesmerizing him with the motion. She hitched in a shaking breath and blew it out. “Ye swear I’m no' a burden to ye?”

  Flinching against the stiffness in his weak leg, Alexander lowered himself to the floor and took a knee before her. He pressed a kiss to the palms of her hands then clasped them tight between his own. “On m’life and soul, I swear it.”

  The faintest of smiles quivered at the corners of her mouth.

  Alexander held his breath, praying she’d know his words to be true and accept him. He didna have any idea where they would go nor how they would live but he did ken in his heart that they’d think it through and find a way. Together.

  After what seemed like forever, she nodded and uttered a breathy, “Aye,” then hurried to steady him as he rose to his feet. “I will be your wife, Alexander…for all time.”

  Fighting to restrain himself against the urge to catch her up against his chest and spin her around, Alexander brushed the chastest of kisses across Catriona’s parted lips.

  She smiled up into his eyes and squeezed both his hands. “Is this why Sutherland pulled poor Father William away from the fire?”

  “Aye.” Alexander returned her smile, sheer happiness coursing through him. “Poor wee man. We’ll all be condemned to Hell I’m sure if he has anything to say about it.” Lacing her fingers through his, Alexander led her outside the cave where everyone was waiting. He nodded as he kissed the back of her hand then kept it hugged to his chest. “Catriona has done me the honor of accepting.”

  “Well done!” Magnus said.

  Duncan and Sutherland unleashed a roar that echoed down the mountain.

  “Fools!” Graham scolded. “Ye’ll cause a feckin' avalanche.”

  They all went silent and turned and looked at the mountain rising above the cave. Thankfully, no such mishap occurred.

  “Ye mean to marry this man?” The incredulous voice came from beyond the group close to the tethered horses. “This barbarian who leads a den of thieves that have no respect for the Cloth?” Grasping Sutherland’s oversized cloak around his small frame, the priest marched over to stand in front of Catriona and gave her a piercing stare. Eyes so squinted they were almost shut, he leaned close to her. “Say the word, lass. I’ll grant ye sanctuary and protect your virtue with the word of Almighty God. If they dare touch ye, they’ll burn in Hell for all eternity.” He turned and gave the warriors a smug look as though he’d just unleashed an invincible weapon and victory was nigh.

  Alexander clenched his teeth to keep from laughing in the poor man’s face. No sense endangering his soul any further. He squeezed Catriona’s hand and waited.

  “I do wish to marry this man,” Catriona said, reaching out to rest a reassuring hand atop the priest’s arm. “He’s a good man, Father. I promise ye.”

  “Humpf!” The priest stood taller and resettled the cloak about his narrow shoulders. “We’d best be about it then before the sun sets and this air grows any colder.” He reached inside his robes and drew out a small book with a worn faded binding and ragged cover. Still scowling, he lifted his long nose and glanced about the clearing, his damning gaze settling on each of the men. “Gather ’round then. Ye shall be the witnesses.”

  Graham, Magnus, Duncan, and Sutherland gave obedient grins and lined up on either side of the couple.

  Licking the tip of his thumb, Father William opened his book and fluttered through the pages until he reached the desired passage. Holding it open in his palm, he traced a finger down the yellowed page then lifted his gaze and gave Alexander a stern look.

  “Do ye…” Father William paused and scowled up at Alexander. “What be your full Christian name, man?”

  “Alexander Grant Maxwell MacCoinnich.” Alexander swallowed hard and tensed against the sudden urge to cross himself and draw his sword. There was nothing quite so dire and ball-shrivelin’ as giving your full Christian name to a priest.

  Father William turned to Catriona. "And your name, lass?"

  “Catriona Elizabeth Rose Neal.”

  “Verra well then.” Father William cleared his throat, leveled his shoulders, and continued. “Do ye, Alexander Grant Maxwell MacCoinnich, take Catriona Elizabeth Rose Neal to be your wife 'til death shall part the two of ye?”

  A cold sweat stole across Alexander and he swallowed hard again. “Aye. I do so.” Before the priest could continue, he turned to Catriona and held her hands tighter. The sudden need to make Catriona believe he did this of his own free will overtook him. “I have nothing to give ye but my heart and soul but I would have ye know that they’ll e’er be yours. From this moment forward, we shall be as one 'till death shall end our years.” His mam had taught him the oath long ago. Perhaps 'twas her spirit that had reminded him of the words. The words she’d said that his father had once said to her.

  Catriona’s lips parted and her eyes took on the sheen of tears.

