Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set

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Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set Page 6

by Heated Desires Publishing

  Dylan leaned back on the couch as they both lay together, Summer curled up on top of his frame, his arms still keeping her secure. Her head was placed perfectly on his chest and she could hear his heart beating.

  The sound of the tapping rain and the warmth of Dylan’s body allowed her to drift back into the sleep she had been wanting, Dylan not far behind her.

  They awoke still in each other’s arms, the rain long passed and the sun now out to greet the morning. Summer sat up and looked around, and Dylan stretched his arms outward before checking the time.

  “Wow, we must have slept hard,” he said.

  “It’s already six. I have some work to do.”

  Summer felt badly.

  “I’m sorry, Dylan. I didn’t mean to make you oversleep. I know you have work to do each morning.”

  “Don’t you worry about it. It’s my fault. I can still get everything done. Let me make you some breakfast first.”

  Summer didn’t want to be the reason the horses had to eat late.

  “No, no,” she said.

  “Take care of the animals first.”

  He touched her shoulders firmly. “Summer. Please. Let me make you some food first.”

  Dylan prepared them both a breakfast of Colorado omelets and oatmeal with fresh fruit and coffee. Summer didn’t realize just how hungry she was from not eating her dinner the night before, she inhaled her breakfast.

  “You sure can eat,” Dylan laughed.

  “Well, your food is really good. Thank you for breakfast.”

  “When you’re done there, go shower and get ready. I’ll feed the horses and clean the stalls, shouldn’t take me more than a couple of hours. Pack a backpack for overnight. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” said Summer.

  “Why overnight, though?”

  Dylan smiled over his mug of coffee.

  “It’ll be a surprise.”

  Summer left Dylan to his morning duties and went to go shower. She dusted her face lightly with makeup and allowed her curly, sandy hair to dry naturally.

  Trying to think of what Dylan could be plotting, she packed basic items for overnight, unsure of what kind of adventure he had in mind.

  She came outside to find him shirtless, taking a drink from the hose. His stomach muscles were defined and healthy, and she couldn’t keep herself from staring.

  He looked up and spotted her.

  “Hey, Summer! I just finished up. Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded, still secretly wild over what she was viewing. She wanted so badly to explore his exposed skin with her hands, but she kept them at her side.

  “Where are we going?”

  Dylan motioned with his finger for Summer to follow, and guided her over to his parked truck. He had his dad’s miniature camper attached to the back.

  “What is all this?” asked Summer.

  “We’re headed to the mountains! I know the best campground out that way. Are you in?”

  Summer suddenly realized just how hard she was falling for Dylan. She had never before met someone so kind and beautiful inside and out.

  “I’m in!” she exclaimed. But what about the animals in the morning?”

  He pulled her hands and led her to the passenger side of his truck, opening the door for her.

  “Don’t worry about them. My buddy Derek said he’d stop over first thing in the morning and take care of them for me this one time. He owes me anyway after I painted his barn last spring. Now, let’s go.”

  Summer hopped into the truck and they pulled away from the property, driving down the desolate road together.

  Chapter 6

  “You ever seen the Rockies up close?” asked Dylan.

  He reached for Summer’s hand and gently played with her thumb.

  “No, I haven’t. Iowa is flat. I’ve never seen any mountains before.”

  “Sounds like your old life needed some color.”

  She looked down at her hand as Dylan was touching it.

  “Tell me about it.”

  The drive down the road eventually led to the mountains appearing larger as they neared them. Summer was thrilled to be alone with Dylan, taking on an adventure together.

  She watched him as he drove with his windows rolled down, singing loudly and happily along to a Johnny Cash song. How carefree and remarkable he seemed to her, someone she felt so grateful to have met him. It was as if she’d known him for several years.

  The three-hour drive didn’t seem as long as it actually was. Dylan pulled the truck into a campground and they parked along the mountains. He hopped out of his seat and ran over to her side, helping her down from the truck.

  “Take a look, Summer. Isn’t it beautiful out here?”

  Summer allowed her eyes to adjust to the beauty in front of her. Mountains as far as she could see, some green and some still snowcapped. Jagged and majestic and intimidating. She was in awe.

  Dylan chuckled.

  “Your lack of words is telling me you’re enjoying it, at least I hope.”

  She collected her words enough to choke out, “This is amazing.”

  Dylan began unhooking the trailer from his truck and fixing up the inside.

  “I don’t think my dad has used this thing for a couple of years. I need to make sure it looks okay inside… and make sure it doesn’t smell.”

