Treyvon (Kaliszian)

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Treyvon (Kaliszian) Page 16

by M. K. Eidem

  Pulling herself back to the present, she looked down at what he had shoved in her arms and felt even worse. It was her coverings. The ones she had taken back to her previous quarters that morning.

  Treyvon had thought to get them for her. Somehow knowing how much they meant to her. Moving to the bed, she sat and immediately felt a difference in it and the one she'd had before. Reaching out, she ran her hand over the mattress and realized it wasn't just the mattress that was softer, but it was also the sheets that were covering it. She'd never felt anything so soft or as tempting before.

  Carefully setting her precious bundle aside, she curled up on the bed and let the silkiness of the material soothe her. God, she'd forgotten what real softness felt like. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her cheek against the material as if it were a lover's caress. As if it were Treyvon's caress. That thought had her sitting straight up, her eyes flying open.

  Where had that come from? Except to help her, Treyvon had never touched her. Had he? She remembered how he had lowered his head as if he were going to kiss her in Medical, but then Mac had interrupted them. Would he have? Would she have let him? She knew Kaliszians didn't kiss like humans did. It was reserved for those they were most intimate with.

  Their Ashe or Dasho.

  A wife or a husband.

  Why would Treyvon act as if he were going to kiss her then?

  Had she misread his intentions just like she had when he'd stepped toward her?

  Forcing herself to rise from the bed, she went to explore the rest of her new home. There was a small couch in the far corner that she hadn't notice before. Well, at least small by Kaliszian standards. She could easily lie down on it, but Treyvon's legs would hang off the end, just like they did on the couch in his quarters.

  Shit! Where had that come from? Why did her thoughts keep returning to Treyvon? Maybe she was just tired. These last months… How many had there been? Everyone thought it had been six months from the time the Ganglians had captured them until the Kaliszians had freed them. Close to eight now, since she'd spent over a month in Medical, but something told Jen it had been longer.

  The six months was based on how much their hair had grown. Paul, a barber on Earth, had said most hair grew at half an inch a month, and all their hair had grown about three inches. But that was healthy humans. Ones that hadn't been stressed the way they had been. They'd never know for sure until they got back to Earth and found out how long they'd actually been gone.

  Knowing she'd get no answers staring at the couch, she turned and headed into the cleansing room. She wanted a hot shower and then she was going to climb into that scrumptious bed and sleep like she hadn't slept in years.

  Entering the cleansing room, she found her steps faltering as she saw what it contained. Were the towels the luxurious ones she'd had growing up? No, but they were larger and better than the one that had been in her first quarters. Then there were the other things on the counter. Slowly she picked up the items laid out there. There was a brush, a comb, neither of which had been provided to her before, along with several strange bottles. Opening one, she inhaled, and she was instantly reminded of Treyvon, of his scent. But it was missing something.

  Setting the bottle down, she turned on the cleansing unit then stripped and stepped under the bruising spray. She could have adjusted the intensity, but she found she needed it. Needed it to drive away the thoughts of Treyvon that she couldn't seem to do by herself.

  As the spray pounded on her back, she unbraided her hair letting it stream down her back. Todd had insisted she braid it after saturating it with that black gunk, and it was something she was thankful for. For it meant she had something to restrain the hair she'd tucked down the back of her shirt.

  She'd continued to do that in the mine and here on the base, at least until she'd been discovered. Now she just braided it, making sure all the loose strands were contained. It went back to her days in training when to have a hair discovered in your food immediately gave you a failing grade.

  Scrubbing the cleansing gel into her hair, she couldn't help but sigh at the sense of contentment that filled her as Treyvon's scent seemed to fill the stall. Submerging her head under the spray before she was thoroughly intoxicated, she rinsed away the foam then quickly finished cleansing.