  The priest cleared his throat. “Verra good. Now, Catriona Elizabeth Rose Neal, do ye take Alexander Grant Maxwell MacCoinnich to be your husband 'til death shall part ye?”

sp; “Aye,” Catriona said without shifting her gaze from Alexander’s. She squeezed his hands as she continued, “The first cut of my meat, the first sip of my wine, I vow shall always be yours. At night, only your name shall ever grace my lips and my smile is for your eyes alone each morning. I swear upon my heart and soul before all these witnesses here that I will forevermore cherish and honor ye through this life and into the next.”

  “Humpf!” The priest frowned at her for a moment then gave a noncommittal shrug. “A bit pagan, but I’ll allow it.” He huffed out an exasperated humming exhale as though trying to ensure he’d forgotten nothing. At long last, he cleared his throat, looked first at Catriona, then shifted his gaze to Alexander. “I hereby pronounce ye married. Two ye no longer be. Forevermore ye be one. Let no man put asunder what God hath done.” He snapped his Bible shut, shoved it into the pocket of his robes, and studied each person of the group as though assessing their status of eternal damnation or ascension into heaven. Nostrils flaring, he huffed out a disgruntled snort then asked, “Where’s the whisky?”

  Chapter 16

  She had never hoped for a wedding night.

  Catriona allowed her gaze to linger on each of the faces of the laughing males sitting around the fire. A warm sense of belonging, warmer than any flame or ember, engulfed her and made her smile. Here she sat. In a cave with no possessions but the clothes on her back. That thought made her smile, too, because she didna give a whit about belongings. Not anymore. Happiness filled her and she could never remember being this content before with her lot in life.

  She stole a shy sideways glance at Alexander, then looked away with a quick turn of her head and sip from her cup when he caught her studying him. She both feared and hungered for his dark smoldering gaze that seemed to peer into her soul. He had the ability to unleash surges of heat through her faster than whisky. Even back at the keep, Alexander had always had the power to set her middle to fluttering and make her a little breathless with just a glance. But now…she drew in a shaking breath and swallowed hard. Lord, help me. The power he commanded now.

  She swallowed hard. So, this was her wedding night. In a cave. With four mercenaries, two young boys, a priest, and her husband. Husband. How could a mere word release such an avalanche of feelings?

  She rolled her tensed shoulders and sat taller, attempting a covert yet casual search of the shadows of the large cave lit only by the fire. Aye, the space was large and the lighting dim, but how in heaven’s name could they expect her to consummate her vows whilst bedding down among the group of men? She gave Alexander another quick glance. Surely, he’d no' expect her to…not with the men all around them.

  Such barbarism. Her mother, God rest her soul, would spin so hard in her grave she’d knock the rocks from her burial cairn. Catriona bit back a silent bitter laugh. Her father wouldna give a damn and was more than likely too busy betting with the devil for sole ownership of Hell to pay her struggles in this world any mind. She blinked away the scandalous thought and took another quick sip of the whisky shimmering in the small tin cup that Alexander had retrieved from his pack and handed to her with a shy smile.

  Magnus startled her as he stood and motioned for the others to follow. “Come. 'Tis time to leave the bride and groom to themselves. They dinna need an audience.”

  “But where will ye go?” Catriona cringed at the nervous squeak in her voice. The night held both excitement and fear when the men left them alone and she wasna…ready. She had never…well, she’d never. Not ever. Not even close. What if she did something wrong and Alexander found her wanting? She had heard of many a marriage where such things had occurred and the man had put the woman out.

  “Ye canna sleep out in the cold,” she called after them, struggling to keep the anxious desperation out of her voice.

  The men and boys shared knowing looks among themselves. Smiling. Nodding. With much winking and nudging of elbows, they acted as though a prank they'd planned had gone verra well.

  Magnus gave Catriona a polite bow. “We’ll be fine, m’lady. We’ll bed down with the horses outside the cave. There’s shelter aplenty there thanks to Sawny and Tom and the night is mild compared to some we’ve endured, I assure ye.”

  Catriona folded her hands in her lap and attempted a nonchalant nod. Her hope of avoiding the inevitable lost. Her fate was nigh. “Verra well then. Sleep ye well.”

  Each of the men gave Alexander a pointed look as they filed out of the cave and took the two snickering boys along with them. Father William paused halfway, turned back as though to say something, then changed his mind with a quick shake of his head, waving away the thought as he turned and hurried out of the cave.

  Catriona kept her gaze locked on the fire, finding it difficult to draw breath. Now, what was she expected to do? What would a wife do? She had no advice to draw from. Mother had ne’er told her about such things and neither had Gaersa.


  The way he spoke her name. So soft. Insistent and…possessive. She shivered. 'Twas like an intimate caress that made her long for him to come closer.