  Summer laughed and Dylan vanished inside the trailer. She took a step farther away from the campsite, staring at the mountains and realizing all she had yet to experience. There was still so much excitement ahead of her, and the unknown was suddenly attractive.

  They spent the day on a hike, discussing their parents and friends and worries. Summer explained how dull she had felt the past few years. People in the town she’d grown up in barely leave.

  “I know people like that,” said Dylan. “It’s like they don’t know they’re missing so much.”


  They returned to the campsite right before dusk and a few stars were beginning to poke through the velvet sky.

  “I’ll start a fire,” said Dylan.

  “You go get comfortable inside and I’ll take care of everything.”

  Summer went inside the trailer for the first time to change into a sweatshirt and saw that Dylan had prepared the bed and kitchen area already. Everything looked so tidy and cozy.

  She checked herself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and returned to Dylan outside. He had a fire going already.

  “That was fast,” Summer noted.

  Dylan looked up at her and pointed to his truck. She noticed in the bed of his truck were pillows and blankets.

  “You’re going to love the stars tonight.”

  They waited for darkness to fully greet the sky and climbed into the back of the truck. Dylan put pillows behind Summer’s head and pulled blankets over top of their bodies. Summer looked up into the sky and had never seen so many cosmic entities before.

  Dylan softly stroked her hair.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying this,” he said.

  “I am. Thank you for this. I think I needed it.”

  He turned to her and placed the weight of his head on his elbow.

  “I think I needed this, too. I was waiting for something good to come into my life.”

  She turned to look at him, and he leaned in and kissed her.

  “Summer,” he continued.

  “I want you to know I like you. I was praying and praying for an end to my loneliness. Someone I could learn with and take care of. Grow with. I think you may be the answer to that prayer.”

  Summer knew it. She had fallen too hard to escape. As she lay with Dylan under the starry sky, everything changed. There was no longer a doubt in her mind about her new life. Her new life with Dylan.

  “Summer, as long as you and I are under the same roof, I’m going to take care of you. And I think we’re going to be happy.”

  Summer felt a sense of gratefulness until one thought got in her way.

  “What do you think our parents will think?”

  Dylan pulled himself on top of Summer and began tickling her sides.

  “We’ll run away, then!”

  She laughed and knew he was joking, but there was also a small amount of seriousness in his voice. His hands paused and he stared down at Summer, her hair laid across the pillows and her eyes reflecting the stars.

  He bent down to kiss her forehead, and she touched his neck gently. Goosebumps from her touch began to crawl across his neck and working their way down to his arms. He shivered at the transition.

  Summer knew what she wanted, and she knew it was not going away any time soon.

  “Dylan, I want you to make love to me.”

  Dylan sat up and looked down at her quizzically.

  “Are you sure that is what you want?”

  “Yes, Dylan. I do. Please make love to me.”

  Dylan was still for a moment, continuing to look down at her. He pulled his shirt up over his head revealing his toned torso again to Summer. She reached up and touched it for the first time; it was hard and smooth on her delicate fingertips.

  Summer sat up to kiss Dylan but he gently pushed her back down onto the blankets.

  “No, you just relax.”

  Summer slid off her shorts and sweatshirt and Dylan admired her body under the moonlight. Her normally darker skin seemed to glow under the velvet sky, and he stroked her sensitive breasts with his large hands, increasing each stroke’s pressure until he had them cupped in his palms.

  Summer moaned softly as he caressed her.

  “I want you inside me,” she said.

  Dylan pulled off his jeans, he was ready and full. As he slowly entered her, Summer grabbed the side of the truck, letting out one loud cry as he pushed all the way in.

  He closed his eyes in nirvana as he started to pump, his muscles tightening and relaxing with each rhythmic movement. Summer wrapped her legs around his waist tightly and he gripped the bottom of her thighs.

  The truck rocked with them and the bed of the truck squeaked louder and louder with each thrust.

  The cool air kept their bodies dewy on top of each other.

  “That’s it, Summer. Move with me.”

  Dylan’s voice grew raspier as his breathing increased. The veins in his neck flexed and Summer gripped firmly to the back of his neck, squeezing harder as she grew closer to coming.

  Dylan lifted her hips, pushing as deep as he could possibly go into her.

  “Come with me,” he moaned.

  Summer, wet and almost at her peak, pushed her hips forward as Dylan gave one final thrust inside her, relaxing his face as they exhaled together.