  Stepping out of the stall, she wrapped one towel around her head before drying off with another and wrapping it around her body. Leaving the now steamy room, she hurried through the chilly, outer room to the control unit, grateful that it was the same as the one Treyvon had shown her in her old quarters. Then crawling between the silky sheets, she let sleep claim her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jen just looked at Gulzar in shock the next day as he presented her with the amount of food she would be allowed to prepare.

  “This is the amount of fresh food you, Luol, Nikhil, and Mac receive every day?” she asked, looking disbelievingly at what had to be at least five pounds of meat and an equal amount of vegetables.

  When Gulzar didn’t immediately answer and seemed to find something absorbing across the kitchen, she frowned.

  “Gulzar?” she questioned.

  “One more agreed for his stores to be used.”

  “Really?” A smile broke across Jen’s face. “Who?”

  “He did not wish it to be known.”

  “What? Why?” She gave him a confused look. “I’d find out when he came to Last Meal.”

  “The Gen…” Gulzar cut himself off, hoping she didn’t realize what he was about to say, but Jen was smarter than that.

  “The General? You mean General Rayner is allowing me to use his food stores?”

  “He did not wish you to know,” Gulzar told her in a self-deprecating tone as he raised beseeching eyes to her. “Please do not tell him I told you. He expressly said he did not wish you to know.”

  “But why?”

  “It is not my place to question General Rayner. He is my superior and the fiercest, most honorable male in the Kaliszian Empire. Although many do not see it that way.”

  “What do you mean?” Jen demanded. “Why wouldn’t they?”


  “Tell me the truth, Gulzar!” she demanded.

  “It is because of the General’s ancestor,” he finally admitted.

  “You mean Aadi? Chancellor Aadi, the Kaliszian that instead of reporting the abuse Emperor Berto was committing against his young females, negotiated a new trade agreement with the Emperor for food from Pontus?”

  “Yes,” Gulzar murmured.

  "He's the General's ancestor?"


  “How does that reflect on Treyvon?!!” Jen demanded, not realizing she had used the General’s first name. “It happened over five hundred years ago. He had nothing to do with it!”

  “Some do not see it that way, Jen.”

  “Then they are idiots,” Jen spit out, her rage easily heard. Shaking her head, she tried to clear it. When was the last time she’d been this angry? Was it when Todd had been attacked? Or when she’d finally made her way out of the secret cave to find out that Mac had been taken?

  “I agree.”

  “How did the General think I wouldn’t know it was him when he came to Last Meal?”

  “General Treyvon does not come to Last Meal.”

  “What?” Jen frowned at him. “You mean you take him his meal?”

  “No! The General would never expect that, although I have heard of others doing it. He just allows his allotment to be used so his Warriors can have more.”

  “Then what does he eat?”

  “He also receives the Last Meal packet because of his rank. I believe that is what he consumes.”

  “I see.” And Jen did. Treyvon sacrificed for his Warriors. He fought to overcome something that was never his responsibility, and she had judged him unjustly. She would have to correct that. “Well, thank you for explaining that to me, Gulzar. Should we get started on Last Meal?”

  “I very much look forward to it, J

  • • • • • •

  "I don't care, General Killam!" Treyvon's hard, cold gaze had the seasoned Warrior leaning away from the Supreme Commander glaring at him through the video comm.

  "But, General...”

  "No! I expected more from you, General Killam. If you are unable to handle the demands of your position, then I will find a Warrior that can."

  Killam knew that wasn't an idle threat. Supreme Commander Treyvon Rayner didn't make empty threats. "My Warriors...”

  "Don't blame this on your Warriors, Killam. They are not the ones voicing dissatisfaction. You are. I expect you to resolve this issue with no further conflict, General." With that, Treyvon disconnected the transmission.

  • • • • • •

  “I still do not understand, Jen,” Gulzar told her that afternoon, carefully watching as she took the chunks of meat that she had cut into somewhat uniform squares and rolled them around in plúr, what she called flour, before putting them in the pan she had heated.

  “The plúr will build a nice crust on the meat helping to seal in the juices, and later it will help thicken the sauce.”

  “Really? I have never used plúr this way before.”