  “Catriona.” Even softer. A lover’s whisper, or how she’d dreamed a lover’s call might sound.

  “Aye?” She stayed focused on the fire, hands knotted in her lap, concentrating on breathing. 'Twas true, back at the keep, whilst he’d been trying to console her about her betrothal, and in the caves after he’d found her, she’d shared his embrace and a few ardent kisses but this…what should she do now?

  Alexander slid his hand under hers and nudged her around to face him. He leaned closer, slid a finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “Do ye fear me, lass?”

  His eyes, so telling. Need. Hunger. Yearning. So many emotions shone from those blue-black depths. Catriona hitched in a deep breath and released it with a slow, quiet hiss. “I’m no' afraid of ye…as such.” She gave a nervous swipe of the tip of her tongue across her lips and dropped her gaze, mesmerized by the pulsing tick of his heartbeat at the base of his throat. His unbuttoned tunic revealed such a teasing expanse of chest, the swirls of dark hair across his muscles daring her to stroke her fingertips across his body just as she’d done back at the keep when he’d been unconscious with fever. She forced her focus back to the captivating pull of his eyes, relinquishing herself to the lure of the raging passion she saw storming within them.

  “I dinna fear ye. It’s just I dinna wish to disappoint ye.” She highlighted the sentiment with an exasperated twitch of one shoulder.

  Alexander smiled as though she hadna said a word then laced his fingers up into her hair. “Your hair has always beguiled me. Fiery as copper. Softer than any silk.” With a gentleness that touched her heart, he freed her tresses from the ribbons and pins. The weight of her unruly mane tumbled down her back and flowed across his hands like liquid fire. He lifted a curl and brought it to his face, stroking it against his cheek and closing his eyes as though savoring the tress like a sample of the finest velvet. He opened his eyes, giving her a look that threatened to melt her where she sat. “Ye could never disappoint me, dearling.” His tone was soft and coaxing. “Not ever.”

  “But I dinna ken what to do.”

  Alexander responded with nothing more than a kind smile and a gentle cupping of her cheek.

  She wanted to be brave and do her best to be a good wife, but she had so little knowledge to go on. Her waning courage bolstered by the look in Alexander’s eyes, Catriona fiddled free her knotted arisaidh and allowed the cloth to fall away from her shoulders. Aye, that’s good. Now…more. She took a deep breath and with a shy hesitance, slid her hands up Alexander’s bared forearms. A delicious aching sensation filled her, making the cave seem verra warm. She wet her lips again and found the courage to reach up and touch the dusting of more than a day’s growth of beard darkening Alexander’s usually clean-shaven jaw. The thick sable bristles had already begun to curl. They tickled against her palm.

  “'Tis already soft,” she said more to herself than him.
  Without a word, Alexander rose, and eased her to her feet with him. He led her to a thick pile of pallets covered with a plaid and placed her beside it. After a long moment, he slid his hands up her arms and squeezed her shoulders, then bowed his head. “Forgive me for having no finery for ye. Believe me when I tell ye I’m truly sorry our wedding bed is so crude.”

  “'Tis fine enough,” she whispered, touching his chest to steady herself after a sudden weakness seemed to overtake her knees and make standing a challenge. Gaining courage and praying he wouldna think her brazen, she smoothed her hands into the opened throat of his shirt and raked her fingers through the hair on his chest. So wiry. So tickling. She couldna get enough of the sensation, all muscled hardness beneath and tickling curls atop.

  Alexander tensed and hitched in a breath as though startled by her touch.

  “Forgive me,” she said and moved to draw her hands away. 'Twas just as she’d feared. She’d made a foolish mistake and acted the whore rather than a wife.

  “Nay,” Alexander said in a low, rumbling tone as he took hold of one her hands and moved it lower. “Never apologize for your touch, wife. It inflames me, I promise ye.”

  Catriona caught her breath, not allowing herself to glance down. So rigid and hard. And it felt so much…larger. She’d seen his manhood when nursing him back to health but it had ne’er been like this.

  He pressed her hand up and down the firm length of him with one hand while he laced his other hand up into her hair and tilted her head back for a gentle kiss. “This is what ye do to me, wife, and trust me, ye do it well.”

  Encouraged and burning with a strange wanting she’d never known, Catriona shoved aside his kilt and slid her hand down inside the front of his trews. With a hesitant touch, she grazed her fingers along the silken hardness of his member as she opened to his deeper, more urgent kiss. He tasted of whisky and need. The hint of wood smoke mixed with his scent of strong virile male created an exquisite combination that made her senses reel.


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