  He set her hips down onto the blankets and lay his body next to her on the bed. They caught their breath, staring up at the stars, and he pulled her head up onto his shoulder. Summer could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest.

  They spoke no words to each other. Summer listened to his heartbeat as he stroked a few strands of her hair.

  She admired the sky and began counting constellations until a fog overcame her mind. She fell asleep in the arms of Dylan on the truck, the Colorado sky blanketing them.

  They awoke in the same position. The sky was pink and just beginning to awaken itself. Dylan sat up first and wrapped a blanket around Summer’s shoulders. He kissed the tip of her nose before hopping off the truck and heading to the fire pit to start breakfast.

  Summer sat on the bed of his truck watching him. She watched him build a fire as she felt a fire building inside herself. It was the first real morning of Dylan and Summer together, and she had no concept of anything else in that moment.

  Dylan had a small flame going and he fanned it with his hands. He looked up at Summer as he sensed her watching, and waved with a smile.

  Risks were never something Summer cared for. She was content in her bubble, acclimated to her grey life. Colorado was something more. It was freedom.

  Dylan was freedom. Dylan was the colored paint to her blank canvas. She was excited to see all the colors of the palette emerging.



  Forbidden Arousals

  Felicia Sexton

   Copyright 2015 by Felicia Sexton

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015

  Chapter One

  The sun’s rays were warm on my skin as I strolled through the lavish grounds. I breathed in the scent of the freshly mowed lawns, feeling the crunch of the gravelled path beneath my feet.

  Flowers were in full bloom along the borders, their aromas filling my nostrils. The trees were heavy with deep green leaves, with birds singing happily within their branches.

  I sat on the grass beside the pond, tracing my hand through the clear waters. Watching as the fish swam quickly from my reach. Lily pads bobbed up and down upon the rippling surface. The place was so beautiful, and I felt privileged to live here.

  Dad had died of a heart attack several years ago and since then Mom had struggled to raise me alone. Even with us both working full time I often heard her sobbing into her pillow at night as she worried about the bills that were slowly mounting.

  As I grew into my twenties, my school friends all began to spread their wings. Leaving home to get their own apartments, marry or have children. Unlike my friends I remained in the small apartment with Mom. Giving her as much as I could on each pay day to help out despite her protests. Not wanting to leave her alone when I knew how depressed she got sometimes.

  At first when Mom told me that she had met someone new I had been appalled. Yet, as time had passed I had grown to understand her need to feel the love that she had once had with my Dad.

  When I initially met Trevor I had been aloof, and rather rude in retrospect. Even so, he had persevered. His love for Mom and caring for her his main focus now that they were a couple. I had been shocked however to learn some time later that Trevor was a billionaire.

  Mom had explained that she wanted me to like Trevor as a person. Not because of the wealth that he had. I completely understood, and by that point had grown fond of this new man in my Mom’s life.

  Now I could feel comforted that she would no longer have to worry about money again, while having the love of a man who clearly was devoted to her.

  I was stunned however when Trevor insisted that I move into the mansion with them after the wedding. Telling me that his only son had left the family home many years ago. Then laughing as he said that the place needed some young blood again. I had jumped at the chance.

  Now, when I wasn’t at work I found myself exploring every room in the house. It seemed never-ending. With hidden doors and secret corridors built into the walls. The property was more like a maze after the apartment Mom and I had lived in before.

  Finding my way through the numerous rooms, I saw many family photographs. Always just of Trevor and his son Michael. Never anything to show a hint of the wife that he once had. All which built my curiosity further about a woman who had abandoned her son at just five years of age for a younger man.

  There was something else that did make me wonder about this new family that I was now a part of. Trevor rarely mentioned his son, and there were no recent photographs of him. Michael was only shown as a young boy, the eldest he had looked had possibly dated back to his teens.

  So why were there no images of him as an adult? What had caused him to leave the family home? And why were the pair no longer in touch? With these thoughts running through my mind, I headed back to the house.

  Chapter Two

  After taking a refreshing shower later that evening, I
joined Mom and Trevor in the dining room. I was curious to see that an additional place had been set as I took my own seat. The butler, Stanley, came into the room with a large tray of steaming bowls of soup.

  I thanked him with a smile as he placed mine before me. Even stranger, a bowl was also left in front of the empty seat. From the corner of my eye I saw Trevor shake his head in annoyance. Mom patted his hand lightly before spooning some of the soup into her mouth.

  “Well, I told him what time dinner would be served. He should have the decency to be here on time,” Trevor grumbled.


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