  “You haven’t? Then what do you do with it?”

  Gulzar’s face began to darken. “Nothing. I ignore it. Warrior Tu-bo is the only one I know that attempts to use it.”

  “Warrior Tu-bo… the Warrior that's no longer here?”

  “Yes. He returned to Crurn before you were discovered. His manno met the Goddess, and he needed to see to his mother.”

  “Met the Goddess. You mean he died?”


  “Ceased to breathe.”


  “How did it happen?”

  “He was in a hovercraft accident, and they were unable to get him to a repair unit in time.”

  Gulzar’s words had Jen stilling as memories of her parents’ accident flooded her mind. She’d seen the photos. The blood and the mangled metal of the car that was supposed to protect them. The first responders had to cut the top off the car to get them out, but by then it had been too late. Both of her parents were gone, and so was Jen’s life as she knew it.

  “Jen?” Gulzar’s question brought her back to the present.

  “What?” Her gaze shot to his. “Oh! Sorry, Gulzar, just thinking.”

  “Sad thoughts?”

  “Yes, of my parents. They were also killed in an accident.” Shaking off the memories, she asked. “So how did Tu-bo use the plúr?”

  “He just adds it to the pot.”

  “He…” Jen didn’t try to hide her horror, “he just adds it? Straight in?”

  “Yes. Most avoid it.”

  “I can understand why. Well, with this, they won’t even know it’s there.” Jen began stirring the meat she had in the hot roaster, watching to make sure it didn’t burn. Once the first batch was done, she removed them and put in the rest.

  “Why do you not do it all at once?” Gulzar questioned.

  “Well, first the pan isn’t large enough. Second, if you put too much in at once, it lowers the temperature of the pan, and the meat won’t brown.”


  “Would you mind getting me the stock from the cool room, Gulzar?” she asked as she returned the rest of the meat to the roaster.

  “Do you want me to pour it in for you?” Gulzar asked, returning with the large pot.

  “No. I’ll ladle it in.” Grabbing the utensil she wanted, she did just that. “You only want enough to cover the meat. If you don’t have broth, you can just use water. It won’t have as much flavor, but it will still work.”

  “It will?”

  “Yes, you will just need to season it with salt and pepper.”

  “Salt and pepper…”

  “Those are the Earth words, but you have something similar.” She gestured to the two jars she had in front of her.

  “Salann & piobar?” he asked.

  “Yes. You can use them on most foods to give it more flavor. Now, we just need to put this in the oven for a few hours, checking it now and then to see if we need to add more stock. Then about an hour before Last Meal, we’ll add the vegetables and make biscuits.”

  “That is it?”

  “For now.”

  “I thought it would take longer.”

  “Not when it is for such a small number. It would if I were feeding the entire base. Mostly prep time, but stew isn’t that difficult.”

  “Prep time?”

  “The cutting of the meat and later when I clean and cut the vegetables before putting them in. I’m prepping the food for later use.”

  “I see.”

  “So now all I have to do is clean up, and then I can help you.”

  “I… Jen?”

  “Yes?” she asked, heading for the sink with the knife, bowl, and cutting board she had used for the meat.

  “I am not certain that I can allow you to assist me.”

  “What? Why?” She turned back, frowning to find Gulzar looking extremely uncomfortable and then it hit her. She didn’t have the approval of the other Warriors to touch their food stores. “Oh, right."

  "I am sorry," Gulzar told her.

  "It's not your fault. I'm just sorry I put you in the position of having to remind me. I'll just get my mess cleaned up and leave you to it."

  Jen finished sweeping the floor. She was just about to visit Mac when she remembered Mac saying that Nikhil was off duty for the day and knew she wouldn't be going there.

  But where?

  She didn't want to return to her quarters. Looking at the broom still in her hand, she had a thought.


  "Yes, Jen?"

  "Would it be alright if I took the broom with me?" she asked, then quickly went on. "I'll bring it back."

  "The broom?"


  "I see no problem with you taking it."

  "Great. I'll be back in an hour or so to check the meat."

  • • • • • •

  Propping the broom up against the long dead tree, Jen carefully lowered herself to her knees. Then pressing her hands on the ground, she used her breath to blow the remaining sand away, exposing the intricate design of the stone. Moving to the next stone, she found more intricately interlaced lines.


  What could they mean?

  "Jen, what are you doing? Are you okay? Did you fall?"

  Turning, Jen saw Mac rushing toward her, Nikhil close behind. Both looking concerned.

  "I'm all right, and no, I didn't fall." But she willingly took the arm Mac extended to help her up. "I was just looking at the design on the stone path.

  "Design?" Mac frowned at what Jen had revealed.

  "Yeah, I wonder how far it goes."

  "Let’s find out," Mac said, grabbing the broom. It wasn't long before they had the circular area around the tree cleared. "Wow."

  "Wow is right," Jen agreed, "and it seems to continue down the individual paths."

  "It is a representation of how the items produced on Pontus traveled to every part of the Known Universes," Nikhil informed them quietly.

  "What?" Mac and Jen questioned in unison, looking to Nikhil.

  "That is what I learned from the texts," Nikhil told them.

  "Texts?" Jen questioned.

  "Yes." Nikhil wasn't one that spoke a great deal. He was more the big, silent type, at least with anyone other than Mac.

  "Nikhil..." Mac gave him an exasperated look.

  "That is all I learned during my training, my Mackenzie. If you wish to know more, you will need to speak with the General."

  "The General?" Jen asked, and Nikhil looked to her.

  "Yes. He is well informed on the history of Pontus."

  "Because of his ancestor," Jen murmured.

  "Yes, but also because he is brilliant. He is one of the few allowed in the ancient archives to study the old texts. When he was young, many assu
med he would become a scholar instead of a Warrior. Some even hoped so."

  "I see." Suddenly Jen realized how long she'd been in the garden. "I need to get back to the kitchen and check on Last Meal."

  "Is it still stew?" Mac asked.

  "Yes, and biscuits."

  "Awesome. We'll be there."

  • • • • • •

  Jen walked into the kitchen and came to an abrupt halt when she saw Gulzar and several other Warriors just standing there, looking at the oven she'd placed the stew meat in.

  "Umm… hello… guys? What's going on?" she asked, then carefully took a step back when she found herself suddenly the focus of three sets of glowing eyes. Gulzar finally responded.

  "Jen, Warriors Onp and Nroa came to the kitchen when they smelled something… unusual."

  "Oh," she said, watching the two Warriors that she'd seen before. Ones that had protected the survivors, who had treated them with respect.

  "They would never harm you," Gulzar quickly reassured her.

  Jen saw them stiffen at Gulzar's words and quickly said. "Of course, they wouldn't. They are honorable Kaliszian Warriors." Moving across the room she washed her hands then drying them moved to the oven.

  The males' chests expanded at her words, but they still took a step back as she stepped toward the oven.

  "I just need to check and stir the meat." Using the towel in her hands she opened the oven. Using it, she pulled the rack out and removed the lid, inhaling deeply. Smiling, she took the long-handled spoon Gulzar handed her and stirred. "It's going to need more stock."

  "I will get it from the cool room," Gulzar told her.

  After he had returned with it, Jen added the amount she needed. She covered the roaster again and closed the oven. Turning, she found Onp and Nroa carefully watching her every move.

  "Is there a problem?" she asked.

  "How is it doing that?" Onp asked.

  "Doing what?" Jen frowned up at him.

  "The smell… it is making my mouth moist. Why?"

  "Moist?" Suddenly Jen realized what Onp was saying. The aroma of the simmering meat was making his mouth water. "It means that you find it appealing. You like what you are smelling. You’ve never had that happen when you’ve smelled cooking food before?”

  “No. Never.” Onp gave her a strange look. “You have experienced this reaction before? On your Earth?”


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